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              <span id="js-rotating" class="morphext"><span class="animated fadeInDown">Mill Street Community Cafe from Guernsey was awarded: £50000</span></span>
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                    <h2>What we do</h2>
                  <p>Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands gives grants to charities helping disadvantaged people play a fuller role in the community. The Foundation also provides developmental support including mentoring, to help charities
                    to improve their resilience and sustainability. In 36 years, we have given almost £21m to Channel Islands charities. Our strategy is determined by our Board of Trustees, who meet three times each year to discuss and agree grant
                    applications. We support charities which demonstrate good governance and sustainable activities measured against identifiable outcomes. Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands is an independently registered charity funded
                    by the profits of Lloyds Banking Group.</p>
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                    <h2>Apply for Funding</h2>
                  <p>Find out if you are <a href="https://www.lloydsbankfoundationci.org.uk/Howtoapply.aspx">eligible to apply for a grant</a>. </p>
                  <p><br>Remaining 2023 grant deadline date: Thursday 21 September.</p>
                  <p><br>2024 grant deadline dates: Thursday 8 February, Thursday 23 May, and Thursday 26 September.</p><br>
                  <p> Please contact the Executive Director to discuss your grant request before completing the online grant application:<br>
                  </p> Jo Le Poidevin<br> Executive Director<br>
                  <a href="mailto:jlepoidevin@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk">
jlepoidevin@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk</a><br> 01481 706360 <p></p>
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                      <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic08.png" alt=""></a>
                        <h3>Liberate Guernsey, supporting Guernsey’s LBGTQ+ community</h3>
                        <strong> Liberate Guernsey is a small but influential charity that formed seven years ago with the aim of supporting the LGBTQ+ community, their family, friends, and workplaces. Their mission is to ensure that all LGBTQ+
                          people feel valued, included, and supported in the community, and to ensure everyone has a ‘place’ and voice. The charity also helps inform and educate the wider community on the discrimination and isolation that the LGBTQ+
                          community can face. </strong>
                        <strong> </strong>
                      <p> The grant went towards the salary of Liberate’s CEO, Ellie Jones, over two years. Ellie’s role in the charity is instrumental in ensuring that the charity delivers on its aims and purpose. Along with the day to day running
                        of the charity, Ellie delivers most of Liberate’s key services including: </p>
                      <ul class="default">
                        <li> Training and advice for organisations on inclusion and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people </li>
                        <li> Providing LGBTQ+ youth services across the Bailiwick </li>
                        <li> Liaising with many departments in the States of Guernsey to reform discriminatory policies and laws </li>
                        <li> Offering one to one support to LGBTQ+ people, their families and friends </li>
                        <li> Organising and promoting all of the work and groups that Liberate host </li>
                        <li> Organising and hosting inclusive events that celebrate the diversity that exists in our society </li>
                      <p> “We could not do what we do without the support of the grant that we have received from Lloyds Bank Foundation. The work we do is a full-time job, with the need for a focused professional team behind it. The funding from
                        LBFCI has helped us improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people here in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, ensuring that the next generation grow up in a fairer more inclusive society.” </p>
                      <p> Ellie Jones, CEO, Liberate </p>
                  <div class="6u 12u(mobile)">
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                      <a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic09.png" alt=""></a>
                        <h3>Jersey Women’s Refuge, the only independent domestic violence charity in Jersey</h3>
                      <p> Jersey Women’s Refuge is the only independent domestic violence charity in the island, and provides a 24-hour, confidential support service, as well as a safe house, for women and children suffering from abuse. </p>
                      <p> £35K grant for the provision of services and awareness raising. </p>
                      <p> The Foundation grant was unrestricted and used for multiple projects and initiatives. Primarily, it allowed Jersey Women’s Refuge to provide safe accommodation to 48 women and 28 children, with 82% feeling they achieved
                        positive outcomes and 87% saying they would be more confident to seek support. More than 100 women were supported through the charity’s helpline and 21 children on a 1:1 basis. The grant was also used to deliver self
                        development group work, helping women to reflect on their experiences. This is a critical step along the path of breaking what might be a cycle of toxic relationships. </p>
                      <p> A domestic abuse awareness radio campaign raised awareness of domestic abuse and the support services available. The charity was able to support the multi-agency annual domestic abuse campaign in nine different schools with
                        the Expect Respect programme for children and young people. In 2021, 107 educational talks reached more than 1,000 people. This included educational sessions for children, young people and professionals to help them identify
                        cases of domestic abuse and know where to refer them. </p>
                      <p> “Despite the many challenges that 2021 brought, from Covid restrictions to staff shortages, we were able to achieve the goals we had set ourselves thanks to the funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation. We focused on raising
                        public awareness of the services we provide and the issues related to domestic abuse through two campaigns. We also reached out to young people in schools to talk about respect and toxic relationships. Feedback from those
                        accessing our services reported increased confidence, self-esteem and feeling empowered, and we are grateful for the support of the Foundation enabling us to achieve so much.” </p>
                      <p> Marine Oliveira, Service Manager </p>
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                  <h2>Dates for your diary</h2>
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                    <li><span class="date">Jan<strong>01</strong></span>
                      <h3><a href="https://www.lloydsbankfoundationci.org.uk/news.aspx">Introducing an Outcomes Based Accountability Approach for your Charity </a></h3>
                      <p>AKA how to measure the difference your charity makes - dates 17 Jan-8 Feb</p>
                    <li><span class="date">Jan<strong>01</strong></span>
                      <h3><a href="https://www.lloydsbankfoundationci.org.uk/Howtoapply.aspx">2024 Grant Deadlines</a></h3>
                      <p>8 February - 23 May - 26 September</p>
                    <li><span class="date">Feb<strong>08</strong></span>
                      <h3><a href="https://www.lloydsbankfoundationci.org.uk/Howtoapply.aspx">2024 Grant Deadline</a></h3>
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                  <h2>How to find us</h2>
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                <ul class="contact">
                    <p> Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands<br> 1 Smith Street,<br> St Peter Port, Guernsey.<br> GY1 4BD </p>
                    <p><a href="mailto:jlepoidevin@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk">jlepoidevin@lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk</a></p>
                    <p>01481 706360</p>
                    <p>Join the Foundation's <br><a href="http://eepurl.com/du6qZX">mailing list</a></p>
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                  <li>© 2017 Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands. All rights reserved. Registered Charity Number 327113. Company Limited by Guarantee 1971241. <br> Association of Guernsey Charities (AGC). Membership Number 136 .&nbsp;
                    Registered office: Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL.<br> Please read our <a href="PrivacyNotice.aspx">Privacy Notice and Cookie Policy</a>.</li>
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Mill Street Community Cafe from Guernsey was awarded: £50000


Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands gives grants to charities helping
disadvantaged people play a fuller role in the community. The Foundation also
provides developmental support including mentoring, to help charities to improve
their resilience and sustainability. In 36 years, we have given almost £21m to
Channel Islands charities. Our strategy is determined by our Board of Trustees,
who meet three times each year to discuss and agree grant applications. We
support charities which demonstrate good governance and sustainable activities
measured against identifiable outcomes. Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel
Islands is an independently registered charity funded by the profits of Lloyds
Banking Group.


Find out if you are eligible to apply for a grant.

Remaining 2023 grant deadline date: Thursday 21 September.

2024 grant deadline dates: Thursday 8 February, Thursday 23 May, and Thursday 26

Please contact the Executive Director to discuss your grant request before
completing the online grant application:

Jo Le Poidevin
Executive Director
01481 706360




Liberate Guernsey is a small but influential charity that formed seven years ago
with the aim of supporting the LGBTQ+ community, their family, friends, and
workplaces. Their mission is to ensure that all LGBTQ+ people feel valued,
included, and supported in the community, and to ensure everyone has a ‘place’
and voice. The charity also helps inform and educate the wider community on the
discrimination and isolation that the LGBTQ+ community can face.

The grant went towards the salary of Liberate’s CEO, Ellie Jones, over two
years. Ellie’s role in the charity is instrumental in ensuring that the charity
delivers on its aims and purpose. Along with the day to day running of the
charity, Ellie delivers most of Liberate’s key services including:

 * Training and advice for organisations on inclusion and acceptance of LGBTQ+
 * Providing LGBTQ+ youth services across the Bailiwick
 * Liaising with many departments in the States of Guernsey to reform
   discriminatory policies and laws
 * Offering one to one support to LGBTQ+ people, their families and friends
 * Organising and promoting all of the work and groups that Liberate host
 * Organising and hosting inclusive events that celebrate the diversity that
   exists in our society

“We could not do what we do without the support of the grant that we have
received from Lloyds Bank Foundation. The work we do is a full-time job, with
the need for a focused professional team behind it. The funding from LBFCI has
helped us improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people here in the Bailiwick of Guernsey,
ensuring that the next generation grow up in a fairer more inclusive society.”

Ellie Jones, CEO, Liberate


Jersey Women’s Refuge is the only independent domestic violence charity in the
island, and provides a 24-hour, confidential support service, as well as a safe
house, for women and children suffering from abuse.

£35K grant for the provision of services and awareness raising.

The Foundation grant was unrestricted and used for multiple projects and
initiatives. Primarily, it allowed Jersey Women’s Refuge to provide safe
accommodation to 48 women and 28 children, with 82% feeling they achieved
positive outcomes and 87% saying they would be more confident to seek support.
More than 100 women were supported through the charity’s helpline and 21
children on a 1:1 basis. The grant was also used to deliver self development
group work, helping women to reflect on their experiences. This is a critical
step along the path of breaking what might be a cycle of toxic relationships.

A domestic abuse awareness radio campaign raised awareness of domestic abuse and
the support services available. The charity was able to support the multi-agency
annual domestic abuse campaign in nine different schools with the Expect Respect
programme for children and young people. In 2021, 107 educational talks reached
more than 1,000 people. This included educational sessions for children, young
people and professionals to help them identify cases of domestic abuse and know
where to refer them.

“Despite the many challenges that 2021 brought, from Covid restrictions to staff
shortages, we were able to achieve the goals we had set ourselves thanks to the
funding from Lloyds Bank Foundation. We focused on raising public awareness of
the services we provide and the issues related to domestic abuse through two
campaigns. We also reached out to young people in schools to talk about respect
and toxic relationships. Feedback from those accessing our services reported
increased confidence, self-esteem and feeling empowered, and we are grateful for
the support of the Foundation enabling us to achieve so much.”

Marine Oliveira, Service Manager


   AKA how to measure the difference your charity makes - dates 17 Jan-8 Feb
   8 February - 23 May - 26 September



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   Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands
   1 Smith Street,
   St Peter Port, Guernsey.
   GY1 4BD


   01481 706360

 * Join the Foundation's
   mailing list

 * © 2017 Lloyds Bank Foundation for the Channel Islands. All rights reserved.
   Registered Charity Number 327113. Company Limited by Guarantee 1971241.
   Association of Guernsey Charities (AGC). Membership Number 136 .  Registered
   office: Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL.
   Please read our Privacy Notice and Cookie Policy.

 * What we do
 * Our People
 * Chair's review of 2022
 * Other Foundations
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 * Covid-19 Emergency Fund

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