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X * * 新闻 * 体育 * 汽车 * 房产 * 旅游 * 教育 * 时尚 * 科技 * 财经 * 娱乐 * 更多 母婴 健康 历史 军事 美食 文化 星座 专题 游戏 搞笑 动漫 宠物 无障碍 关怀版 登录 医学英语:成人眼部护理 2023-12-20 13:56 来源: 每日一个教师说话技巧 链接复制成功 发布于:山西省 加州欢迎你!明年春节去旧金山硅谷蒙特雷访学翻译,欢迎关注,阅读原文获取更多内容。 Adult Eye Care Vismita Gupta-Smith: Did you know that 70% of the people around the world who need eyeglasses do not have access to them? What are the leading causes of blindness around the world? Who is at risk? And how can you protect your eyesight? Here to answer these questions is Dr. Stuart Keel. Welcome, Stuart. Let’s start with the leading causes of blindness around the world. 展开全文 Dr. Stuart Keel: Thank you. So one of the leading causes of blindness is cataract, which is a cloudiness of the lens inside the eye that leads to increasingly blurred vision over time. The second leading cause of vision impairment and blindness is what we call refractive error. The most common types are short-sightedness or the inability to see in the distance or long-sightedness, which is the inability to see up close. And this is caused due to an abnormal shape or length of the eyeball, which means the light entering the eye doesn’t focus correctly on the back of the eye, which is called the retina. The other leading causes of blindness globally are a result of damage to the back of the eye, and one of those is glaucoma, where there’s progressive damage to the nerve at the back of the eye that leads to distortion in your peripheral vision and in more severe cases can also impact on your central vision. Then we have age-related macular degeneration, which is a degeneration of the cells in the center of your retina, which is called the macula, which leads to distortion of your central vision, issues with color vision and other issues as well. And then we have diabetic eye disease, which in diabetic patients we often see leakage of the vessels at the back of the eye that can cause some swelling, some bleeding and also scarring that can also impact on your vision. Vismita Gupta-Smith: So Stewart, we all know someone who has these eye problems. Who is at risk of these diseases? Dr. Stuart Keel: Firstly, I’ll say that anybody in the population is at risk, but there are certain segments of the population who are at greater risk than other segments of the population. And the first segment is older people and eye conditions such as cataract, glaucoma, age related macular degeneration really increase in their risk sharply with age to the point where about 80% of vision impairment occurs in the population aged 50 years and over. There’s also a strong family history component to these eye diseases. If you have a family member in particular a mother or a father with some of these eye conditions, such as glaucoma and refractive error or short-sightedness or long-sightedness, you are more likely to have these eye diseases. Then there are certain lifestyle factors. For instance, like many other health conditions, smoking is a risk factor for cataract and also macular degeneration. And then there are also some underlying health conditions and medications that also can increase your risk of developing an eye disease, such as diabetes, such as multiple sclerosis and prolonged use of steroids are also linked to the development of eye diseases, such as cataract and also glaucoma. Vismita Gupta-Smith: Stuart, talk to us about how we can protect our vision. Dr. Stuart Keel: Yes. So the good news is that the majority of vision impairment from these diseases that I’ve just mentioned is avoidable through early detection or identification and access to treatment. So the most important thing is to have regular eye examinations that we recommend every couple of years, at least, particularly as we get older, and particularly in those population groups that are at higher risk who may need eye examinations more frequently. Secondly, there’s a number of actions that we can take to protect our vision and protect our eyes from the development of these diseases. And one of those is limiting UV exposure by using sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat when we are outside. Of course, wearing protective eyewear, when we’re using chemicals and tools to protect our eyes from injuries as well. And taking regular breaks from near-work activities, using screens, using computers, reading – to avoid dry eye and eye strain as well. And we have a simple rule to follow. And that is called the 20-20-20 rule, which means for every 20 minutes that you use a computer or a device or a looking up-close, you should look into the distance at something at least 20 feet away or six meters for at least 20 seconds. So WHO has recently launched a new application called WHOEyes, which enables anyone with a smart device or phone to be able to test their near and distance vision and learn about how they can protect their eyes. So I encourage you all to download this and take advantage of this app. Vismita Gupta-Smith: So the 20-20-20 rule – I’m going to try that. Thank you, Stuart. That was Science in 5 today. Until next time then. Stay safe, stay healthy and stick with science.返回搜狐,查看更多 责任编辑: 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。 首赞 +1 点赞失败 阅读 (34) by Taboolaby Taboola Sponsored LinksSponsored Links Promoted LinksPromoted Links 你可能会喜欢 Craft means creating with curiosity, says agri-commodities digital platform founder Gerald TanUBS Undo 10 Most Dangerous Buildings In The WorldWonderWorld Undo When you eat eggs every day, this is what happens to your bodyOMGIFacts Undo What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a DayWomen's Magazine Undo 30 Photos that Shows the Dangers of Ocean SwimmingLuxYouDesire.com Undo This paralyzed jaguar’s story will leave you speechlessTopGentlemen.com Undo 我来说两句 0人参与, 0条评论 登录并发表 搜狐“我来说两句” 用户公约 推荐阅读 黄色网站为什么能让你免费观看,了解真相后,你还敢继续浏览吗? 蛋蛋娱乐 · 今天 11:47 0 《一路向西》两个“尤物”,一个成亿万女星,一个却沦为路人! 趣闻辑录 · 11-08 08:40 0 深夜偷看“成人网站”,还以为没人知道?你可能被安排得明明白白 婉婉情感疗愈 · 12-05 22:00 2 杨丽萍上台没穿衣服?服装都是彩绘的,镜头放大时太“抢眼”! 小布点娱乐 · 今天 09:06 3 Spot a brown bug in your yard? 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Then Husband's Finds The UnexpectedInteresticle Undo by Taboolaby Taboola Sponsored LinksSponsored Links Promoted LinksPromoted Links 邮箱账号登录 * * 忘记密码 * 请输入正确的登录账号或密码 手机号验证码登录 * * * 获取验证码 我已阅读并同意搜狐网 用户服务协议 和 隐私政策 需阅读并勾选同意 其他方式 * 微信登录 * qq登录 * 微博登录 * 账号密码登录 * 手机号验证码登录 安全提示 为保证您的账户安全,建议您绑定手机号码 请输入正确的登录账号或密码 * * 获取动态码 收不到短信验证码?点击获取 语音验证码 安全提示 系统出于安全考虑,在点击“发送语音验证码”后,您将会收到一条来自950开头号码的语音验证码,请注意接听。 暂不发送发送语音验证码 * 手机注册 * 邮箱注册 * * * 获取验证码 同意《搜狐服务协议》 使用已有账号登录 CLOSE AD * * 新闻 * 体育 * 汽车 * 房产 * 旅游 * 教育 * 时尚 * 科技 * 财经 * 娱乐 * 更多 母婴 健康 历史 军事 美食 文化 星座 专题 游戏 搞笑 动漫 宠物 无障碍 关怀版 登录 继续阅读 蔡琳否认禁止高梓淇见儿子 直言“实在是忍不了了”_都是假_山西太原_婚礼搜狐娱乐讯 近日,有网友爆料称蔡琳在节目中假装让儿子和父亲联系,但六年来一直禁止孩子与前夫接近。两人离婚是因为蔡琳产后抑郁,想让高梓淇一起去韩国生活,但高梓淇不想放弃中国的事业,而且还要照顾高妈妈。对此,蔡… Undo 王菲才是真的在“用”爱马仕_Maison_专辑_Martin看曝光的造型和置景,浅浅猜测是在拍摄品牌广告。 1998年发行的《唱游》是晒伤妆鼻祖般的存在,但鲜少有人知道这本专辑的内页也无比前卫。所以即便现在Ann Demeulemeester… Undo 滞留太空一个多月 两名美国宇航员何时能“回家 ?”_空间站_国际_飞船威廉姆斯也是在空间站驻留时间最长的女宇航员,她曾一次驻留长达195天。在媒体电话会上,威廉姆斯说:“我有一种很好的感觉,这艘飞船会带我们回家。” 在空间站已经多住了一个月,两人额外消耗了空间站的食物和空气,这… Undo 韩素希首度公开回应恋情风波 直言“私生活不能影响工作”_柳俊烈_李惠利_韩媒搜狐娱乐讯 9月25日,据韩媒报道,韩剧《京城怪物2》发布会上,韩素希在被问到关于柳俊烈李惠利的事件时,首次在公开场合回应此事:“我觉得不能用我的个人私事,去干预我的工作。” 据悉,此前,柳俊烈与前女友李惠… Undo ' ' ' ' ' ' 香港网红爆“长期炮友”是她 本尊亲回应了_Coffee_马车_留言(其实马车一直都与Coffee有发展地下情,而且马车同Coffee是长期炮友,大家千万别告诉Coffee老公! 这帖文大部分人都当笑话,没想到吸引到Coffee本人到此帖留言亲自回应:“真的会有人信?为什么乱… Undo Craft means creating with curiosity, says agri-commodities digital platform founder Gerald TanGerald Tan, founder of a digital platform, believes that curiosity is essential for success in business. His approach focuses on creating unique experiences that resonate with consumers and drive engagement in the agri-commodities sector.UBS| SponsoredSponsored Read More Undo 10 Most Dangerous Buildings In The WorldWonderWorld| SponsoredSponsored Read More Undo 第一女优吴梦梦挺孕肚。直接上演华语首部激战片_内容_主题_恐惧吴梦梦坦言,这是她作为出资人和演员制作了这部电影。 现在,吴梦梦进军华语电影已经六年了,除了担任媒体制片人外,将来也欢迎有志的男女演员参加。 吴梦梦也呼吁粉丝们,一定要通过正规渠道支持,未来会努力制作,… Undo 醒醒吧,德雷蒙德·格林向勇士队发出 NSFW 警告_比赛_连败_斯蒂芬·库里更糟糕的是,格林和斯蒂芬·库里已经无法参加与火箭队的比赛,如果没有这两位球星,勇士队将面临巨大的挑战。 勇士队本赛季以 12 人轮换阵容开始比赛,这看起来是个好主意,因为他们一直在赢球,但当情况变得艰难时,… Undo 江西交警回应网传“一货车司机在服务区遭高速交警开罚单”:涉事车已多次触发疲劳驾驶预警,属重点风险车辆 Undo 趣谈唐宋八大家排名之争!用“现代人的思维”给他们重排座次_欧阳修_韩愈_苏轼所以,从文学造诣(单指散文)来看,唐宋八大家的名次是:韩愈、欧阳修、苏轼、柳宗元、王安石、苏辙、曾巩、苏洵。 所以,从影响力(名气)来看,唐宋八大家的名次是:韩愈、苏轼、欧阳修、柳宗元、苏洵、王安石… Undo 官宣!中部大省迎来新教育厅厅长_河南省_郑州_毛杰据河南省教育厅官方微信消息,11月30日上午,河南省教育厅召开干部会议,宣布省委决定:毛杰同志任省教育厅厅长、党组书记,省委教育工委副书记,宋争辉同志不再兼任省教育厅厅长、党组书记,省委教育工委副书记… Undo When you eat eggs every day, this is what happens to your bodyOMGIFacts| SponsoredSponsored Undo World's 10 Most Dangerous Buildings That'll Leave Your Hearts In Your MouthsWonderWorld| SponsoredSponsored Read More Undo 42岁大学副教授李佳逝世,同事:意外摔倒后受伤_经济学_讣告_包括据澎湃新闻报道,记者从上海理工大学管理学院金融系方面获悉,九三学社社员、上海理工大学管理学院金融系副教授李佳,因意外受伤抢救无效,于2024年10月20日21时11分在华山医院西院逝世,终年42岁。 10月2… Undo 奥黛丽.赫本的巨额遗产给了一个中国男人?看完此文我也有些云里雾里,不明真相,有知道的吗? Undo