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Submitted URL: http://www.unionfacts.com/
Effective URL: https://www.unionfacts.com/
Submission: On December 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.unionfacts.com/
Submission: On December 11 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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OTHER CUF PROJECTS FIND YOUR UNION: -- select a union -- AFL-CIOActors & ArtistesAeronautical ExaminersAgriculture EmployeesAir Line PilotsAir Traffic ControllersAir Traffic SpecialistsAircraft Mechanics AssociationAmerican Federation of State County & Municipal EmployeAmerican Federation of TeachersAmerican Nurses AssociationAmerican Postal WorkersAsbestos WorkersAtlantic Independent UnionBakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers & Grain MillersBoilermakersBricklayersBuilding & Construction Trades Department AFL-CIOCHANGE TO WINCHRISTIAN LABOR UNION INDCarpentersCatholic School TeachersCivilian TechniciansClassified School EmployeesCommunications Workers of AmericaCommuter Rail EmployeesCongress Of Independent UnionsDupont WorkersElevator ConstructorsEngineers, Prof & TechFLIGHT ATTENDANTS ASN, AFL-CIOFederacion Puertorriquena De TrabFederated Texas UnionsFederation Of Salaried UnionsFederation of Professional AthletesFire & Security OfficersFire FightersFood and Allied Service Trades Department AFL-CIOGeneral WorkersGlass Molders PlasticsGovernment EmployeesGovernment Security OfficersGraphic CommunicationsHotel Employees and Restaurant EmployeesIndustrial Trade UnionsIndustrial Workers UnionIndustrial Workers UnitedInlandboatmenInternational Brotherhood of Electrical WorkersIron WorkersJourneymen & Allied TradesLaborersLocomotive EngineersLongshore & WarehouseLongshoremens AssociationMachinistsMaintenance Of Way EmployeesMarine EngineersMaritime Trades DepartmentMasters Mates & PilotsMetal Trades DepartmentMusical ArtistsMusiciansNLRB UnionNational Alliance of Postal & Federal EmployeesNational Association of Government Employees SEIUNational Association of Letter CarriersNational Education AssociationNational Federation Of Independent UnionsNational Federation of Federal EmployeesNational Nurses UnitedNational Production WorkersNational Staff OrganizationNovelty & Production WorkersNurses Association of CanadaOffice & Professional EmployeesOperating EngineersPACEPaintersPetroleum WorkersPlant Protection AssociationPlant Protection EmployeesPlasterers & Cement MasonsPlate PrintersPlumbersPolice AssociationsPostal Mail HandlersPractical NursesPulp & Paper WorkersRailroad SignalmenRetail, Wholesale, and Department StoreRoofersRural Letter Carriers AssociationScreen ActorsSeafarersSecurity Police & GuardsSecurity Police and Fire ProfessionalsService EmployeesSheet Metal WorkersShoe CraftsmenSindicato Puertorriqueno De TrabStage & Picture OperatorsSteelworkersTV & Radio ArtistsTeamstersTool CraftsmenTrabajadores De Pr, Confed IndTrabajadores Industriales De Pr IndTrain DispatchersTransit UnionTransport WorkersTransportation Communication UnionTransportation UnionTreasury EmployeesUNITE HEREUnion Label Service Trades DepartmentUniteUnited Auto WorkersUnited Electrical, Radio and Machine WorkersUnited Farm WorkersUnited Food & Commercial WorkersUnited Mine WorkersUniversity ProfessorsUtility WorkersUtility Workers CouncilVariety ArtistsWeather Service EmployeesWriters Guild EastWriters Guild West RECENT POSTS * WHY WON’T THE UAW STAND AGAINST ISRAEL’S ATTACKERS? December 5, 2023 Last week, UAW President Shawn Fain announced he was “proud” of the union’s decision to endorse a ceasefire in Gaza, despite the terrorist group Hamas still being in power. He implied that the state of Israel was akin to Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa. The UAW went on to call for a “divestment working […] * MEMBER DISCONTENT GROWS AT SEIU AND WORKERS UNITED November 21, 2023 Enmeshed in a legal battle with Starbucks, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and its affiliate Workers United have not been without controversy. That seems unlikely to change now that information has come to light showing discontent among its membership. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request recently released by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) […] Read more LOOKING FOR SOMETHING? * Find Your Union * Union Member Resources * Blog * Employee Rights Act * Our Advertisements * Help Us * About CUF * Privacy Policy © 2023 CENTER FOR UNION FACTS The Center for Union Facts is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that fights for transparency and accountability in America’s labor movement. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES: Sign Up