www.wickedsourdoughco.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://wickedsourdoughco.com/
Effective URL: https://www.wickedsourdoughco.com/
Submission Tags: phishingrod
Submission: On February 07 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

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Pickup from Wicked Sour Dough Co. (A Cottage Food Company)

 * Valentines/Superbowl …
 * ~ Seasonal ~ Preorder for 2/12
 * ~ Country Loaves ~ preorder …
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 * Valentines/Superbowl …
 * ~ Seasonal ~ Preorder for 2/12
 * ~ Country Loaves ~ preorder …
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Jalapeno Cream Cheese Buns- 1 dozen

Sourdough brioche stuffed with jalapeno cream cheese filling.


Low stock

Berry Cheesecake Buns- 1 dozen

Sourdough brioche with vanilla cheesecake and mixed berry topping.


Low stock


"It Must Be Loaf"

A fun way to enjoy your bread during Love Month! A Country Loaf with a *pinch*
of organic purple potato powder to give it a soft pink hue. Absolutely no
artificial colors or ingredients used.



Country Loaf

Simple, and classic. Plain loaf fermented over a three-day process for a deep
flavor and soft, moist texture. All-natural, gut-healthy and as always, no
commercial yeast.


Monthly Subscription

Four country loaves per month distributed one loaf at a time on weekly bake day!
A 25% off subscription discount is applied ($10 savings). Recurring payment is
setup via electronic invoice on the 1st of each month. Free cancellation. Bake
day variable each week. No substitutions.




No skimping on the jalapenos and cheese!



Lightly sweet & fluffy, perfected with fresh lemon juice and zest, wild
blueberries, and pink Himalayan sea salt.


Italian Herb & Roasted Garlic

House-made fresh caramelized garlic scattered throughout an aromatic dough with
flakes of basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme and sage. Delicious dipped in
a seasoned olive oil, made into garlic bread or paninis/sandwiches, dipped into
soups- you name it! YUM.



Wicked Sour Starter

100g of Wicked Sour Starter along with instructions on care, maintenance and
troubleshooting. It's much easier than you think, and so much fun! Food scale
recommended but not required.



Wicked Sour Digital Gift Card $10

Recipient may use this for $10 redemption per card on any of my bake days!
Expires 12/31/2024.



Please email via letter icon at the bottom of this page for inquiries regarding
off-menu items (bread bowls, pumpkins, themed orders, etc.)!


Wicked Sour Dough Co. is passionate in delivering naturally leavened bread for a
gut-friendly and easily digestible product. The most important ingredient in
every Wicked Sour item is its attention to detail.

"Sourdough isn't a recipe, it's a process."

Wicked Sour Dough Co. is a cottage food company based in southeast Idaho and is
not subject to inspection by any regulatory authority.

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