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FUE Hair Implants Cost

Hair transplant price abroad – Budapest, Hungary

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FUE hair transplant is also known as follicular unit extraction. This is a
relatively new method of hair transplantation that offers a less invasive means
of harvesting hairs from the donor site. The basic technique is to use precision
tools to harvest the hairs one follicle at a time, and then plant them into tiny
slits in the balding areas. This differs from the follicular unit
transplantation (FUT) method in which a strip of hair is removed from the donor
area and then the follicular units are harvested out of the strip.

As with any medical technique there are pros and cons to the FUE hair transplant
method. One obvious benefit to this method is that it does not leave a large
scar on the donor area. That is not to say that FUE is completely scar free, but
the scars that it does leave are much easier to conceal. For many patients, this
is a huge deciding factor when choosing their desired method of transplantation.
Another benefit to this technique is that it is much less invasive than other
methods. Typically patients can resume strenuous activity shortly after their
surgery, and healing occurs very rapidly.


One of the disadvantages of the FUE method is that it is easier to damage the
follicles upon extraction, and therefore the process is less efficient than FUT.
The reason for this is because a small cylindrical punch is used to separate the
hair and surrounding tissue from the scalp. If the punch is not aligned
perfectly, it can cut off the bottom of the hair follicle as it punches the area
out. This damages the hair and weakens its chances for survival. Another
disadvantage is that the entire donor area must be shaved before the procedure.
For some people this is a major issue, and for others it is not a major problem.

In general the FUE hair transplant method is less efficient than FUT. It is much
more difficult to harvest an adequate amount of hair for large procedures. The
surgery typically takes much longer and is therefore more expensive than other
methods. With that said, many patients still prefer this method due to the fact
that they are not willing to have a large scar on the back or side of their
head. The pros can outweigh the cons in certain circumstances. FUE has bacome
the norm and it is not only painless, scar-free and affordable – it is cheap
when going abroad for hair loss surgery!

Typically an FUE procedure is recommended for people who do not require a large
amount of work. This is usually a younger client who may still be considering
the possibility of shaving their hair short at some time in the future. The
benefit of having much less noticeable scars is a major factor in the decision
between hair transplant techniques. As with most medical situations, each case
is different and much be evaluated separately.


Hair transplantation facts and figures are information that must be disseminated
to those patients who opt for this procedure. However, the obligation of
spreading these pieces of knowledge does not only lie at the hands of the
surgeon, as each patient must also do his/her part in recognizing these bald


Considering the jumbled information about hair surgery available on the web,
patients may become confused of what is true or not. Verifying Internet data
first is often necessary, but unfortunately, searching for substantial and
authentic information is lengthy. To save one’s time and effort, here are five
reliable, concrete, and authentic facts about hair implants.

1. Not all individuals are suitable for a hair loss surgery.

There are certain considerations that have to be taken first before a person can
be subjected to a hair transplantation. Factors such as the age of the patient,
the degree or stage of the hair loss, the associated risks, the potential
survival rate of the grafts, the capacity of the donor and the desires of the
patient must be evaluated by the surgeon first before deciding through the
course of the procedure. If the patient does not meet the criteria, which
comprises a successful hair surgery; then other non-surgical options would have
to be considered.

2. Male pattern baldness occurs in 50% of the older population.

Generally, males are more predominantly inclined to have hair loss problems than
females. A total of 50% of the American male population above 50 years old
suffers from male pattern baldness. Some men opt to mask their problem by using
wigs; while others use hats and head wear to camouflage their balding head. On
the other hand, those who are more confident with surgery go for hair

3. Hair transplants are permanent.

Once a patient commits to go for a hair transplant surgery, there is no turning
back. If the head has undergone the procedure, the surgeon can no longer undo
all the accompanying changes that would occur to the patient’s head, may it be
with the texture of his/her head (if scars appear) or to its over-all
appearance. If the patient doesn’t like the results of the hair treatment, there
is nothing that the surgeon can do to revert back the scalp to its pre-surgery
state. This is an important warning for patients: before accepting a surgery,
discuss it with the surgeon first.

4. Various factors are considered in choosing the best hair transplant

There are two recognized techniques (scalp-to-scalp): Follicular Unit Extraction
or FUE and Strip Surgery or FUT. Before deciding on what technique among the two
is to be utilized for a patient, the surgeon must first take into account the
patient or the donor’s hair characteristic, density, caliber, age, expectations,
and determined goals. Each technique may yield different results for a single
patient and that is why, surgeons must do a thorough “cross-matching” first
before initiating the best technique.

5. The grafts may not grow new hair.

In contrast to the idea that hair transplantation is a flawless procedure, it
may not be the case all the time – and this is one of the proven facts. There
are instances that the hair replacement becomes a failure, and this happens when
the grafts fail to grow new hair. The harvested grafts, or the hair follicles
may die if it were damaged during handling. More often, the culprit for the
grafts’ demise may not be identified solely – as there are several factors,
which may cause damage to the grafts such as: the surgeon’s inadequacy, the
patient’s uncooperativeness, and the negativity of the over-all circumstances
during and after the surgery. For this event, a repeat procedure is often


Did you know that transplantation of hair could be summarized in digits? What
most people aren’t aware of is that hair transplants are proliferating in
number, year after year; and that these figures are not merely jumbled numbers –
but that they also reflect the over-all status of not only the peoples’ hair
loss issues, but also how many percentage of the society suffers from this

The most recent census of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
(ISHRS) was last 2008. Figures included herein were highlighted as relevant:

 * About 98, 727 hair restoration procedures took place in the United States in
   2008, followed by 78, 822 in Asia. Europeans have had 32,320, followed by the
   Middle East with 20,647. Mexico has 13,102 and Canada has a rather meager
   5,268 hair restorations in a year. Australia comes last with only 3,116.
 * Speaking of gender, worldwide, around 84.9% of all hair restorations were
   conducted to male patients; yet this number went down from 86.2% in 2006. Men
   in their 30s is the largest group to subject themselves to a hair restoration
   with 31.2%. On the other hand, only 15.1% of females had a hair restoration
   last 2008, but in contrast to the male’s figures, this percentage has gone up
   from 13.8% in 2006.
 * ISHRS has stated that these figures are not a hundred percent accurate; these
   numbers were collated through a research survey in cooperation with plastic
   surgeons worldwide. Nevertheless, these facts and figures speak for
   themselves – hair transplantation is the choice of thousands of hair loss
   patients worldwide.


If you are considering a FUE hair transplant it would be wise to contact one of
the doctors who perform this procedure to discuss it with them directly. Many of
these professionals can even make an assessment of your hair over the internet.
All you have to do is send them some pictures and they will let you know if you
are a good candidate for FUE.

Going abroad to popular hair transplant clinics in Poland, Turkey or Hungary can
save you a lot of money! Low cost budget airlines will get you to the hair
clinic destination within 2-3 hours. Transfers and accommodation are usually
part of the hair travel package. You spend 1-2 days in a foreign environment but
mind you – you will get a lot. You save about 60-70% on your local hair
treatment cost and your whole life will change once you regain self-esteem after
getting your hair back. Patients from Ireland, UK or Sweden have very good
opinion on the results. You can take a look at our patients’s video testimonials
as well as real life before and after hair transplant images for your own

 * Are you looking for best places for hair transplantation in Europe?
 * Have you heard of Hair Palace Budapest, Hungary?
 * Are you interested in hair transplant abroad cost and treatment prices?
 * Which is the cheapest hair transplant clinic in Europe?
 * Celebrity hair transplants effects most men with receding hairline

Professional experienced hair surgeons can stop hair loss problems such as
receding hairline or thinning hair on the head top easily and they provide
lasting and permanent solutions. Devote 1-2 days of your life for the surgery,
follow post operational instructions in the next few months and you will
experience your new hair growth. For more details study our free consultation
for hair transplant page!


You do not have enough hair on your donor area? No worries! With FUE technique
it is possible to use the hair from other parts of the body. Your beard or hair
from the chest might help in certain circumstances. It is very common among men
that they have more hair over their body than on their head. Consult a
specialist to find out whether you can use BHT in your case.


 * Hair care tips
 * Hair loss articles



Get hair transplant surgery in Budapest, the leading hair tourism destination in

Big savings of 70% on UK prices!
Hair loss surgery already from £1390 (€2000)


– Belfast
– Dublin
– Cardiff
– Liverpool
– London
– Leeds
– Manchester
– Birmingham
– Bristol


- has zero scars
- is painless
- heals within days
- is the only permanent solution to hair loss
- offers new hairline design
- gives your old look back
- costs 60% less in Budapest, Hungary
- offers great value for money
- takes 1-2 days to carry out
- allows BHT (Body Hair Transplant)
- recommended for men mainly
- requires shaved hair
- results in thick hair on the top
- guarantees at least 80% success rate
- can have a second session later on
- is suitable to treat alopecia areata

Hair Clinic Budapest

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