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Submitted URL: https://cedarpointarlington.com/
Effective URL: https://www.cedarpointarlington.com/
Submission: On July 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.cedarpointarlington.com/
Submission: On July 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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1 forms found in the DOM<form data-v-59c41120="" data-v-73306be2="" data-v-1b8cd542="" class="form s-block-form__form form-style-formB small-column form-light">
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<div data-v-084afd7c="" data-v-5ebd5581="" data-v-73306be2="" class="group-input form-field field-group field-group-type-string field-group-inputType-default"><label data-v-084afd7c="" for="phone" class="above"> Phone </label> <input
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<div data-v-084afd7c="" data-v-5ebd5581="" data-v-73306be2="" class="group-input form-field field-group field-group-type-string field-group-inputType-default"><label data-v-084afd7c="" for="email" class="above"> Email </label> <input
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<div data-v-084afd7c="" data-v-5ebd5581="" data-v-73306be2="" class="group-input form-field field-group field-group-type-string field-group-inputType-select" style="width: 49%; margin-right: 1%;"><label data-v-084afd7c="" for="interested"
class="above"> Preferred Bedrooms </label> <select data-v-2fe52126="" data-v-5ebd5581="" id="interested" emptyoptionlabel="Interested In" usedynamicallypopulatedoptions="true" dynamicallypopulatedoptionsfrom="bedrooms"
dynamicallypopulateddefaultoptionsfrom="" class="form-field" data-v-084afd7c="">
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="" style="display: none;"> Interested In </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="1"> 1 Bedroom </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="2"> 2 Bedrooms </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="3"> 3 Bedrooms </option>
</select> <!----> <!----> <!----></div>
<div data-v-084afd7c="" data-v-5ebd5581="" data-v-73306be2="" class="group-input form-field field-group field-group-type-string field-group-inputType-select" style="width: 49%; margin-left: 1%;"><label data-v-084afd7c="" for="referral"
class="above"> Referrer </label> <select data-v-2fe52126="" data-v-5ebd5581="" id="referral" emptyoptionlabel="How did you hear about us?" usedynamicallypopulatedoptions="true" dynamicallypopulatedoptionsfrom="marketing-sources"
dynamicallypopulateddefaultoptionsfrom="" class="form-field" data-v-084afd7c="">
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="" style="display: none;"> How did you hear about us? </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="0"> Apartment Locator </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="1"> Apartmentguide.com </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="2"> Apartments.com </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="3"> ApartmentFinder.com </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="4"> ApartmentList.com </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="5"> Corporate Website </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="6"> Craigslist </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="7"> Employee </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="8"> Facebook </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="9"> Flyer </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="10"> Friend </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="11"> Locator/Broker/HAR/Zillow </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="12"> Other Internet Site </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="13"> Property Website </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="14"> Search Engine (Google Etc.) </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="15"> Signs/Drive By </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="16"> Social Media </option>
<option data-v-2fe52126="" value="17"> Zillow.com </option>
</select> <!----> <!----> <!----></div>
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Text Content
Floor Plans Amenities Gallery Neighborhood Contact Us Residents Apply Now BEAUTIFUL APARTMENTS IN ARLINGTON, TX Learn More CHARMING, MODERN AND INVITING ENJOY APARTMENT LIVING THE WAY IT SHOULD BE AT CEDAR POINT APARTMENTS IN ARLINGTON, TX. Take advantage of our sparkling swimming pool, professional business center, and community clubhouse. At Cedar Point Apartments, we provide the very best in maintenance free apartment living. Situated between the bustling cities of Dallas and Fort Worth, our apartment homes provide residents a peaceful environment without sacrificing close proximity to two of the largest cities in Texas. You'll soon learn why our residents love coming home to Cedar Point Apartments. THOUGHTFULLY DESIGNED WE OFFER ONE, TWO AND THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT HOMES, FEATURING HIGH END AMENITIES AND OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY FACILITIES. Please reach out to us for any questions you might have. We're happy to help you. COMMUNITY QUALITY OUR WELCOMING COMMUNITY PROVIDES GREAT EXTERIOR HIGHLIGHTS FOR YOU. REACH OUT TODAY, WE'RE HAPPY TO SHOW YOU AROUND. SWIMMING POOL Meet new neighbors and friends at the community clubhouse or swimming pool. PET PERKS We are a pet friendly community! Please contact us for our pet policy as some breed restrictions apply. LAUNDRY FACILITY For your convenience our community has an on-site laundry facility. APARTMENT AMENITIES PLENTY OF INTERIOR HIGHLIGHTS AWAIT YOU IN YOUR NEW HOME! * Spacious 1, 2 and 3-Bedroom Floor Plans * Dishwasher * Garbage Disposal * Private Patio or Balcony * Large Walk-In Closets * Cozy Fireplace * Stylish Tile Floors * Plush Carpeting Throughout Apartment * Washer and Dryer Connections * In-Unit Washer and Dryers * * Energy-Efficient Ceiling Fan * Select apartment homes GALLERY BROWSE OUR BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY BELOW AND TAKE A LOOK FOR YOURSELF WHAT OUR APARTMENTS HAVE TO OFFER. All Community Apartment Load More NEIGHBORHOOD A PRIME LOCATION IN A GROWING COMMUNITY Nestled in the heart of Arlington, a growing Texas suburb located just twenty miles from Dallas and Fort Worth, Cedar Point Apartments provides residents unlimited access to big city excitement and the added benefit of a peaceful, suburban neighborhood to call home. Remain connected to all the cultural centers, businesses, and shopping districts of the large urban Metroplex of DFW while enjoying a relaxed residential lifestyle at our apartment community. For some local fun, head to Arlington’s own Six Flags Over Texas or The Parks Mall ice skating rink for an afternoon of fun everyone will enjoy. No matter how you choose to spend your time, Cedar Point Apartments offers the perfect home base for both individuals and families! See What's Around EXPLORE OUR NEIGHBORHOOD * Fast Food Pizza Patron 0.10mi * Groceries Super Mercado Monterrey 0.09mi * Nightlife & Bars * Restaurants Rio Bravo Arlington 0.40mi * Education Back Back * * * * * * * WE'RE READY FOR YOU. A CONVENIENT LOCATION, MODERN INTERIOR HIGHLIGHTS AND A WELCOMING COMMUNITY INVITE YOU TO YOUR NEW HOME. Click on the link below to view available floor plans and apply. We're excited to hear from you! Contact Us CONTACT US Fill out the form below, and someone from our team will reach out shortly. Full Name Full Name Preferred Contact Method Email Phone Preferred Contact Method Phone Phone Email Email Preferred Bedrooms Interested In 1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms Referrer How did you hear about us? Apartment Locator Apartmentguide.com Apartments.com ApartmentFinder.com ApartmentList.com Corporate Website Craigslist Employee Facebook Flyer Friend Locator/Broker/HAR/Zillow Other Internet Site Property Website Search Engine (Google Etc.) Signs/Drive By Social Media Zillow.com Move in date < Jul 2024 > SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 < 2024 > JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember < 2020 - 2029 > 2020202120222023202420252026202720282029 Message Message Unit (do not touch) Unit (do not touch) Model (do not touch) Model (do not touch) Recaptcha response Submit CALL US TODAY! Reach out by calling us or sending us directly an email with the contact form. We're happy to hear from you. Apply Now CEDAR POINT APARTMENTS ADDRESS 2020 Cedar Point Drive Arlington, TX 76010 PHONE (817) 261-5896 HOURS Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM © Cedar Point Apartments ADA@2x Created with Sketch. equal-housing@2x Created with Sketch. Happily Made by Razz $500 OFF Hurry in today to take advantage of this amazing offer. Ask about our AISD monthly discounts! *$250.00 of 1st full month and $250.00 off 2nd full month. * Must move in by 7/31/2024. 2 months FREE reserved parking. Apply Now