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SINCE 2016…



Fellow Investor,

It's election season...

And for most people...

That means it's time to hunker down...

Steer clear of social media...

Mainstream news sites...

And even some family gatherings.

Because like clockwork...

People are losing their minds.

Presidential elections seem to turn rational people into radical cheerleaders...
with the type of "say anything it takes to shut down the other side" mentality
that ultimately turns friends into foes.

But for me?

Hell, it's just another opportunity to make money...

Because during every presidential election cycle from July 18th of 2016 until
Election Day...

While every so-called investing guru told you it's time to "go to cash and shove
your money under a mattress"...

Or worse still...

Pounded the table while screaming his tea leaves say it's time to go "all in" on
some long-shot trade whose success hinges solely on a blue-state candidate
knowingly making promises that are impossible to keep...

I've booked 56 winning trades out of 56 tries...

For total gains of 2,298.43%.

And I've done it by — oddly enough — staying the course and doing what I've done
week after week... and year after year... for nearly a decade...

Which is following the trades my Velocity Profit Multiplier churns out.

Hi, my name is Jim Fink.

If you’re tired of holding your breath every time you open your trading account…

Only to see red...

If you’re done shouldering the stress that comes from knowing there’s really no
easy solution to the financial mess America is in…

And if you’re finally ready to consider a common-sense approach to making money…

One that could let you rake in massive winners FAST (even right now during
today’s topsy-turvy election)...

You’re going to love what I’m about to show you.

Because I have a simple 7-minute trading strategy…

That allows me to pinpoint stocks BEFORE they move…

And then put together trades that turn those tiny moves into massive gains….

Sometimes in a matter of hours.

Like the 96.08% gain I delivered on Thermo Fisher Scientific in just 72 hours…

The 100% profit I booked in 3 days on AutoZone…

And even the extraordinary 108.33% winner I cashed out within 72 hours thanks to

A $1,000 stake in each of these trades would have had you sitting on $6,044…

If you put a modest $5,000 into them, you would have raked in $30,221…

And an aggressive $10,000 stake would have let you walk away with a $60,441

From only these three trades.

Best of all, my system churns out trades like this… week after week.

No matter what’s going on with the economy…

No matter what the Federal Reserve says they’re doing to fight inflation
(regardless of if it’s working or not)…

And no matter if the market is moving up… down… or sideways.

The trades I just showed you are perfect examples…

Because they all took place during a period that saw the overall markets sink a
gut-wrenching 22%.

Best of all…

You simply take the simple two-sentence set of instructions I release every
Tuesday morning…

Follow them in your online account (or read them word for word to your broker
over the phone)…

And you’re all set.

Go play some pickleball…

Or grab lunch with your buddies at the diner…

Because you’ve just locked in the potential to score a pair of massive winners
in as little as 72 hours!

Why is a short trading window so critical?

Because with the market acting as crazy as it is these days…

The faster you get out of a trade with a profit…

The better.

Buy-and-hold strategies that rely solely on share prices going up?

Well, to be blunt, right now they’re garbage…

Unless you like holding on for dear life — and for who knows how long!


I’d rather get my profits now…

And move on to the next trade!

Like the 3-day 92.31% winner I booked on Broadcom…

The 100% profit opportunity I uncovered on Caterpillar in 9 days…

Or the massive 203.03% windfall I delivered on UnitedHealth Group in only 30

And here’s the thing…

The six successful trades I’ve shared with you so far are just the tip of the

Because in the more than 10 years I’ve been issuing these trades — at last count
— I closed out 800 recommendations…

And 779 turned out to be winners.

Including the last 712 in a row!

That’s right…

I haven’t booked a losing trade since July 13, 2016.

I’ll explain how I delivered this unbroken string of winners in a moment.

Because in full transparency…

While I’ve had my system’s eight-plus years of perfect performance verified by
our senior researcher…

The point I’m trying to make right now is…

Having access to a bulletproof trading system like mine — and the results it
inevitably produces — could finally allow you to stop stressing about the

And start savoring the better things in life that successful investing unlocks…

Like feeling 10-feet tall because you’re finally able to tell your boss you’re
pulling your foot off the gas and going part-time…

So you, your wife, and your loveable “mutt” can hop into the new RV and head
west into the setting sun…

Destination: wherever there’s cold drinks, warm smiles, and breathtaking views.

How is performance of this magnitude possible?

It’s all thanks to my Velocity Profit Multiplier system.

Because it pinpoints the hidden signals stocks send out BEFORE they move…

And then it tracks those signals to pinpoint the most profitable trades.

Better still…

My Velocity Profit Multiplier statistically guarantees the opportunities it
pinpoints have the potential to turn even the smallest of stock movements into
winners like these…

The ability to amplify small stock movements into huge gains is a critical
moneymaking advantage…

One that separates my system from all the “pretenders” you’re likely to run
across on the internet.

So I want to put a point on it by sharing an example with you!

Not long ago, my Velocity Profit Multiplier tipped me off that Eli Lilly & Co’s
share price was about to rise…

These hidden patterns in the stock’s chart gave off signals that predicted its
next move.

And that’s exactly what happened…

Over the next 72 hours…

Eli Lilly’s share price went up 1%.

Now, if you happened to buy regular shares of Eli Lilly’s stock — and waited 3
days — you could have banked a 1% gain.

Good enough to turn a modest $5,000 stake into a $50 profit.

And while $50 certainly isn’t going to get your blood pumping any faster….

If you’ve been investing for any length of time, you know any gain is a good

Especially in today’s stingy market.

But here’s the thing…

If you had access to my Velocity Profit Multiplier — and acted on the signal it
pinpointed — you could have done far better.

That’s right... you could have invested the same amount of money — $5,000…

But instead of only making $50 when it was time to cash out, you would have
walked away with a $5,000 profit!

From the exact same stock. And in the same short amount of time.

Think about that for a second. What I’m talking about isn’t some ordinary
“buy-and-hope” program where you have to worry about tying up giant chunks of
your money — just for the chance at small, single-digit gains.

My Velocity Profit Multiplier system allows investors to jump into trades with
complete confidence because they know every time share prices move in the right

It has the potential to juice their returns by 31x, 100x, even 131x over buying
shares outright…

And it’ll do it in as little as 3 days…

Virtually without fail.

I’ll share the full details of how this works in just a moment.

But first, take what happened with another trade I made on McDonald’s for

My Velocity Profit Multiplier pinpointed signals that indicated the share price
of the fast food giant was going to rise.

If you had bought $5,000 of regular shares based on this advanced knowledge, you
would have made a quick $41 profit.

I don’t care if takes 5 months…

5 days…

Or 5 minutes…

It’s simply not worth the risk.

Worse still… if you went the buy-and-hold route…

You would have left a ton of money on the table.

Because my Velocity Profit Multiplier recommended a more effective way to profit
from the situation.

And if you had followed the simple trade it pinpointed…

You could have invested the same amount of money and banked a stunning $5,417 in

That’s a $5,376 profit boost — from the same stock — in the exact same amount of

Gains of this magnitude are the kind that put a real bounce in your step…

Because they free you up to finally live the life you deserve…

Amazingly enough, they’re possible by spending as little as 7 minutes executing
two simple sentences of instructions in your online brokerage account.

And unlike most of the investing systems, you’ll find today…

Mine works for stocks that are about to move up…

Or down.

That’s because falling stocks send out the same predictable signals that rising
ones do — only in reverse.

And my Velocity Profit Multiplier pinpoints them with the same uncanny

In fact, just before I sat down to record this presentation, it tipped me off to
several perfect trade opportunities you need to know about right away…

These trades could easily double your money in as little as 3 days.

Their moves are so imminent, I’m going to take some time to tell you more about
them in just a minute.

Imagine being able to kick off the next 12 months with a trio of triple-digit
winners in your hip pocket and a proven system that allows you to do it over and
over again — at will.

That’s the kind of change that will really make the next year different.

I know because I’ve done it myself.

Over 20 years ago, I unraveled the secret behind how Wall Street’s power brokers
really make their money...


I ultimately renamed this backdoor method the Velocity Profit Multiplier.

Its design is so timeless — and so lucrative — I still use it today to make vast
sums of money.

My system’s advanced knowledge gives anyone who follows its simple trades the
opportunity to walk away with gains of…

 * 72.41% on Salesforce.com
 * 104.08% on Seagate Technology
 * 108.33% on Invesco QQQ ETF
 * 122.22% on Wayfair
 * 205% on FedEx

In as little as 72 hours.

And it does it time in and time out.

Let’s take a few minutes now so I can show you step-by-step just how easy it is
to double your money more times in a year than you probably have your whole

The first thing I want you to understand about being a trader is there’s a
hidden pattern inside every stock.

But they’re not all alike.

Just like there’s a strand of DNA that’s unique to you, stocks all send out
distinct signals when they’re about to move.

And those signals show up BEFORE their share prices move up or down.

Every single time.

But there’s far more to finding them than just knowing where to look.

These patterns are hidden in a cloud of noisy data. And it takes some finesse to
notice what’s happening.

But once you catch a glimpse, the potential is breathtaking.

And so are the returns.

Sound too good to be true?


One of the most powerful patterns my Multiplier pinpoints is the “double-barrel”
one you’re seeing on this chart from Amgen.

There’s no mystery why I named it that.

See where these two lines run parallel?

It looks just like an old double-barrel shotgun.

And every time this pattern shows up, it practically guarantees a stock’s share
price is going to move.

If you had bought shares of Amgen at $162 when I sent out the instructions for
this trade…

You could have sold them for $165 just three days later.

And again, while any winner is a good one…

In this case, you would have only made $98 on a $5,000 stake.

What a yawner!

On the other hand, if you put the same $5,000 into the 7-minute trade I sent

You would have walked away with over $6,300 in pure profit.

Just by following two simple sentences of instructions.

That’s almost 65 times better than buying shares.

My Profit Multiplier offers you such a profound performance advantage…

Even if you only invested $500 in this trade, you would have made 6x more than
the buy-and-hold crowd did by risking $5,000.

Heck, you would have made 3x more by only risking $250!

And here’s the thing — the double-barrel pattern isn’t some rare,
once-in-a-blue-moon tip-off…

The truth is… it pops up all the time.

Like when it showed up in CME Group…

And I was able to use that advanced knowledge to deliver over $4,900 more
profits than buying regular shares.

When my Profit Multiplier pinpointed the double-barrel pattern on Celgene…

It led to a 100% gain in less than a week…

Which was 19x better than buying shares.

Or to put it another way, it was the difference between making a $257 profit… or

And the same thing happened when this pattern showed up in Honeywell too.

Because my system multiplied the 3% gain most investors saw into a 76% profit.

Its appearance also gave me the green light to make a trade on the PowerShares
Triple-Q ETF.

And it turned out 111x better than buying shares.

Talk about a staggering difference in performance!

And believe it or not, the “double-barrel” is just one of the five signals my
Velocity Profit Multiplier system can use.


Look, before we go any further, you need to know nothing is perfect.

And there’s no guarantee every Velocity Profit Multiplier trade will turn out
this good.

The truth is…

Some may not make any money at all.

But when they do, the numbers speak for themselves.

Remember, because of the way my Velocity Profit Multiplier ratchets up profits,
even small $500 investments can net you far more money than investing $5,000
without it.

Plus, you won’t have to tie your money up for months waiting for results.

I’m talking about a system so precise, it delivers these returns in weeks — or
even days!

I don’t think it’s hard to imagine how much more money you’ll make from a system
that statistically guarantees even single-digit stock moves will turn into huge

I also don’t think it’s hard to imagine how fast you could actually end up
driving that cherry red ’68 Corvette you’ve had your eye on but could never
justify buying.

That’s what success is all about, isn’t it? The freedom to choose.

And that’s exactly what this system delivers — over and over again.

By now you may have guessed that my Multiplier has something to do with options.

And I’m not apologizing for that…

Because as far as I'm concerned, it's not a bad thing.

In fact, you need to forget everything you’ve heard about options before —
because it doesn’t apply here.

I’ve spent over two decades perfecting my Velocity Profit Multiplier system to
skirt the traditional pitfalls of options.

It’s designed to make options trades more predictable, comprehensible… and most
of all, profitable.

Even if you’ve never tried options trading before, it will only take you a few
minutes to follow my instructions.

Many of my long-time readers agree. They’ve quickly progressed from beginners to
skilled traders using my strategy…

Like Jack from Orlando, Florida, who wrote in to say…

Sandy F. from Augusta, Maine, agrees…

And so does Larry, from Waukesha, Wisconsin…

There’s nothing stopping you from doing the same thing.

You just have to remember that at the end of the day, it’s all about risk and

And as you’ve seen so far, the rewards with options are explosive.

Which means you have the opportunity to make amazing sums of money…

In a fraction of the time…

While risking substantially less.

Or you can go big and take a shot at making more money in one trade than you
typically do in an entire year.

That’s the beauty of using options.

They’re like that seesaw we played on in our younger years.

You remember those days, right? If your friend on the other side was the same
weight, you’d magically balance.

But if you were heavier… even by a tiny amount… look out!

Your friend would instantly soar. Whether he wanted to or not.

Options aren’t any different.

Because when a stock price shifts (up or down), the right options trade acts
like a lever and pushes your gains upwards of 100%…

With even the slightest of moves.

Better still…

I add a simple one-move “twist” to every options trade I make which gives my
followers the best of both worlds…

Massive upside. And limited risk.

Take the $5,000 profit my PowerShares Triple-Q trade generated in three days for

To make the same amount of money, a buy-and-hold investor would have had to risk

And the problem with that (other than most folks don’t have that kind of money
just lying around)…

Is it dramatically magnifies how much you could lose to a downside move.

I mean, what if the triple-Q suddenly dipped 10%? It’s happened before.

You’d lose over $56,000!

Now you tell me…

Which trade is riskier?

The one that lets me double my money in about 72 hours…

Or the one where I’d have to pony up $500,000 for a shot at making less than 1%?

When you look at it like that, it’s obvious buying regular shares puts far more
of your money at risk.

Bottom line: My turnkey system gives you the opportunity to make far more money…

By risking far less…

On the exact same share price move.

And, since the stock only has to move 1 or 2% in a matter of a few days for you
to make enormous sums of cash…

It frees you up to use that money to make even more on the next trade!

Getting started isn’t difficult either.


All stocks signal their moves in different ways.

Some display a “double-barrel” pattern like Amgen did before taking off.

But some have far more statistically predictable movements.

It doesn’t matter if their rise (or fall) is because of weather, spending
surges, new product announcements at annual conferences, or an election.

Some stocks simply move in the same direction at the same time of the year —
over and over again.

And my Velocity Profit Multiplier system singles them out with laser precision.

Take Discover Financial for example.

My Multiplier alerted me that Discover’s share price went up an average of 1.3%
from the last week of October to the first week of November...

For the past 10 years.

Not exactly something that would get your blood pumping if you’re planning to
buy shares.

But since my system is designed to multiply those returns by up to 100x…

I immediately put out a trade that would capitalize on this tiny movement.

And here’s what happened next…

Just like clockwork…

Discover’s share price popped 1.3%.

And when it did, folks who followed my simple instructions doubled their money.

That’s 72x better than buying shares.

I literally have dozens of examples of how I’ve used a stock’s season movements
to multiply small gains into oversized winners.

Like when it detected Mastercard’s share price went up from October 23rd to
November 3rd. Every year. For ten years running.

And that advanced knowledge turned this small 2% move into an 81% winner.

In only 10 days.

It pinpointed a window at the beginning of September where Activision Blizzard
rose 9 out of 10 years…

And when it happened again, it boosted this tiny 2% move…

Into a 100% gain.

That’s 43 times better than buying shares.

It also found profit windows on Valero Energy, Starbucks, and Biogen.

And amplified each of their small seasonal moves into triple-digit winners.

If you bought $5,000 worth of regular shares for all six of these stocks right
before their profit windows opened…

You would have made $747.

But if you put the same amount of money into each of my Profit Multiplier trades

You would have cashed out with a wallet-busting haul of over $40,000.

I think it’s clear which path is better.

By now I bet you’re wondering what all this means for you…

And the answer is simple…

More profit opportunities!

Like I said earlier, my Profit Multiplier scans the market night and day seeking
out high-probability trades that could double your money in as little as three

And right now it’s lit up like Times Square on New Year’s Eve with not one…

But three brand-new trades you can tap into.

Here are the details on the first one.


It’s a company whose share price has moved in the same direction this time of
year… practically every year… for the past ten years running.

Now with that type of advanced knowledge…

You could easily justify picking up some shares before the window opens again.

But as I’ve shown you, simply buying the stock is for folks who are content
making only small returns.

Or who don’t know the secret to multiplying their profits.

I’m not going to waste anyone’s time with gains like that.

That’s why I refuse to send out a trade unless it has the potential to double in

In as little as 72 hours.

And this company fits the bill.

If it just hits its average price movement, the simple trade I’ll give you
instructions for could hand you profits of as much as 122%.

But that’s just for starters.

Because of the way my Multiplier leverages even the smallest of share price
moves, it allows you to make up to 131x more than buying regular stocks.

Each time you use it.

For example: when we see a 2% move, trades like this could hand you a 262% gain…
a 2.5% change could give you 327%… and so on.

The truth is…

While your risk is capped…

Your profit potential is virtually unlimited.

And this is just one of the impending trades you can get your hands on by taking
action today.

I’ll show you how to put your name on the distribution list in just a moment.

But first…

Let me show you yet another way my Velocity Profit Multiplier sniffs out profit
opportunities like a bloodhound.


Because while sometimes it detects stocks that are about to make a move…

Other times a stock is already in motion when my Multiplier singles it out.

Take Garmin for example.

A few years ago, on November 13th, shares were trading for $60.79.

And the stock had been on a tear since August when it was trading 21% cheaper at

So I’m sure there were a lot of people thinking it was due for a fall.

But I don’t care much about what the crowd thinks. And you shouldn’t either.

Because 99% of the time they’re wrong.

This case wasn’t any different.

My Velocity Profit Multiplier cut right through the noise and scientifically
predicted Garmin would keep going up.

Sir Isaac Newton called this phenomenon “momentum” in 1687.

And the gist of it is that an object in motion tends to stay in motion until
acted upon by an outside force.

It holds true for stocks as well.

There simply wasn’t anything holding Garmin back. There was no force present to
stop it.

The clear signal it was sending out wasn’t one of a sudden reversal.

It was one that confirmed Garmin was going to keep climbing.

That’s precisely why I built a formula into my Multiplier which measures a
stock’s momentum…

I never want to miss such an easy profit opportunity.

Garmin managed to tack on over 2% to its share price in the next 11 days.

But my Velocity Profit Multiplier crushed that result.

Because if you had followed the simple two sentences of instructions it
generated… you would have DOUBLED your money!

Advanced knowledge like that means the difference between making $100 in
profits… or $5,000.

That’s 50x more!

Just by following my two sentences of instructions and executing a simple trade
in your online account.

Or calling your broker and reading them word for word.

No matter which way you do it, it offers you the chance to invest far less — and
still make the same profits as buying regular shares.

In this case, you only needed to invest $100 to bank the same profits as an
ordinary investor who risked a whopping $5,000.

Look, you need to understand that not every trade my Multiplier puts out is a

Whether it triggers the trade too early, too late, or some outside market force
hits at the same time…

Sometimes it misses the mark.

In fact, the first full year I let people use my Velocity Profit Multiplier it
only delivered an 87% win rate.

And while winning 107 out of 121 trades that year certainly trumped virtually
every system out there…

I wasn’t satisfied.

Because as much as I like making money…


And I know I’m not the only one.

Some folks don’t just hate it. They can’t afford to use a system that produces
long strings of losers.

So I came up with a way to extend a trade until it makes money.

I know that sounds crazy…

Or even too good to be true…

So let me take a second to walk you through how I do it.

I recently put out a 10-day trade on Skyworks Solutions because my Multiplier
not only found the double-barrel pattern in its stock chart…

It also discovered in the last decade Skyworks’ share price went up an average
of 7% at the same time.

So I was completely comfortable that this was going to be another winner.

But it wasn’t. At least not at first. Because share prices dropped 2.5%.

I’ve been doing this for close to 30 years.

And If I’ve learned anything during that time, it’s that sometimes trades take a
little longer to play out…

So while most investors would likely panic and just take the loss...

I took a different route, and I sent out a two-sentence set of instructions
which extended the trade by three weeks.

And at the end of those 21 days, Skyworks’s share price had jumped enough for my
trade to deliver a 36% winner.

Not exactly the triple-digit gain I was shooting for.

But then again, it wasn’t a loss either.

Best of all… while my goal is to always book a winner on the first go-round...

I can extend a trade as often as I need to until it makes money.

In fact, I extended one on IBM for three months to get a 59% winner.

Which was far better than the 4% loss buy-and-hold investors saw over the same

And if you’re wondering to yourself…

“Is there ever a time where you see yourself taking a loss again?”

You’re asking a good question.

One that has a simple answer…


Because while I haven’t found the point where I’ll give up on a trade…

I know it could happen someday.

Having said that, since extending a trade isn’t free…

I know some Velocity Profit Multiplier users prefer to take a small loss and
move on to the next triple-digit opportunity.

That’s perfectly fine.

My job isn’t to say whether that’s a better move…

Because the truth is, everyone’s situation is different.

But it is my job to deliver as many winners as possible.

So as long as I feel there’s an opportunity for the trade to make money, I’ll
extend it.

And based on the emails and notes we get from folks who are a part of my
program… they’re thrilled with the results they’re seeing.

Stan L. says I’m like a dog with a bone and won’t let go of a trade until I turn
it into a winner.

Danielle P. from Freemont California told us she’s only used the Profit
Multiplier for six months so far…

But has already banked 20 winners on 22 trades.

And Alex S. let me know he’s made 125 trades with a 92%-win rate.

Before I continue, let me point out the obvious…

Not everyone has this level of success with my program.

But at the same time…

I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t show you what’s possible when you
apply my trading techniques consistently.

I’d also be shortchanging you if I didn’t show you all the ways my Profit
Multiplier pinpoints profit opportunities…

So let’s move on.


As I mentioned before, stocks and their movements are as unique as fingerprints.

So using the one-size-fits-all screening methods that other analysts do may work
to a degree — but it also leaves a tremendous amount of money on the table.

That’s why my system looks for five completely distinct signals. And some of
them require a more experienced eye than what most of today’s computer-focused
experts are capable of.

Take what happened to the Spider XLY, which is an ETF based on consumer

Not long ago I noticed it dropped 1.6%.

I knew less experienced analysts — and uninformed investors — were probably
thinking it would keep falling.

So I looked at a special site I have access to which tracks open options trades…

And sure enough, there was a massive number of bets the XLY would keep going

And what they were missing was a little kernel of wisdom I found through two
decades of in-the-trenches investing experience…

Wall Street will move the market to crush the largest amount of people betting
on a particular move.

Look, I know that may not sound fair. But it’s the truth.

They call this theory “Maximum Pain.” And academic studies like the one by Dr.
Neil Pearson from the University of Illinois concluded that it plays a role in
stock price movements.

He wrote:

“A final possible explanation is that investors with written options
intentionally manipulate the underlying stock price at expiration so that the
options finish at-the-money (ATM) or just out-of-the-money (OTM) and
consequently are not exercised.”

I know that may sound like gibberish to you right now.

But I promise you, it will all become crystal clear.

Especially when you see the bottom line...

With that many people betting on the fall, I knew chances were very high that
share prices were going to do the exact opposite.

And I was right.

True to form…

Over the next three days, the XLY not-so-mysteriously jumped 1.69%…

And my trade surged 100%!

Which meant you would have made $5,000 in less than a work week.

That’s 58x better than what buy-and-hold investors saw.

And it’s immeasurably better than losing all your money like the people who
placed bets that the XLY was going to drop.

More importantly…

My Velocity Profit Multiplier system just tipped me off to a large volume of
trades taking place on one of my favorite companies...


Using the “Max Pain” method I just showed you, we know that shares are likely to
move somewhere in the neighborhood of 5% in the opposite direction of what the
“herd” is betting on…

And if you get the two sentences of Velocity Profit Multiplier instructions I’d
like to send you on Tuesday, you’ll have a shot at banking a 104% gain.

I’ll show you how to put your name on my email list in just a minute.

When you do…

You’ll receive BOTH incredible opportunities identified by my Velocity Profit

And if you choose — you can make the trades immediately.

So by this time next week, you could be well on your way to doubling your money
2 times!

But there’s another detail I’d like to show you first.

Because sometimes the big winners I show subscribers lay hidden in one of the
toughest algorithms of all to decode — the written word.

Whether it’s a shareholder vote on a merger or a press release about a new drug,
the fact is, sometimes a stock moves on signals that you can’t see on a chart.

That’s where my decades of trading experience come in.

Because I know which situations will move a stock, and which ones are just

And when I see one of these events coming, I use my Velocity Profit Multiplier
to amplify even the smallest movements into massive triple-digit winners.

Like when I discovered a string of unwelcome news — including a sub-par earnings
announcement — was about to send the share price of Coach falling.

I immediately sent out two sentences of instructions designed to multiply that
drop into a massive winner.

And it paid off in spades…

Because while Coach’s share price fell 15%…

My trade surged 108%.

That’s right… I more than doubled my money when Coach’s share price went down.

It’s one of the major benefits of my program.

Because instead of only cashing in when share prices go up…


Sarepta Therapeutics is another intriguing example of how it works.

Not long ago, this tiny biotech released promising trial results from a drug
designed to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy…

Which sent share prices soaring.

But I did some digging into how the FDA approval process works. And I found out
it was far more complicated than what most people were aware of…

And even in the best of scenarios, the drug was years away from hitting the

I also knew as soon as slow-moving investors caught on to that fact, share
prices would drop.

So I put together a trade to take advantage of what I learned.

In the next three days, Sarepta dropped 1%…

And my trade delivered a 75% gain.

That’s not bad considering it would have juiced $5,000 into $8,772.

But it’s far from the only time I made money on a falling stock.

Like when this inverse double-barrel pattern showed up on Apple’s chart and
delivered a 111% gain on a 3% share price drop.

In only 3 days.

Or when my Velocity Profit Multiplier hit on the patterns that turned this 4-day
– 2.2% drop – from NetEase into a 108% winner…

This minuscule .29% drop from Deere & Co. turned into a 122% winner…

This 12% drop from American Express led to a 117% winner.

And this 3-day, 1.3% drop by Bank of New York Mellon turned into a 150% winner.

It bears repeating, my Profit Multiplier turns up opportunities like this all
the time.

In fact, it just found another opportunity I’d like to tell you about...


For the past decade, this company has moved the same way — during the same month
— every year. Just like clockwork.

And I don’t expect this year to be any different.

Most shareholders won’t bat an eye when it happens because it’s such a small

But if you follow the simple two-sentence instructions I’d like to send you…

You could easily double your money on this one.

And in only a few days.


Well, first you have to secure a subscription to my VIP trading
service, Velocity Trader… the home of my Profit Multiplier.

As you’ve seen throughout this presentation, I designed my system for motivated
profit seekers…

For folks who are willing to step out of their comfort zone — and shun the
pedestrian gains that come from buy-and-hold strategies — for the shot at
banking triple-digit winners…

In a matter of days.

Each Tuesday, I send an email to my readers with the details on two brand-new

Inside you’ll find everything you need to make each trade in seven minutes or

Including the simple two-sentence set of instructions you can read word for word
to your broker.

I walk you through my rationale on the trade in an easy-to-understand way…

I cover the patterns that tipped my Profit Multiplier off that this stock is
about to move.

I even include a video we could easily charge $1,000 to watch.

Because you’ll get to look over my shoulder as I break down the charts I used to
pinpoint the opportunities in a way even a beginner can understand…

I highlight the patterns my Multiplier hit on that tipped me off to the stock is
about to move…

I cover the market conditions that could affect it…

And at the end, I’ll walk you through how to make the trade.

That way, whether you’re quickly reading the email for the instructions you need
to get in on the action…

Or if you’re going deeper by watching the video so you can learn from someone
who made a fortune using the exact same system…

You’ll always come away armed with what it takes to make up to 131x more than
buy-and-hold investors...

By risking far less of your money.

Remember, I’m about to release my next two trades.

The week after that I’ll send out two more.

And I’ll do that over and over again.

For an entire year.

And when you join me today, you’ll guarantee that you get a shot at profiting
from every single one of them.

More importantly, though, you’re covered by one of the boldest promises I’ve
ever made…

UP TO 2,500%...


And to be clear…

I’m talking about the whole enchilada — winners and losers.

If the total gains I deliver only add up to 2,498%… everyone who joins today
will get a second year absolutely free.

Even though you still would have the opportunity to make some serious coin.

And there’s no fine print with this deal either.

If I miss the mark, all you have to do is call our VIP service line.

And we’ll add another year of Velocity Trader to your account free of charge.

Most analysts wouldn’t dare make a promise this bold.

And the reason for that is simple…

They don’t have my Velocity Profit Multiplier.

Remember, this is the same system that repeatedly delivers gains like…

 * 92.31% on Costco Wholesale
 * 108% on Procter & Gamble
 * 100% on Whirlpool Corp
 * 57.33% on Kohl’s
 * 104.08% on Seagate Technology
 * 110.08% on Illumina
 * 203.03% on UnitedHealth Group

Just to name a few.

With performance like that, I could easily justify charging $10,000 or more just
to get in the door...

But I’d never dream of doing that.

I’ve made enough money with Velocity Profit Multiplier to retire many years ago
at the tender age of 37.

I have enough to travel the world. Provide my family with anything they could
ever need… or want.

And live the rest of my life in comfort.

So at this point, my goal is to help other people build their own fortunes.

Which is why I’ve set the regular price for Velocity Trader at only $3,000 per

I realize that’s still not cheap.

But the simple truth is…

I designed this advisory for people who are COMMITTED to making a lot of money.

Plus I’ve found the folks who have the most success with my program are the ones
serious enough to put some real skin in the game…

And are ok with the fact that there are no refunds after you join.

No tire-kickers allowed…

You’re either all in. Or you’re not in at all.

Plus, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out if you look at the
membership as an investment — like you should — the return you’re setting
yourself up for is staggering.

Especially considering we get letters all the time from folks like Tim W.
letting us know he made enough to cover his entire membership fee 11x over, in
just four trades…

At the same time, I also know that the current price tag may put Velocity Trader
out of reach for some folks.

So I’m going to knock $2,005 off the price to get the ball rolling.

This means anyone who takes me up on this offer today can join for only $995.

There’s only one catch…

Because of the massive 67% discount…


I wish it could be more…

But my publisher put his foot down and I couldn’t get him to budge.

I guess I can’t blame him…

Velocity Trader is one of our longest-running trading services…

And the reason for that is simple…

A lot of people love it.

So the idea of cutting the price to get folks in the door was…

Well, let’s just say…

Less than popular.

So when this deal goes away…

I can’t promise that you’ll ever see anything like it ever again.

Let me take a quick minute to review everything you get when you become a member

In the next few days, I will send you the two-sentence set of instructions for
the trades I covered today.

They’re the perfect way to kickstart your moneymaking journey

Then, each week for the next year, you’ll get an email alert with two new

And whether you open it and skip right to the simple instructions which you can
carry out in just a few minutes…

Or grab a cup of coffee and soak in my weekly video, which is a deep dive into
the charts and market analysis I used to find each trade…

The end result is the same.

Because you’ll have the opportunity to turn small stock movements of as little
as one or two percent…

Into quick winners that could hand you a small fortune in the coming year.

You’ll also get the password that unlocks the private Velocity Trader website.

Inside you’ll get access to a host of valuable tools like my 8-part video boot
camp which covers everything from how to open an options trading account…

All the way to how you can use the Profit Multiplier to pinpoint your own

You’ll also find the full portfolio there, which is a scorecard that tracks
every recommendation I’ve ever put out.

But the most popular thing you’ll get on the website, by far, is direct access
to the entire Velocity Trader community…

Because it’s the number one place to go if you ever have a question.

Look, I don’t care if you’re a complete novice when it comes to options… or if
you’ve been trading them for a while…

Everyone needs help on occasion.

And you’ll always get it on the Velocity Talk forum.

I love the saying that it takes a village to raise a child…

And I firmly believe creating successful traders is no different.

When you join Velocity Trader you’re officially part of my tribe.

Failure is not an option as far as I’m concerned.

So much so that if you ever post a question to the forum, you might get the
answer directly from me.

But here’s the thing.

If you want to get all these valuable features…

Including 52 weeks of trades that could quickly have your account overflowing
with cash…

You’ve got to make your move now.

As I mentioned a moment ago…

I can only let 25 people join today. Total.

When we hit that number, this deal will automatically disappear. No exceptions.

I know that may not be a popular decision.

But the truth is, if you haven’t reached for your wallet yet, my program isn’t
right for you anyway.

To see all the details for this limited opportunity, simply click the big blue
button below...

Yes! I Want To See The Details(Click Here)

(Your credit card will NOT be charged… and you can review your order before it’s


Over the last ten years, I’ve closed out 800 trades…

And 779 turned out to be winners…

Including the last 712 in a row!

Now it’s your turn to get in on the action.

You can either seize this opportunity… or let it slip through your fingers and
kick yourself later.

There are only 25 spots available today.

To claim yours…

And take your investing to the next level…

Simply click on the blue button below …

Yes! I Want To See The Details(Click Here)

(Your credit card will NOT be charged… and you can review your order before it’s

It will take you to a secure — encrypted — membership form where you can review
everything one last time before joining.

Thank you so much for reviewing this invitation.

I look forward to welcoming you to Velocity Trader in the next few minutes.

This is Jim Fink signing off.

To a year’s worth of fast profit opportunities,

Jim Fink
Chief Investment Strategist
Velocity Trader

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