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Red Label was the most expensive blend at 1s 6d per lb and is the oldest
Sainsbury brand product still sold today. It is still supplied by the same
company now known as Finlays and was licensed to carry the Fairtrade mark in
October When the First World War broke out, these men enlisted to join the army.
Rings, jewellery and loose hair were forbidden but unlike their male
counterparts, saleswomen were provided with chairs. By the end of the war there
were 39 female branch managers, many of whom were the wives or sisters of former
managers. A few of these women retained senior positions after the war, but most
were either paid off or demoted.

These changes offered new jobs for unmarried women. Wages for women were much
lower than for men: in Junior Male Assistants aged 20 received 40 shillings a
week, while their female equivalents were paid 23 shillings. How proud I was to
be able to bank out of my wage of one shilling and sixpence [7. John Benjamin
maintained high standards and received weekly reports on each branch from a
network of inspectors. Even during the uncertain times of rapidly rising prices
at the outbreak of war in he insisted that all food be clearly labelled.

John Benjamin ran the business in partnership with his father from , and became
a director in and chairman in He died in office in A training school was set up
in Blackfriars in , originally to train female employees in wartime. Training
also included tours of the bacon stoves and the cooked meats factory, and
lectures on the origins of products such as New Zealand lamb and Dutch butter.

Following training, staff spent a day at a London branch before moving into
their allocated branch. Groceries soon became an integral part of Sainsbury's
business and from expanded grocery departments were opened in many branches.


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Many grocery lines were Sainsbury brand goods. By , the 'Selsa' sub-brand was
used for over 80 products, including spices, fruit squashes, tinned soup and
blancmange powder. Alan Sainsbury, first son of John Benjamin and grandson of
founder John James joined the company in aged He began his career working
alongside his uncles as a buyer. This was a very important job that at this
stage was only held by Sainsbury family members.

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He became experienced in all areas of the business, spending time in branches
and using his skills as a trained accountant. He became a director of the
company in and Joint General Manager with his brother Robert in In he became
Chairman and then the company President in Robert Sainsbury was the second son
of John Benjamin and also took an active role in the firm.

He joined the company in and became a director in Together with his brother
Alan, Robert was Joint General Manager, looking after the accounts, personnel
and administration side of the company from He became Chairman in and then
President in Robert Sainsbury was knighted in This meant the transition from
stores whereby colleagues fetched all the items a customer needed, to the modern
method we see in stores today of customers browsing aisles and selecting their
own products. Sainsbury's introduced a 'Fair Shares' scheme to ensure that goods
in short supply - such as sausages, cake, meat pies, blancmanges and custard
powder - were distributed evenly.

Customers were allocated a number of points, according to the number of rationed
goods for which they were registered. The scheme encouraged customers to
register for all rationed goods at Sainsbury's. The scheme was noted by the
Ministry of Food. As registration committed a customer to using a particular
shop, Sainsbury's was anxious to obtain as many registrations as possible.
However, staff were instructed not to 'tout' for registrations. Instead they
were told to rely on Sainsbury's reputation for quality and hygiene.

The paperwork involved in each registration was complex. Separate counterfoils
had to be detached from the customer's ration book for every member of each
family. These had to be checked, sorted into alphabetical order, collated and
dispatched to the local food office. Before the Second World War, butter and
cheese were given two layers of wrapping by the counter hand but this was
reduced to one under wartime restrictions. In a wartime bulletin of , customers
were advised to bring their own receptacles for food as they had done during the
Great War: 'It may be suggested to customers that flour bags which can be washed
and used again are better for this purpose than odd bits of paper, although an
actual container is best of all' Paper and ink shortages also led to the use of
less colourful 'half-labels' on many pre-packaged products.

Sainsbury's early grocery packaging used various elaborate and colourful
designs, but common styles and colours can be seen on some labels. By the s, the
importance of design to unify the company image was recognised. Alan Sainsbury
wrote that: "Although the quality of the particular food A few retailers,
notably the London Co-operative Society, had previously re-arranged fittings to
provide a limited range of self-service groceries. Post-war building controls
were strict and the store was refurbished under one of licenses granted by the
Ministry of Food to companies who were prepared to experiment with self-service

The refurbished store opened on 26th June After years of shortages and queuing,
customers welcomed the ability to make their own choice from a larger range of
goods. Assistants were employed to help older customers adapt to the new style
of shopping, but there were still a few who were less than impressed. One
Croydon customer who was offered a wire basket by Alan Sainsbury threw it back
at him in contempt! Beaumont created simple, consistent designs which reflected
the company's reputation for quality and cleanliness.

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He used only one typeface Albertus , stylised graphics and muted colours to
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Bede's account is much more detailed but sets the events during the reign of
Septimius Severus and in the town of Verulamium , where a shrine devoted to
Alban had been established by at least AD, when Germanus of Auxerre is said to
have visited the cult centre during his tour of Britain. Alban is also briefly
mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle c. Another early source for Saint Alban
is the Martyrologium Hieronymianum , or the so-called 'Martyrology of Saint
Jerome' in which the entry In Britannia Albani martyris probably occurred
originally under 22 June.

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The martyrology is preserved in a 9th-century copy but was probably composed in
something close to its present form around , with the surviving recension
showing some signs of being based on a recension compiled at Auxerre
significantly, the hometown of Saint Germanus [13] For Thornhill see above , the
date given for Alban's martyrdom is striking for its closeness to the summer
solstice on which some variants of the Hieronymianum actually place the saint's
day. Being the day when the sun is at its brightest in midsummer, that might
suggest that there is indeed some significance in the literal meaning of the
name Albanus or at least the root albho- on which it is based as 'white' or

The date of Alban's execution has never been firmly established. Original
sources and modern historians indicate a range of dates between and The
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle lists the year , [16] but Bede places it in , "when the
cruel Emperors first published their edicts against the Christians. Bede was
probably following Gildas. English historian John Morris suggests that Alban's
martyrdom took place during the persecutions of Emperor Septimius Severus in
Bede accepted the identification as fact and dates St Alban's martyrdom to this
later period.


As Morris points out, Diocletian reigned only in the East and would not have
been involved in British affairs in ; Emperor Severus, however, was in Britain
from to Morris thus dates Alban's death to While it is certain that the cult
devoted to Saint Alban was established in Verulamium, and his martyrdom was also
alleged to have taken place there, the sources are unclear about where he was
actually executed. In the Vita Germani , Germanus visits Alban's tomb and
touches droplets of his blood still on the ground, but the text does not name
the location of the tomb.

It is not until Gildas that Alban was connected with Verulamium. Little is known
about the real Alban estimated to have died c. Saint Alban was long regarded as
a genuine martyr saint, the protomartyr of Britain, and for much of the 20th
century controversy centred on the date of his martyrdom see further 'Dating
controversy ', above.

More recently, however, some researchers have taken a more sceptical view about
his historicity. Thornhill proposed that Albans was in some sense a
personification of Albion the oldest recorded name for Britain and that his cult
was used by Verulamium the modern St Albans in its efforts to unify and
establish its dominance over the old Roman province of Britannia. He identified
the name Elafius , a British official in the Life of Saint Germanus see below ,
as a 'mis-hearing' of Albios or Albius as another name for Albanus , in a
corrupt oral version of the story of Germanus's visit to Britain.

This theory received little support or even notice, but in the historian Ian
Wood proposed independently that he was an 'invention' of Saint Germanus of

His chronicle, in the entry for the year published in , states:. Meanwhile, it
was recorded in the Vita Germani 'Life of Saint Germanus of Auxerre ' , written
probably sometime between and [24] by Constantius of Lyons, that he, together
with his fellow bishop Lupus, having stamped out the heresy of Pelagianism in
Britain, visited the tomb of Saint Alban:.

The martyr Alban is also mentioned, one more time, in the context of Germanus's
return journey, by sea:. The Vita Germani was long regarded as the earliest
source for the martyr Alban, but recent research by Richard Sharpe [26] has
suggested the earliest version of the Passio Albani [27] the official story of
the saint's martyrdom may be even earlier see below and Sources. Wood's argument
was based partly on the idea that the name Albanus is suggestive of Albion as
the oldest name for Britain, but for him, the name Alban suggested simply 'the
man from Albion' rather than an actual 'personification' of the island and its

It is, in any case, a part of what suggested to Wood that "it is Germanus who
gives Alban a name". That, in turn, encouraged him in his conclusion: "The story
of the saint's martyrdom seems to have been revealed to, or invented by,
Germanus in the context of his anti-Pelagian mission" and in a later article
[28] "Alban may, therefore, have been 'discovered' by the bishop of Auxerre".
The argument has been accepted by, for instance, Michael Garcia [29] but
disputed by, for instance, Professor Nick Higham , who, in an article written in
[30] noted that since Germanus brought relics of continental saints with him,
which, so the Passio relates, he deposits in the tomb of Saint Alban while
removing some bloodstained earth to take back to Gaul, he must have known from
the start that he would make a visit to the cult-centre of Saint Alban, as part
of his campaign against the Pelagian heresy.

On this basis he states: "This would make good sense in terms of his mission,
claiming Britain's most famous cult for Catholicism". He therefore argues
against the conclusion of Woods and Garcia that the martyr Alban was unknown
before being invented by Germanus. Key to the argument is a passage in the T
version of the Passio that Sharpe has convincingly argued represents an
'interpolation' to the more original E text. All extant versions of the Passio
mention after describing the story of the saint's martyrdom Germanus's visit to
the tomb of Saint Alban. The E version, followed essentially by the T version,
states in the translation of Sharpe :.

It is possible to deduce from the interpolated passage that the name of the
martyr was unknown before being revealed to Germanus, either in a vision he had
of the martyr during his sea journey or in the dream he had in the basilica.
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Photo (Portrait) Date: 20 Jun Location: Halifax, Yorkshire, England. Edith Dalby
Date: September Location: Redhill Cemetery, Arnold, Nottingham.