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Residence life and education, residential curriculum and curricular approaches,
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These resources are a part of our ongoing efforts to share research and insights
into developing a residential curriculum. While these materials may help in
providing a broad understanding what a curriculum entails, the ACPA Institute on
the Curricular Approach, ICA, (formerly the Residential Curriculum Institute,
RCI) goes through step-by-step detail into how to enact these principles in your
work. Our staff member, Paul Gordon Brown, also offers workshops and other
consultative services related to a residential curriculum. Roompact is a proud
sponsor of the Institute on the Curricular Approach and is its official software


The residential curriculum model, currently referenced as the curricular
approach, was born out of original work created at the University of Delaware
and cultivated as an in-person professional development event/Institute by ACPA.
Over the years, ACPA Institute faculty have continued to develop and refine the
curricular approach and its components for the Institute.  As a result, the
intellectual property rights for the residential curriculum model, curricular
approach, and related Institutes belongs to ACPA and to the University of
Delaware. It is expected that individuals and institutions not reproduce or
re-purpose any content from the Institute in whole or in part, whether for
profit or not, without the advance, express written permission of ACPA-College
Student Educators International. If additional permissions are needed for
intellectual property, ACPA will consult with the University of Delaware and/or
Institute faculty as appropriate.


Our “Topics” resource pages curate content (articles, Reseach, videos, etc.) on
important subjects in Residence Life and college student housing. Explore
content on residential curriculum, restorative practices, living learning
communities, RA training and selection, roommate agreements, and more!

Explore More Topics




The terms “residential curriculum” or “curricular approach” are used to describe
an intentional specifically-structured way of promoting learning in college and
university student affairs programs. Borrowing from techniques utilized by
classroom-based teachers, the curricular approach to student affairs designs a
series of successive learning and engagement opportunities for students that are
measurable against defined objectives. Utilizing this intentional process allows
an institution to better improve their efforts year-over-year, something not
easily accomplished through more traditional ad-hoc methods.

Implemented at the University of Delaware in the early 2000s, the model was
first detailed in a 2006 article by Kerr and Tweedy titled, “Beyond seat time
and student satisfaction: A curricular approach to residential education,” in
About Campus magazine. Kerr, Tweedy, Edwards, and Kimmel (2017) followed up on
their About Campus article a decade later further refining the notion of a
residential curriculum and expanding its applicability as a curricular approach
to all of student affairs work. This work was expanded and codified in the book,
The Curricular Approach to Student Affairs: A Revolutionary Shift for Learning
Beyond the Classroom (Kerr, Edwards, Tweedy, Lichterman, & Knerr, 2020).

Originally focused solely on departments of housing and residence life, this
approach led to the establishment of ACPA’s Residential Curriculum Institute
(RCI) in 2007.  This has since expanded to entire divisions of student affairs
and their related departments, resulting in a re-naming of the Institute to the
Institute on the Curricular Approach (ICA). Since then, the curricular approach
has become increasingly common and popular at institutions of higher education.
Pre-pandemic, the Institute was  drawing over 500 participants a year, with
additional registrants on a wait list. 

The curricular approach maintains strong roots in housing and residence life. In
his 2015 book, Student Learning in College Residence Halls, Blimling (2015)
provided an overview of the curricular approach and related models for designing
residential education initiatives. Likewise, ACUHO-I’s Campus Housing Management
series (Dunkel & Baumann, 2013) contributed text providing more details about
the approach and its application in residence life. As a core feature of many
institutions of higher education, residence life remains a critical component of
a curricular approach.

Focused research efforts on the curricular approach have included examinations
of organizational culture shifts required by the approach (Lichterman, 2016,
Kropf, 2020), the impact of curricular efforts on staff members (Stauffer &
Kimmel, 2019; Pernotto, 2021) and students (Sanders, 2018, Scheibler, 2021) and
their experience of the curriculum. Further targeted research was conducted on
how curricular efforts can support under-represented student populations
(Williams, et al., 2020).



Roompact offers a number of eBooks related to curricular development and
residence life and education. Written by Dr. Paul Gordon Brown, and sponsored by
Roompact, we make these freely available to everyone and encourage folks to
utilize and share these widely. The following eBooks on residential curriculum
and curricular approaches provide you with definitions, instructions, and review
materials to aid you in your educational work on campus.

Download Books



A Formal Rationale for a Residential Curriculum or Curricular Approach

Curriculum Basics and Overview

 * What is a Residential Curriculum? Curricular Approach? Residential Learning
 * Have We Reached The Tipping Point For Residential Curriculum Model Adoption?
 * What are the Benefits of Moving to a Curricular Approach to Residence Life?
 * Transformative Residential Curricula: Lessons Learned Over 10 Years by Hilary
   Lichterman, Kathleen Kerr, and Keith Edwards
 * Are You Organizationally Ready To Take On a Curricular Approach?
 * You Don’t Need to Have a Residential Curriculum to Benefit From it’s Concepts
 * Things to Remember When Embarking on Your Journey to a Residential Curriculum
   or Curricular Approach
 * 6 Tips for Staying Unstuck with a Curricular Approach by Keith Edwards
 * A Curricular Approach is More Important Than Ever (during the COVID-19
   pandemic) by Frank Tierney

Divisional Curriculum

 * Harmonizing Divisional and Departmental Curricula

Beginning Your Journey

 * 4 Documents that Place “Student Learning” at the Core of Residential
 * Developing a Timeline for a Divisional or Residential Curriculum
   Implementation on Your Campus
 * A Glossary of Terms for Residential Curriculum and Curricular Approaches
   Outside of the Classroom

The Ten Elements of a Curriculum

 * Element #1: Directly Connects to the Institutional Mission
 * Element #2: Learning Goals and Outcomes Developed and Based in a Defined
   Educational Priority
 * Element #3: Basis in Developmental Theory and Research
 * Element #4: Educational Strategies are Developed to Advance Learning Outcomes
 * Element #5: Educational Strategies Go Beyond Programmed Events
 * Element #6: Student Staff Are Utilized in Roles Appropriate To Their Skill
 * Element #7: Learning is Scaffolded and Sequenced To Follow Time-Based
 * Element #8: Key Stakeholders are Identified and Involved
 * Element #9: Peer-Review is Accomplished Through an Intentional Process
 * Element #10: Assessment Occurs at All Levels: From Educational Priority to
   Learning Goals and Outcomes
 * The Missing 11th Element of a Residential Curriculum: Customized Student

 * Which of the Residential Curriculum Elements are the Hardest to Achieve? And

Determining Your Objectives

 * Does Your Residential Curriculum Cascade?
 * Why Words Matter in a Residential Curriculum
 * How to Conduct an Archeological Dig for a Curricular Approach to Student
 * Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a Curriculum. What is missing? by Richard
   George Henderson

Educational Priority

 * The Difference Between a “Mission Statement” and an “Educational Priority” in
   a Curriculum
 * 21 Examples of Learning Priority Statements for a Residential Curriculum

Goals and Narratives

 * What are Residential Curriculum Goals and Narratives and How to Write Them
 * Utilizing National Competencies and Standards to Develop Your Curricular
   Learning Goals
 * 7 Learning Goal Themes Commonly Found in a Residential Curriculum


 * Breaking Down Curricular Learning Goals into Learning Outcomes
 * Building Off of Bloom: Writing Progressive Learning Objectives

Rubrics and Sequencing

 * How To Developmentally Sequence and Map Student Co-Curricular Learning
 * How to Develop Student Learning Rubrics for Student Affairs Curriculum
 * The Iterative and Reciprocal Process of Developing Rubrics

Strategies and Facilitation Guides

 * Creating Effective Curriculum Facilitation Guides and Lesson Plans for Staff
 * Key Objectives For Residential Curriculum and Curricular Approach
   Facilitation Guides
 * A Rubric for Evaluating your Residential Curriculum Facilitation Guides
 * 10 Different Strategies for Promoting Residential Student Learning
 * Incentivizing the Residential Curriculum by Matt Kwiatkowski

Educational Plan and Curricular Review

 * Developing Your Educational Plan(s) and Putting Your Residential Curriculum
   Into Practice
 * Utilizing Peer and External Review Processes for Continuous Curricular
 * Presentation: Utilizing Standards to Assess the Effectiveness of a
   Residential Education Curriculum

Assessing Learning

 * Five Tips for Designing Your Residential Curriculum Assessment Plans by Craig
 * Developing A Culture of Assessment in Your Residence Life and Education
 * Utilizing Existing Campus-Wide Assessments and Measures in Your Curricular
 * On-The-Ground Assessment of Student Learning Out of the Classroom
 * Feedback versus Assessment: Questions to Ask
 * 27 Quick Questions to Assess Student Learning

Partnerships, Buy-In, and Organizational Change

 * Who, Where, and How to Engage Partners and Stakeholders in a Residential
 * Five Tips for Building Residential Curriculum “Buy-in” by Craig Orchulski
 * Pivoting Your Curricular Approach to Virtual Engagement for Student Learning
   by Keith Edwards


An (Over?) Simplified Explanation of The Curricular Approach/Residential
Curriculum Process



 * 5 Signs Your Residential Curriculum is Actually a Programming Model with
   Learning Outcomes
 * Why the Frequency of Residence Hall Programs Matters More Than the Overall
   Number of Them
 * Suggestions for Student Learning Beyond the Classroom for Fall 2020 by
   Kathleen Kerr, Keith Edwards, Jim Tweedy, Hilary Lichterman, and Amanda Knerr

Utilizing Restorative Practices in Residence Life Curriculum

 * Overview
 * Residential Curriculum and Curricular Approaches
 * Roommate Agreements
 * Floor Meetings and Circles
 * Intentional Conversations and Interactions
 * Fair Process in Curriculum Development
 * Assessment
 * Organization Culture
 * Putting it into Practice

Intentional Conversations

 * What are Intentional Conversations and Why Should You Use Them in Residential
   * How to Structure Intentional Conversations in a Residential Curriculum
   * Developing an Intentional Conversation Curriculum Guide for Student Staff
   * 100 Questions You Can Use for Intentional Conversations in the Residence
   * Don’t Be Creepy: Training Student Staff For Genuine Intentional
   * How to Track and Assesses Intentional Conversations for a Residential
   * Presentation: Implementing Intentional Conversations into Your Residence
     Life and Curriculum Work

Student and Professional Staff

 * Implications for Staff Member Duties, Selection, Training, and Development
   When Transitioning to a Curricular Approach
 * Hiring Professional Residence Life Staff for a Residential Curriculum
 * Onboarding New Professional Staff to a Student Affairs or Residential
 * Virginia Koch’s dissertation, “An Exploration of Current Practices in
   Curricular Design of Resident Assistant Training Programs“
 * RA Training and Residential Curriculum:
   * An Overview
   * Tone Setting and Basics
   * Involving RAs and Generating Buy-In
   * Sequencing and Planning
   * Resources and Examples
   * Assessment Data and Exercises
   * Throughout the Year
 * 4 Tips for Developing Buy-In for Curriculum from RAs, Student Staff Members,
   and Student Leaders
 * RAs are NOT Educational Experts!


 * Where Can I Find Peer Institutions To Collaborate With And Benchmark?
 * Where Can I Find Examples of Facilitation Guides?
 * Can a Curricular Approach Work on a Campus with a Large Commuter Population?

Residence Life-Specific Q&As

 * Where do RHA’s and Hall Councils Fit into a Curricular Approach?
 * Where does Residence Life Community Building Fit Into a Curriculum?

> ResLife Pro-D in a Bag: Transitioning From A Program Model To A Residential
> Curriculum (1 hour)

> ResLife Pro-D in a Bag: Get Up To Speed On Residential Curriculum Basics (1
> hour)

> ResLife Pro-D in a Bag: Evaluating And Enhancing Your Residential Curriculum
> (1-1.5 hours)



 * 5 Lessons Learned from Embracing Restorative Practices in our Residential
   Curriculum by Kaleigh Mrowka and Lauren Teresa Mauriello
 * How Colleges Use the Curriculum to Encourage Resilience (Chronicle of Higher
   Education, paywall)



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

 * Lichterman, H. & Bloom, J. L. (2019). The Curricular Approach to Residential
   Education: Lessons for Student Affairs Practice. College Student Affairs
   Journal, 37(1), 54-67.
 * Stauffer, C., & Kimmel, D. (2019). A framework for increasing housing and
   residence life staff capacity and confidence to develop and implement a
   residential curriculum. The Journal of College and University Student
   Housing, 45(3), 26-39.
 * Williams, S., Johnson, M. R., Kolek, E. A., Hornak, A. M., Ampaw, F.,
   Gardner, K. (2021). Using inclusion assistants within a residential
   curriculum to improve the experiences and success of students with
   underrepresented identities. Journal of College and University Student
   Housing 47(2), 44-61.

About Curricular Approaches:

 * Kerr, K. G., Edwards, K. E., Tweedy, J., Lichterman, H. L., & Knerr, A. R.
   (2020). The curricular approach to student affairs: A revolutionary shift for
   learning beyond the classroom. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
 * Baumann, J. A. (2020, November). Updating a campus mindset: A curricular
   approach provides student affairs clarity during challenging times. Talking
   Stick, 38(2).
 * Kerr, K. G., & Tweedy, J. (2006). Beyond seat time and student satisfaction:
   A curricular approach to residential education. About Campus, 11(5), 9-15.
 * Kerr, K. G., Tweedy, J., Edwards, K. E., & Kimmel, D. (2017, March-April).
   Shifting to curricular approaches to learning beyond the classroom. About
   Campus, 22(1), 22-31. doi:10.1002/abc.21279

Reference Curricular Approaches:

 * Cardone, T., Stoll Turton, E., Olson, G., & Baxter Magolda, M. (2013,
   November-December). Learning partnerships in practice: Orientation,
   leadership, and residence life. About Campus, 18(5), 2-9.
   doi: 10.1002/abc.21131

Contain Sub-Sections on Curricular Approaches:

 * Blimling, G. S. (2015). Student learning in college residence halls: What
   works, what doesn’t, and why. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
 * Dunkel, N. & Baumann, J. (Eds.), (2013). Campus housing management: Residence
   life and education. Columbus, OH: Association of College and University
   Housing Officers-International.



 * Kropf, H. (2020). Residence life as learning organizations: An inquiry into
   organizational elements that support integration of the residential
   curriculum. (Doctoral dissertation).
 * Lichterman, H. L. (2016). Organizational Perspective On Implementing The
   Residential Curriculum Approach: An Ethnographic Case Study. (Doctoral
   * See also: Lichterman’s Organizational Barometer
 * Pernotto, E. T. (2021). Embracing the role of educator: The experiences of
   housing and residence life staff in implementing a curriculum model.
   (Doctoral dissertation).
 * Sanders, L. A. (2018). The influence of residential curriculum on first-year
   residential students in higher education. (Doctoral dissertation).
 * Scheibler, D. L. (2021). Home sweet home: A phenomenological case study
   exploring the lived experiences of residential students in curricular
   environments. (Doctoral dissertation).


 * Roompact Residential Curriculum and Curricular Approaches Explainer Video
 * A History of Residential Curriculum and the Curricular Approach to Student
   Affairs Work
 * Student Affairs NOW Episode: The Curricular Approach to Student Affairs
 * Student Affairs NOW Episode: Lessons from Research on a Curricular Approach
 * PechaKucha – Claiming Our Roles As Educators: Residential Curriculum and
   Curricular Approaches
 * Pedagogy Beyond the Classroom (Student Affairs Live)
 * SEAHO 2021 – Best of MS: Setting the Culture: Residence Education through
   Residential Curriculum
 * Expand Your Engagement: Creating an Innovative Curricular Approach
 * Creating Curriculum Facilitation Guides for “Crisis and Emergency Learning
 * 7 Curricular Training Mistakes to Avoid for Student Staff
 * Webinar – Creating Learning Outcomes for Residential Students


> ResEdChat Ep 44: Ardell Sanders & Alex Martinez Preview the 2023 Institute on
> the Curricular Approach

> ResEdChat Ep 49: Paul Gordon Brown on the Current State of the Curricular
> Approach

> ResEdChat Ep 50: Developing A Curricular Approach Mindset

 * Remote Engagement for Residential Curriculum from Keith Edwards
 * Justice Wasn’t Built in a (Diversity) Day: A Curricular Approach ($10 for
 * How RAs and Student Staff Can Enact Curriculum and Build Community Digitally
   During COVID-19


 * Yale-NUS College: Residential Curriculum
 * University of South Florida: Residential Curriculum
 * FGCU Residential Curriculum Overview
 * UNT Housing and Residence Life Residential Curriculum
 * Rutgers Residential Curriculum: Creating Our Educational Priority
 * Missouri University of Science and Technology



 * What Is and Why Attend the Institute on the Curricular Approach (Residential
   Curriculum Institute)?
 * ACPA’s Institute on the Curricular Approach (Resdiential Curriculum
 * Now Open for 2020! Why You Should Consider Applying to be an ICA Showcase
 * Also of interest, ACPA’s Program Design School

2019 Institute Social Media Recaps: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

2018 Institute Social Media Recaps: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

2017 Institute Social Media Recaps: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, #ACPARCI 2017 by Erin
Simpson (PDF)

2016 Institute Social Media Recaps: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

2014 Institute Social Media Recaps: Day 1 (PDF), Day 2 (PDF), Day 3
(PDF), Reflections on the 2014 Residential Curriculum Institute by Nicolas

2013 Institute Social Media Recaps: #ACPARCI 2013 Twitter Recap by ebeeler (PDF)



 * American University (2010)
 * Appalachian State University (2017)
 * Carleton University (2017, 2018)
 * Central Michigan University (2017, 2018, 2019)
 * Clemson University (2014, 2019, 2021, 2022)
 * Colorado Mesa University (2012, 2013)
 * Concordia College (2021) *Divisional
 * Dartmouth College (2009)
 * East Tennessee State University (2016)
 * Eastern Kentucky University (2018)
 * Florida International University (2019)
 * Georgia Southern University (2015)
 * Georgia State University (2021)
 * Gettysburg College (2010, 2011)
 * Indiana State University (2014, 2015, 2018, 2019)
 * Indiana University Bloomington (2018)
 * Lehigh University (2013, 2014, 2019) *Divisional
 * Macalester College (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016)
 * Messiah College (2011)
 * New York University (2010, 2015)
 * North Carolina State University (2017)
 * North Dakota State University (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,
   2022) *Divisional
 * Northern Illinois University (2011, 2012)
 * Pennsylvania State University (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015)
 * Quinnipiac University (2018)
 * Radford University (2018)
 * St. Lawrence University (2012)
 * Saint Louis University (2011, 2012, 2013)
 * San Jose State University (2020)
 * Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
 * SUNY Brockport (2011, 2013)
 * SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology (2018)
 * SUNY Geneseo (2019) *Divisional
 * SUNY University of Buffalo (2014, 2018, 2019)
 * Syracuse University (2009)
 * Texas A&M University at Galveston (2020) *Divisional
 * Texas State University (2021)
 * The College of New Jersey (2020)
 * University of Alabama at Birmingham (2022)
 * University of Central Florida (2016, 2018, 2019)
 * University of Colorado Boulder (2020)
 * University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (2022)
 * University of Connecticut (2017)
 * University of Dayton (2012, 2015)
 * University of Illinois Springfield (2019) *Divisional
 * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2016)
 * University of Iowa (2019)
 * University of Kansas (2018) *Divisional
 * University of Kentucky (2019)
 * University of Maryland Baltimore County (2019, 2020, 2022)
 * University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2017, 2018)
 * University of Minnesota (2010, 2012, 2013)
 * University of Mississippi (2016)
 * University of New Hampshire (2009, 2014, 2016)
 * University of North Carolina School of Arts (2018) *Divisional
 * University of North Carolina Greensboro (2021) *Divisional
 * University of Oklahoma (2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 *Gender + Equality Center,
   2022 *Divisional)
 * University of South Carolina (2013, 2015, 2016)
 * University of South Florida (2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020)
 * University of St. Thomas (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) *Divisional
 * University of Texas at Austin (2019, 2020)
 * University of Utah (2018, 2019, 2022)
 * University of Vermont (2021)
 * Virginia Tech (2013, 2014)
 * Wesleyan University (2020)
 * West Chester University (2019) *Divisional
 * Western Washington University (2011, 2012, 2020)
 * Whitman College (2009)
 * Wilfrid Laurier University (2017)



Although there are many schools implementing curricular approaches to
residential and student life, detailed information on these approaches can be
difficult to find online. The following is a list of schools that have
references to curricular frameworks and/or planning documents (including
learning goals and outcomes, strategies, lesson plans, etc.) online. Note that
these are of varying quality, and although an institution may list or reference
a curricular-type frame work, they may not implement a true approach in
practice. The links providing the most detail are listed first. Schools with
demonstrated student affairs divisional curricula are noted with an asterisk.

Most useful links:

 * Clemson University – Departmental 
 * Georgia Southern University (additional info: Handbook)
 * Lehigh University (additional info: link) *Divisional
 * Loyola University Chicago (additional info: Handbook)
 * North Dakota State University (includes links to facilitation guides,
   educational plans, templates and workbooks)
 * Salem State University (Handbook)
 * Spring Hill College
 * Stevenson University
 * University at Buffalo (additional info: link)

Additional institutions:

 * The College of New Jersey
 * College of Saint Benedict
 * Indiana State University
 * Indiana University Bloomington
 * Montclair State University
 * Purchase College
 * Radford University
 * St. John’s University
 * University of Mary Washington
 * University of Massachusetts at Amherst
 * University of Massachusetts at Lowell
 * University of Mississippi
 * University of South Florida (additional info: link)
 * University of Tampa
 * Virginia Tech *Divisional



The following are presentations on residential curriculum that are publicly
available online. The most useful links are in bold.

 * Time Spent on Hiring is Time Well Spent: Curricularizing Student Staff
   Selection by Kayla Reed and Molli Keller
 * A Curricular Approach to Student Staff Training by Christina Gilmore and
   Alicia Severson
 * Boston University’s Residential Experience
 * Residential Curriculum: Marekting and Brainstorming by Alex Wehrenberg
 * How a Residential Curriculum Impacts the Residential Experience by Amanda
   Knerr, Ardell Sanders, and Matthew Venaas
 * Utilizing Standards to Assess the Effectiveness of a Residential Education
   Curriculum by Hilary Lichterman, Ryan Lloyd, and Paul Gordon Brown
 * Program Model vs. Curriculum Model: A Tale of Two Approaches – U university
   of North Texas by Lindsey Fields and Katie Kolkmeier
 * Boston University’s Residential Curriculum
 * Residential Curriculum and Assessment: A Blueprint for Student Success –
   University of California Santa Barbara
 * Partnering for Success within the Residential Curriculum – University of
 * Residential Curriculum – Lehigh University
 * Residential Curriculum – University of South Florida
 * Residential Curriculum for Leadership and Social Change – San Francisco State
 * Residential Curriculum – by Kyle Smith
 * Residential Curriculum – University of South Florida
 * Residential Curriculum in Action – Northwestern Univesity



Blimling, G. S. (2015). Student learning in college residence halls: What works,
what doesn’t, and why. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Dunkel, N. & Baumann, J. (Eds.). (2013). Campus housing management: Residence
life and education. Columbus, OH: Association of College and University Housing

Kerr, K. G., Edwards, K. E., Tweedy, J., Lichterman, H. L., & Knerr, A. R.
(2020). The curricular approach to student affairs: A revolutionary shift for
learning beyond the classroom. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Kerr, K. G., & Tweedy, J. (2006). Beyond seat time and student satisfaction: A
curricular approach to residential education. About Campus, 11(5), 9-15.

Kerr, K. G., Tweedy, J., Edwards, K. E., & Kimmel, D. (2017, March-April).
Shifting to curricular approaches to learning beyond the classroom. About
Campus, 22(1), 22-31. doi:10.1002/abc.21279

Kropf, H. (2020). Residence life as learning organizations: An inquiry into
organizational elements that support integration of the residential curriculum.
(Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Lichterman, H. L. (2016). Organizational Perspective On Implementing The
Residential Curriculum Approach: An Ethnographic Case Study. (Doctoral
dissertation). Retrieved from

Pernotto, E. T. (2021). Embracing the role of educator: The experiences of
housing and residence life staff in implementing a curriculum model. (Doctoral
dissertation). Retrieved from

Sanders, L. A. (2018). The influence of residential curriculum on first-year
residential students in higher education. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved

Scheibler, D. L. (2021). Home sweet home: A phenomenological case study
exploring the lived experiences of residential students in curricular
environments. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from

Stauffer, C., & Kimmel, D. (2019). A framework for increasing housing and
residence life staff capacity and confidence to develop and implement a
residential curriculum. The Journal of College and University Student Housing,
45(3), 26-39.

Williams, S., Johnson, M. R., Kolek, E. A., Hornak, A. M., Ampaw, F., Gardner,
K. (2021). Using inclusion assistants within a residential curriculum to improve
the experiences and success of students with underrepresented identities.
Journal of College and University Student Housing 47(2), 44-61.

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