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Favorite Share Flag FLAG THIS ITEM FOR * Graphic Violence * Explicit Sexual Content * Hate Speech * Misinformation/Disinformation * Marketing/Phishing/Advertising * Misleading/Inaccurate/Missing Metadata movies TIME LAPSE: A FEW DAYS IN WINTER by Rustic Cyberpunk Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Topics Winter, Time Lapse Item Size 3929789713 A time lapse of winter from the back of the office in 2016 Addeddate 2020-03-11 11:46:37 Color color Identifier A-Few-Days-In-Winter Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Sound sound PLUS-CIRCLE ADD REVIEW COMMENT REVIEWS There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 793 Views 1 Favorite DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file H.264 download download 1 file ITEM TILE download download 1 file QUICKTIME download download 1 file TORRENT download download 40 Files download 6 Original SHOW ALL IN COLLECTIONS Community Video Community Collections Uploaded by cypnk on March 11, 2020 SIMILAR ITEMS (BASED ON METADATA) PLAY PLAY ALL Miscellaneous Contributed Journals and Academic Newsletters 5 5.0 Time lapse in business insurance Mar 11, 2024 03/24 by j. moezi texts EYE 5 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 The role of commercial insurance in covering the damages caused by various risks to human societies is undeniable. Ever since humans have faced danger, they have been constantly looking for a solution to prevent the occurrence of dangers or to find a way to compensate for the resulting damages. One of the ways to compensate for damages is to insure property and legal and professional responsibilities. For centuries, insurance has been the focus of civilized societies, and every day more than... Topics: Insurance, Business Insurances, Time Lapse, Legal Time Lapse, Conventional Time Lapse CHET TV 6 6.0 Randy Gauthier Time Lapse Oct 2, 2023 10/23 by chet tv movies EYE 6 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 A time lapse featuring international carver, Randy Gauthier! Taken at the Chetwynd International Chainsaw Carving Championship! Topics: British Columbia, Chetwynd, CHET TV, Library Journalism Initiative, Community TV, Community Media,... Anderson Communty Television 215 215 Rain Lapse(Time Lapse) at the Anderson Center Feb 3, 2017 02/17 by anderson television movies EYE 215 FAVORITE 1 COMMENT 0 Rain Lapse (Time Lapse) at the Anderson Center 8/6/15 Topics: Ohio, Anderson Township, Anderson Television, Public Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube, Rain... Stoughton Media Access Corporation 8 8.0 Time lapse: Blizzard of 2015 in Stoughton MA Nov 20, 2022 11/22 by smac movies EYE 8 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 A camera set up on the third floor of the Stoughton Town Hall captured a time lapse of the blizzard for 12 hours - from about 4 p.m. on Monday, January 26 to about 4 a.m. on Tuesday, January 27. Camera set up with views of Pearl, Washington and Porter Streets in Stoughton Center. Topics: Massachusetts, Stoughton, Stoughton Media Access Corporation, SMAC, Public Access TV, Community... Hillsborough County 90 90 Think Pink Time Lapse Video Jun 26, 2017 06/17 by hillsborough television movies EYE 90 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 Enjoy this Time-Lapse video of a local artist chalk drawing on the pavement at Joe Chillura in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Official Hillsborough County, Florida Government YouTube channel is powered by Hillsborough Television (HTV), find more of our programming at these outlets: Hillsborough County, Florida cable TV subscribers can view us on: Verizon - Ch. 22 Comcast - Ch. 22 Bright House Networks - Ch. 637 Also view us on: The Web: iOS... Topics: Florida, Tampa, Hillsborough Television, HTV, Government Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube,... Stock Footage 10,884 11K NYC Traffic Time Lapse 2 Jan 21, 2013 01/13 by jeffrey beach (beachfront productions) movies EYE 10,884 FAVORITE 13 COMMENT 0 I was fortunate enough to land myself in New York City a few months ago and managed to bring my camera along. While performing other duties, I managed to grab a few time lapses that I hope would be helpful to some people. This one during the day is across the river in Brooklyn. Please visit my blog to see all of my stock video footage offered for Free use: To preview all of my clips, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube Channel at:... Topics: HD, High Definition, High Quality, 1920x1080, 1080, 1080p, Broll, B, Roll, H.264, MP4, Fair Use,... Community College of Baltimore County 4 4.0 CCBC Gala Centerpiece Time Lapse Jan 20, 2024 01/24 by community college of baltimore county movies EYE 4 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 How FAB-ulous! The CCBC FAB LAB used digital fabrication technology to make these brilliant CCBC fundraising gala centerpieces and sponsor gifts. Thank you, FAB LAB! Learn more about Design, Fabrication and Advanced Manufacturing @CCBC: www.ccbcmd.dfab Topics: Maryland, Baltimore, Community College of Baltimore County, Educational Access TV, Community Media,... CCX Media - Northwest Community Television 50 50 Baby Blue Arts Time Lapse Apr 11, 2018 04/18 by nwtv movies EYE 50 FAVORITE 0 COMMENT 0 February 20, 2016, Baby Blue Arts Topics: Minnesota, Brooklyn Park, Northwest Community Television, NWTV, Public Access TV, Community Media,... Stock Footage 3,781 3.8K A Florida Beach Sunset - Time Lapse Sep 17, 2007 09/07 by ivan bridgewater movies EYE 3,781 FAVORITE 4 COMMENT 0 This is Clip 10 from the Thirty-second Archive release of our stock footage. This is a time lapse clip of a sunset shot from a public beach in Florida. I regret to say that the small screen of the Archive flash player doesn't do it justice. You have to download it and see it as a full screen clip to appreciate the video. What looks like "Falling Stars" in the sky are really jets in time lapse. This footage is from my personal collection. I have tried to organize these clips with... Topics: Bridgewater Video, Stock Footage, Free Stock Footage, BTV, BTV Stock Footage, Stock Footage... Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014)