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 * Optimization of the fiber production process
   Kruger aims to improve the fiber strength consistency by developing new
   approaches to reduce the negative impact on inconsistent recycled fiber
   quality caused by the variability of the fiber at the beginning of the
   process and understand how we can act effectively to optimize output. This
   will be followed by better predicting the output quality of the fiber to
   minimize production cost. This project will focus on implementing advanced
   predictive & prescriptive analytics supported by Machine Learning (ML), to
   predict and calibrate fiber quality to provide better quality control.
   Kruger Inc. (Mauricie)
   AI suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $2,7M
   Contribution: $750K

 * Development of hardwood optimization processes based on artificial
   intelligence with deep learning
   The project consists of developing optimizers to detect visual and geometric
   defects by using deep learning on images from our production lines for first
   and second raw wood transformation.
   J.M. Champeau Inc. (Eastern Townships)
   AI suppliers: Bid Group
   Project value:  $2,7M
   Contribution: $500K

 * Machine learning driven electronic media detection solution
   The scope of this project is to develop a machine learning driven electronic
   media detection algorithm. This detection solution will be integrated with
   our existing x-ray scanner technology for customers that are seeking
   automated detection assistance in order to protect ingress and egress of data
   bearing devices into / out of their facilities, which could pose a risk to
   data security. By automatically identifying and alerting the scanner operator
   of the potential presence of these devices, the tool reduces the dependence
   upon visual detection. This task can be incredibly challenging, particularly
   for smaller media devices (e.g. SD card, USB sticks, etc.).
   Voti Inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Explor.ai and Zetane
   Project value: $913K
   Contribution: $400K

 * Modernization of the Enviro-Connection Recovery (ECR) center
   The project consists of upgrading and automating our REC sorting center with
   intelligent robots to allow for greater operational flexibility and an
   increase in the volume, capture rate and quality of outgoing materials.
   Enviro Connexion. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Waste Robotics
   Project value: $1M
   Contribution: $350K

 * Intelligent automation of the scripting process for voice messages
   Compro, an innovative company in the field of voice messaging, wants to
   automate the process of writing voice message scripts. Largely thanks to
   natural language processing, Compro wants to automate the entire process,
   from the collection of production ideas to the automatic generation of
   scripts. This automation will reduce the pressure on editors and will allow
   them to focus on improving the written texts.
   Compro Communications. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI Supplier: Videns
   Project value: $346K
   Contribution: $145K

 * Prediction of infrastructure usage for maintenance optimization
   The aim of the project is to use alternative data to forecast facilities
   usage inside a public infrastructure to adapt maintenance scheduling in order
   to improve service levels while using less resources.
   P.E.A.C.E. plus maintenance inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Seed AI
   Project value: $163K
   Contribution: $75K

 * A self-learning solution that targets the best candidates
   The project aims to gain efficiency through autonomous sourcing. Concretely,
   the algorithms developed will identify and then analyze thousands of CVs
   contained in databases and to rank candidates for a given job description
   using AI.
   Emplois Compétences (Eastern Townships)
   AI suppliers: Airudi
   Project value: $249K
   Contribution: $95K

 * Integration of artificial intelligence in optical sorters
   Integration of deep learning in the automated sorting of a recyclable
   material stream to optimize the process.
   Machinex Inc (Centre-du-Québec)
   AI suppliers: Updata, INO 
   Project value: $2,6M
   Contribution: $1M

 * Dynamic scheduling of finishing operations and automation of dryers using
   artificial intelligence
   Promoting innovation as a business model, Boa-Franc wishes to implement
   artificial intelligence in its processes to optimize them. Boa-Franc’s first
   phase of the project is aimed at the dynamic scheduling of finishing
   operations. The second part of the project will focus on the automation of
   dryers, which will mainly deal with the automation of drying decisions and
   the dynamic scheduling of drying activities.
   Boa-Franc SENC (Chaudière-Appalaches)
   AI suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $2,2M
   Contribution: $1M

 * Self-programming of robots for surface treatments on landing gear parts
   Adaptation and deployment of an industrial grade perception and cognition
   platform allowing the use of industrial robots to apply complex surface
   treatment processes without requiring manual programming, off-line
   programming or even the use of part location templates. The artificial
   intelligence platform requires the modeling of each process, the creation of
   a virtual twin of each robotic cell and the modeling of the application
   constraints of each process. Finally, the objectives to be achieved for each
   part must also be defined. Automatic optimization by AI should exceed the
   performance of a human generated program.
   Héroux-Devtek (Montérégie)
   AI suppliers: Omnirobotic
   Project value: $2,5M
   Contribution: $800K

 * Optimization of the logistics network mileage
   Development and deployment of AI-Powered solution to optimize Cascades’
   logistic network. AI algorithms will evaluate millions of routes lasting from
   1 to 5 days. The tool is going to find the optimal routes that minimize empty
   mileage while respecting business and legislation constraints.
   Cascades Canada ULC (Centre-du-Québec)
   AI suppliers: IVADO Labs
   Project value: $2,1M
   Contribution: $1M

 * Sales price prediction
   The Osiris project consists of a series of insights generated via predictive
   models to dynamically estimate the selling price by analyzing several complex
   variables so that the Krōps Group’s sales departments can know the trends in
   the Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable market, as opposed to the current
   framework based on personal interpretation of available informal data. Osiris
   will be a revolution in the industry and will enable Krōps teams to generate
   value with suppliers, customers as well as the company itself.
   Krops Imports Inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Moov.AI
   Project value: $1,7M
   Contribution: $730K

 * AI Lift Model
   The ‘lift model’ that Wavo is developing is a machine learning model that,
   given a variety of data (social time-series metrics, music industry metrics,
   artist and track metrics), aims to quantify the incremental effect of Wavo’s
   advertising. We are building a lift model specific to the music industry that
   predicts the impact that marketing and advertising provide above native
   demand – ie, the increase in sales, listeners and other key performance
   indicators (KPIs) gained that would not have occurred without marketing
   WAVO.ME inc. (Montreal)
   Project value: $1,9M
   Contribution: $700K

 * AI assisted analysis of retinal imaging
   The project is for the development, deployment and enhancement of artificial
   intelligence (AI) assisted screening for vascular changes in the retina using
   retinal fundus photography and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). The use of
   these diagnostic instruments and software will allow optometry clinics to
   screen for various retinopathies with the goal of early detection. The
   objective is to build a model with 3 algorithms incorporating the specifics
   of the Quebec population, the methodology of the IRIS optometrists to grade
   retina images and the equipment used (Fundus and OCT) to predict, with high
   accuracy, the presence of a macular irregularity at the point of care, in a
   pre-test mode with a high level of confidence. For reference, pre-testing is
   a series of measurements taken by a technician, often using diagnostic
   equipment. These measurements are then transferred to the optometrist for
   interpretation prior to, during or after the patient appointment.
   IRIS Le Groupe Visuel (Laval)
   AI suppliers: edm
   Project value: $2,3M
   Contribution: $675K

 * Artificial intelligence for quality journalism
   The six AI-based initiatives will point to sales, ad placement sales,
   readership lifecycle study, front page recommendations and automatic news
   generation to enable quality journalism.
   La Presse (2018) inc. (Montreal)
   Project value: $1,6M
   Contribution: $460K

 * Manufacturing tasks powered by predictive and prescriptive models
   The solution aims to maximize the production of compliant products by
   optimizing the use of human and machine resources (robots/automats). The
   connected data will be exploited by predictive and prescriptive models
   allowing greater flexibility on the temporal layout of the tasks. The
   solution includes tool life prediction for exotic materials such as Inconel,
   where tool life usually behaves stochastically. These predictions will then
   feed the control system.
   APN Inc. (Capitale-Nationale)
   Project value: $1,5M
   Contribution: $529K

 * Platform for integrity assessment of large infrastructures and facilities
   This project aims to integrate the artificial intelligence into the data
   process pipeline, to automate the data interpretation process of the
   non-destructive inspection by visual imaging of large infrastructures, under
   the frame of the Industry 4.0 revolution.
   Torngats Technical Services (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI suppliers: INO
   Project value: $1,6M
   Contribution: $500K

 * Detection of unauthorized defects in a potato and sorting at the conveyor by
   Patates Dolbec wants to implement artificial intelligence in its potato
   sorting process. Using a modern vision algorithm based on deep neural
   networks and the installation of sensors and cameras, we want to detect
   defects directly on the production line. The sorting of these defects, 30% of
   which escape the upstream industrial sorting solution (NewTech), is currently
   done by visual inspection by two workers. In addition to detecting defects,
   the workers must manually remove the potatoes, a task that is imprecise (30%
   of rejects are unnecessary) and promotes injuries due to repetitive
   Patates Dolbec inc. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI suppliers: Vooban 
   Project value: $1M
   Contribution: $500K

 * Personal Assistant for people living with a visual impairment
   The project aims to develop a personal assistant that will allow visually
   impaired people to recognize objects handled in everyday life, detect objects
   of interest and converse in natural language with a conversational agent in
   order to grasp the main characteristics of nearby objects. The personal
   assistant will be composed of a conversational agent running on the cloud, a
   software application running on a HumanWare proprietary embedded platform and
   allowing to recognize/detect objects and to communicate with the
   conversational agent via web services.
   Technologies Humanware (Centre-du-Québec)
   AI suppliers: Nu Echo
   Project value: $988K
   Contribution: $400K

 * Slab AI
   Automation of the product quality assurance function and raw material
   optimization through the integration of artificial intelligence.
   Polycor Inc. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI suppliers: Extend AI
   Project value: $780K
   Contribution: $340K

 * Supply chain and logistics optimization with artificial intelligence
   In the first phase, RPM eco wants to use predictive models of recyclables
   accumulation based on customer history, by market segment, to plan its pickup
   routes for recycling materials. In a second phase, it wants to use artificial
   intelligence to replicate the work of dispatchers who assemble routes in
   order to reduce resource use, maximize volume per truck, reduce unprofitable
   trips, improve customer satisfaction, and most importantly, reduce greenhouse
   gases (GHG)
   RPM Eco (Laurentides)
   AI suppliers: Simwell, Osedea, AI3 conseil
   Project value: $1,1M
   Contribution: $332K

 * Demand forecast for the meat and fruit & vegetable departments
   The Ceres project consists of making the purchasing and in-store processing
   operations for the meat and produce departments more efficient by generating
   quality demand forecasts to allow the ordering process to be automated. The
   forecasts generated will improve the labor planning, purchasing, processing
   and replenishment processes. The project aims to contribute to the strategic
   objectives by limiting waste, lost sales and gaining operational
   Métro Inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Moov. AI
   Project value: $1M
   Contribution: $330K

 * Candidate identification tool for generating unsupervised AI matches
   We aim to achieve an optimized solicitation system through the implementation
   of NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms and the addition of neural
   layers (Deep Learning), allowing to substantially increase the probability of
   matches between a recruiter and a prospect while minimizing human
   intervention in the laborious and complex recruitment process.
   Placements AEM inc. — Radar Chasseurs De Talent (Laurentides)
   AI suppliers: Stent io
   Project value: $716K
   Contribution: $300K

 * Inferring dynamic hyperlinks within architectural blueprints
   The BIM experts of BIMone firm are tasked with auditing 2D construction
   plans, ensuring consistency between 3D models and 2D plans and the production
   of models. To accomplish this job, BIM experts must navigate manually through
   thousands of unrelated 2D plans on a daily basis. This generates a
   considerable loss of time and efficiency for our BIM experts and leaves a
   significant margin of error in the client’s deliverable. The aim of this
   project is to develop a navigation aid tool for BIM experts in order to make
   their work efficient and generate a return on the investment.
   Construction virtuelle et Technologie Bimone Inc. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI suppliers: Data Performers
   Project value: $605K
   Contribution: $270K

 * Development of a chatbot with an avatar (PAM) and based on a correlation
   Novo SST wishes to develop a chatbot / conversational device with an avatar
   (PAM) and based on a correlation algorithm to process the declarations by
   linking risks and measures of the prevention plan to allow a recommendation
   to the Novo SST employee in a first step (Quick Wins project), which will
   allow to set up in parallel a reinforcement learning model to automate this
   logic in the Large Scale project
   NOVO SST (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI Suppliers: Airudi
   Project value: $495K
   Contribution: $214K

 * AI enhanced process automation for aviation components manufacturing and
   In the context of this program GE Aviation will perform one step towards
   cognitive robotics in the aviation manufacturing environment. Robotic
   systems, embedding deep learning and reinforcement learning algorithms will
   address classification, detection and motion planning challenges posed by the
   industrial manufacturing setting.
   General Electric Canada (Eastern Townships)
   Project value: $781K
   Contribution: $260K

 * Optimization of the quality control of the shavings
   Litière Ouellet produces farm animal bedding, commonly called “shavings”. The
   objective of this project is to use AI to control the feeding of the bags in
   order to have a constant volume inside them, limiting human intervention to a
   minimum and controlling the quality of the shavings. Our operations are now
   massively dependent on the expertise of our employees and our current
   machinery. AI will allow us to optimize and automate certain activities to
   obtain the desired productivity gains.
   Tourbière Ouellet et Fils inc. (Bas-Saint-Laurent)
   AI suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $560K
   Contribution: $250K

 * Automatic 10-min Cardiac Magnetic Resonance scan & analysis
   This project aims to accelerate the Cardiac Magnetic Resonance workflow by
   developing integrated and automated AI tools for reconstruction, enhancement,
   quality control, segmentation, and clinical metric extraction of novel
   ultrafast scanning protocols.
   Circle Cardiovascular Imaging (Montreal)
   Project value: $3,6M
   Contribution: $214K

 * Enhancement of our automated AI inspection systems
   AV&R is active in the aeronautics industry where part inspection is critical
   to aircraft safety. In order to reduce human intervention, AV&R wants to
   improve its detection performance, reduce the time to create recipes and
   automate the validation of recipes by using artificial intelligence.
   AV&R (Montérégie)
   AI suppliers: Bolero AI
   Project value: $323K
   Contribution: $87K

 * Assisted routing of translation projects via artificial intelligence
   The project aims to develop a tool to automate the process of analysis and
   allocation of translation requests. An NLP analysis algorithm, coupled with a
   series of predictive models, will provide the necessary estimates (nature,
   complexity, cost, duration) for the allocation of the project to the most
   appropriate resource.
   TRSB (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Groupe NEOS
   Project value: $450K
   Contribution: $156K

 * Area prediction allowing the optimum filling speed of our apartments for rent
   1- Predict the number of new units rented per month of a potential Senior
   Residence (RPA) site while respecting the minimum rental price.
   2- Prescribe the optimal rental price list to optimize the operation revenues
   while respecting the rental timeframe.
   EMD Batimo (Laurentides)
   AI suppliers: Data Science Institute
   Project value: $390K
   Contribution: $195K

 * Optimization of the diaper recycling process using a SCADA system and
   artificial intelligence
   Implementation of a SCADA system and optimization of the diaper recycling
   process by continuous artificial intelligence analysis in order to improve
   production consistency and product quality, increasing by at least 20% the
   quantity of treated rejects.
   RECYC php Inc. (Centre-du-Québec)
   AI suppliers: Data Performers
   Project value: $305K
   Contribution: $152K

 * Automation of administrative processes specialized in aeronautics
   The goal of the project is to automate data entry into the company’s ERP
   system in order to improve efficiency in managing compliance with aerospace
   standards. As a first phase of this project, we want to automate the capture
   of invoices, the management of calibration certificates and the management of
   compliance certificates. We decided to start our business process
   transformation using AI on these processes because we have a lot of data
   (over 60,000 invoices) already pre-classified and structured for this
   Produits intégrés Avior inc. (Laval)
   AI Supplier: Bolero AI
   Project value: $157K
   Contribution: $73K

 * Cinematic Segmentation for Virtual Reality Production
   In order to deliver a compelling VR experience, Felix & Paul Studios (FPS)
   needs to correct the stereoscopy and stitching by adjusting the perspective
   of the foreground, differently than the background. In the context of the
   Space Explorers project with NASA with footage captured in the International
   Space Station (ISS) we must segment foreground (humans and props) from the
   background of the ISS, especially in the action shots, in stereo and 360
   degree footage. This segmentation process is usually performed manually by
   compositing artists (Rotoscopy). It is very labour intensive, extremely
   repetitive for the artists and expensive for Felix & Paul.
   Felix & Paul Studios Inc. (Montreal)
   Project value: $162K
   Contribution: $69K

 * Complis-IA program
   The ComplisIA program aims to equip Videotron’s Customer Experience
   Management with an Artificial Intelligence capable of minimizing operational
   frictions and increasing the desirability of its services. The program
   supports all activities related to the exploitation of analytical data around
   the customer in a Big Data environment. It also supports the exploration,
   operationalization and continuous improvement of self-learning analytical
   Vidéotron (Montreal)
   AI Suppliers: Alten, Alithya
   Project value: $3,5M
   Contribution: $1M

 * Inventory management and procurement platform optimisation
   Through the commercial development of Celliers Intelligents, restaurateurs
   will be able to acquire accurate predictive provisions that will save them
   the time required to manage the wine inventory of their business.
   Celliers Intelligents (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI suppliers: Levio
   Project value: $2,1M
   Contribution: $862k

 * Medical evaluation of a patients via a dialogue system
   The objective of the project is to automate the process of medical evaluation
   and patient triage via a dialogue system (chatbot) while improving medical
   quality and patient experience. The system would enhance Dialogue’s virtual
   care service.
   Dialogue inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: MILA
   Project value: $2,2M
   Contribution: $946K

 * Improved discoverability and content recommendations in Stingray applications
   The main objective of the project is to improve the discoverability of the
   content of the Stingray Music, Qello Concerts and Stingray Classica
   applications, available on Android phones, iPhone and on the web, by
   providing the user with better adapted content recommendations and by
   personalizing the content to the user. We want to use artificial intelligence
   technologies, more specifically deep networks, to build predictive and
   classification models that will help display content adapted to the situation
   and interests of users.
   Stingray Group Inc. (Montreal)
   Project value: $281k
   Contribution: $82k

 * Providing factor-based investment model to help investors better forecast
   The project solves the largest problems for Inovestor: Data collection issues
   that prevents us to maximize data usage, and offer a broader product
   selection that will allow for tailored client solutions, by Increasing
   operational efficiency via information extraction and topic modelling of
   Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR) and Leveraging deep learning
   techniques to create an AI-powered Factor-based Investing Center to help its
   customers adopt a more robust and disciplined approach to investing.
   Inovestor Inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Quantolio
   Project value: $798K
   Contribution: $395K

 * LexRockAI — Insurance
   Project to develop, adapt and validate a platform for analyzing and learning
   unstructured documents in the insurance industry, particularly documents from
   the group insurance sector. With the collaboration of partners/clients from
   the insurance industry, the project aims to develop a platform that can be
   used in real-life situations and that can be used worldwide. The project is
   based on technologies, algorithms and AI models. Eventually, it will allow
   insurers and intermediaries to analyze group insurance contracts more finely
   and thus improve their productivity, speed and profitability.
   Irosoft Inc. (Montreal)
   Project value: $385K
   Contribution: $168K

 * Open platform to facilitate drug discovery research in both academic and
   industry settings
   As an early step in drug discovery, hit identification involves testing
   molecules in a cellular or biochemical model of disease. Molecules that show
   early signs of efficacy in these models (e.g. a molecule that kills cancer
   cells) are then advanced for further evaluation as drug candidates. However,
   much of this testing is done by screening large chemical libraries in a
   randomized fashion, with scientists having limited ability to know a priori
   whether the molecules they decide to evaluate are likely to be efficacious.
   We therefore wish to develop an AI-enabled platform for molecular search. We
   wish to allow scientists to select molecules likely to be efficacious in
   their specific disease model, in a fully automated fashion, to help save time
   and costs in drug discovery research.
   Invivo AI (Montreal)
   Project value: 211K

 * Predicting life expectancy
   The project consists of developing a solution producing better life
   expectancy reports than existing third-party providers. Such a solution will
   improve the overall underwriting process in terms of efficiency, time and
   accuracy, resulting in better investment decisions.
   Alternative Capital Group Inc. (Montreal)
   AI suppliers: Moov. AI
   Project value: $137K
   Contribution: $66K

 * Hand pose estimation and tracking for extended reality
   Vision-based hand tracking is a key component that is raising in importance
   and will in the future be ubiquitous as part of interaction studies in a
   broad range of areas such as extended reality (XR), encompassing virtual
   reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), and other human-computer
   interactions (HCI). This project has developed a free and Open Source
   state-of-the-art vision-based hand pose estimation and tracking pipeline
   which can be integrated into existing XR frameworks such as Monado
   Collabora (Canada) inc. (Montreal)
   Project value: $109K
   Contribution: $55K

 * Optimization of the manufacturing process of optical pressure sensors for the
   diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
   OpSens develops medical technologies based on a component called microsystem
   electromechanical (MEMS) whose manufacture is complex. These MEMS are tiny
   sensors optical pressure gauges placed in guidewires to measure blood
   pressure at different places in the cardiovascular system, especially in the
   heart arteries and ventricles. The objective of the project is to allow the
   early detection of defective MEMS and the optimization of their production
   through vision and manufacturing intelligence techniques
   OPSENS INC. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI Suppliers: CIMMI
   Project value: $438K
   Contribution: $180K

 * Development of an inspection system for sanitary and rainwater pipes assisted
   by artificial intelligence
   Development of a technology that will increase the productivity of sewer
   system inspection work through the creation of new inspection equipment. The
   camera developed will allow continuous (uninterrupted) inspection of sewer
   networks. Software will be developed to automatically detect anomalies. This
   software will perform video analyzes more quickly and reduce the subjectivity
   of the analysis. The software’s use of the data from this camera will give
   access to richer information and provide more precise analysis.
   CAN-EXPLORE INC. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI Suppliers: Jacobb, INO
   Project value: $2.1M
   Contribution: $500K

 * Optimization of inventory management thanks to an artificial intelligence
   algorithm for forecasting sales
   Flip Design is a Quebec manufacturing company producing school uniform for
   over 25 years. The aim of this project is to use artificial intelligence to
   obtain an accurate sales forecast in order to optimize production and
   management of our inventory. We have two big periods a year in school uniform
   sales, however our factory operates annually. Thus, it becomes crucial to
   foresee our sales to assess the quantity of products to produce by color,
   size and school.
   VÊTEMENTS FLIP DESIGN (Centre-du-Québec)
   AI Suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $207K
   Contribution: $50K

 * Pre-construction Intelligent Support
   Creation of an environment based on artificial intelligence models to help
   decision and risk management on proposals for complex construction projects.
   POMERLEAU (Chaudière-Appalaches)
   AI Suppliers: Zetane
   Project value: $1.4M
   Contribution: $550K

 * Automatic weld inspection system for steel buildings
   The project is aimed at the design and deployment of automated inspection
   systems for steel joists for assembly/welding lines. The system must be able
   to adapt to varying conditions (surrounding lighting, available space, line
   configuration, movement of joists), know how to recognize the presence or
   absence of welds and know how to analyze their defects. The use of artificial
   intelligence and machine vision will serve to reduce or even eliminate the
   need for visual inspection by a human.
   GROUPE CANAM INC. (Chaudière-Appalaches)
   AI Suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $2.1M
   Contribution: $785K

 * SmartSuite, Sharethrough’s AI-driven set of exchange optimization tools
   This project will enhance the machine learning capabilities of Sharethrough’s
   SmartSuite portfolio. SmartSuite is optimizing each step of an impression’s
   journey through our exchange.
   AI Suppliers: Moov.AI
   Project value: $1.4M
   Contribution: $475K

 * Development of a dynamic purchase and resale pricing solution for the golf
   This project uses AI to develop a dynamic purchase and resale price solution,
   which will be integrated into our application systems for the golf industry.
   This solution aims to offer the right price in an environment that does not
   follow the usual market rules.
   GOLF AVENUE INC. (Montréal)
   Project value: $779K
   Contribution: $175K

 * Berga.ai: Dealing with recycling intelligently
   The Berga.ai project consists of developing tools for predicting supply and
   demand based on major global trends and known transactional data in the field
   of recycling.
   AI Suppliers: Explor.ai
   Project value: $388K
   Contribution: $140K

 * Artificial intelligence applied to non-destructive testing
   This project will develop an assisted analysis system, based on
   state-of-the-art AI/ML modeling, for data from non-destructive testing (NDT)
   of steel tubes inspected with ECT (eddy current testing) technologies and RFT
   (remote field test). The system aims to improve the speed and quality of
   fault detection in heat exchangers, boilers, and other systems using bundles
   of steel tubes. The solution will benefit asset integrity inspection service
   providers as well as industrial asset owners. In a broader vision, the
   project will allow improve the effectiveness of asset management programs and
   reduce the occurrence of unplanned downtime.
   NDT QUEBEC INC. (Capitale-Nationale)
   AI Suppliers: NQB
   Project value: $2M
   Contribution: $380K

 * Conversational chatbot to optimize and personalize the customer experience in
   the real estate sector
   This project aims to develop an integrated conversational engine that will
   automate a large number of conversations in order to improve the customer
   experience and internal operational efficiency. The challenge lies in having
   a language understanding engine specific to LOGISCO with processing and
   language understanding for Quebec French.
   LOGISCO (Chaudière-Appalaches)
   AI Suppliers: Botpress
   Project value: $163K
   Contribution: $75K

 * System to help medical billing data entry using artificial intelligence
   This project consists of optimizing the entry of handwritten and digitized
   medical billing information. Using artificial intelligence, we want to speed
   up processing time and reduce errors through automatic document recognition,
   automatic data transcription, and auto-correction of current data.
   PURKINJE (Montréal)
   AI Suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $1.3M
   Contribution: $250K

 * Automating and scaling candidate referrals
   The project aims to maximize all the steps necessary for the implementation
   of an employer branding and SEO 2.0 program. In fact, thanks to the potential
   of artificial intelligence, the active solicitation of potential candidates
   through Alithya employees, the intelligent improvement of this involvement
   and a new employer brand visibility program using NLP techniques will
   compensate for several limitations of our current program.
   AI Suppliers: Stent.io
   Project value: $726k
   Contribution: $285K

 * Development of a fluid sealing optimization network for industrial rotating
   equipment, or fSONET (Fluid Sealing Optimization Network)
   To optimize the use of seals on critical equipment for existing and future
   customers, Robco is developing a Fluid Sealing Optimization Network for
   Industrial Rotating Equipment, or fSONET (Fluid Sealing Optimization
   Network), which leverages a secure IIOT architecture, sensors, a detailed
   performance database and artificial intelligence algorithms to transform
   traditional maintenance practices of compression packing seals, into
   scientifically optimized, preventive and prescriptive maintenance.
   ROBCO INC. (Montréal)
   AI Suppliers: Vooban
   Project value: $1M
   Contribution: $300K

 * Development of customer segmentation and marketing targeting tools
   This project aims to influence the right targets to react more quickly to a
   suitable rental offer to accelerate the filling speed and to characterize the
   propensity to purchase of a prospect who initiates a relationship or a
   request for information for a type of product.
   AI Suppliers: Data Science Institute
   Project value: $441K
   Contribution: $150K

 * Intelligent robotic painting system
   Automation of the powder coating spray line with self-programming robots. The
   system will be able to find and recognize the items to be painted and will
   automatically generate robot programs based on their position in space.
   TEKNION ROY & BRETON INC. (Chaudière-Appalaches)
   AI Suppliers: Omnirobotic
   Project value: $2.2M
   Contribution: $330K

For more information or to apply for financial assistance, contact us. An
INVEST-AI director will be happy to discuss your AI needs and potential
solutions with you.
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