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Submitted URL: https://www.amazon.com/The-Fosters-Season-1/dp/B00D6D8P5K
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/The-Fosters-Season-1/dp/B00D6D8P5K
Submission: On March 29 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/The-Fosters-Season-1/dp/B00D6D8P5K
Submission: On March 29 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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d="M6.664 2.063 C 6.436 2.146,6.257 2.297,6.131 2.511 C 6.036 2.672,6.020 2.744,6.020 3.000 C 6.020 3.256,6.036 3.328,6.131 3.489 C 6.470 4.065,7.234 4.168,7.701 3.701 C 8.092 3.310,8.092 2.690,7.701 2.299 C 7.429 2.027,7.018 1.933,6.664 2.063 M9.664 2.063 C 9.436 2.146,9.257 2.297,9.131 2.511 C 9.036 2.672,9.020 2.744,9.020 3.000 C 9.020 3.256,9.036 3.328,9.131 3.489 C 9.470 4.065,10.234 4.168,10.701 3.701 C 10.881 3.521,11.000 3.242,11.000 3.000 C 11.000 2.326,10.295 1.832,9.664 2.063 M20.664 2.063 C 20.437 2.146,20.257 2.297,20.135 2.506 C 20.036 2.673,20.025 2.741,19.993 3.314 C 19.896 5.078,19.525 6.420,18.941 7.119 L 18.806 7.281 18.780 7.050 C 18.641 5.818,17.915 4.730,16.903 4.239 C 16.369 3.980,15.986 3.904,15.365 3.931 C 14.799 3.956,14.534 4.023,14.040 4.268 C 13.104 4.733,12.480 5.722,12.412 6.848 C 12.328 8.234,13.071 9.445,14.388 10.070 L 14.690 10.214 14.381 10.369 C 13.695 10.715,12.888 10.942,12.166 10.994 C 11.818 11.020,11.685 11.047,11.533 11.125 C 11.308 11.241,11.101 11.494,11.037 11.732 C 10.937 12.101,11.084 12.557,11.375 12.779 C 11.619 12.965,11.843 13.014,12.316 12.987 C 14.076 12.887,16.040 11.984,17.262 10.714 C 17.439 10.531,17.628 10.323,17.682 10.253 C 17.755 10.158,17.885 10.085,18.200 9.961 C 19.591 9.413,20.546 8.570,21.122 7.380 C 21.614 6.363,21.931 4.956,21.987 3.538 C 22.008 2.984,22.002 2.867,21.941 2.682 C 21.768 2.162,21.176 1.875,20.664 2.063 M9.800 4.997 C 9.165 5.129,8.814 5.818,9.086 6.400 C 9.314 6.891,9.183 7.709,8.781 8.296 C 8.565 8.612,8.507 8.791,8.528 9.081 C 8.551 9.400,8.713 9.658,8.997 9.828 C 9.649 10.219,10.257 9.898,10.740 8.907 C 11.255 7.848,11.344 6.659,10.975 5.739 C 10.754 5.188,10.290 4.894,9.800 4.997 M6.664 5.063 C 6.436 5.146,6.257 5.297,6.131 5.511 C 6.036 5.672,6.020 5.744,6.020 6.000 C 6.020 6.256,6.036 6.328,6.131 6.489 C 6.470 7.065,7.234 7.168,7.701 6.701 C 8.092 6.310,8.092 5.690,7.701 5.299 C 7.429 5.027,7.018 4.933,6.664 5.063 M16.018 6.020 C 16.491 6.251,16.852 6.977,16.780 7.554 C 16.744 7.844,16.615 8.260,16.536 8.338 C 16.440 8.434,15.724 8.423,15.393 8.321 C 15.019 8.206,14.709 7.933,14.534 7.568 C 14.228 6.929,14.487 6.196,15.100 5.967 C 15.287 5.898,15.832 5.929,16.018 6.020 M6.122 9.583 C 5.892 9.683,5.724 9.835,5.625 10.032 C 5.573 10.136,4.734 12.612,3.761 15.536 C 2.053 20.661,1.991 20.860,2.011 21.086 C 2.058 21.601,2.491 22.000,3.003 22.000 C 3.119 22.000,11.537 19.358,14.177 18.493 C 14.559 18.368,14.790 18.174,14.920 17.871 C 15.032 17.611,15.014 17.287,14.873 17.032 C 14.740 16.789,7.219 9.761,6.942 9.621 C 6.710 9.503,6.346 9.486,6.122 9.583 M18.380 12.228 C 17.297 12.326,16.093 12.825,15.015 13.622 C 14.766 13.807,14.695 13.885,14.611 14.069 C 14.301 14.746,14.767 15.491,15.500 15.491 C 15.760 15.491,15.913 15.423,16.427 15.079 C 17.199 14.563,17.810 14.316,18.518 14.232 C 19.004 14.175,19.637 14.227,20.360 14.381 C 20.961 14.510,21.167 14.509,21.436 14.375 C 21.686 14.250,21.856 14.035,21.944 13.733 C 22.022 13.463,21.968 13.158,21.801 12.928 C 21.583 12.627,21.398 12.545,20.574 12.384 C 19.766 12.227,18.997 12.172,18.380 12.228 M9.600 14.761 C 10.931 16.000,12.027 17.020,12.037 17.027 C 12.046 17.034,12.044 17.049,12.033 17.061 C 12.015 17.079,4.626 19.440,4.587 19.440 C 4.576 19.440,6.821 12.695,6.942 12.364 C 6.958 12.320,6.987 12.330,7.071 12.407 C 7.131 12.462,8.269 13.521,9.600 14.761 M18.664 16.063 C 18.436 16.146,18.257 16.297,18.131 16.511 C 18.036 16.672,18.020 16.744,18.020 17.000 C 18.020 17.256,18.036 17.328,18.131 17.489 C 18.470 18.065,19.234 18.168,19.701 17.701 C 19.881 17.521,20.000 17.242,20.000 17.000 C 20.000 16.326,19.295 15.832,18.664 16.063 "
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d="M6.664 2.063 C 6.436 2.146,6.257 2.297,6.131 2.511 C 6.036 2.672,6.020 2.744,6.020 3.000 C 6.020 3.256,6.036 3.328,6.131 3.489 C 6.470 4.065,7.234 4.168,7.701 3.701 C 8.092 3.310,8.092 2.690,7.701 2.299 C 7.429 2.027,7.018 1.933,6.664 2.063 M9.664 2.063 C 9.436 2.146,9.257 2.297,9.131 2.511 C 9.036 2.672,9.020 2.744,9.020 3.000 C 9.020 3.256,9.036 3.328,9.131 3.489 C 9.470 4.065,10.234 4.168,10.701 3.701 C 10.881 3.521,11.000 3.242,11.000 3.000 C 11.000 2.326,10.295 1.832,9.664 2.063 M20.664 2.063 C 20.437 2.146,20.257 2.297,20.135 2.506 C 20.036 2.673,20.025 2.741,19.993 3.314 C 19.896 5.078,19.525 6.420,18.941 7.119 L 18.806 7.281 18.780 7.050 C 18.641 5.818,17.915 4.730,16.903 4.239 C 16.369 3.980,15.986 3.904,15.365 3.931 C 14.799 3.956,14.534 4.023,14.040 4.268 C 13.104 4.733,12.480 5.722,12.412 6.848 C 12.328 8.234,13.071 9.445,14.388 10.070 L 14.690 10.214 14.381 10.369 C 13.695 10.715,12.888 10.942,12.166 10.994 C 11.818 11.020,11.685 11.047,11.533 11.125 C 11.308 11.241,11.101 11.494,11.037 11.732 C 10.937 12.101,11.084 12.557,11.375 12.779 C 11.619 12.965,11.843 13.014,12.316 12.987 C 14.076 12.887,16.040 11.984,17.262 10.714 C 17.439 10.531,17.628 10.323,17.682 10.253 C 17.755 10.158,17.885 10.085,18.200 9.961 C 19.591 9.413,20.546 8.570,21.122 7.380 C 21.614 6.363,21.931 4.956,21.987 3.538 C 22.008 2.984,22.002 2.867,21.941 2.682 C 21.768 2.162,21.176 1.875,20.664 2.063 M9.800 4.997 C 9.165 5.129,8.814 5.818,9.086 6.400 C 9.314 6.891,9.183 7.709,8.781 8.296 C 8.565 8.612,8.507 8.791,8.528 9.081 C 8.551 9.400,8.713 9.658,8.997 9.828 C 9.649 10.219,10.257 9.898,10.740 8.907 C 11.255 7.848,11.344 6.659,10.975 5.739 C 10.754 5.188,10.290 4.894,9.800 4.997 M6.664 5.063 C 6.436 5.146,6.257 5.297,6.131 5.511 C 6.036 5.672,6.020 5.744,6.020 6.000 C 6.020 6.256,6.036 6.328,6.131 6.489 C 6.470 7.065,7.234 7.168,7.701 6.701 C 8.092 6.310,8.092 5.690,7.701 5.299 C 7.429 5.027,7.018 4.933,6.664 5.063 M16.018 6.020 C 16.491 6.251,16.852 6.977,16.780 7.554 C 16.744 7.844,16.615 8.260,16.536 8.338 C 16.440 8.434,15.724 8.423,15.393 8.321 C 15.019 8.206,14.709 7.933,14.534 7.568 C 14.228 6.929,14.487 6.196,15.100 5.967 C 15.287 5.898,15.832 5.929,16.018 6.020 M6.122 9.583 C 5.892 9.683,5.724 9.835,5.625 10.032 C 5.573 10.136,4.734 12.612,3.761 15.536 C 2.053 20.661,1.991 20.860,2.011 21.086 C 2.058 21.601,2.491 22.000,3.003 22.000 C 3.119 22.000,11.537 19.358,14.177 18.493 C 14.559 18.368,14.790 18.174,14.920 17.871 C 15.032 17.611,15.014 17.287,14.873 17.032 C 14.740 16.789,7.219 9.761,6.942 9.621 C 6.710 9.503,6.346 9.486,6.122 9.583 M18.380 12.228 C 17.297 12.326,16.093 12.825,15.015 13.622 C 14.766 13.807,14.695 13.885,14.611 14.069 C 14.301 14.746,14.767 15.491,15.500 15.491 C 15.760 15.491,15.913 15.423,16.427 15.079 C 17.199 14.563,17.810 14.316,18.518 14.232 C 19.004 14.175,19.637 14.227,20.360 14.381 C 20.961 14.510,21.167 14.509,21.436 14.375 C 21.686 14.250,21.856 14.035,21.944 13.733 C 22.022 13.463,21.968 13.158,21.801 12.928 C 21.583 12.627,21.398 12.545,20.574 12.384 C 19.766 12.227,18.997 12.172,18.380 12.228 M9.600 14.761 C 10.931 16.000,12.027 17.020,12.037 17.027 C 12.046 17.034,12.044 17.049,12.033 17.061 C 12.015 17.079,4.626 19.440,4.587 19.440 C 4.576 19.440,6.821 12.695,6.942 12.364 C 6.958 12.320,6.987 12.330,7.071 12.407 C 7.131 12.462,8.269 13.521,9.600 14.761 M18.664 16.063 C 18.436 16.146,18.257 16.297,18.131 16.511 C 18.036 16.672,18.020 16.744,18.020 17.000 C 18.020 17.256,18.036 17.328,18.131 17.489 C 18.470 18.065,19.234 18.168,19.701 17.701 C 19.881 17.521,20.000 17.242,20.000 17.000 C 20.000 16.326,19.295 15.832,18.664 16.063 "
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d="M6.664 2.063 C 6.436 2.146,6.257 2.297,6.131 2.511 C 6.036 2.672,6.020 2.744,6.020 3.000 C 6.020 3.256,6.036 3.328,6.131 3.489 C 6.470 4.065,7.234 4.168,7.701 3.701 C 8.092 3.310,8.092 2.690,7.701 2.299 C 7.429 2.027,7.018 1.933,6.664 2.063 M9.664 2.063 C 9.436 2.146,9.257 2.297,9.131 2.511 C 9.036 2.672,9.020 2.744,9.020 3.000 C 9.020 3.256,9.036 3.328,9.131 3.489 C 9.470 4.065,10.234 4.168,10.701 3.701 C 10.881 3.521,11.000 3.242,11.000 3.000 C 11.000 2.326,10.295 1.832,9.664 2.063 M20.664 2.063 C 20.437 2.146,20.257 2.297,20.135 2.506 C 20.036 2.673,20.025 2.741,19.993 3.314 C 19.896 5.078,19.525 6.420,18.941 7.119 L 18.806 7.281 18.780 7.050 C 18.641 5.818,17.915 4.730,16.903 4.239 C 16.369 3.980,15.986 3.904,15.365 3.931 C 14.799 3.956,14.534 4.023,14.040 4.268 C 13.104 4.733,12.480 5.722,12.412 6.848 C 12.328 8.234,13.071 9.445,14.388 10.070 L 14.690 10.214 14.381 10.369 C 13.695 10.715,12.888 10.942,12.166 10.994 C 11.818 11.020,11.685 11.047,11.533 11.125 C 11.308 11.241,11.101 11.494,11.037 11.732 C 10.937 12.101,11.084 12.557,11.375 12.779 C 11.619 12.965,11.843 13.014,12.316 12.987 C 14.076 12.887,16.040 11.984,17.262 10.714 C 17.439 10.531,17.628 10.323,17.682 10.253 C 17.755 10.158,17.885 10.085,18.200 9.961 C 19.591 9.413,20.546 8.570,21.122 7.380 C 21.614 6.363,21.931 4.956,21.987 3.538 C 22.008 2.984,22.002 2.867,21.941 2.682 C 21.768 2.162,21.176 1.875,20.664 2.063 M9.800 4.997 C 9.165 5.129,8.814 5.818,9.086 6.400 C 9.314 6.891,9.183 7.709,8.781 8.296 C 8.565 8.612,8.507 8.791,8.528 9.081 C 8.551 9.400,8.713 9.658,8.997 9.828 C 9.649 10.219,10.257 9.898,10.740 8.907 C 11.255 7.848,11.344 6.659,10.975 5.739 C 10.754 5.188,10.290 4.894,9.800 4.997 M6.664 5.063 C 6.436 5.146,6.257 5.297,6.131 5.511 C 6.036 5.672,6.020 5.744,6.020 6.000 C 6.020 6.256,6.036 6.328,6.131 6.489 C 6.470 7.065,7.234 7.168,7.701 6.701 C 8.092 6.310,8.092 5.690,7.701 5.299 C 7.429 5.027,7.018 4.933,6.664 5.063 M16.018 6.020 C 16.491 6.251,16.852 6.977,16.780 7.554 C 16.744 7.844,16.615 8.260,16.536 8.338 C 16.440 8.434,15.724 8.423,15.393 8.321 C 15.019 8.206,14.709 7.933,14.534 7.568 C 14.228 6.929,14.487 6.196,15.100 5.967 C 15.287 5.898,15.832 5.929,16.018 6.020 M6.122 9.583 C 5.892 9.683,5.724 9.835,5.625 10.032 C 5.573 10.136,4.734 12.612,3.761 15.536 C 2.053 20.661,1.991 20.860,2.011 21.086 C 2.058 21.601,2.491 22.000,3.003 22.000 C 3.119 22.000,11.537 19.358,14.177 18.493 C 14.559 18.368,14.790 18.174,14.920 17.871 C 15.032 17.611,15.014 17.287,14.873 17.032 C 14.740 16.789,7.219 9.761,6.942 9.621 C 6.710 9.503,6.346 9.486,6.122 9.583 M18.380 12.228 C 17.297 12.326,16.093 12.825,15.015 13.622 C 14.766 13.807,14.695 13.885,14.611 14.069 C 14.301 14.746,14.767 15.491,15.500 15.491 C 15.760 15.491,15.913 15.423,16.427 15.079 C 17.199 14.563,17.810 14.316,18.518 14.232 C 19.004 14.175,19.637 14.227,20.360 14.381 C 20.961 14.510,21.167 14.509,21.436 14.375 C 21.686 14.250,21.856 14.035,21.944 13.733 C 22.022 13.463,21.968 13.158,21.801 12.928 C 21.583 12.627,21.398 12.545,20.574 12.384 C 19.766 12.227,18.997 12.172,18.380 12.228 M9.600 14.761 C 10.931 16.000,12.027 17.020,12.037 17.027 C 12.046 17.034,12.044 17.049,12.033 17.061 C 12.015 17.079,4.626 19.440,4.587 19.440 C 4.576 19.440,6.821 12.695,6.942 12.364 C 6.958 12.320,6.987 12.330,7.071 12.407 C 7.131 12.462,8.269 13.521,9.600 14.761 M18.664 16.063 C 18.436 16.146,18.257 16.297,18.131 16.511 C 18.036 16.672,18.020 16.744,18.020 17.000 C 18.020 17.256,18.036 17.328,18.131 17.489 C 18.470 18.065,19.234 18.168,19.701 17.701 C 19.881 17.521,20.000 17.242,20.000 17.000 C 20.000 16.326,19.295 15.832,18.664 16.063 "
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d="M6.664 2.063 C 6.436 2.146,6.257 2.297,6.131 2.511 C 6.036 2.672,6.020 2.744,6.020 3.000 C 6.020 3.256,6.036 3.328,6.131 3.489 C 6.470 4.065,7.234 4.168,7.701 3.701 C 8.092 3.310,8.092 2.690,7.701 2.299 C 7.429 2.027,7.018 1.933,6.664 2.063 M9.664 2.063 C 9.436 2.146,9.257 2.297,9.131 2.511 C 9.036 2.672,9.020 2.744,9.020 3.000 C 9.020 3.256,9.036 3.328,9.131 3.489 C 9.470 4.065,10.234 4.168,10.701 3.701 C 10.881 3.521,11.000 3.242,11.000 3.000 C 11.000 2.326,10.295 1.832,9.664 2.063 M20.664 2.063 C 20.437 2.146,20.257 2.297,20.135 2.506 C 20.036 2.673,20.025 2.741,19.993 3.314 C 19.896 5.078,19.525 6.420,18.941 7.119 L 18.806 7.281 18.780 7.050 C 18.641 5.818,17.915 4.730,16.903 4.239 C 16.369 3.980,15.986 3.904,15.365 3.931 C 14.799 3.956,14.534 4.023,14.040 4.268 C 13.104 4.733,12.480 5.722,12.412 6.848 C 12.328 8.234,13.071 9.445,14.388 10.070 L 14.690 10.214 14.381 10.369 C 13.695 10.715,12.888 10.942,12.166 10.994 C 11.818 11.020,11.685 11.047,11.533 11.125 C 11.308 11.241,11.101 11.494,11.037 11.732 C 10.937 12.101,11.084 12.557,11.375 12.779 C 11.619 12.965,11.843 13.014,12.316 12.987 C 14.076 12.887,16.040 11.984,17.262 10.714 C 17.439 10.531,17.628 10.323,17.682 10.253 C 17.755 10.158,17.885 10.085,18.200 9.961 C 19.591 9.413,20.546 8.570,21.122 7.380 C 21.614 6.363,21.931 4.956,21.987 3.538 C 22.008 2.984,22.002 2.867,21.941 2.682 C 21.768 2.162,21.176 1.875,20.664 2.063 M9.800 4.997 C 9.165 5.129,8.814 5.818,9.086 6.400 C 9.314 6.891,9.183 7.709,8.781 8.296 C 8.565 8.612,8.507 8.791,8.528 9.081 C 8.551 9.400,8.713 9.658,8.997 9.828 C 9.649 10.219,10.257 9.898,10.740 8.907 C 11.255 7.848,11.344 6.659,10.975 5.739 C 10.754 5.188,10.290 4.894,9.800 4.997 M6.664 5.063 C 6.436 5.146,6.257 5.297,6.131 5.511 C 6.036 5.672,6.020 5.744,6.020 6.000 C 6.020 6.256,6.036 6.328,6.131 6.489 C 6.470 7.065,7.234 7.168,7.701 6.701 C 8.092 6.310,8.092 5.690,7.701 5.299 C 7.429 5.027,7.018 4.933,6.664 5.063 M16.018 6.020 C 16.491 6.251,16.852 6.977,16.780 7.554 C 16.744 7.844,16.615 8.260,16.536 8.338 C 16.440 8.434,15.724 8.423,15.393 8.321 C 15.019 8.206,14.709 7.933,14.534 7.568 C 14.228 6.929,14.487 6.196,15.100 5.967 C 15.287 5.898,15.832 5.929,16.018 6.020 M6.122 9.583 C 5.892 9.683,5.724 9.835,5.625 10.032 C 5.573 10.136,4.734 12.612,3.761 15.536 C 2.053 20.661,1.991 20.860,2.011 21.086 C 2.058 21.601,2.491 22.000,3.003 22.000 C 3.119 22.000,11.537 19.358,14.177 18.493 C 14.559 18.368,14.790 18.174,14.920 17.871 C 15.032 17.611,15.014 17.287,14.873 17.032 C 14.740 16.789,7.219 9.761,6.942 9.621 C 6.710 9.503,6.346 9.486,6.122 9.583 M18.380 12.228 C 17.297 12.326,16.093 12.825,15.015 13.622 C 14.766 13.807,14.695 13.885,14.611 14.069 C 14.301 14.746,14.767 15.491,15.500 15.491 C 15.760 15.491,15.913 15.423,16.427 15.079 C 17.199 14.563,17.810 14.316,18.518 14.232 C 19.004 14.175,19.637 14.227,20.360 14.381 C 20.961 14.510,21.167 14.509,21.436 14.375 C 21.686 14.250,21.856 14.035,21.944 13.733 C 22.022 13.463,21.968 13.158,21.801 12.928 C 21.583 12.627,21.398 12.545,20.574 12.384 C 19.766 12.227,18.997 12.172,18.380 12.228 M9.600 14.761 C 10.931 16.000,12.027 17.020,12.037 17.027 C 12.046 17.034,12.044 17.049,12.033 17.061 C 12.015 17.079,4.626 19.440,4.587 19.440 C 4.576 19.440,6.821 12.695,6.942 12.364 C 6.958 12.320,6.987 12.330,7.071 12.407 C 7.131 12.462,8.269 13.521,9.600 14.761 M18.664 16.063 C 18.436 16.146,18.257 16.297,18.131 16.511 C 18.036 16.672,18.020 16.744,18.020 17.000 C 18.020 17.256,18.036 17.328,18.131 17.489 C 18.470 18.065,19.234 18.168,19.701 17.701 C 19.881 17.521,20.000 17.242,20.000 17.000 C 20.000 16.326,19.295 15.832,18.664 16.063 "
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Close THE FOSTERS Store FilledStaffel 1 * Store FilledStaffel 1 * Store FilledStaffel 2 * Store FilledStaffel 3 * Store FilledStaffel 4 * Store FilledStaffel 5 The repercussions of Callie's decision to run away impact every member of the Foster family. 425IMDb 8,0201321 Folgen X-RayTV-14Subtitles Cc Drama·Romantik Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Folge 1 kaufen HD 2,99 $ Staffel 1 kaufen HD 14,99 $ Weitere Kaufoptionen Add Watchlist Gefällt mir Nichts für mich Watch Party Watch Party Share Android Teilen FolgenÄhnlichesDetails FOLGEN Sortieren * Folgennummer * Neueste Folgen * Zum Ansehen verfügbar 1. S1 F1 – Pilot 2. Juni 2013 44 Min. TV-14 Callie goes to live in the care of Lena and her partner Stef. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 2. S1 F2 – Consequently 9. Juni 2013 44 Min. TV-14 Callie is accused of selling pills around school. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 3. S1 F3 – Hostile Acts 16. Juni 2013 44 Min. TV-14 Mike asks Brandon to move in with him. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 4. S1 F4 – Quinceanera 23. Juni 2013 43 Min. TV-14 Everyone is celebrating Mariana's quinceanera. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 5. S1 F5 – The Morning After 30. Juni 2013 43 Min. TV-14 Stef and Lena try to find time to work on their relationship. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 6. S1 F6 – Saturday 7. Juli 2013 44 Min. TV-14 Brandon has an audition for a sought after piano coach. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 7. S1 F7 – The Fallout 14. Juli 2013 43 Min. TV-14 Lexi's parents punish her when they find the truth about Lexi and Jesus. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 8. S1 F8 – Clean 21. Juli 2013 43 Min. TV-14 Ana is pressuring Mariana for more money. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 9. S1 F9 – Vigil 28. Juli 2013 44 Min. TV-14 Mariana and Jesus deal with the repercussions of their actions. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 10. S1 F10 – I Do 4. August 2013 44 Min. TV-14 The Fosters are getting married, but Stef is not as involved as Lena likes. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 11. S1 F11 – The Honeymoon 12. Januar 2014 43 Min. TV-14 The family faces the realization Callie has run away. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 12. S1 F12 – House and Home 19. Januar 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Callie's fate is left in a judge's hands. Mariana joins a school play. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 13. S1 F13 – Things Unsaid 26. Januar 2014 42 Min. TV-14 Callie and Brandon sneak around. Stef goes back to work, worrying Lena. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 14. S1 F14 – Family Day 2. Februar 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Callie considers applying for an apartment. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 15. S1 F15 – Padre 9. Februar 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Stef deals with a loss. Callie faces a tough decision. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 16. S1 F16 – Us Against the World 16. Februar 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Brandon goes to extremes to pay Mike back for the piano lessons. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 17. S1 F17 – Kids in the Hall 23. Februar 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Callie takes pictures of other foster kids to help get them homes. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 18. S1 F18 – Escapes and Reversals 2. März 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Lexi visits Jesus by surprise. Stef and Lena decide on a sperm donor. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 19. S1 F19 – Don't Let Go 9. März 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Callie visits her father to see if he will sign away his parental rights. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 20. S1 F20 – Metropolis 16. März 2014 43 Min. TV-14 Ana gives Stef an ultimatum. Wyatt comes back to town. Store FilledAls Kauftitel verfügbar Kaufen in HD für 2,99 $ Kauf- und Leihoptionen Watch Party Watch Party 21. S1 F21 – Adoption Day 23. März 2014 42 Min. TV-14 Callie and Jude find out the truth about Donald. 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