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<h3>Planning and Executing Effective Marketing Strategy Course Enquiry</h3>
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<option>27 - 29 Jun 2023 / Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria</option>
<option>19 - 21 Sep 2023 / Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria</option>
<option>10 - 12 Oct 2023 / Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria</option>
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<h3>2023 Brochure</h3>
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Text Content
× SPECIAL DISCOUNT GET 10% - 40% OFF ALL OUR COURSES VIEW TERMS & CONDITIONS 2 participants: 10% discount 3 to 5 participants: 15% discount 6 or more participants: 20% discount Online distance learning: 20% discount VALID TILL 30TH APRIL, 2023 Go to Courses × SPECIAL DISCOUNT GET UP TO 40% OFF ALL OUR COURSES VIEW TERMS & CONDITIONS 2 participants: 10% discount 3 to 5 participants: 15% discount 6 or more participants: 20% discount Online distance learning: 20% discount VALID TILL 30TH APRIL, 2023 Go to Courses Have any question? WhatsApp Us Now!! * Login * Register * FAQ * Articles * Home * About Us * About Us * Our Client * Our Testimonials * Gallery * Courses * Classroom Courses * Online Courses * Categories/Department * 2023 Training Calendar * Journal Association * Publication * Articles * Entreprenurial Finance Book * Employee Empowerment Book * Contact * Contact Us * Register for a Course * Call for Paper PLANNING AND EXECUTING EFFECTIVE MARKETING STRATEGY COURSE * 27 - 29 Jun 2023 * 19 - 21 Sep 2023 * 10 - 12 Oct 2023 * Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria * Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria * Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria Book Now Make Inquiry NGN 145,000 SPECIAL DISCOUNT 2 PARTICIPANTS: 10% DISCOUNT 3 TO 5 PARTICIPANTS: 15% DISCOUNT 6 OR MORE PARTICIPANTS: 20% DISCOUNT DISCOUNT CLOSES 30TH APRIL, 2023 (AVAILABLE ALSO FOR CUSTOMISED TRAINING BY DURATION, VENUE & FEE) × PLANNING AND EXECUTING EFFECTIVE MARKETING STRATEGY COURSE ENQUIRY WE WILL CONTACT YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Select date and venue 27 - 29 Jun 2023 / Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria 19 - 21 Sep 2023 / Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria 10 - 12 Oct 2023 / Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria HP Submit * Home * All Courses * Course Details COURSE DETAILS Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills required to develop, implement, and control successful marketing strategies. Topics include the art of case analysis; Marketing segmentation and position; Marketing communications; Internet marketing; Marketing Planning; Product Positioning; Industrial marketing; Product planning; Branding etc. COURSE OUTLINE * To study branding and packaging, and their roles in product planning * Positioning of product or service * Developing Your Marketing Plan For Your Responsibility Area * To explore the multifaceted potential marketing roles for the Internet * To illustrate how the Internet is being utilized to enhance marketing strategies * To present five types of marketing plan analysis * To introduce the concept of industrial marketing * To explain the organizational consumer's decision process * To look at the global dimensions of product planning Register Now Call for Paper COURSE CATEGORY * HR, Management and Leadership Courses * Works, Services & Maintenance * Internal Auditing * Legal * Security and Safety Training * Secretaries & Personal Assistants * Pension Administration and Retirement * Sales and Marketing * Hotel & Hospitality Management * Banking & Finance * Information Technology * Finance & Accounting Courses * International Training * Procurement and Stores Management Courses * Communication and Report Writing Courses * Public Sector Courses * Conferences * Technical Courses * Drivers Courses * Weekend Boot Camp Training OUR 2023 BROCHURE Our 2023 prospectu brochure easy to read guide for all Courses we offered. Download As a MS-Excel × 2023 BROCHURE KINDLY FILL YOUR DETAILS BELOW TO DOWNLOAD 2023 BROCHURE. HP Download HAVE ANY QUESTION ? CALL US : (+234) 8023194131 For Details Newways Consulting is a leading coordinator and organiser of International Conferences worldwide. Read More About Us NEWSLETTER HP QUICK LINKS * Home * About us * All Courses * Register * Gallery * Articles * Contact us * FAQ LATEST NEWS Ten Principle Of Success. 13 Jan, 2019 / Business Take Action- Dream Your Dreams, Follow Your Vision. 13 Jan, 2019 / Business Nothing Determines Tomorrow More Than Today. 13 Jan, 2019 / Business OUR ADDRESS * USA Office:147-71 Huxley Street, Rosedale, NY 11422 * Nigeria Office:5 Shina Ekundayo Avenue, Palmbay Estate, Abijo GRA, Ibeju Lekki LGA, Lagos, Nigeria * Info@newwaysconferences.com * 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday Copyright Info@newwaysconferences.com © 2018 - 2023 * * * * *