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We all know that person; you know, the one who never goes to parties, who is
always quiet and reserved, who takes any bit of criticism to heart, who will
shut off around others. Some call her shy; others think she’s arrogant, but
you’ve never really been close enough to her to know for sure… though if you
were, you’d realize just how misunderstood she really is.

Avoidant personality disorder (AvPD) is a personality disorder marked by
feelings of inadequacy, social inhibition and sensitivity to rejection or
criticism. As a result, one may withdraw from or avoid events such as social
outings, school, work or any activity that involves socializing with others.
They may also show restraint when forming intimate relationships due to their
fear of being rejected, ridiculed or shamed. This means that, more often than
not, people with avoidant personality disorder tend to feel socially isolated.

They may perceive themselves as unappealing, inept or inferior to others. It is
a vicious cycle, by which the individual’s avoidant tendencies cause them to
disengage socially, occupationally and educationally; take fewer risks (which
may further their advancement in these areas) and withdraw from meaningful
relationships. They then become socially isolated, frustrated at their inability
to pursue meaningful activities and perceive themselves as unappealing, inept or
inferior to others… and the cycle continues.

So what are the causes of avoidant personality disorder?

While the jury is still out on the exact causes of avoidant personality
disorder, as with most disorders there appears to be a combination of both
genetic and environmental factors that contribute to its onset.


What does appear clear is that individuals who have experienced emotional abuse
appear to be up to four times more likely to develop a personality disorder when
compared to those who haven’t. In regards to avoidant personality disorder,
the impact of parenting behaviors — specifically neglect and emotional abuse —
appear to be common pre-determinants. Lower levels of parental intolerance and
expression of love and pride are also associated with the onset of this
disorder. It is thought that these behaviors may lead to feelings of
worthlessness and cause the young person to feel as if they are not worthy of
being loved or cared for. People are subsequently not seen as safe, caring or
supportive, and feelings of mistrust and anxiety around social relationships


While evidence for a genetic component of avoidant personality disorder has not
been as widely documented, there does appear to be a genetic component
associated with this disorder. In terms of personality traits, studies have
shown avoidant personality disorder holds a positive correlation with
neuroticism as well as a negative relationship with extraversion. This suggests
these people tend to be more anxious and fearful and understandably more
introverted and closed off. Correspondingly, a trait referred to as behavioral
inhibition is a temperamental factor that is thought to be genetic and involves
shyness, increased sensitivity and an avoidance of new people and unfamiliar
situations. The trait of harm avoidance is also high in these people and is a
trait centered on feelings of shyness, inhibition and anxiety/anxiety disorders.

Are there treatment options for avoidant personality disorder?

Yes! Depending on the circumstances, there are a number of talk therapies,
medications or both that may be useful in treating avoidant personality
disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be especially useful in
challenging the negative, pervasive beliefs both about oneself (e.g., feelings
of worthlessness, hopelessness) and others (e.g., feeling others cannot be
trusted, will reject or ridicule them). Friends, family and other informal
supports are also incredibly valuable resources to draw upon throughout one’s
recovery journey.

Avoidant personality disorder can be a difficult mental illness to deal with,
and the hesitation to engage with and trust both formal and informal supports
proves to be a challenge in receiving treatments. However, once one does reach
out to supports, recovery becomes a very realistic and likely outcome.

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