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Submitted URL: https://www.puremichiganb2b.com/
Effective URL: https://www.michiganbusiness.org/services/pure-michigan-business-connect/
Submission: On September 23 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

 * Why Michigan
   Back to Main Menu
   Why Michigan
    * * Workforce & Talent
      * Major Employers
      * International Investment
      * Living in Michigan
      * Business Success Stories
      * State Awards & Rankings
      * Native American Tribes
      * Focus Industries
        * Advanced Manufacturing
        * Mobility & Automotive Manufacturing
        * Semiconductor
        * Tech
        * Clean Energy
        * Life Sciences & Medical Device
        * Defense
        * Engineering Design & Development
        * Professional & Corporate Services
        * Arts & Culture
        * Outdoor Recreation
   You Can in Michigan
   In Michigan, job growth, lifestyle and affordability fire on all cylinders.
   From landing your dream job and finding the perfect place to live, to chasing
   adventure around our beautiful Great Lakes, You Can In Michigan.
 * Programs & Services
   Back to Main Menu
   Programs & Services
    * * Resources for Michigan Businesses
        * Find Talent
        * Access Capital
        * Connect with Buyers & Suppliers
        * Sell Internationally
        * Small Business Resources
        * Tech Startup Support
        * Test & Deploy Mobility Technologies
        * Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0 Preparedness
        * Community Development Support
      * How MEDC Can Help
        * I need to start my business
        * I need funding
        * I need workforce support
        * I need to increase sales
        * I need connections
        * I need to scale my tech company
   MEDC's Talent Action Team
   Our Talent Action Team is preparing Michigan's employers and workforce for
   the future by working with businesses, job seekers, and training partners to
   provide coordinated talent solutions.
   Learn More
 * Business Incentives
   Back to Main Menu
   Business Incentives
    * * Job Creation Tools
        * Michigan Business Development Program
        * New Jobs Training Program
      * Investment Tools
        * State Essential Services Assessment/Exemption
        * PA-198
      * Additional Resources
        * Strategic Site Readiness Program
        * Critical Industry Program
        * Michigan Community Revitalization Program
   Interested in Business Incentives?
   Share details about your project and get connected with one of our MEDC team
   members who are here to support businesses interested in starting,
   relocating, or expanding in Michigan.
   Inquire Now
 * About
   Back to Main Menu
    * * MEDC Leadership
      * Employee Directory
      * Michigan Strategic Fund
      * Executive Committee
      * Our Partners
      * Careers at MEDC
      * Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity
      * Requests for Proposals
      * Transparency & Reports
   Sign Up for Updates from MEDC
   Select from a variety of topics and receive email updates from MEDC.
   Sign up
 * News
   Back to Main Menu
    * * News Articles
      * Press Releases
      * Media Contacts
      * Media Room
      * The Michigan Opportunity Podcast
      * Newsletter Sign Up
      * Business Events & Public Meetings
   83 Voices from Michigan's 83 Counties
   Dive into compelling stories from Michigan's 83 counties and hear from
   business owners, students, and community members as they describe their
   unique perspectives on living and working in Michigan.
   Read More
 * Contact



Thousands of Resources. Ready to help.



 * Site Selection Database
 * Success Stories
 * Foreign Direct Investment
 * Awards and Rankings
 * Office of Future Mobility


 * MEDC Project Map
 * Newsletter Sign Up
 * Michigan Economic Development Guide
 * Podcast
 * Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF)



Connecting Buyers and Suppliers

Join our Community


Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC) delivers a suite of services to help
diversify and strengthen your supply chain. PMBC can connect your business to
local, national, and global purchasers through customized procurement or joint
venture matchmaking searches, summits and buyer tours.


PMBC has partnered with Connect Space, an event and networking platform, to
facilitate matchmaking opportunities. To get involved with PMBC, start by
creating a business profile in Connect Space. This is where you can register for
events, connect with other businesses, learn about other resources, and more.


PMBC Community

It's quick and easy. Create a profile and stay up-to-date with events in your
industry and in your area.

Join for Free

Matchmaking Events

We connect purchasers with suppliers and facilitate one-on-one meetings to help
grow your business.

Attend an Event

Targeted Searches

Email us more details about your company and we'll provide a list of other
companies that meet your procurement needs.

Request a Search

Success Story

Long Road Distillers

In 2023, Grand Rapids-based Long Road Distillers wanted to optimize the
efficiency and quality of its ingredients supply chain for its distilling
operations. That March, they participated in the Michigan Distilling Grain
Summit, an event co-hosted by the PMBC team, Michigan Craft Beverage Council,
and the Michigan State University Extension. At the event, Long Road Distillers
was able to secure a new supply chain relationship. Learn how the connection
positioned Long Road Distillers for production expansion.

Read More

Learn More

Sign up for the PMBC newsletter to stay up to date on upcoming summits,
opportunities and program news.

Sign up

For more than 12 years, PMBC has helped Michigan businesses grow and succeed.
Read about their success and strategies.

Read More

Looking for personalized support? Have questions about the PMBC process? Get in
touch with the PMBC team.


PMBC Spotlight

Food and Beverage Pitch Competition in Muskegon

PMBC Success Story

The Standing Company


Not sure where to start? Fill out the form below and receive personalized
support. If you would prefer to give us a call, please do so at 888.522.0103.

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number

Email Address

How may we assist you?


Please include me in email updates on services from Michigan Economic
Development Corporation

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of
Service apply.

MEDC Services For Your Business

Export and International Trade Program

Financial assistance is offered to eligible businesses for exporting activities,
helping companies access global markets and buyers.

Startup and Entrepreneurial Support

No other state in the nation provides the breadth and depth of entrepreneurial
support to early-stage and emerging high-tech companies like Michigan.

Access to Capital Providers

Using small amounts of public resources to generate private lender financing,
the Capital Access program provides small businesses access to capital that
might not otherwise be available.

Mobility and Electrification Services

Programs and services are available to support global mobility and
electrification companies, as well as grants for testing mobility technologies
in Michigan and at our state-of-the-art testing facilities.

Community Development

MEDC helps to create vibrant and sustainable places to live, work and play by
providing economic development services and programs to Michigan communities.

Government Contracting & Bid Targeting

Find and win federal government contracts and receive grant writing assistance.

Defense Industry Connections

When it comes to advancing military defense systems, Michigan ranks high above
the rest.

 * About MEDC
 * Newsletter Sign Up
 * Transparency
 * Public Notices & RFPs
 * Contact MEDC
 * Site Map
 * Terms and Conditions
 * Michigan Voter Information Center

300 N. Washington Sq., Lansing, MI 48913
© 2024 Michigan Economic Development Corporation
