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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submission: On July 19 via api from US — Scanned from DE
TLS certificate: Issued by DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 202... on March 15th 2024. Valid for: a year.
This is the only time jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io was scanned on urlscan.io!
urlscan.io Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
2 | 2606:50c0:800... 2606:50c0:8002::153 | 54113 (FASTLY) (FASTLY) | |
31 | | 786 (JANET Jis...) (JANET Jisc Services Limited) | |
33 | 2 |
ASN786 (JANET Jisc Services Limited, GB)
PTR: studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
31 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk |
2 MB |
2 |
jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io |
22 KB |
33 | 2 |
Domain | Requested by | |
31 | studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk |
2 | jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io | |
33 | 2 |
This site contains no links.
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
*.github.io DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1 |
2024-03-15 - 2025-03-14 |
a year | crt.sh |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk GEANT OV RSA CA 4 |
2024-04-08 - 2025-04-13 |
a year | crt.sh |
This page contains 1 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: 23D0FC5FEF2D4365355A6E71A9C383BF
Requests: 33 HTTP requests in this frame
Page Title
Academic RecordsDetected technologies
GitHub Pages (CDN) ExpandDetected patterns
- ^https?://[^/]+\.github\.io
Page Statistics
0 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
33 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io/ |
154 KB 16 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
1 MB 1 MB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
2 KB 3 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
17 KB 17 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
11 KB 11 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
2 KB 3 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
453 KB 454 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
86 KB 87 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
44 KB 44 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
138 KB 138 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
26 KB 26 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
242 KB 242 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
40 KB 40 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
3 KB 4 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
6 KB 6 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
44 KB 45 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
27 KB 27 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
718 B 1 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
31 KB 31 KB |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
5 KB 6 KB |
image/gif |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
431 B 793 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
574 B 936 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
957 B 1 KB |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
373 B 735 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
679 B 1 KB |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
419 B 781 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
644 B 1006 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
638 B 1000 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
424 B 786 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
443 B 805 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
9 KB 9 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
studentadmin.manchester.ac.uk/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
380 B 742 B |
image/svg+xml |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io/cs/CSPROD/cache/ |
9 KB 5 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
1009 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
number| totalTimeoutMilliseconds number| warningTimeoutMilliseconds string| timeOutURL string| timeoutWarningPageURL string| sRCRequestURL string| winName string| baseKey_win4 string| altKey_win4 string| ctrlKey_win4 string| saveWarningKeys_win4 string| sMDWrapperStyle string| refererURL boolean| isNewSaveWarn boolean| bFMode string| strCurrUrl string| bIncInNavigation string| szPinCrefID string| szPinCrefReg string| szPinCrefLabel string| szCrefID string| szCrefReged string| szCrefVisible string| szCrefLabel string| szCrefUsageType object| localNodes object| remoteUrls string| szCalendarType string| szMenuSrchText string| modalBackUrl string| modalBackAlt string| sPopupTitle string| modalCloseUrl string| modalCloseAlt string| modalResizeUrl string| modalResizeAlt string| modalMoveAlt object| scrollFieldListOld object| scrollFieldList object| agGroupletList object| groupletList function| PT_createStandardObjects function| PT_console boolean| bSessionStorage function| PT_browserInfo function| PT_common function| isClass function| removeClass function| addClass function| toggleClass function| PT_RC function| GetRCTgtContent function| OpenRCService function| onRCService function| PT_LONGEDIT_COUNTER object| ptLongEditCounter function| adjustHt function| setScrollIntoView function| doCfgSrchScroll function| ChangeElementProp function| DoReturnToList function| ExpandSearchSidePanel function| CollapseSearchSidePanel function| ShowMoreFacetValues2 function| ShowMoreFacetValues function| ShowLessFacetValues function| ShowMoreTreeFacetValues function| ShowLessTreeFacetValues function| updatePntlBtnState function| toggleTooltip function| updatePanelBtnHref function| doMSearchModCancel function| setSearchContentInModal function| isSide1PanellCntlExpanded function| PT_Search function| getYScroll function| getXScroll function| ptLoadingStatus_empty function| positionWAIT_empty function| keepObjTopRight function| positionHP_WAIT function| searchProcessing object| browserInfoObj2 object| ptCommonObj2 object| ptConsole2 object| ptRC2 object| ptSearchObj number| gSrchRsltPageNum object| srchUrls number| j object| ptEvent object| ptUtil function| isFModeLayout function| isTopFModeLayout function| isClassicPlus function| setCkeditorFiveUpdatedFlag function| resetCkeditorFiveUpdatedFlag function| getTargetFrame function| printThis function| CopyUrlToClipboard function| isFluidNavCollection function| isPureAG function| updateBrowserTitle function| isMAF function| updatePageTitle function| displayPageTitle function| GetPageTitleString function| hasRoleHeading function| isHTML function| GetPageTitleClassic function| exceptionMessageStack function| exceptionMessageStackZ function| exceptionMessageTileZ function| getErrTile function| setErrTileMessage function| htmlDecode function| getFormFactorFromCookie function| clearSessionStorageKey function| EscapeJSString function| hasIdAppLabel function| getNumberofRTEInstances function| versionInfo function| detectDoctype function| PT_Dialog function| showModal function| setModlessWinParent function| setModWinParent function| showModalDialog_pt function| setAllMask function| resizeModalDialog_pt function| resizeModalAll function| hideModal function| closeHideModal function| closeModalAll function| closeModal function| closeModal0 function| closeLastModal function| isMsgModal function| isAnyModal function| autoCloseTypeAhead function| autoCloseGridSort function| doCloseLocalModals function| checkRemoveModeless function| autoClose0 function| autoClose function| autoCloseTop function| setLocalModal function| getLastModalWin function| isLastLocalModal function| getLastLocalModal function| doCloseModalDialogAll function| storeModalParentId function| setFocusOnModalClose function| doCloseModal function| doCloseModal0 function| getFirstParentWin function| getFirstModObj function| getModObjHeight function| getModObjHeaderHeight function| addMsg function| isAnyMsg function| playMsg function| isLastMsgModal function| isLastCalModal function| isLastTimeoutMsgModal function| setFocusFModeMsgModal function| addDivPopup function| isAnyDivPopup function| playDivPopup function| showModalMessage function| closeMsg function| isModeless function| isWinModeless function| getModlessWinCnt function| setModlessWinCnt function| setModalDialogBack function| setModalDialogTitle function| getModalDialogTitle function| MTop function| getPTDialog function| CloseRCFModal function| isModalPage function| PT_isModalDialogPresent function| PT_GetTopmostModalDialogIdCount function| PT_GetModalDialog function| PT_isNodeInModalDialog function| PT_handleTabKeyForModalDialog function| PT_isAnyDialogVisible function| getContextRoot function| getptBaseURI function| getptBaseURIFromUrl function| post_to_url function| OpenCrefInUniNav function| openSrchRsltURL function| loadSuggestionSearch function| checkProcessing function| ptsProcessing function| doKeyEnter function| setFocusToHtmlElemId object| pm function| IWCRecord object| glObjTr function| getScrollXY function| lastChildValid function| firstChildValid function| setRAActionUrl function| getRelatedActions function| isOutside function| removeRelatedActionsImage function| showRelatedActionsImage function| setRelActionsElemValue function| setRAElemValue function| processRelatedActionsResponse function| processOneSrchRsltRAResponse function| getCurrPagePersSrch function| setupRelatedActions function| getSrchRsltRelatedActions function| getGblSrchPageNum function| getOneSrchRsltRelatedActions function| getAllRelatedActions function| isWorkCenter function| isWorkCenterDashboard function| isWorkList function| isPIAUrl function| isPIAComponentUrl function| isPIAHtmlTempalteTarget function| isPortalUrl function| isPortalHomagPageUrl function| isInFrame function| isPIAPagelet function| isHostWinPIA function| isHostWinPortal function| getPortalName function| getNodeName function| getPortalNodePart function| getPSHome0 function| 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function| clearSessionStorageRemote function| fixUpBackButton function| FixupBackToClassicSearch function| updClassicHistory function| _updClassicHistory function| genUserQsParams function| setQsParams function| genUserPostParams function| getHistoryObjectFromStr function| getHistoryObject function| historyNode function| PT_Stack function| clearHistory function| clearHistoryInternal function| resetHistory function| ClickAndHold function| GetAllHistory function| mergeUserQsParams function| removeUserQueryString function| _readHistoryRequestProcessor function| _readHistoryResultProcessor function| _CorsHistoryTansactionAfterReadProcessed function| _writeHistoryRequestProcessor function| _writeHistoryResultProcessor function| _CorsHistoryTansactionAfterWriteProcessed function| isUrlBelongToSameOrigin function| _getReferrerFromPsBack function| _isNeedRemoteCrossOriginSynchronize function| _getCurrentWindowPtHistory function| _localHistoryTransation function| _localCrossOriginHistoryTransation function| _remoteCrossOriginHistoryTransation function| _shouldIgnoreHistoryTransaction function| _isBackButtonCompatibleMode function| corsHistoryTansaction function| _writeHistoryToRemoteResultProcessor function| _postBackHistoryMessageResultProcessor function| _deleteRemoteHistoryResultProcessor function| writeHistoryToTop function| getPSIFrameContentWindow function| historyProcessHandler object| pnWebsocketobjs object| pnSubscriptionFilters function| getSiteName function| OpenAsynConnection function| SetupWebSocket function| OnWebSocketOpen function| OnWebSocketClose function| OnWebSocketMessage function| OnWebSocketError function| setHTMLElementValue function| getHTMLElementValue function| SendWebSocketMessage function| PnWindowSubscribe function| UpdatePNUI function| IWCServerEvent function| IWCSubscribeServerEvents function| ServerPushEventHandler function| GetJSONObjectValue function| UpdatePIAUI function| Subscribe function| SubscribeCollection function| SetSubscriptionFilter function| AddSubscriptionFilter function| ApplySubscriptionFilter function| IsPNEnabled function| initializeRemoteNodes function| setRemoteWebSocket function| isAlreadyLoggedIn function| sendAjaxRequest function| selectTab function| doTabNav object| backNavigation object| cookieObject object| remoteDataGetter function| exceptionMessage function| callbackOnDelay_empty function| callback_end_empty function| initialize_empty function| handler object| events function| handle function| PTRTE_CheckImages object| ptDialog function| currentHistoryProcessListener object| CorsHistoryTansactionListeners function| WaitingObjRec object| net2 function| GotoURL function| MoveCke5ScriptsToHeader function| DestroyCke5Fields function| PTRTEFillcacheCke5 function| getPSPageInfo function| ptPgltWarn function| pgltWarningOff function| saveWarning2 function| saveWarning function| saveWarningEvent function| setAnchorAndFocus function| setAnchor function| checkAnyFrameChanged function| checkFrameChanged function| checkRteChanged function| checkFormChanged function| ignoreChg function| isChanged function| setupTimeoutMac function| setLastAccessTime function| getLastAccessTime function| clearTimers function| setupTimeout2 function| clearupTimeout2 function| displayTimeoutMsg2 function| isWCDashboard function| displayTimeoutWarningMsg2 function| getForm function| getLoginCookieValue function| getPSLoginCookieValue function| isLoginError function| isSignout function| isSessionLoggedout function| isIE function| isMAC function| addExtraParamEvent function| addExtraParam function| psConfirmSW function| getFrameCurrUrl function| psConfirm2 function| psConfirmClassic function| psConfirmFluid function| abnClearData function| getMainPopupObject function| isCrossDomain function| isCrossDomainTop function| pingServer function| displayTimeoutWarningFluid function| clearAutoSaveTimer function| resetAutoSave function| UpdateDeviceCookie function| setDeviceCookie function| getCookie function| getJSONCookie function| updatePTCookie function| getFormFactorSize function| getFormFactorFromURL function| applyFormFactor function| ptMAFContainer function| ptDeviceFeatures function| foundClosestTag function| disableInteractionDuringProcessing function| getPgltTopY function| setSaveText_win4 function| processing_win4 function| isAltKey function| isCtrlKey function| isShiftKey function| getKeyCode function| cancelBubble function| isPromptKey function| getEventTarget function| getModifiers function| mouseoverHotkeyHandler object| keys function| findNewList function| findFirstInList function| findLastInList function| findNextInList function| findListParent function| isTablet function| isPhone function| isTouchDevice function| keyHandlerRAActionMenu function| doKeyDown_win4 function| getLastKey_win4 function| doKeyUp_win4 function| delPageBarAndTabs function| extractFilename function| enableUpload function| enableMultiUpload function| activeLink function| findHandler function| keyHandler function| keyHandler_win4 function| doDeleteKey_win4 function| doInsertKey_win4 function| findScroll function| findScrollarea function| isOnClickCancelBubble number| nFirstTBIndex number| nFirstPgIndex function| checkTabIndex function| setEventHandlers_win4 function| setFocus_win4 function| findFocusableElement function| canFocus function| tryFocusNew function| tryFocus0New function| tryFocus function| tryFocus0 function| setFocusSecPageMessage_win4 function| delayFocus function| keyPressHandler function| UpdateEditorLinkedField function| positionWAIT_win4 function| isGridEl function| getGridRowID function| getNextSibling function| getPrevSibling function| isMoreThanOneGridRow function| isGridNav function| initTypeAheadEl function| removeOccursNum function| isTypeAheadEvtTgt function| isTypeAheadEl function| isTypeAheadField function| GenerateABN function| UpdateBreadCrumbs function| GetDomData function| GenerateFakeBC function| bcUpdateForPTF function| preSubmitWorkCenter_win4 function| preSubmitCheckWorkCenter_win4 function| preSubmitProcessSpellcheck_win4 function| preSubmitProcessCKEDITOR_win4 function| preSubmitProcess_win4 function| isLoaderInProcess function| aAction0_win4 function| pAction_win4 function| mAction_win4 function| getRowElement function| getActionParam function| changeKeyList_win4 function| updateFromPrompt_win4 function| updateFromInPrompt_win4 function| doModalURL function| doModeless function| doTransfer function| doModlessOnLoad_win4 function| doModal function| setWinParent_win4 function| setModWinParentPIA function| doCancelMsg function| isModalCancel function| getCancelId function| doCancel function| closeModWin_win4 function| onParentUnload_win4 function| doModalOnLoad_win4 function| doUpdateParent function| doModalMFormSubmit_win4 function| doModalMFormClose_win4 function| doUpdateFirstParent function| resizeZoomGrid function| AgPostMessage function| goToServer_Ch string| bIsPagelet_win4 object| ptTAObj_win4 function| CreateRCMenu4PVG function| doFolder function| findFirstTab function| findLastTab function| doTabNavExt function| InvokeFieldChange_win4 string| TOOLS_RETURN function| isZoom function| isChangedForAutosave function| getAutoSaveButton function| isAutoSaveEnabled function| getICAutoSave function| submitSave function| autoSave function| DoEmbedGroupletSave function| isButton function| isDialog function| isRowAct function| updateWindowTitleFromFakeBC function| DisplayNUIRCMenu_win4 function| DisplayNUIRCMenu function| TransferImageUrl function| MoveImgUrlToCkeditorInstance function| generateNewwinURL_CKE5 function| OpenUploadDialogue function| SetRowActions function| RunSearch function| UpdateClassicStyle function| CustomSearchGeneration function| pts_loadsearchmenu function| callbackOnDelay_win4 function| callback_end_win4 function| initialize_win4 function| showhide function| doKeyPress_win4 function| setKeyEventHandler_win4 function| routeKeyEvent function| checkAccessKeys function| ResetGlyph_win4 function| setPageletInfoInCtxmenu_win4 function| PT_typeahead function| InvokePageAppCls function| IsRCFConfigured4PVG function| InvokeAppClsService_win4 function| PSwarning_win4 function| PSdeferWarning_win4 function| PSerror_win4 function| PSdeferError_win4 function| PSshowDeferredMsg_win4 function| PSclearError_win4 function| PSmessageSubst_win4 function| FindString_win4 function| DeleteCheck_win4 function| DeleteCheck2_win4 function| AddMultiple_win4 function| initVars_win4 function| moveFocus_win4 function| doFocus_win4 function| doFocusMac_win4 function| doReqField_win4 function| addchg_win4 function| doEdits_win4 function| resetChange function| historyUpdated_win4 function| subscrollUpdated_win4 function| isReasonableDate_win4 function| isYN_win4 function| isNumOnly_win4 function| isNumeric_win4 function| isTime_win4 function| isDateTime_win4 function| isDate_win4 function| checkType_win4 function| getDateRegExpStr function| getTimeRegExpStr function| getDate function| checkTime function| checkDateTime function| formatDate function| pt_formatDate function| padout function| setSelectElemOptions_win4 object| UmmAlQura function| GregorianToJulian function| JulianToGregorian function| HijriToJulian function| JulianToHijri function| getHijriMonthDays function| HijriDate function| psAlert function| psComfirm object| HijriLeapYearCycle object| HijriDayTable function| loadChart function| loadBarChart function| loadPieChart function| goTwitter function| createTwitter function| transferAnimationIn function| transferAnimationIn2 function| transferAnimationOut function| slideV function| slideH string| workerURL number| nMaxWorkers object| workers object| groupletQueue object| groupletNodes number| nWaitMSecFrame function| initGroupletNodes function| sleep function| checkGroupletNode function| processGroupletNode function| updateGroupletNode function| initWorkers function| initWorkerControllerTimer function| clearWorkerTimer function| refreshGrouplets function| refreshGrouplet function| doReloadOnMessage function| getGrouletIndexById function| getAGGrouletIndexById function| loadExtGrouplet function| isFrameReady function| DoGroupletAutoSize function| DoGroupletAutoSizeAll function| DoGroupletAutoSizeAll0 function| freeWorker function| loadGrouplet function| doGrouplet function| anyLiveTiles function| eventMsgCallback function| DoReloadGrouplets function| LaunchTileURL function| reloadGrouplets function| loadGrouplets function| addToPSTOOLSHIDDENS function| moveGroup function| clearCustomGroup function| getGroupletId function| getGroupletParentId function| setGroupletActiveById function| setGroupletInactiveById function| setGroupletActive function| setGroupletInactive function| reloadGroupletById function| reloadAGGroupletById function| clearBackButtonFlag function| LaunchURL function| SingleComponentAGStep function| AddMDSystemParams function| ResizeTargetIFrame function| DoTargetIFrame function| DoAJAXTransfer function| keyHandlerRAMenu function| expandMenu function| backMenu function| resetMenu function| ptSetFavIcon function| setScrollStyle function| clearScrollStyle function| clearAllScrollStyle function| isScrollable function| initScrolls0 function| initScrolls function| updateScrollFieldList function| IsAutoResize function| carouselInit function| carouselLeft function| carouselRight function| doScroll function| initAllGrids function| gridInit function| getScrollContentContainer function| scrollInitDivPopup function| scrollInit function| isVScroll function| isHScroll function| resetScroll function| doOnScroll function| showTrack function| hideTrack function| scrollingStart function| scrolling function| scrollingEnd function| IsAppendScroll function| GetLazyScrollObj function| doLazyScroll function| OnRowAction function| selectAllRows function| setRowSelected function| setRowSelectedAll function| selectGridTab function| initDropdowns function| setDropDown function| isTriggerField function| DoRowSelect function| onClickRadio function| setRowSelectedAllRadio function| doCtrlClick function| doRadioOuterClick function| doRadioClick function| setOutline function| clearOutline function| setOutlineTimer function| setOutlineTrigger function| ptDisableHiddenRadio function| toggleGroup function| ResizeAccordions function| ResizeSide1Accordion function| expandAccMD function| expandAcc function| expandHAcc function| expandParent function| isAccessibleLayout function| hidePtWrapper function| unhidePtWrapper function| clearTargetGroupBox function| hasClass function| replaceClass function| getPageFormName function| getObjFromContainer function| removeStateAttr function| addStateAttr function| removeHide function| addHide function| isHidden function| removeInvisible function| addInvisible function| isInvisible function| removeClose function| addClose function| isClose function| isSelected function| addSelected function| removeSelected function| isDisabled function| addDisabled function| removeDisabled function| removeOn function| addOn function| isOn function| isDraggable function| isDroppable function| setAriaAttr function| setAttr function| setTitle function| getGridTabClass function| isTouchKeyboard function| cleanupCalendar function| isPSPhone function| isIPhone function| isIPhoneInModal function| isPSTablet function| isIPad function| isIPadInModal function| isIOS function| bypassIOSFrameWrknd function| isAndroid function| isRTL function| isMDMode function| isAGMode function| isMDListPopup function| isMDListAccordion function| isMDListSlideOut function| isSUOW function| isSingleComponentAG function| isMDGuided function| isAjaxTrf function| getHTMLObjectByClass function| getHTMLObjectByAttrVal function| getHTMLObject function| getLayerXY function| doAppKeyEnter function| DoTabbing function| doClickModelessCloseButton function| ptCloseConfirmation function| ptSetConfirmationMessage function| SetTargetFocus function| SetMainContentFocus function| isSide1FullScreen function| isSide2FullScreen function| showPromptCriteria function| openIOSAttachment function| psAnnounceText function| psAnnounceText0 function| psPostText function| doCloseKeyboard function| changeImage function| ptUpdateMyPrefContext function| ptActionListItem function| ptAddJSActionListEntry function| ptRemoveAllJSActionList function| ptRemoveJSActionListEntry function| iOSIframeUpdate function| AddIOSHasStdIframe function| showKeyFieldsOnly function| changeOperator function| SearchPageOpen function| SearchPageClose function| SearchPageInModal function| SearchPageInFullSreen function| DoSearch function| DoSearchCancel function| selectSearchTab function| DoBackToSearch function| DoBackToSearch0 function| toggleGBLSearchTray function| closeGBLSearchTray function| closeSide1FullScreen function| openSide1FullScreen function| disableSide1 function| clearSide1Bottom function| enableSide2 function| selectSide2Tab function| toggleTwoChildGroups function| toggleSideTab function| closeSidePanel function| openSidePanel function| syncSideTabAria function| toggle2PanelTab function| expandSideTab function| DoMDListPopup function| DoRowAction function| updateBackMDUrl function| SetSearchSelectedRow function| SetCurSelectedRow function| removeRowSelected function| SetSearchStatus function| SetSearchPrevNext function| SetPrevNext function| SetAGAction function| DoPrevInList function| DoPrevInList0 function| DoNextInList function| DoNextInList0 function| SetSideTopTitle function| SetSideBottomTitle function| SetSide1TabButtonLabel function| SetMDListSlideOutTitles function| showInterCollision function| delayPanelTabFocus function| openCollision function| closeCollision function| toggleCollisionTab function| createInterHeaderStructure function| updateTitleFromSide1 function| getTextNodesIn function| mediaQListernerEnabled function| mediaQHandler function| DoPin function| generateNewwinURL function| DoNewWindowFL function| initHelp function| HideActionHelp function| DoHelp function| DoHome function| DoLogout function| DoNavBar function| SetPageTitle function| doPopupRequest function| isPopupRequest function| displayPopup function| processRCMenuPopup function| uploadFile function| scrollCloudListL function| scrollCloudListR function| FileAttachment function| loadAttachment function| AddFileToArray function| CloudAttachFile function| setUserLanguageISO function| getUserLanguageISO function| isJSLoaded function| getThemePortal object| PTNavBar object| PTNavBarNavigator object| PT_DND function| SetDNDGestures function| PT_TouchDND function| doSwipeDown function| doSwipeUp function| doSwipeLeft function| doSwipeRight function| doTap function| doTapAndHold function| doDoubleTap function| isTouchDisbled object| touchDND function| setPSTouchHandler function| setPSTouchHandlerDoc function| setPSTouchHandlerDraggbles function| doDragStart function| doDragOver function| doDragEnter function| doDragLeave function| doDrag function| doDragEnd function| doDrop function| DragStartHandler function| DragOverHandler function| DragEnterHandler function| DragLeaveHandler function| DragHandler function| DragEndHandler function| DropHandler function| isValidSource function| GetObjPos function| TouchStartHandler function| TouchMoveHandler function| TouchEndHandler function| TouchCancelHandler function| StartDragAccessible function| EndDragAccessible function| CancelDragAccessible object| ptTileUtil function| autoResizeDiv function| autoResizeThis function| autoResizeFrame function| ptRcvDocSize object| ptDialogLocal function| onorientationchange number| precision number| dPercision function| sendEvent function| setMouseEventHandler function| PTRTEFillcache function| replaceImageSource function| updateTextArea function| getCaretPos function| setCaretPos function| saveTALostFocus function| typeAheadPositionTopClear function| isTypeHeadeNew boolean| bCleanHtml string| postUrl_win4 function| aAction_win4 function| submitAction_win4 function| loadMAF function| readMAFDeviceToken function| onSuccess function| onFail function| UpdateMAFToken function| UpdatePushNDetail function| sendMAFAjaxRequest object| adf object| PTQABWin function| DoQABpopup function| setQABKeyHandler function| QABKeyHandler function| setQABpopupfocus function| closeQABPopup function| closeQABProcessing function| toggleQABPopup function| PTS_SearchUI object| ptsSearchUIObj function| PT_ToastMsg object| PT_Toast object| PTPinTo function| findActionListContainer string| PPM_url function| PopupPPMConsole string| pt_calHeadstyle string| pt_calWeekHeadstyle function| dateitemrefs function| LoadCalendar function| DatePrompt0_win4 function| onLoadExt_win4 number| nMaxSavedStates string| sHistURL boolean| bHtml5Doc boolean| bDefer boolean| bLoadCompleted object| referrerParts object| contentUrlParts object| urlParts1 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
Domain/Path | Expires | Name / Value |
jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io/ | Name: psback Value: %22%22url%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fstudentadmin.manchester.ac.uk%2Fpsc%2FCSPROD_4%2FEMPLOYEE%2FSA%2Fc%2FSSR_STUDENT_ACAD_REC_FL.SSR_MD_ACAD_REC_FL.GBL%3Fpage%3DSCC_MD_TGT_PAGE_FL%22%20%22label%22%3A%22Academic%20Records%22%20%22origin%22%3A%22PIA%22%20%22layout%22%3A%221%22%20%22refurl%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fjamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.github.io%2F%22%22 |
3 Console Messages
A page may trigger messages to the console to be logged. These are often error messages about being unable to load a resource or execute a piece of JavaScript. Sometimes they also provide insight into the technology behind a website.
Source | Level | URL Text |
Security Headers
This page lists any security headers set by the main page. If you want to understand what these mean and how to use them, head on over to this page
Header | Value |
Strict-Transport-Security | max-age=31556952 |
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.