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Mobile: 3072775569


Over the years, our team has earned an unparalleled reputation for
professionalism, savvy, and knowledge about Casper’s real estate market. We’ve
helped thousands of home buyers, sellers, and investors find the perfect
property for their needs, and are confident that we can help you, too.

As our team has grown, we’ve put our heads together to develop systems that
streamline our service. The results are unwavering care for our clients and
firsthand market expertise for our agents. Our shared values and work ethic get
results, and for you, that means ending up with a home you love! We believe that
having a good team at your disposal makes navigating the real estate process
easier, and we’ve worked hard to become that team.

Our team started our own independent firm after becoming the #1 producing team
in the #1 producing office in Casper. In 2018, 2019, and 2020, we received the
Best Agent award in the Casper Star-Tribune Reader’s Choice Awards. We then
received #1 Firm in 2021 and 2022. What’s more, our team was recognized as 5th
in the Country for customer service by Zillow in 2018.

In 2021, we sold $92 million in real estate across 360 transactions, and our
houses spent less time on the market than houses listed by comparable firms. Our
team of experienced, full-time agents is ready to walk you through the process
of buying the perfect home or selling your existing property for the best price.

But don’t just take our word for it – take a look at our testimonials! We
genuinely care and are here to help you. Whether we can help you buy and sell
real estate, become an active or passive investor, help educate you in all
things real estate related or help you get into real estate as a career, don’t
hesitate to connect with us. Get in touch today via phone or email!


 * Casper 268
 * Mills 57
 * Bar Nunn 7
 * Glenrock 21
 * Evansville 14

Lance Adams
Mobile: 3072775569
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For assistance call 307-462-2622 or text STOP to cancel.


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The Michael Houck Real Estate Team is Greater Casper's most innovative real
estate team.

The Michael Houck Real Estate Team
627 W. Yellowstone, Casper, WY 82601

Disclaimer: Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All properties are
subject to prior sale, change or withdrawal. The data relating to real estate on
this web site comes in part from the Wyoming MLS Internet Data Exchange Program.
Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than the listing office named
are marked with the Wyoming MLS IDX logo and detailed information about them
includes the name of the listing broker. The information being provided is for
consumers' personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose
other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in
purchasing. Data last updated: 2024-02-23T07:27:49.007.

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