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Text Content

7:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Mon - Fri)

0774 217 4746




Practising Hatha Yoga To Teach Authenticity And Inclusivity

Meditation Yoga

Insured through Yoga Alliance Professionals

Sessions Starts £60 For Registered Charities

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Contact Us

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Give Us A Call To Request Our Price List

5/5 Rated Based on 68+ Reviews

 * Prompt and Award-Winning Service
 * Authentic Roots - Taught By Indian Father At Early Age
 * Deep Understanding Knowledge Of The Neuroscience

Services Offered

 * Desk & Chair Yoga
 * Cardio-Intense Yoga
 * Essential Breathing
 * Yoga on the Go
 * Mindfulness & Meditation
 * Meeting Prep Yoga
 * Stress-Buster Sessions
 * Team-Bonding Sessions
 * Laughter Yoga
 * Computer Ergonomics
 * Board Meeting Breaks
 * Corporate Away Days
 * Yoga for (Client/Internal/Social) Events
 * Staff Health Days
 * Yoga for Sleep Management

Every Part Of The Body Is Taken Into Consideration

Our sessions also include Pranayama breathing and meditation.

Where other teachers tend to separate the different ways you can practise
posture and movement, we are keen to show similarities and interdependences. The
paths of yoga are not mutually exclusive but complement each other.

And if it’s not for your company that you’re looking, we also offer yoga outside
of the workplace – private one-on-one sessions in your home as well as workshops
and retreats for groups of people in various locations.

Private Packages

Our yoga and mindfulness workshops are designed not only to get you to practice
the postures and breathing exercise but also to give you some more background
knowledge about yoga, its origins and benefits as well as related philosophies
and how to best work these into your life.

Our yoga retreats will take you into another world. All you need to do is book,
turn up and we’ll do the rest. We’ll take care of your physical and emotional
wellbeing and send you back to your everyday life, relaxed and prepared to take
on all those challenges with a new frame of body and mind.

Yoga Retreats

Yoga and Mindfulness

Whether it’s just you and you’d like your instructor, in-class private and
personal adjuster to come to your home and teach you one-on-one, or whether it’s
a small group of you and a friend or partner, we come to your location of choice
for a bespoke private yoga session to fit your needs.



In our children’s yoga classes, children of all ages learn and enhance their
body and breath awareness. With parents’ involvement, children will not only
reinforce the natural, correct way of breathing and holding themselves, they
will also learn coordination skills as well as holding poses and calming
themselves down.

Whether you’re an individual or a team of athletes, are training professionally
or just for fun, yoga will help increase your stamina, flexibility and muscular
control, thereby improving your performance as well as preventing and treating
injuries. Get in touch with us.


For Children


For Athletes

For those of you who prefer your yoga class to be similar to the one in your gym
or yoga studio down the road, we also teach “traditional styles” of Hatha,
Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Rocket Yoga.

0774 217 4746

Recent Jobs

Book A Yoga Session

Client Testimonials

We hired Pathak Yoga in 2016 for weekly mat yoga classes to help our team with
work-related back and neck issues. She’s been doing yoga all her life, and it
shows: I feel like I learn something new every time. I highly recommend her and
Pathak Yoga.



Pathak Yoga is a weekly joy, combining strengthening yoga poses and mindfulness
breathing techniques.



Welcoming Mira and Bassanti is always a delight. The first time they came, they
held an exhilarating desk yoga session for our ‘Office Wellness Week’.



Easy, Convenient

0774 217 4746

Expert Talks

About Us

Pathak Yoga was set up by two Indian-German sisters, Bassanti and Mira Pathak.

That’s us! Having been taught yoga as children by our Indian father (who also
taught yoga), we have been practising and teaching for fun and pro bono for over
20 years.

We established Pathak Yoga to bring wellbeing to the corporate world of London
and ‘make employees healthier and employers happier’. We now also operate

Why do we come to offices?

We come to you, so you don’t have to travel anywhere for your yoga class.
Today’s working world is busy and hectic for everyone.

We’re all stressed, be it down to work load, urgent and conflicting deadlines,
challenging colleagues or clients, frequent travel, uncomfortable chairs,
irritating commutes, combining work and family – you name it. It can be hard to
find the time or muster the discipline to do any exercise at all.

Our aim is to improve companies’ corporate health and wellbeing by making your
working day easier and more efficient.

Unfortunately and undeservedly, yoga carries a lot of prejudices and a
particular teaching style can really put you off.

How do we teach?

We combine different types of yoga and adapt some traditional exercises to the
office environment. We also teach Pranayama breathing, an important part of
Hatha Yoga.

We also offer meditation (mindfulness, visualisations, guided mantra meditation,
chants, sound baths, Yoga Nidra) both as part of our yoga classes and as
standalone sessions.

Book For Your Office

Making Employees Healthier And Employers Happier Through Body And Breath
Awareness - In Your Office Of Live Online

0774 217 4746

Talk To Our Yoga And Mindfulness Expert

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Contact Us

Give Us A Call To Request Our Price List

5/5 Rated Based on 68+ Reviews



Our sessions also include Pranayama breathing and meditation.

We aim to energise as well as ground you, leaving body and mind perfectly
prepped for work and enabling you to continue relaxing and unwinding at home.

6, Leigh Court, 2 Bascombe St, London SW2 2YD, UK

0774 217 4746

7:00 AM - 7:00 PM (Mon - Fri)

☏ Call Now: 0774 217 4746
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