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Skip to content Presentation 300 Delaware Avenue Suite 210 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-450-1660 * Home * Brand Support * Dealer Connect * We are Authorized * Who we are * About Us * Team * Awards * Contact * What we do * Presentation THE PATHWAY TO INNOVATION BEGINS HERE BRAND SUPPORT AND PROTECTION AWARDED BY “INC. 5000” RANKED #609 10+ YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN ECOMMERCE AUTHORIZED RESELLER FOR HUNDREDS OF BRANDS BRAND SUPPORT Everyone knows how crucial protecting online presence is. We spare no effort in remaining compliant – from supporting your policies to monitoring for MAP violators. You can rely on us! Contact us BRAND PROTECTION We care about your brand. Protect your online presence. Support your policy. MAP PROTECTION We support your MAP. Our pricing protection module keeps the minimum advertised price as per your request. PARTNERSHIP You can count on us. We know that a good partnership is a key to success for both parties. MAP WATCH Our proprietary software can monitor your products online and give you a report for MAP violations. DEALER CONNECT WHOLESALERS/DISTRIBUTORS ONBOARDING We have a streamlined onboarding process. Our technology allows us to overcome many obstacles that prohibit the success of other resellers. We will work with you and develop a suitable for both of us plan that would maximize your sales. SEND US YOUR PRODUCT FEED. LET US KNOW ABOUT ANY PRODUCT RESTRICTIONS. TELL US YOUR WAYS OF ACCEPTING ORDERS. MANUFACTURERS ONBOARDING Manufacturers worry not! We are flexible enough to onboard you even if you don’t have an IT team. We participate in many direct dealer programs, stocking and drop-shipping products from companies like you. All MAP pieces are kept as much as possible. Let us know if you come across any violations. Report a MAP Violation Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. What is your primary area of interest? *Please selectSell my productsI'm an existing partnerOther Name * Email * Company name Company website Phone number * Message * Phone Submit WE ARE AUTHORIZED Cyberstorm LLC is an Authorized Reseller by hundreds of today’s top brands in a wide range of different categories TECHNOLOGY AUTOMOTIVE Browse all Brands ABOUT US Though IPC Store has quickly become an industry leader in terms of online technology solutions providers, this wasn’t always the case. Originally founded in 2010 by entrepreneur Pavel, the company began life under the name IP Camera Store with a very different focus than the one it has today. IN THE BEGINNING Based on more than a decade of experience in security system installation, IPC Store was originally a two-man operation that focused on selling security products like video surveillance equipment to customers all over the country. What made IPC Store so unique was that we didn’t use any third-party software to run our business – everything from the business software used to manage vendor relations to the resources used to get products to customers was built in-house, giving our staff complete control over even the smallest details – a critical element. LEARN MORE Thanks to the “we do it all” approach IPC Store was able to offer such low prices to end users, as we didn’t have to pay commissions to companies which provide software that connects businesses with vendors, digital outlets and more. Over the years, however, the focus of the store began to change. While the staff (which by now has increased in size by over 1000% in just a few short years) were still committed to keeping customers safe by offering leading surveillance equipment, we realized that our customers wanted more variety. IPC Store is also an Authorized Reseller by hundreds of today’s top brands in a wide range of different categories. With that idea in mind, the company began to rapidly expand. The name was changed to IPC Store because we no longer wanted to “just” sell surveillance equipment – we wanted to sell it all. IPC Store now has more than one million items in its inventory – whether you’re looking for that rare part for your next big auto project, the type of computer you need to run your business on your own terms or something in between, IPC Store can give it to you. In addition to maintaining our own e-commerce channel on our website, IPC Store now has a strong presence on online marketplaces like Amazon, Walmart, Newegg, Jet and more. The company was also recently invited by Walmart to sell items on its website, bringing its reach to a wider audience than ever before. OUR TEAM No member of the Cyberstorm, LLC family is ever going to lose sight of the one thing that matters most of all: our customers. OUR BRANDS IPCSTORE.COM VISIT AUTOPARTSO.COM VISIT BEAUTYKISS.COM HEALTH COSMETIC PRODUCTS NUTRISTREET.COM NUTRISTREET.COM SANDONLINE.COM COUNTLESS GOODS PROSBOX.COM BOX FOR PROFESSIONALS AWARDS INC. 5000 AND MORE Flash forward to today and IPC Store is an industry leader that offers consumer electronics, computers, office supplies, marine electronics, auto parts and more – in addition to the state-of-the-art security systems and equipment that has been a priority since the beginning. The hardworking team at IPC Store couldn’t be more proud of the fact that in 2016, it was ranked #609 on the inc5000 annual list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. E-COMMERCE PARTNERSHIP WE SELL, STOCK, DROP-SHIP, PROTECT, SUPPORT, DEVELOP, DREAM! BRAND PROTECTION We care about your brand. Protect your online presence. Support your policy. MAP PROTECTION We support your MAP. Our pricing protection module keeps the minimum advertised price as per your request. MAP WATCH Our proprietary software can monitor your products online and give you a report for MAP violations. MARKETPLACE COMPLIANCE We stay in compliance whatever it takes. PARTNERSHIP You can count on us. We know that a good partnership is a key to success for both parties. MARKETPLACE RESTRICTION We can restrict your products in our proprietary software from selling on selected marketplaces as per your request! FACTS 1,000,000+ PRODUCTS $ 1M GROSS YEAR SALES RANK: # 300 2016 INC. 5000 1+ YEARS IN E-BUSINESS CONTACT Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Name * Email * What is your primary area of interest? *Please selectI'm a consumer seeking customer supportI'm an existing partnerEnforce my pricing policy/MAPPress, Human Resources Message * Email Submit 300 Delaware Avenue Suite 210 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-450-1660 © 2024 Cyberstorm LLC All Rights Reserved * Home * Brand Support * Dealer Connect * We are Authorized * Who we are * About Us * Team * Awards * Contact * What we do * Presentation