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An Army of Solipsists


It’s rare to create parameterized constructors in Groovy since the Map
constructor that’s added to all classes reduces the need for “real”
constructors. There’s still a case for defining constructors to enforce business
rules, for example if an instance requires certain fields to be set in order for
it to be valid. But in general we tend to just use the Map constructor.

But what if you want to override that constructor, replacing its implementation,
or adding code before or after the default implementation? Also, Grails augments
domain class constructors to support dependency injection from the Spring
ApplicationContext, so is it possible to reimplement or augment that behavior?

One thing that’s important to point out is that the Map constructor relies on
the default constructor that’s added to all classes that don’t define any
explicit constructors. It calls that constructor, then sets properties from the
provided Map (this is defined in MetaClassImpl.invokeConstructor() if you’re
curious). But if you declare one or more parameterized constructors the compiler
doesn’t generate an empty one for you, and the Map constructor fails.

For example, if you run this in a Groovy console, it will fail with an

class Thing {
   Thing(String name) { this.name = name }
   String name
def t = new Thing(name: 'x')
println f.name

The fix is to add an empty constructor:

class Thing {
   Thing() {}
   Thing(String name) { this.name = name }
   String name
def t = new Thing(name: 'x')
println f.name

or not define any at all:

class Thing {
   String name

So how can we replace the Map constructor? It depends on whether we want to
redefine the implementation, or add logic before or after the default
implementation. Note – for these examples I assume you have a domain class named

To add behavior, we need to be able to call the constructor that Groovy adds:

def originalMapConstructor = User.metaClass.retrieveConstructor(Map)
User.metaClass.constructor = { Map m ->
   // do work before creation
   def instance = originalMapConstructor.newInstance(m)
   // do work after creation

If you want to redefine the behavior it’s simpler, just do that work in the
Closure that will become the constructor:

User.metaClass.constructor = { Map m ->
   // do work before creation
   def instance = new User()
   // do initialization, e.g. "instance.properties = m"
   // do work after creation

Overriding the default constructor is a bit trickier, and only really applies to
Grails, and really just domain class constructors. The problem is that it’s
nontrivial to access the real default constructor that’s added by the compiler.
In fact you can’t, but there’s a hackish workaround for that.

To just add behavior, we need to be able to access the behavior that Grails
adds. DomainClassGrailsPlugin overrides the default constructor in its
doWithDynamicMethods callback (doing the work in enhanceDomainClasses()) and
takes advantage of the fact that domain classes are registered as prototype
Spring beans. This means that requesting the associated bean gives you a new
instance each time, and since it’s a bean any public fields that correspond to
other Spring beans are populated via dependency injection.

So assuming you have access to the GrailsApplication (most likely via dependency
injection with "def grailsApplication"), you can do this:

User.metaClass.constructor = { ->
   // do work before creation
   def instance = grailsApplication.mainContext.getBean(User.name)
   // do work after creation

If you want to redefine the behavior, ideally you could call the
compiler-generated default constructor. But that’s not available, having been
replaced in the MetaClass. So you can use a trick, unfortunately only available
in a Sun or JRockit JDK:

import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory
def objectConstructor = Object.getConstructor()
User.metaClass.constructor = { ->
   def factory = ReflectionFactory.reflectionFactory
   def cleanConstructor = factory.newConstructorForSerialization(
      User, objectConstructor)
   cleanConstructor.accessible = true
   // do work before creation
   def instance = cleanConstructor.newInstance()
   // do work after creation

You can also go further and trigger dependency injection:

import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.AutowireCapableBeanFactory
def objectConstructor = Object.getConstructor()
User.metaClass.constructor = { ->
   def factory = ReflectionFactory.reflectionFactory
   def cleanConstructor = factory.newConstructorForSerialization(
      User, objectConstructor)
   cleanConstructor.accessible = true
   // do work before creation
   def instance = cleanConstructor.newInstance()
   // trigger dependency injection
   def ctx = grailsApplication.mainContext
   def beanFactory = ctx.autowireCapableBeanFactory
         AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME, false)
   // do work after creation

Note that since the constructor is bypassed, field initializations won’t run. So
for example if your class looks like this:

class User {
   String name
   Integer foo = 5
   def something = new Something()
   def userService

then the ‘foo’ and ‘something’ fields will be null. ‘userService’ will be
populated only if you retain the default dependency injection behavior or call
it yourself.

It’s rare to create parameterized constructors in Groovy since the Map
constructor that’s added to all classes reduces the need for “real”
constructors. There’s still a case for defining constructors...

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 at 1:17am and is filed
under grails, groovy, java. You can follow any responses to this entry through
the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


 1. Raj says:
    October 8, 2012 at 3:41 pm
    Thx for this article. One question, where do I set the closure on
    metaClass.constructor? In the grails domain class definition as a member, in
    the same file after the class definition or somewhere else like
    I am not sure where to put it such that the override is executed during
    startup or lazy loading of the first instance of the domain class.
    * Burt says:
      October 9, 2012 at 12:20 pm
      BootStrap.groovy is a good place for this.

« Accessing the GrailsApplication and ApplicationContext from domain classes
without holders
Create your own Grails holder class »


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