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Here's random stuff related to what I am working on or interested in during my
work day or in my personal life. I'm a nerd. The content will be nerdy.



NTLM Challenge Response is 100% Broken (Yes, this is still relevant)
Updated again: CloudCracker has dropped off the web. A new successor has arisen.
Updated as it seems a lot of folks don't read. The reason this attack is
interesting is that I steal or phish the hash in the attack WITHOUT physical or
administrative access. Yes, I am aware of the 30 amazing tools that "already did
that" using local admin access. Also here for why this is still matters.
First off, I can’t say I broke the NTLM handshake; the march of time did it. 
Apparently, I am just the one who bothered to put it together.
There have been numerous whitepapers, hacker conference sessions, and blog
posts dedicated to the weaknesses of NTLM (and LM) authentication.  However, the
weaknesses described in previously published works were theoretical, or required
stealing hashes using admin rights. This means the host was already compromised,
thus the exploits themselves are a bit boring and redundant.  One couldn’t just
phish for the hashes or MITM the hashes; due to the challenge response
mechanism.   The best case for getting to the hash or password from outside the
host was to do a MITM attack (or a phish) and substitute a chosen challenge. 
This only worked if the victim was willing to negotiate NTLM without the Session
Security Flag. This would then allow an attacker to build rainbow tables to get
the hash or password. Rather, the attacker probably already had tables built for
the chosen challenge.  This scenario is a pretty high bar to reach.
To frame the conversation, there are actually 4 handshakes in the NTLM suite
that move up in security and complexity. They are LM, NTLM, NTLM with session
security, and NTLMv2.  As of now, only NTLMv2 stands as secure.  There is no
way, other than encrypting your link with say IPSec, to secure the 3 weak
handshakes.  The good news is, all Microsoft OSs already have a registry key
that can control the handshakes options.  MS will release a KB and Advisory on
1/8 on this and the information can be found below.
Now, thanks to Moxie Marlinspike’s Cloudcracker, an attacker can skip the
pre-chosen challenge and brute force the challenge response to get the NTLM
hash.  If the victim is running XP, the situation is even worse, as Cloudcracker
will return the LM hash which can always be broken overnight to derive the
user’s password .
Why Does this Matter Now?
Before I get to the exploit details, let me clarify how relevant these
technologies still are in today’s world. You might think that with all the
papers and presentations, no one would be using NTLM...or, God forbid, LM.
NTLMv2 has been around for quite some time. Surely, everyone is using it. Right?
According to the last data from the W3 Schools, 21% of computers are running XP,
while NetMarketShare claims it is 39%.  Unless someone has hardened these
machines (no MS patches do this), these machines are sending LM and NTLM
responses!  While these lists leave out server OSs, 2003 Server still sends NTLM
responses by default.  Yes, every MS OS since NT 4.0 SP4 has supported NTLMv2,
but NTLM and LM were not excluded by default until Vista.  
But wait, there’s more! It is also very common for companies that have
heterogeneous environments to use Active Directory Group Policy to keep the
settings weak, usually out of fear of breaking Samba connectivity.  Sure, Samba
has supported NTLMv2 for a long time, but most IT folks tend to think “Why beef
up security if you might break something? No one is claiming to have broken
Well, here it is: I’VE BROKEN NTLM.
Now, get to fixin’.
More on fixin’ later.  (I can’t take credit for breaking NTLM. I’m no math whiz.
I just happen to specialize in applied crypto, and I looked in the right place
at the right time.)
The Attack
When I read a summary of Moxie’s MS-CHAPv2 crack, I saw that the big deal was
not that the implementation had some crazy flaw, it was that Moxie had
affordably built a system that can brute force the DES keys that make up the
heart of the challenge response mechanism.  In less than 24 hours, given a known
64 bit plaintext (challenge) and a ciphertext (response), Cloudcracker can
return the key to you.  
This made me wonder what else was broken, given affordable DES brute forcing now
I didn’t dig a lot deeper into the attack at the time, as I was researching NTLM
so I could write a blog post on Pass the Hash Attacks.  I know this is well
covered territory, but I never found a paper that covered all my questions, so I
figured I’d do it myself.  Much of my research was done by reading the protocol
details on Eric Glass’s exhaustive page on the topic. I’ve found no better
source for understanding the protocols. 
That’s until I stumbled across this: (Bold added for emphasis.)
The NTLM response is calculated as follows:
The MD4 message-digest algorithm (described in RFC 1320) is applied to the
Unicode mixed-case password. This results in a 16-byte value - the NTLM hash.
The 16-byte NTLM hash is null-padded to 21 bytes.
This value is split into three 7-byte thirds.
These values are used to create three DES keys (one from each 7-byte third).
Each of these keys is used to DES-encrypt the challenge from the Type 2 message
(resulting in three 8-byte ciphertext values).
These three ciphertext values are concatenated to form a 24-byte value. This is
the NTLM response.
Note that only the calculation of the hash value differs from the LM scheme; the
response calculation is the same.

That’s right, to reverse the challenge response, I just need to brute force two
DES iterations that have 56 bit keys and one that only uses 2 bytes of the 56
bit key space for the last crack.  Moxie shows it like this, for those who are
more visual.

I immediately went to Moxie’s posts on the topic to figure out how to use
Cloudcracker to brute force out my hashes.  That’s when I discovered that
MS-CHAPv2 uses the EXACT same math as the LM and NTLM challenge response.  Moxie
was kind enough to point me to the line in his code that demonstrates how one
can submit the challenge and response to Cloudcracker to get back the LM or NTLM

print "CloudCracker Submission = $99$%s" % base64.b64encode("%s%s%s%s" %
(plaintext, c1, c2, k3[0:2]))

Just concatenate your challenge, and the first two thirds of your response, and
k3 as base64 and Bob’s your uncle.  The only thing that threw me was, why is k3
only 2 bytes?  To save on processing power, I assume, you must brute force the
final key before sending it to Cloudcraker, which just appends it to the first
two recovered keys and sends it back.  As the last key is the one that has 5
bytes that are always all 00, this is easy.
Using Eric Glasses example, I sent in $99$ASNFZ4mrze8lqYwcMegYR0ZrKbLfRoDz2Ag=
 to Cloudcracker.  This is the challenge 0123456789ABCDEF, low response
25A98C1C31E81847, mid response 466B29B2DF4680F3, and D808, the first two bytes
of the final third of the hash, which I brute forced locally.  If you decide to
follow along with me, make sure to look at Glass’s parity adjusting of the
keys.  DES keys are really 64 bit, not 56, but as the right bit of each byte is
a parity bit, it can’t count toward the total entropy or key space.  Or, you can
just use his provided Java code.
Then I just had to wait until I got an email with this:

CloudCracker has successfully completed its attack against your CHAPv2
handshake. The NT hash for the handshake is included below, and can be plugged
back into the 'chapcrack' tool to decrypt a packet capture, or to authenticate
to the server:
This run took 68799 seconds. Thank you for using, this
concludes your job.

For those who missed it, I just got the NT hash from the challenge and response,
which are easily observed on the wire. I just got the hash WITHOUT compromising
the host first.  To use this in an attack I just need the right MITM foothold or
a phishing email.

To: All Employees
From: HR Communications
Subject: Updates to the Employee Handbook
Body: Human Resources has completed a significant rewrite and update to the
Employee Handbook.  While some of the changes are minor, it is worth a look for
all employees.  Employees with aging parents will likely be excited to see the
increase in paid time off for emergency care of elder dependents.  The
guidelines for company events where alcoholic beverages are provided have also
been updated. 
Finally, with the passing of Washington Initiative 502, we are publishing the
new guidelines for Marijuana in the work place.     
The handbook can be found here:
Best Regards,
Human Resources

I call this attack “Request the Hash”.  Sorry for the pun, but who wouldn’t
immediately click the link to find out their companies new pot policy???
The Good News
First of all, I commend MS for changing the default to NLTMv2, as of Vista, and
for leaving us the option if we just can’t live without LM or NTLM.  At this
point though, I think it is incumbent on MS to push the issue at the local
security policy level, letting domain administrators override common sense as
There might be some testing and some interoperability failures for enterprises,
but the good news is the settings for LM, NTLM, and NTLMv2 have been around a
long time. The reg key
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\LmCompatibilityLevel allows you to
choose the level of fallback your system will allow.  Set this to 3 or greater
for workstations and you are probably set. This situation is a bit more complex
as almost all windows computers are not just clients, but also servers, offering
you the admin$ share and c$, etc.  The same setting has slightly different
bearing on which versions the machine will accept when acting as a server, say
when doing remote administration of your desktops. This great article, by Jesper
Johansson, covers both the client and server aspect. 

Personally, I am setting all my systems to 5.  If you allow systems to be set
below 5, you may be masking the fact that clients are still performing NTLM or
LM handshakes. 
Group Policy Name
Prohibits Sending
Send LM and NTLM Responses
NTLMv2 Session Security is negotiated
Session Security (on Windows 2000 below SRP1, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 9x)
Send LM and NTLM—use NTLMv2 session security if negotiated
NTLMv2 Session Security is negotiated
Send NTLM response only
NTLMv2 Session Security is negotiated
LM and NTLMv2
Send NTLMv2 response only
Session Security is always used
Send NTLMv2 response only/refuse LM
NTLMv2 Session Security
Send NTLMv2 response only/refuse LM and NTLM
Session Security

You may ask, “Who cares if my server accepts LM or NTLM?”  If not all your
clients are managed, your server could be unwittingly used to compromise an
account used by a client with weak settings.
I did a fresh Ubuntu install and verified that its SMB/CIFS client only sent
NTLMv2 response, even when I attempted to downgrade using Cain.  I have not yet
had a chance to test web browsers that support NTLM auth via SPNEGO.   That’s
right; most web browsers perform NTLM auth in HTTP Headers when a trusted site
requests it. 
A Reminder About the Downside of Doing Nothing
While web browsers only perform the NTLM auth for trusted sites by default,
generally, Windows OSs seem to make no distinction between trusted and
un-trusted zones for other protocols, such as CIFS/SMB, SQL/TDS, and RPC.  This
means that a phishing attack with a file://server//share link could yield great
results for an attacker.  Based on the rapid succession of tries and retries, it
is safe to assume that the first 2 – 5 attempts by a machine are the OS, via
SSPI, trying to auth with the victim’s cached creds.  This means the attacker
does not need to see a successful auth to trust that the credentials are valid.
Maybe you took my advice on Pass the Hash, and blocked all the protocols that
use NTLM, at your perimeter.  This doesn’t stop one of your clients, say a
laptop at home outside your perimeter from trying to do something that won’t try
an NTLM handshake. There are just too many ways to fail, if you allow LM or NTLM
in any context. OK, so the attacker has the hash, but they are outside the
firewall… You’re safe, right?  No!  At this point, the attacker has a valid hash
and is ready to use the account to get your data.  Now the attacker has two
·         If your system is sending LM responses, getting that hash makes for
super light work in cracking the password.  If you are sending the better NTLM
hash, you are still in hot water.  Cloudcracker also has a huge set of rainbow
tables.  For another $20 I can submit the hash and likely get the password of an
average user. There are surely plenty of ways inside your perimeter with just
username and password. Moxie, if you are reading this, how about a one step
operation (from the customer perspective) that pipes the recovered hash into the
rainbow tables after it’s been cracked. Maybe a price a tad under $40 for the
two cracks? 
·         BUT WAIT!!  Attackers don’t need your stinking password! If I have the
hash, it is password equivalent! The first step of every auth involving NTLM and
NTLMv2 is to convert the password to the NT hash.  Your weak settings just saved
the attacker a step.  Once the hash has been stolen, the only ways to render it
useless are to change the password or remove all of the channels by which it can
be passed. (The latter feels infeasible). 
Protecting Yourself and Your Company
If you are a lone user, make sure all of your systems are set to
LmCompatibilityLevel 3 or higher via local security policy, group policy, or via
the registry key.
If you are a corporate type, make sure the GPO is set to force 3 or higher.  You
may notice that levels 4 and 5 talk about domain controllers refusing different
levels.  This is not a great protection and may even mask a problem.  While the
DC blocking the LM auth passed by a client won’t let the user access the system,
the damage is already done: The LM response was sent, and the attacker may have
it.  Sure, it is nice for the attacker to see the successful auth so they know
the crack is worth the time, but the rapid fails and retries will tell the
attacker that the client OS had the creds cached and the hash that was used is
almost certainly good, at a minimum on that client machine, if not the domain.
If you are running a Samba client, enter this line ‘client ntlmv2 auth’ into
your smb.conf file.
Final Paranoid Thought
If you have any of the weak settings, CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD after fixing them!
I made this discovery when I realized DES was brute-forcible on a budget.  I
immediately started thinking of a list of all of the processes that broke along
with DES.  I’m sure this is exactly the list that every nations’ spy services
started making when they acquired the computing power to brute force DES.  I
assume that it has been affordable for most of them for 5 – 10 years now. 
Sorry, spies, if this closes a door for you.  I read a book that says another
one will open.  ;-)
Appendix A: Proof of Concept Code
In order to validate my work, I built a simple tool proof the crypto and create
the CloudCracker token.  First off, I am not a great or professional coder, so
don’t laugh when you look at the code.  Second, Eric Glass’s code was a great
help.  His is in Java, while mine is c#.  Last, I used Bouncy Castle’s c# crypto
library, for two reasons.  The .NET libraries do not support MD4, because for
hashing it is VERY weak and the .NET libraries block the use of weak DES keys. 
NTLM does not account for weak keys.
My code is a fair bit redundant, checking and rechecking itself.  This is
because each CloudCracker summation costs $20 and I didn’t want to have to
send/spend several failed submissions during debugging.
The code can be found here.
The challenge and response data should be in hex, while the password should be

Posted by Mark Gamache


hernan said...

Hi Mark,

I just wanted to add that stealing hashes/passwords from memory allows you to
elevate your privileges and extend the compromise.

It may require local admin rights, but it can allow you to obtain domain admin

You can also obtain hashes/passwords of multiple users that do not have an entry
in the local SAM, for example, users that logged in remotely using RDP.

These are some of the reasons why stealing credentials with WCE from memory,
locally, is still relevant and useful in my opinion.

See for
a description of the scenarios I'm describing.

Also, I guess you've already seen this, but check out
and for the
description a series of flaws that affected and broke NTLM for 17 years.

Thank you!

January 9, 2013 at 5:58 AM

Anonymous said...

Have a look here:

This tool breaks a Windows network in seconds.

January 9, 2013 at 6:35 AM

Mark Gamache said...

Hernan, it's an honor to have you read and comment on my work. Thanks! I'd only
seen one of the two articles. I look forward to reading the other.


Mark Gamache

January 9, 2013 at 12:59 PM

Unknown said...

@Mark What do you mean by "As of now, only NTLMv2 stands as secure." Frankly, I
have to strongly disagree with this statement for the following reasons:

1) No matter what level you force, the system will still auto-authenticate and
you can still off-line brute force the hash. It just adds a bit of uniqueness by
adding a client salt in v2, so it increases the brute force time to the factor
of the number of users you're trying to crack. So it just increases cracking
time /slightly/ in comparison to NTLM.

2) Without a secondary protection mechanism (i.e. smb/ldap signing or https
extended authentication), NTLMv2 is just as problem-matic as NTLM in the realm
of relaying the authentication requests. Take a look at my derbycon talk (was
also at defcon and sector this year) about this over at
Granted, the tool still needs a lot of work, but it clearly proves that you can
easily relay NTLMv2 auth across different protocols and even demonstrates
external impact (through exchange web services).

Making the recommendation of "switch to NTLMv2 and you're fine" is the problem
with the security recommendations we're making to clients. It's not. Currently,
the ONLY way to resolve it is to begin migration to kerberos only. Granted, this
opens a whole 'nother can of worms with devices that can't migrate to this (can
somebody say integrated auth in organizations on web content gateways that rely
on ntlm or legacy systems / systems not joined to the domain and thus not
getting kerberos tickets).

And that's my rant :p I'll be writing up a blog post soon-ish to go over this in
more detail and clear up the common mis-conceptions with ntlmv2 and it being the
fix, but not enough time today :)

- [zf]

January 9, 2013 at 1:48 PM

Stewart F said...

Great Article!

Can you provide some detail on how to use your C# code to generate the submision
to CloudCrack? Can you use a previously captured NTLM Challenge/Response Hash
(from tools like Metasploit, etc)

January 9, 2013 at 3:28 PM

Mark Gamache said...


NTLMv2 and NTLM2 are not the same thing. NTLMv2 uses much more data and 2 rounds
of HMAC-MD5, not DES. My code covers only NTLM and NTLM2 which use DES.

Like Kerberos, NTLMv2 can also be brute forced off-line. I'm slightly over
simplifying here, but Kerberos users the REALM name as the salt when hashing the
password. One can build rainbow tables for an entire realm

When I say "you're set" I am implying that this low cost attack is stopped. I
haven't looked at the computational complexity, but I suspect that 2 rounds of
HMAC-MD5 will not hold up a lot longer either.

I'm a big Kerberos fan, it's my bread and butter really, but as you say, it can
be tricky. Admins who don't understand SPNs and the implication of NAT, etc.
have no chance to get it right and then fall back to NTLM occurs.

I probably should have said, "allowing NTLMv2 is the best you can do". Actually,
win7 and 2008R2 and greater have a way to ban NTLM on a per host basis.

I look forward to your blog post.

Thanks for reading and your comments!

January 9, 2013 at 3:54 PM

Mark Gamache said...

@Stewart F

Yes, you can use any captured CH/resp. You just need them as hex, which is the
LC format, and MetaSploit format if I recall. My tool does not do the captures,
just creates the token.

CC takes a token as text in a file. The token looks like this.


$99$ is a CC delimiter or something.

The rest is base-64. This is the whole response, as well as the first 2/3rds of
the challenge plus the final 3rd already brute forced. My tool brute forces the
final 3rd as that is the CC format. The final third is easy. Only 2 bytes of key
space as the tailing 6 bytes are always all 00.

Beware, most Ch/Resp use the session security so there is a client and a server
challenge. My code accounts for this as long as you enter them both.

January 9, 2013 at 4:08 PM

Anonymous said...


Could you possibly distinguish between NTLMv2 and V2 session there?
NTLMv2 is not only an extra client salt, it's HMAC-MD5 based for constructing
the response. I.e. you can't reduce bruteforcing a NTLMv2 responses to DES 2^57
to get a NTLM hash. [that said, you can still certainly try to bruteforce it,
but I'm not sure how fast 3 hmac-md5 is on modern hardware. [inherently all
challenge response sent in the clear relies on the weak key or password]

'NTLMv2 session' response however, is similar to V1, but includes the extra
client nonce as you mentioned and still suffers the weak DES problem, and lack
of eavesdropping protection problem heavily potentially leading to someone
expensing the three des encryptions [IDK if padding there means the 3rd des
encryption is now more

Perhaps the distinction is moot given there doesn't seem to be a way to only
enable NTLMv2 but not use the old session security compatibility extension.

Am I missing something in my reasoning or does that sound right?

January 9, 2013 at 5:26 PM

Anonymous said...

>[that said, you can still certainly try to bruteforce it, but I'm not sure how
fast 3 hmac-md5 is on modern hardware. [inherently all challenge response sent
in the clear relies on the weak key or password]

or dictionary attack it, but either way, no Rainbow tables for NTLMv2 or NTLMv2

January 9, 2013 at 5:28 PM

Anonymous said...

>NTLMv2 is not only an extra client salt, it's HMAC-MD5 based for constructing
the response. I.e. you can't reduce bruteforcing a NTLMv2 responses to DES 2^57
to get a NTLM hash. [that said, you can still certainly try to bruteforce it,
but I'm not sure how fast 3 hmac-md5 is on modern hardware. [inherently all
challenge response sent in the clear relies on the weak key or password]

more specifically for bruteforcing or dictionary attacking NTLMv2 non session,
you'd be straight trying to match a NTLM hash (md4) through an output of the 2
HMAC-MD5 (Mark is right - 2 HMAC, not 3) with various nonces, which seems like a
rather annoying thing to do, as opposed to reducing NTLMv2 session to three
counts of single DES [or two depending on padding]

January 9, 2013 at 5:40 PM

Anonymous said...

at the end of the day bruteforcing an entire 128b keyspace [md4 input of ntlm
base hash] for hmac-md5 or dictionary or bruteforce attacking it selectively is
a whole lot more preferrable to 3 counts or two counts of single DES for NTLMv1
or NTLMv2 session. but again, if you can't only allow NTLMv2 and disallow
everything else, including v2 session, the difference is moot.

January 9, 2013 at 5:49 PM

Anonymous said...

Here’s the revised version:

NTLM1 is broken,
NTLMv2 is not broken, provided you enforce some settings on the client and
server that prevent legacy NTLMv1 fallback as part of NTLMv2 session security
responses (GP settings from )

"In other words, you can think of NTLMv2 Session Security as having two
components: a stronger response computation and a better session key generation
algorithm. The response computation, however, can be either the mysterious NTLM2
Session Response or a real NTLMv2 response."

a) Set client LMCompatibilityLevel to 3 that forces that NTLMv2 session security
related response to be stronger and not DES based. And [forbids sending NTLMv1
and LM requests]
b) Enforce LMCompatibilityLevel 5 on the server to only accept V2

If client LMCompatibilityLevel is <3, you can still get insecure DES based bits
in the protocol [aka NTLM2 Session response]

January 9, 2013 at 7:18 PM

Anonymous said...

thanks for share.

January 10, 2013 at 12:31 AM

Anonymous said...

nessus plugin 63478 detects this now.

January 11, 2013 at 7:33 PM

Rich Rumble said...

As herman said, WCE or Mimikatz stealing the plain-text hash from LSASS is
relevent. Kerberos everywhere is a pipe dream, I've been on hundreds of
networks, and you can sniff all day and find each user sends maybe 1 or 2 kerb
auth's. Once Windows has the token, it goes with NTLMv1/2 99.99999% of the time.
SMB/CIFS connections, Outlook, Http auth, all NTLM. Pass-the-hash works well for
networked sessions, which gets any talk of 2-factor out of the conversation, as
does pass-the-pass via mimikatz/wce. pass the pass works even better for
interactive/rdp/http sessions. 2-factor may be more in force there than it is at
the network, non-interactive logon types. We recommend people make use of the
built-in IPSEC functions windows supports natively since win2k. You can use
GRE/null encryption so your IDS's don't miss anything, but you add a second
factor with ease doing so. It's a pain to roll out, and to maintain, but that's
security my friends. You could fall back to LM if you want at that point,
windows ipsec and firewalls should be better utilized by everyone I've ever
audited. Also JtR has quite a fast kerberos cracker that can extract from
pcap's, and it shows you more often than not, the users password is the weakest
factor, not the hash/encryption that's being used. Always has been, always will

January 17, 2013 at 7:19 AM

Dmitry Evteev said...

cloudcracker does not work now?

for "-cc ffffff0011223344 -sc 0123456789abcdef -r
10d550832d12b2ccb79d5ad1f4eed3df82aca4c3681dd455 -p SecREt01" i'm waiting for a
reply more than 3 days((

April 4, 2013 at 3:09 AM

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     * NTLM hasn’t been relevant for like 12 years... and...
     * NTLM Challenge Response is 100% Broken (Yes, this ...
     * Rehashing Pass the Hash

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