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Submitted URL: http://www.ecsd.net//page//7270//department/-listing
Effective URL: https://www.ecsd.net//page//7270//department/-listing
Submission: On September 14 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Inspired by our Division mission and vision statements, Edmonton Catholic
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Division Mission and Vision
Lumen Christi Catholic Education Centre 9405 50 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2T4

Phone 780-441-6000
Toll Free 1-888-441-6010
Email info@ecsd.net

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School district websites by Imagine Everything Inc.

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   * Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton
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Inspired by our Division mission and vision statements, Edmonton Catholic
Schools is committed to offering a Christ-centered learning experience for all

Division Mission and Vision
Lumen Christi Catholic Education Centre 9405 50 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2T4

Phone 780-441-6000
Toll Free 1-888-441-6010
Email info@ecsd.net

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School district websites by Imagine Everything Inc.


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