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Submission: On July 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Submission: On July 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOM<form id="multi-step-form">
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<!-- form2 -->
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<legend class="large_question center"> What are you looking for? </legend>
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<!-- form3 -->
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<legend class="large_question center"> Which industry are you in? </legend>
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padding-top: 10px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: start;
margin-left: 10px;
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<div class="checkradio_input" style="margin: 0 10px 0 10px">
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industryTypeRadios.forEach((radio) => {
radio.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
<button class="button" style="background-color: #fe4d3c; border-radius: 0; width: 100%; font-weight: 600; font-size: 16px;"> Step Forward >> <div class="loader" role="alert"></div>
<!-- form4.html -->
<div class="fit_to_mobile step" id="step-4" style="display: none;">
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<legend class="large_question center"> What location(s) are you looking to receive calls from? </legend>
<div id="step-4_call_type" class="question_wrap" style="
padding-top: 10px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: start;
margin-left: 40px;
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<div class="checkradio_input" style="margin: 0 10px 0 10px">
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const callTypeRadios = document.querySelectorAll('#step-4_call_type .checkradio_input input');
callTypeRadios.forEach((radio) => {
radio.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
<button class="button" style="background-color: #fe4d3c; border-radius: 0; width: 100%; font-weight: 600; font-size: 16px;"> Step Forward >> <div class="loader" role="alert"></div>
<!-- form5.html -->
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<div id="step-6_debt_amount" style="text-align: center">
<label for="debt_amount" class="large_question"> Contact Details </label>
<div id="step-6_first_name" class="question_wrap text_input">
<label id="label_for_first_name_1" for="first_name_1" class="text_field_label">First name: </label>
<input type="text" id="first_name_1" name="first_name" value="" autocomplete="given-name" class="<!--validated_input_text-->" required="">
<div id="step-6_last_name" class="question_wrap text_input">
<label id="label_for_last_name_3" for="last_name_3" class="text_field_label">Last name: </label>
<input type="text" id="last_name_3" name="last_name" value="" autocomplete="family-name" class="" required="">
<div id="step-6_email" class="question_wrap text_input">
<label id="label_for_email_5" for="email_5" class="text_field_label">Email:</label>
<input type="email" id="email_5" name="email" value="" autocomplete="email" class="" required="" oninput="showEmailProviders(event)">
<div id="emailProviders" class="dropdown-content"></div>
function showEmailProviders(event) {
const input =;
const value = input.value;
const dropdown = document.getElementById('emailProviders');
if (value.includes('@')) {
const atIndex = value.indexOf('@');
const domainPart = value.slice(atIndex + 1);
const providers = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
dropdown.innerHTML = '';
providers.forEach((provider) => {
if (provider.startsWith(domainPart)) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = value.slice(0, atIndex + 1) + provider;
div.onclick = () => {
input.value = div.textContent; = 'none';
}); = providers.some((provider) => provider.startsWith(domainPart)) ? 'block' : 'none';
} else { = 'none';
// Hide the dropdown when clicking outside of it
document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
const dropdown = document.getElementById('emailProviders');
if (!'#email_5')) { = 'none';
<div style="display: flex; gap: 10px;">
<div id="step-6_phone_number" class="question_wrap text_input">
<label id="label_for_phone_number" for="phone_number" class="text_field_label">Phone Number: </label>
<input type="text" id="phone_format" name="phone_number" required="">
<div id="step-6_zip_code" class="question_wrap text_input">
<label id="zip-code" for="zip-code" class="text_field_label">Zip Code: </label>
<input type="text" id="zip-code" name="zip-code" value="" autocomplete="postal-code" class="" required="">
<div style="
font-size: 12px;
color: rgb(118, 118, 118);
font-weight: 300;
margin-bottom: 15px;
<input style="display: inline; margin:5px 4px 0 0; " type="checkbox" id="terms" name="terms" required="" checked="">
<span style="display: inline; ">By checking this box, you provide your electronic signature & consent to receive text messages from Message and Data Rates may apply. Reply STOP to opt-out of future messaging or reply
HELP for additional messaging help. Messaging frequency may vary. See privacy policy for more information on your data security.You agree to this website’s <a href="/terms">Terms and Conditions</a> and
<a style="text-wrap:nowrap" href="privacy-policy/">Privacy Policy</a> . This authorization overrides any previous registration on a federal, state or corporate Do Not Call List or any privacy/solicitation preference you have previously
expressed. For additional information, please call at 8884079983. To opt-out, reply STOP. </span>
<button class="button" type="submit" style="background-color: #fe4d3c; border-radius: 0; width: 100%; font-weight: 500; font-size: 16px;"> Yes! Unlock More "Sticky" Profitable Customers >>> <div class="loader" role="alert"></div>
// Save data in session storage on change
document.getElementById('first_name_1').addEventListener('change', function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('first_name', this.value);
document.getElementById('last_name_3').addEventListener('change', function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('last_name', this.value);
document.getElementById('email_5').addEventListener('change', function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('email', this.value);
document.getElementById('phone_format').addEventListener('change', function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('phone_number', this.value);
document.getElementById('zip-code').addEventListener('change', function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('zip_code', this.value);
Name: contactForm —
<form class="mb-5" id="contactForm" name="contactForm">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 mb-3">
<label for="" class="col-form-label">Name *</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" id="name" placeholder="Your name" style="border: none; outline:none;">
<div class="col-md-6 form-group mb-3">
<label for="" class="col-form-label">Email *</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="email" id="email" placeholder="Your email">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 form-group mb-3">
<label for="message" class="col-form-label">Message *</label>
<textarea class="form-control" name="message" id="message" cols="30" rows="4" placeholder="Write your message"></textarea>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 " style="margin: auto;">
<button type="submit" class="contact-button" style="background-color: #fe4d3c !important;
color: white;
padding: 10px 40px;
font-size: 1em;
font-weight: 600;
border: none;
">Send Message</button>
Text Content
* Claim The Customer Growth System – (888) 407 9983 Skip to content * Home * Our Products * Industries We Serve * Contact Us Menu * Home * Our Products * Industries We Serve * Contact Us * Claim The Customer Growth System – (888) 407 9983 Imagine … Transforming your sales team into a powerhouse of certainty and success. No more guesswork or wasted efforts - just a steady stream of high-quality, converting leads. Watch your revenue soar and your market position solidify with every exclusive call. Here's the game-changer... A flood of pre-qualified, industry-specific leads at your fingertips - leads that are yours and yours alone. Your cost per acquisition? Plummeting. Your ROI? Skyrocketing. This is what true control over your business growth feels like. And we're just warming up... Bid farewell to the paralyzing anxiety of "feast or famine" lead generation. Your agents? Laser-focused on what truly matters - closing deals and driving profits. Feel that surge of confidence course through your entire organization as contact rates soar. Now, let's talk real business transformation... Your team isn't just selling—they're creating a fortress of "sticky" customers. No more losing clients to competitors because of resold leads. Expand fearlessly, knowing each new lead is exclusively yours from day one. Those sleepless nights worrying about customer churn and unpredictable growth? A thing of the past. Dive deeper with me... Picture your squad, armed with our cutting-edge lead generation system, radiating unshakeable confidence. That buzz you hear? It's the sound of targets being shattered and your company building a loyal customer base that stays put. But the real magic lies beneath... We're orchestrating a total paradigm shift in how you approach growth. Every lead becomes a high-converting opportunity that's 100% TCPA compliant. Every agent becomes a pivotal player in your empire-building strategy. The frustration of low contact rates and unpredictable closing ratios? Ancient history. Here's the endgame... We're not talking incremental improvements. We're talking about catapulting your company into an era of predictable, sustainable growth. Market domination isn't just possible - it's your new reality, backed by the certainty of our proven, exclusive lead generation system. Ready to turn this vision of certainty and success into your legacy? Discover how InboundLeads.Direct is rewriting the playbook, transforming ordinary sales teams into unstoppable forces that are redefining what's possible in your industry. Don't just adapt to the future. Create it—with absolute certainty and exclusivity—NOW! Confirm Zip Code: CONTINUE TO EVALUATION UNLOCK YOUR PIPELINE OF PROFITABLE CALLS 20% How big is your sales team? 2-5 5 - 25 25-100 100+ Step Forward >> 40% What are you looking for? Live Transfers Inbounds Form Fills Step Forward >> 60% Which industry are you in? Insurance Financial Services Home Services Step Forward >> 80% What location(s) are you looking to receive calls from? By Zip Code By State(s) Nationwide Step Forward >> 100% Contact Details First name: Last name: Email: Phone Number: Zip Code: By checking this box, you provide your electronic signature & consent to receive text messages from Message and Data Rates may apply. Reply STOP to opt-out of future messaging or reply HELP for additional messaging help. Messaging frequency may vary. See privacy policy for more information on your data security.You agree to this website’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy . This authorization overrides any previous registration on a federal, state or corporate Do Not Call List or any privacy/solicitation preference you have previously expressed. For additional information, please call at 8884079983. To opt-out, reply STOP. Yes! Unlock More "Sticky" Profitable Customers >>> OUR PRODUCTS LIVE TRANSFERS Connect in real-time with leads that are actively seeking your services. Our live transfers are designed to deliver high conversion rates and immediate engagement, ensuring that you talk to potential customers when they are most interested. INBOUNDS Benefit from our robust network generating inbound traffic from highly interested prospects. Our strategies ensure that you receive calls and inquiries from leads that have demonstrated a clear interest in your offerings. FORM FILLS Capture essential information through strategically placed form fills, enabling you to collect leads’ details for further nurturing. Our optimized forms are crafted to convert visitors into leads seamlessly. REDUCE YOUR ACQUISITION EXPENSES 100% Compliance At, we prioritize compliance with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and all relevant rules for Medicare, financial, and legal advertising marketing. For example, under Medicare advertising rules, we ensure that any advertisement must accurately represent the Medicare program, be truthful, and non-misleading. Our comprehensive internal policies and technology ensure that we obtain proper consent and maintain accurate records, enabling our clients to achieve their marketing goals while remaining fully compliant with all applicable regulations. INDUSTRIES WE SERVE Each industry faces unique challenges and opportunities in digital advertising, and our services are customized to address these specifics, ensuring relevance and impact. Insurance Auto Insurance Life Insurance Health Insurance Medicare Insurance Final Expense Insurance Home Insurance Financial Services Debt Settlement Credit Repair Mortgage Personal Loan Business Loan Home Services Home Security Solar Roofing HVAC Bathrooms Remodel Pest Control YOUR DEBT SETTLEMENT SOLUTION Inbound Calls Direct is a market leading lead generation company specializing in the debt settlement vertical. We operate a diverse portfolio of brands dedicated to connecting consumers facing financial challenges with the right resources to achieve their goals. TRUSTED NETWORK: Get started swiftly & easily by importing a demo of your choice in a single click. DATA-DRIVEN APPROACH: We leverage advanced technology and data insights to deliver the most relevant and qualified leads to our partners. CONSUMER FOCUS We prioritize consumer needs, ensuring a transparent and positive experience throughout the connection process. BENEFITS FOR PARTNERS Empowering Financial Freedom: The Consumer Advantage with Customer Bullseye HIGH-QUALITY MARKETING Receive a steady stream of qualified leads, ready to connect with your services. TARGETED AUDIENCE Reach consumers actively seeking legal and debt relief solutions. PERFORMANCE-DRIVEN RESULTS: Generate real business growth with our data-driven approach. BENEFITS FOR CONSUMERS Free Consultations Tailored Solutions Stress-Free Process Free Consultations FREE CONSULTATIONS Access initial consultations with legal or debt relief professionals at no cost. Tailored Solutions TAILORED SOLUTIONS Find the specific resources and expertise to address your unique situation. Stress-Free Process STRESS-FREE PROCESS We simplify the initial search, allowing you to focus on positive outcomes. BUILT FOR ENGAGING DISCUSSIONS AND CONNECTION Get started swiftly & easily by importing a demo of your choice in a single click. Over 30 high quality professionally designed pre-built website concepts to choose from. “One of the perks of using Spyro for your community is the starts, really cool to see which topics people engane the most with.” HARVEY SPECTER Founder of Spyro TESTIMONIALS WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT US? Harvey Specter ☆☆☆☆☆ Founder of Spyro Read More I would like to say that I found the oshin theme really easy to manipulate, you can make a lot of beautiful things even if you don’t know how to code ! Bruce Jones ☆☆☆☆☆ Wayne Enterprises Read More This is a truly spectacular theme! The custom page builder is definitely one of the most intuitive and user-friendly page builders I’ve ever used. Katherine Tessa ☆☆☆☆☆ Designer Read More I would like to say that I found the oshin theme really easy to manipulate, you can make a lot of beautiful things even if you don’t know how to code ! TRUSTED BY 1500+ POPULAR COMPANIES WE SUPPORT, EVERY BUSINESS The main cause of the attack inside the Host factory was that the DNS of the bubble group decide to give entry to the calories of the Server juice. Get Access To Our Calls PRICING FOR ALL BUSINESS Paid annually and Auto renewal option is available in the checkout process Billed Monthly Billed Yearly $ 0.00 Free * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects Schedule a demo $ 39.00 Premium * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects Schedule a demo $ 79.00 Enterprise * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects * Unlimited Projects Schedule a demo CONTACT US Name * Email * Message * Send Message Your message was sent, thank you! CONTACT US TO DISCUSS YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS. CONSUMERS: GET STARTED TODAY AND FIND THE RIGHT RESOURCES TO NAVIGATE YOUR LEGAL OR FINANCIAL CHALLENGES. PARTNERS: LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PORTFOLIO AND EXPLORE HOW WE CAN HELP YOUR BUSINESS GROW. Get Access To Our Calls * Privacy Policy * Terms of Service * TCPA Arbitration Clause