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Submitted URL: https://solarcity.com/
Effective URL: https://www.tesla.com/solarpanels?energy_redirect=true
Submission: On April 26 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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Price for Solar




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Savings: Electricity For Less

Use solar energy to power your home and reduce your dependence on the grid.
Purchase solar at the lowest price of any national provider with Tesla's price
match guarantee and take control of your monthly electricity bill. Schedule a
virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

Use solar energy to power your home and reduce your dependence on the grid.
Purchase solar at the lowest price of any national provider with Tesla's price
match guarantee and take control of your monthly electricity bill. Schedule a
virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

See Your Savings Schedule a Virtual Consultation

Use solar energy to power your home and reduce your dependence on the grid.
Purchase solar at the lowest price of any national provider with Tesla's price
match guarantee and take control of your monthly electricity bill. Schedule a
virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

Use solar energy to power your home and reduce your dependence on the grid.
Purchase solar at the lowest price of any national provider with Tesla's price
match guarantee and take control of your monthly electricity bill. Schedule a
virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

See Your Savings Schedule a Virtual Consultation
Savings: Electricity For Less
See Your Savings Schedule a Virtual Consultation
Design: Sleek and Durable

Our solar panels are low-profile and durable — quietly converting sunlight to
energy for decades to come. Integrated hardware and simple design achieve this
by securing the panels close to your roof and to each other for a minimalist
aesthetic. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

Our solar panels are low-profile and durable — quietly converting sunlight to
energy for decades to come. Integrated hardware and simple design achieve this
by securing the panels close to your roof and to each other for a minimalist
aesthetic. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

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No Visible Grid
Concealed Edge

Our solar panels are low-profile and durable — quietly converting sunlight to
energy for decades to come. Integrated hardware and simple design achieve this
by securing the panels close to your roof and to each other for a minimalist
aesthetic. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

Our solar panels are low-profile and durable — quietly converting sunlight to
energy for decades to come. Integrated hardware and simple design achieve this
by securing the panels close to your roof and to each other for a minimalist
aesthetic. Schedule a virtual consultation with a Tesla Advisor to learn more.

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Design: Sleek and Durable
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All-black panels and proprietary hardware keep the array close to your roof — no
bulky racks, no large gaps.

 * 1 2 3

 * 1 Concealed Edge
   A front skirt helps hide hardware and the panel edge.

 * 2 No Visible Grid
   Panels and hardware are all-black for a uniform, monochromatic look.

 * 3 Low-Profile
   Rail-free mounting keeps panels close to your roof.


Solar panels are designed with the durability of both the overall array and your
roof in mind. Simple installation and proprietary hardware allow minimum impact
to your roof.


Rail-free mounting and interlocking brackets fasten panels together for one
solid array.


Installation points are sealed to protect against rain, snow and ice.

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Powerwall: Home Battery Backup

Your Powerwall can be bundled with solar, allowing you to generate clean energy
and store it for use anytime—at night or during an outage.

Your Powerwall can be bundled with solar, allowing you to generate clean energy
and store it for use anytime—at night or during an outage.

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Your Powerwall can be bundled with solar, allowing you to generate clean energy
and store it for use anytime—at night or during an outage.

Your Powerwall can be bundled with solar, allowing you to generate clean energy
and store it for use anytime—at night or during an outage.

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Powerwall: Home Battery Backup
Order Now Learn More
Power On: Order and Installation

From permitting to powering on, we’ll take care of everything. After you order,
we’ll gather remote aerial imagery of your home, design your system, take care
of any necessary permits and schedule your installation. Chat with a Tesla
Advisor or request a call to learn more.

From permitting to powering on, we’ll take care of everything. After you order,
we’ll gather remote aerial imagery of your home, design your system, take care
of any necessary permits and schedule your installation. Chat with a Tesla
Advisor or request a call to learn more.

Order Now

From permitting to powering on, we’ll take care of everything. After you order,
we’ll gather remote aerial imagery of your home, design your system, take care
of any necessary permits and schedule your installation. Chat with a Tesla
Advisor or request a call to learn more.

From permitting to powering on, we’ll take care of everything. After you order,
we’ll gather remote aerial imagery of your home, design your system, take care
of any necessary permits and schedule your installation. Chat with a Tesla
Advisor or request a call to learn more.

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Power On: Order and Installation
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Efficiency: Maximum Solar Production

Tesla solar panels are designed to be highly efficient, delivering maximum solar
production year-round, even on roofs with complicated angles. Powered by Tesla
Solar Inverter, your fully integrated system is safe and reliable.

Tesla solar panels are designed to be highly efficient, delivering maximum solar
production year-round, even on roofs with complicated angles. Powered by Tesla
Solar Inverter, your fully integrated system is safe and reliable.

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Tesla solar panels are designed to be highly efficient, delivering maximum solar
production year-round, even on roofs with complicated angles. Powered by Tesla
Solar Inverter, your fully integrated system is safe and reliable.

Tesla solar panels are designed to be highly efficient, delivering maximum solar
production year-round, even on roofs with complicated angles. Powered by Tesla
Solar Inverter, your fully integrated system is safe and reliable.

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Efficiency: Maximum Solar Production
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Experience: 24/7 Monitoring

Manage your solar system from anywhere in the world with 24/7 mobile monitoring.
Watch your energy in real time or set your preferences to optimize for energy

Manage your solar system from anywhere in the world with 24/7 mobile monitoring.
Watch your energy in real time or set your preferences to optimize for energy

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Manage your solar system from anywhere in the world with 24/7 mobile monitoring.
Watch your energy in real time or set your preferences to optimize for energy

Manage your solar system from anywhere in the world with 24/7 mobile monitoring.
Watch your energy in real time or set your preferences to optimize for energy

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Experience: 24/7 Monitoring
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Solar Panel Specs
 * Wattage
   400 W
 * Operating Temperature
   -40°F up to +185°F
 * Dimensions
   74.4" x 41.2" x 1.57"
   (including frame)
 * Design
   Black anodized aluminum alloy frame
   Black solar cells and backsheet
 * Warranty
   25-year performance guarantee

 * Certifications
   IEC / UL 61730,
   CEC Listed,
   IEC 61215
 * Inverter Power
   3.8kW / 7.6kW
   97.5% efficiency
 * Inverter Dimensions
   26" x 16" x 6"
 * Inverter Warranty
   12.5 years 

*Modules shown may be different than those included in final design.

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