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The ROAS Trap: Discover 11 metrics that prove the value of retail media beyond ROAS Get the free report Contact Sales Open mobile menu * Platform Platform * Commerce Media Platform The connected commerce media environment for the open internet * Commerce Growth For marketers & agencies looking for automated acquisition & retention * Commerce Max For brands & agencies looking for retail media on the open internet * Commerce Grid For media owners, agencies, and retailers looking to connect media and commerce with programmatic * Commerce Yield For retailers, marketplaces & commerce companies looking to control, scale, and maximize digital asset monetization Technology * Addressability Learn about our multi-pronged addressability strategy for the ecosystem * AI Engine Removes the guesswork to save time and reach your KPIs * Predictive Bidding Bids based on the predicted value of each user to save you money * Product Recommendations Intent-based recommendations that drive more sales * Shopper Graph Connects shopper IDs & commerce data to scale and optimize your campaigns Free Report 11 data-backed ways to measure retail media success beyond ROAS Read it now * Solutions Performance Media * Customer Acquisition Reach new people who are likely interested in you but don't know you yet * Customer Retention Increase customer lifetime value from people who already know you * Dynamic Retargeting Increase conversions from people who know you with personalized product ads * Audiences Find and keep your next top customer with the largest commerce dataset * Video Advertising Drive discovery and engagement with online video * Contextual Advertising Level up your targeting by combining commerce data and contextual data Retail Media * Retail Media Reach and convert shoppers with relevant ads near the digital point of sale Success Stories L’Oréal’s integrated onsite and offsite retail media triumph drives 92% uplift in Revenue per User for YSL Beauty View success story 92% Revenue per user uplift +27% Onsite CTR uplift * Resources General * Resource Center Reports, guides, webinars, and more to inform your ad strategy * Blog Fresh insights on commerce media and digital advertising * Success Stories How others have realized their goals by partnering with Criteo * Consumer Trends The latest consumer data for 20 countries and 600+ product categories * Glossary Definitions of the most common digital advertising terminology * Addressability Learn about our multi-pronged addressability strategy for the ecosystem * Help Center FAQs, guides, and more to help you maximize your Criteo campaigns * Events See where Criteo will be next Creative Formats * Digital Ad Formats Explore our ad formats for video, adaptive, rich media, and more * Ad Gallery Real-world examples for a variety of formats, verticals, and regions * Dynamic Creative Optimization+ Real-time creative decisioning that scales to make sure your ads are seen * Ad Trust and Safety Maintain the highest level of quality and performance Criteo Trend Tracker Elevate your commerce game by joining our monthly newsletter packed with the latest data insights to know and share. Stay in the loop * About About * Company Get to know Criteo * Investors Information for investors * In the News Press releases and mentions * Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Our DEI pillars, goals, and more * Sustainability Our approach for a sustainable future * Product Ethics How we ensure ethical advertising * Careers Explore open opportunities Careers The future is wide open, and so is yours Find your job en * Deutsch * English * Español * Français * Italiano * Polski * Português * Pусский * 한국어 * 中文 * 日本語 My Account Contact Sales Search for: * Platform Back Back Platform Advertising & monetization for marketers and media owners * Commerce Media Platform The connected commerce media environment for the open internet * Commerce Growth For marketers & agencies looking for automated acquisition & retention * Commerce Max For brands & agencies looking for retail media on the open internet * Commerce Grid For media owners, agencies, and retailers looking to connect media and commerce with programmatic * Commerce Yield For retailers, marketplaces & commerce companies looking to control, scale, and maximize digital asset monetization Back Technology Commerce-focused tech that maximizes outcomes * Addressability Learn about our multi-pronged addressability strategy for the ecosystem * AI Engine Removes the guesswork to save time and reach your KPIs * Predictive Bidding Bids based on the predicted value of each user to save you money * Product Recommendations Intent-based recommendations that drive more sales * Shopper Graph Connects shopper IDs & commerce data to scale and optimize your campaigns * Solutions Back Back Performance Media Digital advertising solutions for every stage of the shopper journey * Customer Acquisition Reach new people who are likely interested in you but don't know you yet * Customer Retention Increase customer lifetime value from people who already know you * Dynamic Retargeting Increase conversions from people who know you with personalized product ads * Audiences Find and keep your next top customer with the largest commerce dataset * Video Advertising Drive discovery and engagement with online video * Contextual Advertising Level up your targeting by combining commerce data and contextual data Back Retail Media Activation & monetization solutions for brands, agencies, and retailers * Retail Media Reach and convert shoppers with relevant ads near the digital point of sale * Resources Back Back General Insights, education, Criteo updates, and more * Resource Center Reports, guides, webinars, and more to inform your ad strategy * Blog Fresh insights on commerce media and digital advertising * Success Stories How others have realized their goals by partnering with Criteo * Consumer Trends The latest consumer data for 20 countries and 600+ product categories * Glossary Definitions of the most common digital advertising terminology * Addressability Learn about our multi-pronged addressability strategy for the ecosystem * Help Center FAQs, guides, and more to help you maximize your Criteo campaigns * Events See where Criteo will be next Back Creative Formats Ad formats and a gallery of real-world ad examples * Digital Ad Formats Explore our ad formats for video, adaptive, rich media, and more * Ad Gallery Real-world examples for a variety of formats, verticals, and regions * Dynamic Creative Optimization+ Real-time creative decisioning that scales to make sure your ads are seen * Ad Trust and Safety Maintain the highest level of quality and performance * About Back Back About * Company Get to know Criteo * Investors Information for investors * In the News Press releases and mentions * Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Our DEI pillars, goals, and more * Sustainability Our approach for a sustainable future * Product Ethics How we ensure ethical advertising * Careers Explore open opportunities Search for: Search Select your Language DeutschEnglishEspañolFrançaisItalianoPolskiPortuguêsPусский한국어中文日本語 English My Account Contact Sales ADVERTISEMONETIZEGROW MORE EFFECTIVELY We help advertisers, retailers, and publishers activate and monetize audiences everywhere shoppable moments happen. Learn More Who We Are Join over 18,000 customers worldwide Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution Industry-leading AI technology World's largest open commerce dataset Inventory on leading retailers Premium open internet supply Unique commerce audiences Closed-loop measurement Outcomes-focused United supply and demand All-in-one solution OUR PLATFORM M a x i m i z e r e t u r n s a n d e a r n m o r e r e v e n u e w i t h t h e C o m m e r c e M e d i a P l a t f o r m . B e n e f i t f r o m t h e o n l y u n i f i e d p l a t f o r m t h a t d i r e c t l y c o n n e c t s a d v e r t i s e r s w i t h r e t a i l e r s a n d p u b l i s h e r s t o d r i v e c o m m e r c e o n t h e o p e n i n t e r n e t . ONE PLATFORM, SO MANY WAYS TO GROW. We offer different solutions to meet the unique needs of marketers and media owners. From the world’s largest brands to DTC and ecommerce businesses, retailers, and publishers, our platform helps everyone win with commerce media. The Commerce Media Platform +92% Revenue per user uplift ACQUIRE AND RETAIN CUSTOMERS. Achieve your customer acquisition and retention objectives with simple yet powerful automated advertising for the open internet. Commerce Growth +68% Revenue compared to using display alone SCALE YOUR RETAIL MEDIA PROGRAM. Activate across category-leading retailers and premium brand-safe open internet publishers within a single self-service demand-side platform. Commerce Max 575% Return on ad spend CONNECT COMMERCE & MEDIA. Harness the power of commerce media to maximize publisher CPMs, amplify advertiser outcomes, and unlock the true value of retailer shopper data. Commerce Grid +57% Lift in ad spend Our Solutions ENGAGE CONSUMERS ACROSS THEIR ENTIRE SHOPPING JOURNEY From awareness to conversion and video to retail media, our solutions enable full-funnel, outcomes-driven advertising. Inspire with video Combine video advertising with performance capabilities to reach and convert consumers across CTV, OTT, and online video. Video Advertising Upgrade contextual ads Enhance contextual advertising with first-party commerce data to focus your ads on the places that will have the most impact. Contextual Advertising Protect your brand Learn how our advanced safety solutions protect both brands and publishers, while maximizing business opportunities. Ad Trust and Safety Solve addressability Learn how our multi-pronged strategy answers the addressability challenges of agencies, brands, retailers, and publishers. Addressability Acquire new customers Connect with potential customers who are interested in your offerings, but haven't discovered your brand yet. Customer Acquisition Reengage customers Go beyond a single sale and reengage customers with dynamic ads that help them discover more of your products that they’ll love. Customer Retention Start or scale retail media Buy and sell retail media with ease with an end-to-end, self-service platform. Retail Media Platform Activate audiences Supercharge your targeting with the world's largest open commerce data set. Find in-market prospects, drive LTV, and reveal untapped insights. Audiences Retarget shoppers Bring shoppers back to buy with personalized video and display ads, delivered across the world’s best publishers and designed for measurable performance. Dynamic Retargeting Inspire with video Combine video advertising with performance capabilities to reach and convert consumers across CTV, OTT, and online video. Video Advertising Upgrade contextual ads Enhance contextual advertising with first-party commerce data to focus your ads on the places that will have the most impact. Contextual Advertising Protect your brand Learn how our advanced safety solutions protect both brands and publishers, while maximizing business opportunities. Ad Trust and Safety Solve addressability Learn how our multi-pronged strategy answers the addressability challenges of agencies, brands, retailers, and publishers. Addressability Acquire new customers Connect with potential customers who are interested in your offerings, but haven't discovered your brand yet. Customer Acquisition Reengage customers Go beyond a single sale and reengage customers with dynamic ads that help them discover more of your products that they’ll love. Customer Retention Start or scale retail media Buy and sell retail media with ease with an end-to-end, self-service platform. Retail Media Platform Activate audiences Supercharge your targeting with the world's largest open commerce data set. Find in-market prospects, drive LTV, and reveal untapped insights. Audiences Retarget shoppers Bring shoppers back to buy with personalized video and display ads, delivered across the world’s best publishers and designed for measurable performance. Dynamic Retargeting Inspire with video Combine video advertising with performance capabilities to reach and convert consumers across CTV, OTT, and online video. Video Advertising Upgrade contextual ads Enhance contextual advertising with first-party commerce data to focus your ads on the places that will have the most impact. Contextual Advertising Protect your brand Learn how our advanced safety solutions protect both brands and publishers, while maximizing business opportunities. Ad Trust and Safety Solve addressability Learn how our multi-pronged strategy answers the addressability challenges of agencies, brands, retailers, and publishers. Addressability 100% Increase in ROAS Customer Story “Criteo’s partnership has been instrumental in reaching our goals by continuing to stay top of mind and directing high intent traffic back onto our site and ultimately converting. Criteo has become a top traffic source to our website. We plan to continue the partnership as we continue to scale and recently started CTV with Criteo.” Adele Nasr |Chief Marketing Officer, Aventon SEE THE RESULTS WE HELPED OTHERS ACHIEVE Discover why 18,000+ global clients trust Criteo as their preferred advertising partner. View All StoriesContact Sales 575% Return on ad spend Read Story +926% Increase in ROAS Read Story +513% Revenue increase Read Story OUR AWARD-WINNING TECHNOLOGY O u r A I - p o w e r e d t e c h n o l o g y w a s b u i l t f o r c o m m e r c e a n d h a s b e e n c o n t i n u o u s l y l e a r n i n g f r o m s h o p p e r s f o r 1 8 y e a r s . W h e n i t c o m e s t o m a x i m i z i n g p e r f o r m a n c e a n d d e l i v e r i n g y o u r d e s i r e d o u t c o m e s , t h e r e i s n o e q u a l . 700 Million daily active users 35 Billion daily browsing and buying events 100,000 algorithm tests per year We use all of the data above (and then some) to learn about shoppers and fine-tune our engine, which means smarter campaign decisions and optimizations, and better results for you. Product Recommendations Determines the right products for every shopper. AI Engine Removes the guesswork and optimizes campaigns. Predictive Bidding Sets the best bid for every impression. Dynamic Creative Optimization+ Enables true, real-time ad personalization. Shopper Graph Analyzes large-scale data to understand shoppers better. Commerce Media Insights STAY IN THE KNOW ON ALL THINGS COMMERCE MEDIA Trends, strategies, perspectives, and more from our commerce media experts. Report The Great Defrag How commerce media will unite advertising in 2024 Global insights from brands, agencies, retailers, and publishers. Get the free report Blog Brands have big plans for retail media growth Here’s their wish list for 2024 and beyond. 3 Min Read Data Explore the latest consumer trends Data from 600 product categories across 20 countries. See the Data Explore our extensive collection of resources. Resource Center U N L O C K T H E F U L L P O T E N T I A L O F Y O U R B U S I N E S S W I T H C R I T E O ' S C O M M E R C E M E D I A P L A T F O R M . Contact Sales Criteo Trend Tracker Data & Insights to Know and Share Contact Sales Customers & Partners * Success Stories * Agencies * Marketplace Performance Outcome * Partners Privacy * Privacy Policy * CCPA Privacy Policy * Website Privacy Policy * Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information * Cookie Management * Privacy Guidelines for Clients and Publisher Partners Resources * Reports & Research * Blog * Webinars * Events * Developers Legal * Terms and Conditions * Legal Mentions * Supply Partner Guidelines * Advertising Guidelines * Supported Platforms * Security UK notices * UK Modern Slavery Act * Tax Strategy About * Careers * Company * Investors * In the News * Sustainability * Diversity, Equity & Inclusion * Contact Us Popular topics * Retail Media * Retargeting * Customer Acquisition * Display Advertising * Customer Targeting Contact Sales Opt-Out of Criteo Ads Copyright © Criteo 2024 × × PRIVACY PREFERENCE CENTER When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. 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