www.katpin.shop Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.katpin.shop/products/%d9%82%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%b6%d9%8a%d9%82%d8%a9-move-uno-%d9%85%d8%b1%d8%b5%d8%...
Effective URL: https://www.katpin.shop/products/%d9%82%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%af%d8%a9-%d8%b6%d9%8a%d9%82%d8%a9-move-uno-%d9%85%d8%b1%d8%b5%d8%...
Submission: On August 22 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 13 forms found in the DOM

  <input name="variant_id" type="hidden" value="${data.variants[0].id}">
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GET /search

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      placeholder="البحث عن المنتجات">
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GET /search

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      placeholder="البحث عن المنتجات">
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GET /search

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    placeholder="البحث عن المنتجات">
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    <h1 class="product-info-title m-0 leading-1.25 type-heading-font-family break-words product-title-color "> قلادة ضيقة MOVE UNO مرصعة مع شرابة Messika </h1>
    <p class="m-0 mt-1 leading-1.2 color-text-default md:body-minus-2 lg:mt-2"> قلادة الماس ذهب أبيض </p>
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        const saveType = "amount"; const productLabelDiscountOn = false; return ` <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
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              `<span>-${variantData.off_ratio}%</span>` : `<span>-</span><spz-currency class="inline-block" value="${variantData.compare_at_price - variantData.price}" layout="container"></spz-currency>` } </div>
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            <span class="money product-info__header_price notranslate">﷼329</span>
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          style="height: 20px;">
          <div class="flex"><span class="product_price_before"></span><span class="money notranslate">﷼329</span></div>
          .product_price_before::before {
            content: ' - ';
            display: block;
            width: 20px;
        <template id="product-info-btn-price-template"> ${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product &amp;&amp; data.product.variants
          &amp;&amp; data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant =
          const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant; const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled &amp;&amp; wholesale_price.length &gt; 0) { let wholesaleIndex =
          wholesale_price.findIndex(item =&gt; { return item.min_quantity &gt; qty; }); if(wholesaleIndex &lt; 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else if(wholesaleIndex &gt; 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const
          wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return ` <div class="flex">
            <span class="product_price_before"></span><spz-currency value="${wholesalePrice.price}" layout="container"></spz-currency>
          </div> ` }else { const price = variantData &amp;&amp; variantData.price; return price != undefined ? `<div class="flex"><span class="product_price_before"></span><spz-currency value="${price}" layout="container"></spz-currency></div>` :
          '<span></span>'; } }()} </template>
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      <div class="product-info__unavailable mt-2 text-center text-sm leading-1.3 opacity-70 lg:mt-3 hidden"> المنتج غير متاح. </div>
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POST //translate.googleapis.com/translate_voting?client=te

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Text Content

${(function(){ const get_random_six_digits = () => { return
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1.3333; }; const product_image_hover_on = true && !!secondary_image.src; const
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is_single_variant = data.variants.length == 1; const min_price_variant_href =
(data.min_price_variant && data.min_price_variant.available) ?
data.min_price_variant.withinUrl : data.withinUrl; const retail_price_max =
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get_random_six_digits(); const mixed_wholesale = data.mixed_wholesale; return `

${ data.available ? `` : "\u0646\u0641\u0630" }
الكثير مختلط


${ data.price_min != data.price_max ? `من ` : ` ` }
+${data.remainInvisibleThumbCount} ` })()}

شحن مجاني والدفع عند الاستلام

شحن مجاني والدفع عند الاستلام



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${data.data && data.data.count}

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 * Bvlgari
 * المزيد من الروابط
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 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari
 * المزيد من الروابط
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 * يسجل دخول
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${data.data && data.data.count}

 * Home
 * Cartier
 * Van Cleef & Arpels
 * Messika
 * نظارات شمسية عصرية
 * ساعات العلامة التجارية
 * Chaumet
 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari

${(function(){ if (data === undefined || typeof data !== 'string' || data == '')
return ''; const keyword = encodeURIComponent(data); return `
عرض المزيد
بحثك عن '${data}' لم تسفر عن أي نتائج.

` })()}
${(function(){ if (data === undefined || typeof data !== 'string' || data == '')
return ''; const keyword = encodeURIComponent(data); return `
عرض المزيد
بحثك عن '${data}' لم تسفر عن أي نتائج.

` })()}

 * Home
 * Cartier
 * Van Cleef & Arpels
 * Messika
 * نظارات شمسية عصرية
 * ساعات العلامة التجارية
 * Chaumet
 * Swarovski
 * Bvlgari

يسجل دخول
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${data.index + 1}/${data.total}

   ${Array(data.total).fill(0).map((num, index) => `

قلادة ضيقة MOVE UNO مرصعة مع شرابة MESSIKA

قلادة الماس ذهب أبيض

${function() { const variantData = data.variant ||
const saveType = "amount"; const productLabelDiscountOn = false; return `
${saveType == 'percentage' ? `-${variantData.off_ratio}%` : `-` }
`; }()}


أضف إلى السلة
${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity || 1;
const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant = (data.product
&& data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const productVariant =
const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant;
const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled
&& wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex =
wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; });
if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else
if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const
wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `

` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price !=
undefined ? `

` : ''; } }()}

اشتري الآن

كان المنتج غير متوفر.
المنتج غير متاح.


استسلمي لجمال قلادة Move Uno المزودة بشرابات والمصنوعة من الذهب الأبيض والماس!
صُنعت من الذهب الأبيض عيار 18 قيراط وتتكوّن من سلسلة رفيعة مع 5 شرابات Move Uno
من الماس البراق. تشيد هذه القلادة بالضوء وبريق الماس وتتميز بمرونتها والحركة. تم
تزويدها بقفل المشبث مع نظام منزلق لإتاحة ارتدائها كقلادة ضيقة أو قريبة من العنق.

تفاصيل العنصر

المرجع: قلادة Move Uno ضيقة من الماس مع شرابة للنساء 12150-WG

العالم: الراقية
المجموعة: مجموعة Move Uno
نوع المجوهرات: قلادة
المعدن: الذهب الأبيض
الأحجار: الماس
إجمالي وزن الماس: 0.61 قيراط، النوعية G/VS
طول الحلى: 9.7 مم
عرض الحلى: 4.5 سم
الفئة: قلادة للنساء

تتوفّر قلادة Move Uno الضيقة والمزودة بشرابة بنسخ من الذهب الوردي أو الذهب

تُعد كل قطع مجموعة مجوهرات ميسيكا فريدة وقد يختلف الوزن والقطع والقيراط قليلًا
من قطعة إلى أخرى.

ربما يعجبك أيضا

ربما يعجبك أيضا

قلادة ضيقة MOVE UNO مرصعة مع شرابة MESSIKA


قلادة ضيقة MOVE UNO مرصعة مع شرابة MESSIKA


قلادة الماس ذهب وردي MESSIKA


قلادة الماس ذهب أبيض MESSIKA


اشترك الآن للحصول على المحتوى الحصري والعروض الخاصة

لو سمحت أدخل بريد إليكتروني صالح.
الرجاء إدخال عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك.
${data.errors && data.errors[0]}
شكرا على الإشتراك
© 2024 Shine Jewelry اتصل بنا مادة المجوهرات سياسة الخصوصية قصة العلامة التجارية
SA (SAR ﷼) AE (AED د.إ) KW (KWD د.ك) QA (QAR ﷼) OM (OMR ﷼) BH (BHD د.ب)

عربة التسوق

حقيبة التسوق الخاصة بك فارغة
مواصلة التسوق
 * ${item.product_title}
    * ${item.options.map(option => option.value).join('/')}
    * ${propertie.name}/${propertie.isImage ? `عرض الصورة` : propertie.value}
   هدية مجانية
   الكثير مختلط


${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
 * ${discount_application.title}: -


الشحن والضرائب ورموز الخصم المحسوبة عند الخروج.


${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
${function() { const textArray = ("\u062d\u0641\u0638
{{save_amount}}").split(/\{\{\s*save_amount\}\}/); if (textArray.length > 0 &&
textArray.length < 2) { textArray.push(''); } return textArray.map((text, index)
=> { if (index == 0) { return `${text}`; } return ` ${text} `; }).join(''); }()}
 * ${discount_application.title}: -



الشحن والضرائب ورموز الخصم المحسوبة عند الخروج.
 * فرعي:
 * ${discount_application.title}: -



الشحن والضرائب ورموز الخصم المحسوبة عند الخروج.
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summaryStickyRender.clientHeight + 'px'); }

عرض العربة
${function(){ const productData = data.product; let product_change_event = '',
mouse_over_event = ' '; mouse_out_event = ''; const product_options =
productData.options.filter(Boolean) || []; for (let opt of product_options) {
const nameEscape = opt.name.replace(/\/|\\|\s|\'|\"|`|\<|\>/g, '')
product_change_event = product_change_event +
mouse_out_event = mouse_out_event +
mouse_over_event = mouse_over_event +
} const selectedVariant = productData.variants.find(v => v.available) ||
productData.variants[0]; const statusLan = ((selectedVariant &&
!selectedVariant.available) || (!selectedVariant && !productData.available)) ?
"\u0646\u0641\u0630" : "\u0623\u0636\u0641 \u0625\u0644\u0649
\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629"; return `

` }()}

${function(){ const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant =
(data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const
variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || data; const retail_price
= variantData.retail_price || 0; return `
بيع بالتجزئة
` }()} ${function(){ const wholesale_enabled = false; const qty = data.quantity
|| 1; const currentSelectVariant = data.variant; const defaultVariant =
(data.product && data.product.variants && data.product.variants[0]); const
productVariant =
const variantData = currentSelectVariant || defaultVariant || productVariant;
const wholesale_price = variantData.wholesale_price || []; if(wholesale_enabled
&& wholesale_price.length > 0) { let wholesaleIndex =
wholesale_price.findIndex(item => { return item.min_quantity > qty; });
if(wholesaleIndex < 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesale_price.length - 1; }else
if(wholesaleIndex > 0){ wholesaleIndex = wholesaleIndex - 1; } const
wholesalePrice = wholesale_price[wholesaleIndex] || ''; return `

` }else { const price = variantData && variantData.price; return price !=
undefined ? `

` : ''; } }()}
${function() { let variantImageShowed = false; const currentProduct =
data.product; return (currentProduct.options || []).map((option, index) => {
const optionName = option.name || ''; const optionId = option.id || ''; const
position = `option${index + 1}`; let isThumbImage = false; if
(currentProduct.need_variant_image && !variantImageShowed) { const variantNames
= ["color"] || []; for (let i = 0, len = variantNames.length; i < len; i++) {
const name = variantNames[i].toLowerCase(); if (name ===
optionName.toLowerCase()) { isThumbImage = true; variantImageShowed = true; } }
} const variantType = "button"; const thumbStyle = "image_with_text"; return `
${option.values.map((value, idx) => { const selected =
data.selectedValues[optionName] == value ? 'checked' : ''; let thumbImage =
null; if (isThumbImage) { const variants = currentProduct.variants; for (let i =
0, len = variants.length; i < len; i++) { const variant = variants[i]; if
(variant[position] == value && thumbImage == null) { thumbImage = variant.image;
break; } } } return `
` }).join('')}
${option.values.map(value => { const selected = data.selectedValues[optionName]
== value ? 'selected' : ''; return `${value}` }).join('')}
` }).join(''); }()}
${data.originData && data.originData.value || data.value}

Item has been added
${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant =
function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return
product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if
(avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj
=> Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v =>
`${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') :
`${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams =
function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const
params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm ||
'', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams =
Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return
trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length -
data.target_top_product_num - data.page * data.limit) === 0; return `
${(function(){ return `

${data.rebate_tips || ''}
`; })()}

`; })()}

class SpzCustomComponent extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) {
super(element); this.templates_ = null; this.container_ = null;
this._atcLineItem = {}; this.cart_ = {}; this.top_product_ids_ = [];
this.products_ = []; this.activityId_ = null; this.rendered_ = false;
this.myInterceptor_ = null; this.i18n_ = {}; this.config_ = {}; this.page_ = 1;
this.limit_ = 10; this.loading_ = false; } static deferredMount() { return
false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER;
} buildCallback() { this.templates_ = SPZServices.templatesForDoc(this.element);
this.setAction_(); } mountCallback() { console.log('pop mounted'); this.i18n_ =
window.smartRecommendI18n &&
window.smartRecommendI18n[document.documentElement.lang || 'en-US'] || {}; const
cartPopRenderEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); const
modalEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_modal"); const spmBase =
`smart_recommend_2`; const extra = { spmBase: spmBase, i18n: this.i18n_, };
const that = this; document.addEventListener('dj.addToCart', (event) => { try {
const e = event.detail; if (e.source === 'buy_now' || window.__upsell_block ||
this.rendered_) return; that.fetchActivityData({product_id: e.product_id,
variant_id: e.variant_id}).then(data => { if (!data || !data.products ||
!data.products.length) return; that.config_ = data.config; const recommendStyle
= document.createElement('style'); recommendStyle.innerHTML = `
#plugin_recommend_atc_pop { display: none !important; } `;
document.head.appendChild(recommendStyle); if (data.config.pop_frequency ===
'once' && window.sessionStorage.getItem('smart_pop_times') > 0) return;
api.render(Object.assign({}, data, extra), true).then(function() {
that.rendered_ = true; if (data.products.length) { const headEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_head_render"); if (headEl) {
SPZ.whenApiDefined(headEl).then(function(head){ head.render({ data: data }); });
} SPZ.whenApiDefined(modalEl).then(function(api){
that.impressListen('#smart_cart_pop_activity', function(){
that.trackPluginImpression_(data); }); api.open(); const intersectionObserver =
new IntersectionObserver( function (entries) { if (entries[0].intersectionRatio
> 0){ !that.loading_ && (that.products_.length - that.target_top_product_num_)
=== that.page_ * that.limit_ && that.viewMore(); } }, { threshold: [0.1] } );
document.querySelector('#smart_cart_pop_view_more_text') ); }); } }) }); }) }
catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); } unmountCallback() { } viewMore () { const
cartPopRenderEl = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); const that =
this; const data = {}; SPZ.whenApiDefined(cartPopRenderEl).then(function(api){
that.fetchActivityData({ page: that.page_ + 1, limit: that.limit_
}).then(function(data) { data.products = that.products_;
data.target_top_product_num = that.target_top_product_num_; data.i18n =
that.i18n_; data.spmBase = `smart_recommend_2`; api.render(data); }) }) }
fetchActivityData(data) { const that = this; if (data.product_id) {
that._atcLineItem = data; } that.loading_ = true; return
that.getCart().then(cart => { that.cart_ = cart.cart; return
fetch(window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root + "/api/possum/recommend_activities", {
method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "store-id":
window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ "show_type": 2,
"line_item": { "product_id": that._atcLineItem.product_id, "variant_id":
that._atcLineItem.variant_id, }, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, "page":
data.page || 1, "limit": data.limit || 10, }) }).then(function(res){ if(res.ok){
return res.json(); } }).then(function(data){ data.cart = cart.cart; if
(data.page === 1) { that.target_top_product_num_ = data.target_top_product_num
|| 0; } that.products_ = that.products_.concat(data.products || []); that.page_
= data.page || 1; that.limit_ = data.limit || 10; return data;
}).catch(function(e){ console.log(e); }).finally(function(){ that.loading_ =
false; }) }); }; setAction_() { this.registerAction('changeBannerColor', (data)
=> { if (!data.args.data || !data.args.data.data || !data.args.data.data.data)
return false; const config = data.args.data.data.data.config; const bannerBgEl =
document.querySelector('.smart_cart_pop_banner_bg'); if (bannerBgEl && config) {
bannerBgEl.style.background = config.banner_bg_color; bannerBgEl.style.color =
config.banner_text_color; } }); this.registerAction('handleProductChange',
(data) => { const that = this; const imageEl =
SPZ.whenApiDefined(imageEl).then(function(api){ api.render({ data:
data.args.data, config: that.config_ }); }); const atcTextEl =
SPZ.whenApiDefined(atcTextEl).then(function(api){ api.render({ data:
data.args.data, defaultText: data.args.defaultText, soldOutText:
that.i18n_.sold_out }); }); if (data.args.data.variant.available) {
} else {
} }); this.registerAction('handleProduct', (detail) => { const that = this;
this.renderProductsForm_(detail.args.data.data); });
this.registerAction('addATCHook', (data) => { const params = data.args;
this.myInterceptor_ = window.djInterceptors && window.djInterceptors.track.use({
event: 'dj.addToCart', params: { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + params.activity_id,
ssp: params.ssp, scm: params.scm, cfb: params.cfb, spm:
`..${window.SHOPLAZZA.meta.page.template_name}.${params.spm}`, }, once: true });
}); this.registerAction('handleAtcSuccess', (detail) => {
detail.args.data.product = detail.args.data.product || {};
detail.args.data.variant = detail.args.data.variant || {}; const defParams =
detail.args.product.split('__'); const product_id = detail.args.data.product.id;
const product_title = detail.args.data.product.title; const variant_id =
detail.args.data.variant.id; const price = detail.args.data.variant.price; const
aid = defParams[0]; const ifb = detail.args.data.product.ifb; const cfb =
detail.args.data.product.cfb; const scm = defParams[1]; const spm =
defParams[2]; const ssp = defParams[3]; const params = { id: product_id,
product_id: product_id, number: 1, name: product_title, variant_id: variant_id,
childrenId: variant_id, item_price: price, source: 'add_to_cart', _extra: { aid:
aid, ifb: ifb, cfb: cfb, scm: scm, spm:
`..${window.SHOPLAZZA.meta.page.template_name}.${spm}`, ssp: ssp, } }; const
activity_id = `${detail.args.activity_id}`; const target_drive_way =
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000); this.tranckAddToCart(params); if (target_drive_way === 'rebate') {
const bannerEl = document.getElementById(`smart_cart_pop_banner`);
this.getRecommendInfo(activity_id).then(res => { if (res && res.rebate_tips) {
bannerEl.innerHTML = res.rebate_tips; } }) } });
this.registerAction('handleCartSummary', (event) => { const that = this; const
checkoutButtonEle = document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_checkout_button");
if (checkoutButtonEle) {
SPZ.whenApiDefined(checkoutButtonEle).then(function(api){ api.render({ i18n:
that.i18n_ }, false); }); } const tipEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_tip_info"); const cart = event &&
event.args && event.args.data && event.args.data.data; if (!tipEl || !cart)
return; let total_price = cart.total_price; if (!total_price) {
SPZ.whenApiDefined(tipEl).then(function(api){ api.render({ total_price:
total_price, i18n: that.i18n_ }, false); }); } else {
this.getBindDiscount_(cart.line_items).then(res => { if (res &&
res.discount_code){ const total = cart.line_price - cart.total_discount -
res.bundle_discount_value; if (total > 0) { total_price = total; } else {
total_price = 0; } } SPZ.whenApiDefined(tipEl).then(function(api){ api.render({
total_price: total_price, i18n: that.i18n_ }, false); }); }) } });
this.registerAction('open', () => {
Number(window.sessionStorage.getItem('smart_pop_times')) + 1); });
this.registerAction('close', () => { this.rendered_ = false; this.products_ =
[]; window.djInterceptors &&
window.djInterceptors.track.eject(this.myInterceptor_); }); } getCart() { return
fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root || ''}/api/cart`, { method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, }).then(res =>
res.json()) } getRecommendInfo (activity_id) { return this.getCart().then(cart
=> { this.cart_ = cart.cart; return fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root ||
''}/api/possum/recommend_info`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':
'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, body: JSON.stringify({ show_type: 2,
rule_id: `${activity_id}`, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, line_item:
this._atcLineItem, }) }).then(res => res.json()) }) } renderProductsForm_(data)
{ const products = data.products; const listPopRenderEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); if (!listPopRenderEl) return;
el.style.background = data.config.add_to_cart_button_color; });
products.forEach(function(product){ const productId = product.id; const
productFormEls =
let variantsEl =
#smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_mobile ljs-variants`); if
(window.innerWidth > 768) { variantsEl =
#smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_pc ljs-variants`); }
productFormEls.forEach(function(el){ SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){
api.setProduct(product); }); }); variantsEl.forEach(function(el){
SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){ api.handleRender(product); }); }) });
} tranckAddToCart(detail) { if (window.$) {
window.$(document.body).trigger('dj.addToCart', detail); } }
trackPluginImpression_(rule){ if (window.sa && window.sa.track) {
window.sa.track("module_impressions", { aid: `smart_recommend.2.${rule.id}` });
} } getBindDiscount_(carts) { let bundle_sale_ids = []; try { bundle_sale_ids =
sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids'] &&
JSON.parse(sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids']).filter((item, index, arr) =>
arr.indexOf(item, 0) === index).slice(-5); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
if (!carts.length) { Promise.resolve(); } return
fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root || ''}/api/bundle-sales/cart`, { method:
'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'store-id': window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ cart:
carts, action_type: 'cart', bundle_sale_ids }) }).then(res => res.json()) }
impressListen(selector, cb) { const el = document.querySelector(selector); const
onImpress = (e) => { if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } cb(); }; if (el &&
!el.getAttribute('imprsd')) { el.addEventListener('impress', onImpress) } else
if (el) { onImpress(); } } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-smart',
SpzCustomComponent); ${function(){ return `
${data.data.rebate_tips || ''}
`; }()} ${function(){ const getImageHeight = function(image){ const width =
image.width || 500; const height = image.height || 500; const image_size =
data.config.image_size || 0; let ratio = 0; if(image_size == 0){ ratio = (height
/ width).toFixed(2); }else if(image_size == 1){ ratio = 1.5; } return 132 *
ratio; }; const image = data.data.variant.image || data.data.product.image;
return ` `; }()}
${(function(){ const product = data.product; const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); const
selected_variant = product.min_price_variant.available ?
product.min_price_variant : avail_variants.length && avail_variants[0]; return `
${ option.values.map(function(value, index){ const checked =
selected_variant["option"+option.position] == value ? "checked": ""; return `
` }).join("") }
` })()}
${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return `

`; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return `
${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") ||
'Not exist' }
`; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const
defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant ||
variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return `
`; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; }
return `
${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'}
`; })()} ${(function(){ return `
`; })()}



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