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urlscan Pro
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Submission: On October 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL:
Submission: On October 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
0 forms found in the DOMText Content
!(function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? (module.exports = t()) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : (e.Popper = t()); })(this, function () { "use strict"; function e(e) { return e && "[object Function]" === {}; } function t(e, t) { if (1 !== e.nodeType) return []; var n = e.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e, null); return t ? n[t] : n; } function n(e) { return "HTML" === e.nodeName ? e : e.parentNode ||; } function o(e) { if (!e) return document.body; switch (e.nodeName) { case "HTML": case "BODY": return e.ownerDocument.body; case "#document": return e.body; } var r = t(e), i = r.overflow, f = r.overflowX, s = r.overflowY; return /(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(i + s + f) ? e : o(n(e)); } function r(e) { return e && e.referenceNode ? e.referenceNode : e; } function i(e) { return 11 === e ? J : 10 === e ? K : J || K; } function f(e) { if (!e) return document.documentElement; for ( var n = i(10) ? document.body : null, o = e.offsetParent || null; o === n && e.nextElementSibling; ) o = (e = e.nextElementSibling).offsetParent; var r = o && o.nodeName; return r && "BODY" !== r && "HTML" !== r ? -1 !== ["TH", "TD", "TABLE"].indexOf(o.nodeName) && "static" === t(o, "position") ? f(o) : o : e ? e.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement; } function s(e) { return null === e.parentNode ? e : s(e.parentNode); } function a(e, t) { if (!(e && e.nodeType && t && t.nodeType)) return document.documentElement; var n = e.compareDocumentPosition(t) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING, o = n ? e : t, r = n ? t : e, i = document.createRange(); i.setStart(o, 0), i.setEnd(r, 0); var p = i.commonAncestorContainer; if ((e !== p && t !== p) || o.contains(r)) return (function (e) { var t = e.nodeName; return "BODY" !== t && ("HTML" === t || f(e.firstElementChild) === e); })(p) ? p : f(p); var l = s(e); return ? a(, t) : a(e, s(t).host); } function p(e) { var t = "top" === (1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "top") ? "scrollTop" : "scrollLeft", n = e.nodeName; if ("BODY" === n || "HTML" === n) { var o = e.ownerDocument.documentElement; return (e.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || o)[t]; } return e[t]; } function l(e, t) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], o = p(t, "top"), r = p(t, "left"), i = n ? -1 : 1; return ( ( += o * i), (e.bottom += o * i), (e.left += r * i), (e.right += r * i), e ); } function u(e, t) { var n = "x" === t ? "Left" : "Top", o = "Left" == n ? "Right" : "Bottom"; return ( parseFloat(e["border" + n + "Width"], 10) + parseFloat(e["border" + o + "Width"], 10) ); } function d(e, t, n, o) { return z( t["offset" + e], t["scroll" + e], n["client" + e], n["offset" + e], n["scroll" + e], i(10) ? parseInt(n["offset" + e]) + parseInt(o["margin" + ("Height" === e ? "Top" : "Left")]) + parseInt(o["margin" + ("Height" === e ? "Bottom" : "Right")]) : 0 ); } function c(e) { var t = e.body, n = e.documentElement, o = i(10) && getComputedStyle(n); return { height: d("Height", t, n, o), width: d("Width", t, n, o) }; } function h(e) { return $({}, e, { right: e.left + e.width, bottom: + e.height }); } function m(e) { var n = {}; try { if (i(10)) { n = e.getBoundingClientRect(); var o = p(e, "top"), r = p(e, "left"); ( += o), (n.left += r), (n.bottom += o), (n.right += r); } else n = e.getBoundingClientRect(); } catch (e) {} var f = { left: n.left, top:, width: n.right - n.left, height: n.bottom -, }, s = "HTML" === e.nodeName ? c(e.ownerDocument) : {}, a = s.width || e.clientWidth || f.width, l = s.height || e.clientHeight || f.height, d = e.offsetWidth - a, m = e.offsetHeight - l; if (d || m) { var g = t(e); (d -= u(g, "x")), (m -= u(g, "y")), (f.width -= d), (f.height -= m); } return h(f); } function g(e, n) { var r = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], f = i(10), s = "HTML" === n.nodeName, a = m(e), p = m(n), u = o(e), d = t(n), c = parseFloat(d.borderTopWidth, 10), g = parseFloat(d.borderLeftWidth, 10); r && s && (( = z(, 0)), (p.left = z(p.left, 0))); var v = h({ top: - - c, left: a.left - p.left - g, width: a.width, height: a.height, }); if (((v.marginTop = 0), (v.marginLeft = 0), !f && s)) { var b = parseFloat(d.marginTop, 10), w = parseFloat(d.marginLeft, 10); ( -= c - b), (v.bottom -= c - b), (v.left -= g - w), (v.right -= g - w), (v.marginTop = b), (v.marginLeft = w); } return ( (f && !r ? n.contains(u) : n === u && "BODY" !== u.nodeName) && (v = l(v, n)), v ); } function v(e) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], n = e.ownerDocument.documentElement, o = g(e, n), r = z(n.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0), i = z(n.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0), f = t ? 0 : p(n), s = t ? 0 : p(n, "left"); return h({ top: f - + o.marginTop, left: s - o.left + o.marginLeft, width: r, height: i, }); } function b(e) { var o = e.nodeName; if ("BODY" === o || "HTML" === o) return !1; if ("fixed" === t(e, "position")) return !0; var r = n(e); return !!r && b(r); } function w(e) { if (!e || !e.parentElement || i()) return document.documentElement; for (var n = e.parentElement; n && "none" === t(n, "transform"); ) n = n.parentElement; return n || document.documentElement; } function y(e, t, i, f) { var s = 4 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[4] && arguments[4], p = { top: 0, left: 0 }, l = s ? w(e) : a(e, r(t)); if ("viewport" === f) p = v(l, s); else { var u; "scrollParent" === f ? "BODY" === (u = o(n(t))).nodeName && (u = e.ownerDocument.documentElement) : (u = "window" === f ? e.ownerDocument.documentElement : f); var d = g(u, l, s); if ("HTML" !== u.nodeName || b(l)) p = d; else { var h = c(e.ownerDocument), m = h.height, y = h.width; ( += - d.marginTop), (p.bottom = m +, (p.left += d.left - d.marginLeft), (p.right = y + d.left); } } var E = "number" == typeof (i = i || 0); return ( (p.left += E ? i : i.left || 0), ( += E ? i : || 0), (p.right -= E ? i : i.right || 0), (p.bottom -= E ? i : i.bottom || 0), p ); } function E(e) { return e.width * e.height; } function x(e, t, n, o, r) { var i = 5 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 0; if (-1 === e.indexOf("auto")) return e; var f = y(n, o, i, r), s = { top: { width: f.width, height: - }, right: { width: f.right - t.right, height: f.height }, bottom: { width: f.width, height: f.bottom - t.bottom }, left: { width: t.left - f.left, height: f.height }, }, a = Object.keys(s) .map(function (e) { return $({ key: e }, s[e], { area: E(s[e]) }); }) .sort(function (e, t) { return t.area - e.area; }), p = a.filter(function (e) { var t = e.width, o = e.height; return t >= n.clientWidth && o >= n.clientHeight; }), l = 0 < p.length ? p[0].key : a[0].key, u = e.split("-")[1]; return l + (u ? "-" + u : ""); } function O(e, t, n) { var o = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null; return g(n, o ? w(t) : a(t, r(n)), o); } function L(e) { var t = e.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e), n = parseFloat(t.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(t.marginBottom || 0), o = parseFloat(t.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(t.marginRight || 0); return { width: e.offsetWidth + o, height: e.offsetHeight + n }; } function T(e) { var t = { left: "right", right: "left", bottom: "top", top: "bottom" }; return e.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (e) { return t[e]; }); } function D(e, t, n) { n = n.split("-")[0]; var o = L(e), r = { width: o.width, height: o.height }, i = -1 !== ["right", "left"].indexOf(n), f = i ? "top" : "left", s = i ? "left" : "top", a = i ? "height" : "width", p = i ? "width" : "height"; return ( (r[f] = t[f] + t[a] / 2 - o[a] / 2), (r[s] = n === s ? t[s] - o[p] : t[T(s)]), r ); } function N(e, t) { return Array.prototype.find ? e.find(t) : e.filter(t)[0]; } function F(t, n, o) { return ( (void 0 === o ? t : t.slice( 0, (function (e, t, n) { if (Array.prototype.findIndex) return e.findIndex(function (e) { return e[t] === n; }); var o = N(e, function (e) { return e[t] === n; }); return e.indexOf(o); })(t, "name", o) ) ).forEach(function (t) { t.function && console.warn("`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!"); var o = t.function || t.fn; t.enabled && e(o) && ((n.offsets.popper = h(n.offsets.popper)), (n.offsets.reference = h(n.offsets.reference)), (n = o(n, t))); }), n ); } function H() { if (!this.state.isDestroyed) { var e = { instance: this, styles: {}, arrowStyles: {}, attributes: {}, flipped: !1, offsets: {}, }; (e.offsets.reference = O( this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed )), (e.placement = x( this.options.placement, e.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding )), (e.originalPlacement = e.placement), (e.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed), (e.offsets.popper = D(this.popper, e.offsets.reference, e.placement)), (e.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? "fixed" : "absolute"), (e = F(this.modifiers, e)), this.state.isCreated ? this.options.onUpdate(e) : ((this.state.isCreated = !0), this.options.onCreate(e)); } } function k(e, t) { return e.some(function (e) { var n =; return e.enabled && n === t; }); } function C(e) { for ( var t = [!1, "ms", "Webkit", "Moz", "O"], n = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1), o = 0; o < t.length; o++ ) { var r = t[o], i = r ? "" + r + n : e; if (void 0 !==[i]) return i; } return null; } function B() { return ( (this.state.isDestroyed = !0), k(this.modifiers, "applyStyle") && (this.popper.removeAttribute("x-placement"), ( = ""), ( = ""), ( = ""), ( = ""), ( = ""), ( = ""), ([C("transform")] = "")), this.disableEventListeners(), this.options.removeOnDestroy && this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper), this ); } function A(e) { var t = e.ownerDocument; return t ? t.defaultView : window; } function M(e, t, n, r) { var i = "BODY" === e.nodeName, f = i ? e.ownerDocument.defaultView : e; f.addEventListener(t, n, { passive: !0 }), i || M(o(f.parentNode), t, n, r), r.push(f); } function P(e, t, n, r) { (n.updateBound = r), A(e).addEventListener("resize", n.updateBound, { passive: !0 }); var i = o(e); return ( M(i, "scroll", n.updateBound, n.scrollParents), (n.scrollElement = i), (n.eventsEnabled = !0), n ); } function S() { this.state.eventsEnabled || (this.state = P( this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate )); } function W() { this.state.eventsEnabled && (cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate), (this.state = (function (e, t) { return ( A(e).removeEventListener("resize", t.updateBound), t.scrollParents.forEach(function (e) { e.removeEventListener("scroll", t.updateBound); }), (t.updateBound = null), (t.scrollParents = []), (t.scrollElement = null), (t.eventsEnabled = !1), t ); })(this.reference, this.state))); } function j(e) { return "" !== e && !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) && isFinite(e); } function I(e, t) { Object.keys(t).forEach(function (n) { var o = ""; -1 !== ["width", "height", "top", "right", "bottom", "left"].indexOf(n) && j(t[n]) && (o = "px"), ([n] = t[n] + o); }); } function R(e, t, n) { var o = N(e, function (e) { return === t; }), r = !!o && e.some(function (e) { return === n && e.enabled && e.order < o.order; }); if (!r) { var i = "`" + t + "`"; console.warn( "`" + n + "` modifier is required by " + i + " modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before " + i + "!" ); } return r; } function U(e) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1], n = ne.indexOf(e), o = ne.slice(n + 1).concat(ne.slice(0, n)); return t ? o.reverse() : o; } var Y = Math.min, V = Math.floor, q = Math.round, z = Math.max, G = "undefined" != typeof window && "undefined" != typeof document && "undefined" != typeof navigator, _ = (function () { for (var e = ["Edge", "Trident", "Firefox"], t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) if (G && 0 <= navigator.userAgent.indexOf(e[t])) return 1; return 0; })(), X = G && window.Promise ? function (e) { var t = !1; return function () { t || ((t = !0), window.Promise.resolve().then(function () { (t = !1), e(); })); }; } : function (e) { var t = !1; return function () { t || ((t = !0), setTimeout(function () { (t = !1), e(); }, _)); }; }, J = G && !(!window.MSInputMethodContext || !document.documentMode), K = G && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent), Q = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n, o = 0; o < t.length; o++) ((n = t[o]).enumerable = n.enumerable || !1), (n.configurable = !0), "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, n.key, n); } return function (t, n, o) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), o && e(t, o), t; }; })(), Z = function (e, t, n) { return ( t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, }) : (e[t] = n), e ); }, $ = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) for (var o in (t = arguments[n])), o) && (e[o] = t[o]); return e; }, ee = G && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent), te = [ "auto-start", "auto", "auto-end", "top-start", "top", "top-end", "right-start", "right", "right-end", "bottom-end", "bottom", "bottom-start", "left-end", "left", "left-start", ], ne = te.slice(3), oe = (function () { function t(n, o) { var r = this, i = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; (function (e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); })(this, t), (this.scheduleUpdate = function () { return requestAnimationFrame(r.update); }), (this.update = X(this.update.bind(this))), (this.options = $({}, t.Defaults, i)), (this.state = { isDestroyed: !1, isCreated: !1, scrollParents: [] }), (this.reference = n && n.jquery ? n[0] : n), (this.popper = o && o.jquery ? o[0] : o), (this.options.modifiers = {}), Object.keys($({}, t.Defaults.modifiers, i.modifiers)).forEach( function (e) { r.options.modifiers[e] = $( {}, t.Defaults.modifiers[e] || {}, i.modifiers ? i.modifiers[e] : {} ); } ), (this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers) .map(function (e) { return $({ name: e }, r.options.modifiers[e]); }) .sort(function (e, t) { return e.order - t.order; })), this.modifiers.forEach(function (t) { t.enabled && e(t.onLoad) && t.onLoad(r.reference, r.popper, r.options, t, r.state); }), this.update(); var f = this.options.eventsEnabled; f && this.enableEventListeners(), (this.state.eventsEnabled = f); } return ( Q(t, [ { key: "update", value: function () { return; }, }, { key: "destroy", value: function () { return; }, }, { key: "enableEventListeners", value: function () { return; }, }, { key: "disableEventListeners", value: function () { return; }, }, ]), t ); })(); return ( (oe.Utils = ("undefined" == typeof window ? global : window).PopperUtils), (oe.placements = te), (oe.Defaults = { placement: "bottom", positionFixed: !1, eventsEnabled: !0, removeOnDestroy: !1, onCreate: function () {}, onUpdate: function () {}, modifiers: { shift: { order: 100, enabled: !0, fn: function (e) { var t = e.placement, n = t.split("-")[0], o = t.split("-")[1]; if (o) { var r = e.offsets, i = r.reference, f = r.popper, s = -1 !== ["bottom", "top"].indexOf(n), a = s ? "left" : "top", p = s ? "width" : "height", l = { start: Z({}, a, i[a]), end: Z({}, a, i[a] + i[p] - f[p]), }; e.offsets.popper = $({}, f, l[o]); } return e; }, }, offset: { order: 200, enabled: !0, fn: function (e, t) { var n, o = t.offset, r = e.placement, i = e.offsets, f = i.popper, s = i.reference, a = r.split("-")[0]; return ( (n = j(+o) ? [+o, 0] : (function (e, t, n, o) { var r = [0, 0], i = -1 !== ["right", "left"].indexOf(o), f = e.split(/(\+|\-)/).map(function (e) { return e.trim(); }), s = f.indexOf( N(f, function (e) { return -1 !==,|\s/); }) ); f[s] && -1 === f[s].indexOf(",") && console.warn( "Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead." ); var a = /\s*,\s*|\s+/, p = -1 === s ? [f] : [ f.slice(0, s).concat([f[s].split(a)[0]]), [f[s].split(a)[1]].concat(f.slice(s + 1)), ]; return ( (p = (e, o) { var r = (1 === o ? !i : i) ? "height" : "width", f = !1; return e .reduce(function (e, t) { return "" === e[e.length - 1] && -1 !== ["+", "-"].indexOf(t) ? ((e[e.length - 1] = t), (f = !0), e) : f ? ((e[e.length - 1] += t), (f = !1), e) : e.concat(t); }, []) .map(function (e) { return (function (e, t, n, o) { var r = e.match(/((?:\-|\+)?\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/), i = +r[1], f = r[2]; return i ? 0 === f.indexOf("%") ? (h("%p" === f ? n : o)[t] / 100) * i : "vh" === f || "vw" === f ? (("vh" === f ? z( document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0 ) : z( document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0 )) / 100) * i : i : e; })(e, r, t, n); }); })).forEach(function (e, t) { e.forEach(function (n, o) { j(n) && (r[t] += n * ("-" === e[o - 1] ? -1 : 1)); }); }), r ); })(o, f, s, a)), "left" === a ? (( += n[0]), (f.left -= n[1])) : "right" === a ? (( += n[0]), (f.left += n[1])) : "top" === a ? ((f.left += n[0]), ( -= n[1])) : "bottom" === a && ((f.left += n[0]), ( += n[1])), (e.popper = f), e ); }, offset: 0, }, preventOverflow: { order: 300, enabled: !0, fn: function (e, t) { var n = t.boundariesElement || f(e.instance.popper); e.instance.reference === n && (n = f(n)); var o = C("transform"), r =, i =, s = r.left, a = r[o]; ( = ""), (r.left = ""), (r[o] = ""); var p = y( e.instance.popper, e.instance.reference, t.padding, n, e.positionFixed ); ( = i), (r.left = s), (r[o] = a), (t.boundaries = p); var l = t.priority, u = e.offsets.popper, d = { primary: function (e) { var n = u[e]; return ( u[e] < p[e] && !t.escapeWithReference && (n = z(u[e], p[e])), Z({}, e, n) ); }, secondary: function (e) { var n = "right" === e ? "left" : "top", o = u[n]; return ( u[e] > p[e] && !t.escapeWithReference && (o = Y( u[n], p[e] - ("right" === e ? u.width : u.height) )), Z({}, n, o) ); }, }; return ( l.forEach(function (e) { var t = -1 === ["left", "top"].indexOf(e) ? "secondary" : "primary"; u = $({}, u, d[t](e)); }), (e.offsets.popper = u), e ); }, priority: ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"], padding: 5, boundariesElement: "scrollParent", }, keepTogether: { order: 400, enabled: !0, fn: function (e) { var t = e.offsets, n = t.popper, o = t.reference, r = e.placement.split("-")[0], i = V, f = -1 !== ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(r), s = f ? "right" : "bottom", a = f ? "left" : "top", p = f ? "width" : "height"; return ( n[s] < i(o[a]) && (e.offsets.popper[a] = i(o[a]) - n[p]), n[a] > i(o[s]) && (e.offsets.popper[a] = i(o[s])), e ); }, }, arrow: { order: 500, enabled: !0, fn: function (e, n) { var o; if (!R(e.instance.modifiers, "arrow", "keepTogether")) return e; var r = n.element; if ("string" == typeof r) { if (!(r = e.instance.popper.querySelector(r))) return e; } else if (!e.instance.popper.contains(r)) return ( console.warn( "WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!" ), e ); var i = e.placement.split("-")[0], f = e.offsets, s = f.popper, a = f.reference, p = -1 !== ["left", "right"].indexOf(i), l = p ? "height" : "width", u = p ? "Top" : "Left", d = u.toLowerCase(), c = p ? "left" : "top", m = p ? "bottom" : "right", g = L(r)[l]; a[m] - g < s[d] && (e.offsets.popper[d] -= s[d] - (a[m] - g)), a[d] + g > s[m] && (e.offsets.popper[d] += a[d] + g - s[m]), (e.offsets.popper = h(e.offsets.popper)); var v = a[d] + a[l] / 2 - g / 2, b = t(e.instance.popper), w = parseFloat(b["margin" + u], 10), y = parseFloat(b["border" + u + "Width"], 10), E = v - e.offsets.popper[d] - w - y; return ( (E = z(Y(s[l] - g, E), 0)), (e.arrowElement = r), (e.offsets.arrow = (Z((o = {}), d, q(E)), Z(o, c, ""), o)), e ); }, element: "[x-arrow]", }, flip: { order: 600, enabled: !0, fn: function (e, t) { if (k(e.instance.modifiers, "inner")) return e; if (e.flipped && e.placement === e.originalPlacement) return e; var n = y( e.instance.popper, e.instance.reference, t.padding, t.boundariesElement, e.positionFixed ), o = e.placement.split("-")[0], r = T(o), i = e.placement.split("-")[1] || "", f = []; switch (t.behavior) { case "flip": f = [o, r]; break; case "clockwise": f = U(o); break; case "counterclockwise": f = U(o, !0); break; default: f = t.behavior; } return ( f.forEach(function (s, a) { if (o !== s || f.length === a + 1) return e; (o = e.placement.split("-")[0]), (r = T(o)); var p = e.offsets.popper, l = e.offsets.reference, u = V, d = ("left" === o && u(p.right) > u(l.left)) || ("right" === o && u(p.left) < u(l.right)) || ("top" === o && u(p.bottom) > u( || ("bottom" === o && u( < u(l.bottom)), c = u(p.left) < u(n.left), h = u(p.right) > u(n.right), m = u( < u(, g = u(p.bottom) > u(n.bottom), v = ("left" === o && c) || ("right" === o && h) || ("top" === o && m) || ("bottom" === o && g), b = -1 !== ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(o), w = !!t.flipVariations && ((b && "start" === i && c) || (b && "end" === i && h) || (!b && "start" === i && m) || (!b && "end" === i && g)), y = !!t.flipVariationsByContent && ((b && "start" === i && h) || (b && "end" === i && c) || (!b && "start" === i && g) || (!b && "end" === i && m)), E = w || y; (d || v || E) && ((e.flipped = !0), (d || v) && (o = f[a + 1]), E && (i = (function (e) { return "end" === e ? "start" : "start" === e ? "end" : e; })(i)), (e.placement = o + (i ? "-" + i : "")), (e.offsets.popper = $( {}, e.offsets.popper, D(e.instance.popper, e.offsets.reference, e.placement) )), (e = F(e.instance.modifiers, e, "flip"))); }), e ); }, behavior: "flip", padding: 5, boundariesElement: "viewport", flipVariations: !1, flipVariationsByContent: !1, }, inner: { order: 700, enabled: !1, fn: function (e) { var t = e.placement, n = t.split("-")[0], o = e.offsets, r = o.popper, i = o.reference, f = -1 !== ["left", "right"].indexOf(n), s = -1 === ["top", "left"].indexOf(n); return ( (r[f ? "left" : "top"] = i[n] - (s ? r[f ? "width" : "height"] : 0)), (e.placement = T(t)), (e.offsets.popper = h(r)), e ); }, }, hide: { order: 800, enabled: !0, fn: function (e) { if (!R(e.instance.modifiers, "hide", "preventOverflow")) return e; var t = e.offsets.reference, n = N(e.instance.modifiers, function (e) { return "preventOverflow" ===; }).boundaries; if ( t.bottom < || t.left > n.right || > n.bottom || t.right < n.left ) { if (!0 === e.hide) return e; (e.hide = !0), (e.attributes["x-out-of-boundaries"] = ""); } else { if (!1 === e.hide) return e; (e.hide = !1), (e.attributes["x-out-of-boundaries"] = !1); } return e; }, }, computeStyle: { order: 850, enabled: !0, fn: function (e, t) { var n = t.x, o = t.y, r = e.offsets.popper, i = N(e.instance.modifiers, function (e) { return "applyStyle" ===; }).gpuAcceleration; void 0 !== i && console.warn( "WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!" ); var s, a, p = void 0 === i ? t.gpuAcceleration : i, l = f(e.instance.popper), u = m(l), d = { position: r.position }, c = (function (e, t) { var n = e.offsets, o = n.popper, r = n.reference, i = q, f = function (e) { return e; }, s = i(r.width), a = i(o.width), p = -1 !== ["left", "right"].indexOf(e.placement), l = -1 !== e.placement.indexOf("-"), u = t ? (p || l || s % 2 == a % 2 ? i : V) : f, d = t ? i : f; return { left: u( 1 == s % 2 && 1 == a % 2 && !l && t ? o.left - 1 : o.left ), top: d(, bottom: d(o.bottom), right: u(o.right), }; })(e, 2 > window.devicePixelRatio || !ee), h = "bottom" === n ? "top" : "bottom", g = "right" === o ? "left" : "right", v = C("transform"); if ( ((a = "bottom" == h ? "HTML" === l.nodeName ? -l.clientHeight + c.bottom : -u.height + c.bottom :, (s = "right" == g ? "HTML" === l.nodeName ? -l.clientWidth + c.right : -u.width + c.right : c.left), p && v) ) (d[v] = "translate3d(" + s + "px, " + a + "px, 0)"), (d[h] = 0), (d[g] = 0), (d.willChange = "transform"); else { var b = "bottom" == h ? -1 : 1, w = "right" == g ? -1 : 1; (d[h] = a * b), (d[g] = s * w), (d.willChange = h + ", " + g); } var y = { "x-placement": e.placement }; return ( (e.attributes = $({}, y, e.attributes)), (e.styles = $({}, d, e.styles)), (e.arrowStyles = $({}, e.offsets.arrow, e.arrowStyles)), e ); }, gpuAcceleration: !0, x: "bottom", y: "right", }, applyStyle: { order: 900, enabled: !0, fn: function (e) { return ( I(e.instance.popper, e.styles), (function (e, t) { Object.keys(t).forEach(function (n) { !1 === t[n] ? e.removeAttribute(n) : e.setAttribute(n, t[n]); }); })(e.instance.popper, e.attributes), e.arrowElement && Object.keys(e.arrowStyles).length && I(e.arrowElement, e.arrowStyles), e ); }, onLoad: function (e, t, n, o, r) { var i = O(r, t, e, n.positionFixed), f = x( n.placement, i, t, e, n.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, n.modifiers.flip.padding ); return ( t.setAttribute("x-placement", f), I(t, { position: n.positionFixed ? "fixed" : "absolute" }), n ); }, gpuAcceleration: void 0, }, }, }), oe ); });