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Monday - Friday, 8AM to 5PM Call us now +256 (0) 393228615 | Email * Home * About Us * Background Info * What We Do * Governance * Ethics & Policies * Projects * Running Projects * Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4 * Completed Projects * 2018 * Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4 * 2019 * Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4 * 2020 * Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4 * 2021 * Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4 * 2022 * Project1 * Project2 * Project3 * Project4 * Publications * Strategic Plans * Annual Reports * 2018 * 2019 * 2020 * 2021 * 2022 * Success Stories * News * Get Involved * Careers * Volunteering * Internships * Donate * Media * Photo Gallery * Video Gallery * Contact Donate 1. 2. 3. 4. WELCOME TO CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE Social Services and Development Read More STAFF OF CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE Staff of Caritas are ready to Serve the Beneficieries Read More AMANDA FARMERS GROUP COMMUNITY STORE This is one of the Farmers Community Store Built by Caritas Arua Diocese in the Refugees Settlements Read More SUPERVISION OF CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE ACTIVITIES The Partners of Caritas Arua Diocese on ground to supervise the work and Activities carried out in the Refugees Settlements Read More VISION Have life in its fullness” (Jn 10:10) Build charitable and more just world where everybody can live in peace and enjoy full human dignity. Learn More MISSION To bare witnesses to God’s love. To work and share the vision of spreading charity, peace, social justice and integral development, thus translating the Christian message of love of neighbor Learn More CORE VALUES Caritas Arua Diocese upholds values that are enshrined in Christian Doctrines in the delivery of programmes and projects, specifically; the following values are promoted... Learn More OBJECTIVES Since Uganda is a member to the United Nations, Caritas Arua has also focused its plans and activities on the following Millennium Development Goals (MDG); Learn More WELCOME MESSAGE FROM CHAIRPERSON BOARD OF DIRECTORS CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE GREETINGS We sincerely thank all our esteemed partners, believers and all other stakeholders who share our charitable mission and social teachings of the Catholic Church. I continue to appeal for more support so that together we can achieve the ultimate goal of every human being living a life with diginity Yours Sincerely in Christ God Bless You All. Rt.Rev. Sabino Ocan Odoki Bishop of Arua Diocese. Chairperson Board of Directors Caritas Arua Diocese. ABOUT US Welcome To Caritas Arua Diocese ABOUT CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE Caritas is a Latin word meaning charity or love for the poor. Caritas Arua Diocese started in 1986 as a relief office after the return of refugees from Congo and Sudan. By that time Caritas’ main services were to give out food and tents but due to increased demand for food, Social Services Development (SSD) now Caritas turned its services into provision of farm tools and agricultural inputs. By 1994 SSD became a fully-fledged office of its own. Caritas is the Social Services and Development arm of Arua Diocese entrusted with the socio-economic ministry of the Catholic Church (i.e. Integral Human Development) in this Diocese. It is the instrument and expression of charity in the Christian community. The organization is meant to give heart to the Church’s socio–pastoral action, directed by the Bishop. The activities of Caritas Arua are based on the social teaching of the Catholic Church. Caritas Arua Diocese is a member of Caritas Uganda that is also part of the Roman Catholic Caritas International network. Learn More OUR FACTS , HAVING BEEN IN EXISTENCE FOR SOME GOOD YEARS, THIS IS WHO WE ARE. 0 Board of Directors 0 Staff & Volunteers 0 Partners 0 Beneficiaries (Diect and Indirect) 0 Running Projects 0 Completed Projects Click here For More Videos WHAT WE DO/SERVICES Millions of people in the Diocese of Arua and the Refugees from DRC and South Suda live in difficult circumstances due to injustice, violence and disasters. Caritas Arua Diocese helps. Together with other organisations, government and the population itself, we work towards a liveable future and a dignified existence for everyone. DEMOCRACY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE a. Civic Education (Voter education and electoral Democracy) b. Research and Advocacy for improved service delivery FOOD SECURITY AND LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPMENT Micro Finance development through Village Savings and Loans associations (VSLA) HIV/ AIDS AND OTHER SOCIAL BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE a. Awareness creation b. HIV Counseling and Testing ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY a. Aforestation b. Promotion of Energy Savings Stoves. c. Water, Hygiene and Sanitation INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT a. Staff Development b. Board and Institutional Policy development. GENDER AND EQUALITY Empowerment of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including;Empowerment of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) including; RELIEF AID IN EMERGENCIES; In cases of situations like drought, floods, physical displacements (refugees) WOMEN AND YOUTHS INCLUSION ON OUR PROGRAM a. information here b. Brief Information here LINKAGE TO MARKET a. information under construction,information under construction b. information under construction, information under construction FINANCES a. information here b. Brief Information here PEACE BUILDING a. information here b. Brief Information here LATEST ACTIVITIES LOOK THROUGH OUR LATEST ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT BY CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE * LATEST ACTIVITY Brief information about the Activity carried out by Caritas Arua Diocese * LATEST ACTIVITY Brief information about the Activity carried out by Caritas Arua Diocese * LATEST ACTIVITY Brief information about the Activity carried out by Caritas Arua Diocese * LATEST ACTIVITY Brief information about the Activity carried out by Caritas Arua Diocese THE ACTIVITY Brief information about the Activity carried out by Caritas Arua Diocese ACTIVITY Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction ACTIVITY Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction ACTIVITY Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction THE ACTIVITY Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction ACTIVITY Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction ACTIVITY Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction Detailed Information about the Activity carried by Arua Diocese is still under construction GALLERY Some of selceted pictures put in Gallery to see what is happening and going on at Caritas Arua Diocese with its Activiies. Click on each picture to Zoom. TESTIMONIALS Get on sight with the latest about what our Beneficieries both Direct and Indirect say about our Activities as Caritas Arua Diocese. Adiga Yasin age 56 years, a host community household beneficiaries in proporo village, in Romogi Sub County in Yumbe district received tree seedling support from Caritas in 2020 to plant 3 acres of Teak seedlings as wood lot and 1 acre of Gmalena seedling as woodlot.According to Yasin ‘Before the coming of the refugees.. MR. ADIGA YASIN FARMER & A HOST COMMUNITY My name is Susan (not real names) 46. She is a happy woman! When conflict in South Sudan escalated in 2016 refugees fled to Uganda and settled in different parts of the country and one of the places they settled in is Bidibidi in Yumbe district. As the refugees where in dare need for humanitarian assistance, Caritas with funding from.. MRS. SUZAN FARMER & DEALING ON BEE HIVES In March 2021, when Caritas groups were being formed in Lori Sub County Ombaci Parish Oche group was among them which was formed in the Oche Village. Caritas supported Oche group with tomatoes seedlings, Watering Cane, Onions, trainings on climate smart agriculture among others to establish demonstration gardens in June 2021 WOMEN IN GROUPS OCHE GROUP & LORI SUB COUNTY OMBACI PARISH Wani 25 years of age living in Bidibidi settlement in Yumbe district with a family size of 5 and having 2 children where the oldest is 4 years fled to Uganda in 2016 when the crisis in South Sudan escalated to other parts of the Country. Wani whose state is Bentiu said that if he had fled he would have died MR. WANI DELUX BUSINESS MAN & REFUGEE Chairman peace committee village 7, who is also RWC-1 of village-7 said that, before Caritas introduced the peace building program in Zone-3, there was no cooperation between refugees & host community land lords in areas of farm-land acquisition, firewood, grass and water at times of scarcity.But when.. PEACE BUILDING PEACE BUILDING & VILLAGE-7 ZONE-3 Adiga Yasin age 56 years, a host community household beneficiaries in proporo village, in Romogi Sub County in Yumbe district received tree seedling support from Caritas in 2020 to plant 3 acres of Teak seedlings as wood lot and 1 acre of Gmalena seedling as woodlot.According to Yasin ‘Before the coming of the refugees.. MR. ADIGA YASIN FARMER & A HOST COMMUNITY My name is Susan (not real names) 46. She is a happy woman! When conflict in South Sudan escalated in 2016 refugees fled to Uganda and settled in different parts of the country and one of the places they settled in is Bidibidi in Yumbe district. As the refugees where in dare need for humanitarian assistance, Caritas with funding from.. MRS. SUZAN FARMER & DEALING ON BEE HIVES In March 2021, when Caritas groups were being formed in Lori Sub County Ombaci Parish Oche group was among them which was formed in the Oche Village. Caritas supported Oche group with tomatoes seedlings, Watering Cane, Onions, trainings on climate smart agriculture among others to establish demonstration gardens in June 2021 WOMEN IN GROUPS OCHE GROUP & LORI SUB COUNTY OMBACI PARISH Wani 25 years of age living in Bidibidi settlement in Yumbe district with a family size of 5 and having 2 children where the oldest is 4 years fled to Uganda in 2016 when the crisis in South Sudan escalated to other parts of the Country. Wani whose state is Bentiu said that if he had fled he would have died MR. WANI DELUX BUSINESS MAN & REFUGEE Chairman peace committee village 7, who is also RWC-1 of village-7 said that, before Caritas introduced the peace building program in Zone-3, there was no cooperation between refugees & host community land lords in areas of farm-land acquisition, firewood, grass and water at times of scarcity.But when.. PEACE BUILDING PEACE BUILDING & VILLAGE-7 ZONE-3 Adiga Yasin age 56 years, a host community household beneficiaries in proporo village, in Romogi Sub County in Yumbe district received tree seedling support from Caritas in 2020 to plant 3 acres of Teak seedlings as wood lot and 1 acre of Gmalena seedling as woodlot.According to Yasin ‘Before the coming of the refugees.. MR. ADIGA YASIN FARMER & A HOST COMMUNITY Click For More Stories OUR PARTNERS Get to know about our various partners by clicking on each partner to visit the official websites OUR HEAD OFFICE Our Head Office is located at Ediofe Mission, P.O.BOX 135, Ediofe,Arua City Phone: +256 (0) 393228615 Phone: +256 (0) 773799740 Email: Email: CARITAS ARUA DIOCESE * About Us * Governance & Structure * Chairperson & Borad * Services & Staff * Social Work * Quality & Training * Privacy Policy USEFUL LINKS * UEC * Arua Diocese * Caritas Uganda * Caritas Internationalis * CRS * UNHCR WHERE WE WORK * Adjumani * Arua * Koboko * Madi - Okollo * Maracha WHERE WE WORK * Moyo * Obongi * Refugees & Migrants Areas * Terego * Yumbe © Copyright Caritas Arua Diocese. All Rights Reserved Designed by Skynove Technologies