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Home / News / Hello IC

Austin Fatheree, October 11 2021

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Nice to meet you.

I am extremely excited to announce ICDevs is a Texas-based 501(c)3
non-profit with the stated mission of encouraging education, scientific
discovery, and community building around the Internet Computer.

TLDR: Donate Now( and help build a
developer-focused, 501(c)3 tax-advantaged, non-profit focusing on the IC
developer ecosystem.

As I started developing for the IC, I kept running into some of the same issues
around a lack of tools and technologies available to generate enterprise-level
applications. As I started to build some of my own I quickly realized that there
is a lot of down-in-the-mud, no-fun, un-profitable work that needs to get done
to get us from here to there.

This need, coupled with the unique properties of how the ICP token works led me
to the conclusion that there was both space and an opportunity for a US-based
non-profit that focuses on developers. A 501(c)3 organization offers unique tax
advantages to US Citizens and Corporations that may be looking to find
advantaged tax treatment for their recent ICP investment gains and maturity
income that also supports and accelerates their long-term holdings.

But we don’t expect to just help US Citizens and the tax treatment is a feature
and not the mission of this new organization.’s immediate goals will be 1) fund and finance the non-profit tools
and library work that needs to get done to make the IC go like a rocket 2)
create and support the creation of educational material that brings more
developers to the ecosystem 3) organize the community at in-person DevCon like
events, and 4) advocate for the developer community on NNS proposals that affect
how software is created for the IC. Down the road we will also lean in on 1)
helping manage public services and infrastructure on the IC and 2) helping
mature standards for the IC.

ICDevs has committed to putting 2/3 of all funds received into an 8-year staked
neuron to create a funding snowball that will serve the community for years. Of
the remaining 1/3, At least 2/3 will be used for directly funding community
efforts across our 6 areas of focus. We’ve committed to using only 1/3 of 1/3
for administrative costs, and we hope that the majority of that will go to
support staff that will become integral parts of the broader IC community. The
maturity coming off our neuron will be reinvested into the charity with the same
guidelines leading to a larger and larger pool of community funds to distribute
year after year.

The priorities for our community funds will be directed by the [Developer
Advisor Board(http://localhost:4000/developer_advisory_committee.html) that we
are putting together. This means that all the cool kids you see banging around
the DFINITY Developer message board and the development discord will be helping
call the shots about what gets funded and in what priority. Becoming a developer
advisor will be fairly easy and we’ll be hoping to have anyone and everyone in
the developer community participate. This board will ratify the funding
priorities of the charity and direct the vote of our endowed neuron on NNS
proposals. I hope to announce our initial set of Developer Advisor Board members
soon and we’ll be using IC tech to run it all.

As I’ve visited with key community members over the last couple of months about
this I’m often asked why we need this organization if we have the DFINITY
foundation and the ICA. The answer is three-fold 1) Decentralization makes us
stronger 2) The community need a tax advantage entity in the US especially once
the corporates start paying attention 3) Other organizations focus on a broad
set of stakeholders and the dev community needs a strong organization focusing
solely on our needs as the builders of the software that will run on top of the
IC. This organization is not a competitor to those organizations and the intent
is to come alongside and support those organizations in any way we can.

How can you help? This is the part where I beg for donations to get us going!
Donation info is here. Beyond that, get ready to participate with our developer
advisor board. I’ll announce a process for that soon. If you want to dedicate an
NNS neuron there are some hoops to jump through at the moment(so if anyone on
the NNS UI team wants to add back the “Follow Neuron” topic with proper
descriptions of what it does it would help us out a ton!). If you have any
interesting fundraising ideas, we’d love to hear them. If you are an ICP whale
and live in the US you can have your tax accountant reach out to us anonymously
so we can discuss donations and tax strategy with them and they can get back to
you about what options might work for you.

Thanks to my amazing board and advisors that have helped me get this far and to
the community members that have given me feedback and guidance.

Finally, help us spread the word:

We have an announcement on dscvr that you can updoot: The Post

We have a twitter: and a tweet you can retweet:

We have a subreddit: and a post to updoot:
