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Read Now HEALTH EQUITY RESEARCH AWARD The College supports research to produce actionable science that will translate to reducing health and/or healthcare disparities thereby promoting health equity. Watch “Tips for Applying for the Health Equity Research Award“ Read the Grant Announcement Deadline: December 4, 2023 AJG CALL FOR PAPERS The Editors of The American Journal of Gastroenterology request your high-quality, clinically relevant human research pertaining to epidemiology, interventions, complications and outcomes for the Obesity special issue. Learn More RESOURCES TO CULTIVATE WELLNESS ACG Wellness Central provides members resources to improve wellness. Learn More SEE ALL COURSES * ACG VIRTUAL GRAND ROUNDS Join a nationally recognized expert for a live presentation with Q&A each week on Thursday at Noon (ET) followed by an 8:00pm (ET) rebroadcast. #GIhomeschooling Learn More * 2023 ACG’S IBD SCHOOL AND SOUTHERN REGIONAL POSTGRADUATE COURSE Nashville, TN December 1-3, 2023 Learn More Register * 2024 ACG’S ENDOSCOPY SCHOOL AND ACG BOARD OF GOVERNORS/ASGE BEST PRACTICES COURSE Las Vegas, NV January 26-28, 2024 Learn More Register CMS FINALIZES UNACCEPTABLE PHYSICIAN PAY CUTS, EXTENDS TELEHEALTH COVERAGE THROUGH 2024 ACG strongly opposes CMS’ finalized 3.37% cut to Medicare physician reimbursement; join our efforts to have Congress avert these cuts. FEATURED LECTURES AT THE ACG 2023 ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING AND POSTGRADUATE COURSE *EMBARGOED All research presented at the 2023 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course is strictly embargoed until Sunday, October 22, 2023, at 3:00 pm PDT. Featured Lectures at the… ACG 2023 #DIVERSITYINGI VIRTUAL RACE INCLUDES FUN RUNS Be part of the ACG 2023 #DiversityinGI Virtual 5K. Register today! Run or walk on your own, log your activity online, take photos in race “swag” and celebrate via social media using #DiversityinGI during ACG 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting in October. Get ready for early morning “fun runs” in Vancouver at ACG 2023! BROKEN PROMISES: WHY MACRA & MIPS HAVE FAILED PHYSICIANS We know that a 3.36% Medicare reimbursement cut is looming in 2024. These cuts are anti-physician practice and threaten patient access to care. Clearly, the Medicare physician fee schedule is broken and needs both short-term and long-term corrections. October 2023 CLASSIFICATION AND MANAGEMENT OF DISORDERS OF THE J POUCH Priscila Santiago, MD; Edward L. Barnes, MD, MPH, FACG & Laura E. Raffals, MD, MS, FACG Read the Article of the Month Current Issue | About AJG | Podcasts | CME FEATURED ARTICLES Higher Serrated Polyp Detection Rates Are Associated With Lower Risk of Postcolonoscopy Colorectal Cancer: Data From the New Hampshire Colonoscopy Registry Anderson, et al. Bowel Urgency in Ulcerative Colitis: Current Perspectives and Future Directions Dubinsky, et al Effectiveness of Fenofibrate in Treatment-Naive Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial Liu, et al. Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Higher Visceral Adipose Tissue Burden May Benefit From Higher Infliximab Concentrations to Achieve Remission Yarur, et al. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal dedicated to innovative clinical work in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology. Read | About CTG ACG Case Reports Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access online journal publishing gastroenterology and hepatology case reports. The journal is edited by a team of GI fellows. Read | About ACGCRJ | Podcasts ACG EDUCATION UNIVERSE ACG Education Universe is an online, self-directed CME program that provides a way for all gastroenterologists to access outstanding tools in preparing for the GI boards, recertification, or obtaining necessary CME credits outside of the ACG meetings. ACG Members Members receive unlimited free CME each year through the Education Universe. EXPLORE * Browse all Content * Presentations * MOC/Board Prep * Journal Articles * Learning Modules * Tools/Techniques With GIQuIC you can demonstrate to patients as well as referring providers and payers the quality of your performance and your dedication to continuous improvement. Vist GIQuIC GI HEALTH CENTER SPOTLIGHT COLORECTAL CANCER Colorectal cancer is a cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum. These cancers can also be named colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on where they start. Colon cancer and rectal cancer are often grouped together because they have many features in common. Colorectal Cancer GI Health Center The Basics FAQ Advancing gastroenterology, improving patient care EDUCATION * ACG 2023 * Virtual Grand Rounds * Meetings Calendar * Education Universe * Journal CME & MOC * Board Prep/Self-Assessment Tests * Claim CME & MOC * Educating Your Colleagues & Patients * Training Program Resources * Exhibitors & Sponsors * Endorsed Courses GUIDELINES JOURNALS & PUBLICATIONS * AJG * CTG * ACG Case Reports Journal * Evidence-Based GI * ACG Magazine * ACG Blog * SmartBrief * Podcasts * Journal CME & MOC MEMBERSHIP * Join * Benefits & Resources * My ACG/Log in * Renew/Pay Dues * Membership Directory * Advanced Practice Providers * Apply for FACG * Join a Committee * GI Circles: Connect with Colleagues * Contact Your ACG Governor PATIENTS & FAMILIES * Find a Gastroenterologist * GI Health & Disease Resources ACG INSTITUTE * About the Institute * The Center for Leadership, Ethics & Equity * Donate * Research Grants & Awards * Programs & Publications * Emerging Leaders Program * Early Career Leadership Program * Advanced Leadership Development Program * Clinical Research Leadership Program * Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorships * Visiting Scholar in Equity, Diversity, & Ethical Care * Monographs TRAINEES * Courses & Events * Find a Mentor * Research, Training Grants, & Publishing * Question of the Week Competition * GI Jeopardy Competition * Program Director Resources * GI Fellowship Program Information RESEARCH * Health Equity Research Award * Established Investigator Bridge Funding Award * ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy * Junior Faculty Development Award * Clinical Research Awards * Clinical Research Award Pilot Projects * Resident Clinical Research Award * Medical Student Research Award * Grant Recipients MEDIA & PRESS * Media Statements * Annual Meeting Press Information * Join Press List STORE FIND/POST A JOB PRACTICE MANAGEMENT * Toolbox * Prior Authorization Tools & Templates * ACG Wellness Central * GI OnDEMAND * Coding & Reimbursement * ASC Quality Reporting * GIQuIC Registry * FDA Information * Making Sense of MACRA PUBLIC POLICY * This Week in Washington DC * Contact Your ACG Governor * Contact Policy Makers * Legislative Action Center * Legislative & Public Policy Council * State Society Information ABOUT * Board of Trustees * Board of Governors * Committees * Governance * History * Awards * International Affiliate Societies * Auxiliary * Public Statements of Support American College of Gastroenterology 11333 Woodglen Dr, STE 100, North Bethesda, MD 20852-3071 | (301) 263-9000 Contact Us ©2023 American College of Gastroenterology Privacy Policy