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Submitted URL: http://www.fairharborcapital.com/
Effective URL: https://www.fairharborcapital.com/
Submission: On September 13 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.fairharborcapital.com/
Submission: On September 13 via manual from US — Scanned from DE
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Skip to Main Content * HOME * SELLING A CLAIM * ABOUT US * RESOURCES * CONTACT US * + Use tab to navigate through the menu items. FAIR HARBOR CAPITAL COMMITS ALL AVAILABLE RESOURCES TO LEVERAGE UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES IN DISTRESSED DEBT. SPECIALIZED IN PROVIDING FUNDS FOR VENDORS HOLDING UNPAID RECEIVABLES AGAINST BANKRUPT ENTITIES. COMMITMENT Fair Harbor Capital commits all available resources to leverage unique opportunities in distressed debt. 1. 2. 3. 4. REQUEST A QUOTE FOR RECEIVABLES TRAPPED IN BANKRUPTCY Obtain a Quote INTEGRITY Fair Harbor Capital stands behind its commitments with integrity and uncompromised ethics. 1. 2. 3. 4. SELLING BANKRUPTCY RECEIVABLES Selling your bad debt is simple, straightforward, fair and transparent. Learn More ABOUT US Specializing in the purchase of bankruptcy trade claims for over 20 years. Learn More T E S T I M O N I A L S EDWARD D. CURREN, MANAGER, CORPORATE CREDIT DEPARTMENT - THE BABCOCK & WILCOX COMPANY "We have used Fair Harbor Capital on several occasions. In each case I found the rates to be fair and the service to be excellent. On one recent occasion, we had administrative claims that had not yet been approved by the court. These were included in our contract on a contingency basis. Without any extra work on our part, the administrative claim proceeds were paid when the claims were allowed by the court. Overall I have been extremely satisfied with the dealings we have had with Fair Harbor Capital." VIVIAN KASLOW, OWNER - KASLOW CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. "Fair Harbor stepped in and assumed the debt owed to us by my past client who filed for bankruptcy. I never thought I would see a penny of it. Not only am I happy with the amount we agreed to, but also enjoyed working with them. Getting a check from Fair Harbor Capital within days was also a huge bonus. I highly recommend Fair Harbor Capital to all." EDWIN J. BERKOWITZ - SHANGHAI SHENGDA TEXTILE COMPANY "Shanghai Shengda Textile Company had never before sold a claim and we were skeptical of the process. Fair Harbor’s forthrightness, expeditiousness and thoroughness assuaged our concerns and we were paid, as promised, in two weeks. We would use their services again." TOM RYAN, PRESIDENT - MOTOR TECHNOLOGY, INC. "Our experience with Fair Harbor is that they usually provide the best pricing and they have always been prompt and professional in their dealings." R E Q U E S T A Q U O T E Thanks for submitting! Send CONTACT US CONTACT Email: proposals@fairharborcapital.com Phone: 866.967.4035 Fax: 212.967.4148 LOCATION 630 Fifth Avenue Suite 2000 New York, NY 10111 ABOUT US Overview Investment Philosophy Investment Strategies Competitive Advantages Bankruptcy Resources SELLING A CLAIM Why Sell ? Why Fair Harbor Capital ? How To Sell ? Copyright © 2011-2020 Fair Harbor Capital, LLC. All Rights Reserved. web by www.deepdof.com