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Submitted URL: https://mbxsecurity.com/
Effective URL: https://www.ahead.com/custom-manufacturing-logistics/
Submission: On July 22 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE

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Custom IT Infrastructure Manufacturing and Logistics

Streamlined systems integration for edge, embedded, and rack-scale deployments



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Partner with AHEAD for full-service hardware engineering, manufacturing, and
global logistics for the lifecycle of your products


 * Hardware solutions customized for edge, embedded, and rack mount
   applications, including partial, full, and multi-rack integration
 * From new product introduction to re-engineering existing products, integrated
   hardware/software solutions are optimized with cutting-edge components
 * Complex engineering for AI and industrial embedded computers performed
   in-house for custom parts design, prototyping, and testing
 * Simple to sophisticated custom branding provides the optimal customer
   out-of-box experience plus ongoing brand recognition


 * Forge environment automates hardware inventory validation, diagnostics
   testing and burn-in, firmware/BIOS application and configurations, imaging,
   test, and verification, with asset harvesting and test logs pushed into AHEAD
   Hatch platform
 * Factories designed from the ground up to manage high complexity, high
   variability manufacturing for consistency at scale
 * Live order tracking and real-time build status is visible across each
   manufacturing work center in Hatch
 * Strategic industry partnerships meet high standards for supply chain
   continuity, manufacture country of origin, and chain of custody
 * Flexible proactive stocking programs keep orders flowing during times of
   supply chain contstraints or disruptions


 * Customized inventory programs for build to stock and build to forecast
   located in AHEAD US and EU facilities, with global forward stocking depots
 * In-house global and regulatory certification specialists and hardware support
   services have successfully supported deployments into 185+ countries
 * Comprehensive warehousing services for third-party consigned goods, order
   kitting, returns management, reverse logistics, and product relocation
 * Real-time data tracked in AHEAD Hatch includes inventory levels and
   locations, active certifications, historical and in-transit shipments, and

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A successful hardware program requires a team approach to collaborate on what’s
next. When you choose AHEAD, you work with a dedicated account manager and
product engineer who are integral to proactively maintaining your product
lifecycles. With an array of specialized engineering services managed in-house,
AHEAD carries the load to take the burden off your team.


AHEAD's customizable hardware building block products can significantly compress
your engineering timeline compared to custom design. Find out if your
application is a good fit for one of our reference architectures.

AHEAD’s hardware building blocks are a series of pre-designed and pre-certified
reference architectures that can be customized specifically for your
application, including AI-enabled products for data center and edge deployments.

AHEAD AI integrated hardware is compatible with pre-trained machine learning
models from NVIDIA, Google, Intel, and more, speeding up application development
by up to 80% compared to custom engineered systems.

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Empower your team to work better together with Hatch. Your team can plan,
collaborate, and act on data within Hatch to help build a more efficient
hardware program.

Gain control over the evolution of products, time software refresh cycles with
hardware updates, and make it easier to see component options for products

Supply Chain

Know where every component is manufactured, find out exactly where orders are in
progress, and view inventory on hand and where it’s located


See where in the world products have shipped, know where global transit
constraints may impact deliveries, and grow into new international markets

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Partnering with industry leading manufacturers of rack mount, embedded, edge, AI
servers, including industrial and medical-grade edge devices

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Hardware Efficiency, Performance, Quality: It’s All a Matter of Design
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Medical AI: The Shift from Cloud Inferencing to Edge Inferencing
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7 Reasons to Keep Applications & Data On-premise
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