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February 23, 2018 / Nicolas Heiniger / 3 Comments


Some time ago I read a tweet about hunting so-called “sticky-keys backdoors”,
referencing a presentation at DEFCON
24, In addition to the presentation,
the team released a tool called “Sticky Keys Slayer” that is publicly available
on GitHub,

The sticky-keys backdoor is using a simple trick. On a Windows system, it is
possible to enable accessibility features and sticky keys even on the login
screen, i.e. before performing a successful login. Those features run an
executable as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. There are two executables, sethc.exe and
utilman.exe. Both can be replaced by other executables if one has sufficient
rights on the system. Say you replace them by cmd.exe and you will be able to
run a high privileged shell on the machine without being authenticated. Another
option, a bit stealthier is to set cmd.exe as the debugger for sethc.exe, ending
up with a high privileged shell as well. The registry change required would look
similar to:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\sethc.exe" /t REG_SZ /v Debugger /d “C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe” /f

A simplified, high-level overview of the “Sticky Keys Slayer” tool, that tries
to detect the backdoors mentioned above, is as follows:

 * Open a RDP session to the server with an invalid user to stay on login
 * Take a first screenshot of the session,
 * Send the keys Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift,
 * Send the keys Windows+U,
 * Take a second screenshot of the session,
 * Compare both screenshots to see if a command-line window has been opened by
   checking the difference of black pixels,
 * Save the screenshot in a directory if the test is positive, in another one

Being interested in this, I quickly pulled off a list of all Swiss IPs having
port 3389 open from using the following query:

port:"3389" country:"CH"

This gave me 9450 hosts to test. I used the provided tools with minor
modifications to make it work on my usual test machine and was good to go. The
full scan took several hours to complete and gathered about 500 MBytes worth of


After the scan, a quick visual check of the screenshot was done to rule out
false positives and some false-negatives as well. The final count is as follows:

The high error count is mostly due to the fact that lots of the IPs with the RDP
port being open were residential connections with a DHCP assigned public IP. The
data from shodan being not real-time accurate makes it probable that many IPs
were reassigned before our tests. It also means that more backdoored systems
could be found in this gray area.

Among the backdoored systems were mostly end-users DHCP connections (80 out of
113). Then enterprises of all kinds, mostly small and medium ones, and a few big
companies as well.  In addition, some other things were to be found on the

 * All versions of Windows are present from XP/2000 to 2016 as well as some RDP
   client for Linux and Mac OS
 * Information disclosure with an extensive bginfo background,
 * Nice green-, yellow-, orange- or even pink-colored background instead of the
   default Windows blue
 * Login through face recognition over webcam instead of a username and password
 * Custom binary run instead of cmd.exe that first asks for a password instead
   of directly giving a shell
 * Open root access on a Linux server with someone being busy installing a
   Monero coin miner :-)


All the vulnerable IPs were promptly reported either to Swisscom through their
bug bounty / responsible disclosure program or to MELANI for all the IP’s that
do not belong to Swisscom’s network ranges. Swisscom immediately forwarded the
information to whomever was impacted and awarded a CHF 500 bounty since two of
the backdoored servers were in the scope for the bug bounty.

What can a sysadmin do if he is presented with such a finding, “your server has
been backdoored and is easily accessible for anyone on the Internet”? The
immediate remediation for the sticky key backdoor is obvious. Replacing the
malicious executable by the original Microsoft binary and/or removing the
registry key will remove the backdoor. But how to determine who planted the
backdoor, how did this person first got administrative access to the server and
how to prevent it from happening again? This is a typical case where forensic
investigation comes into play. There is no easy tips here but some preparation
can be done in advance to maximize the likelihood of such an investigation to be
successful, have a look at one of our previous post

Research, Vulnerability, Windows

Backdoorshodansticky key


How to lose money with cryptocurrencies


Insomni’hack 2018 – Conference


 1. Mike
    November 1, 2019 at 22:42
    For some reason , on a windows server 2016 I can not get the hack to work
    (for demonstration purposes). Further more, I could not even act on the
    system32 folders without basically breaking the permissions chain (I’m sure
    hackers are not caring about that). I had to take ownership on the windows
    Dir and give the local admin ownership and full control just to move the
    executables around, and still, overwriting the “setch” file with “cmd” did
    nothing. Afterwords, when pressing the shift key 5 times, the sticky keys
    dialog would still appear.
    Most other how to’s on this make no mention of having to modify the registry
    * Mike
      November 1, 2019 at 22:43
      I meant “sethc” exe
      * Nicolas Heiniger (Post author)
        November 4, 2019 at 10:33
        Hello Mike,
        On Windows 2016, Utilman.exe and sethc. exe have restrictions by
        default. They are owned by TrustedInstaller and you cannot modify the
        files, even as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. This is why you had to take
        ownership of the file and modify the permissions to replace it. However,
        it is still possible (and much easier) to modify the registry as
        explained in the blog post. I just tested it on a Windows Server 2016,
        it works, and you don’t need to change the permissions.
        One more thing you must be cautious with is NLA. If NLA is enabled you
        cannot use this backdoor since you first have to authenticate on a
        network level (and thus cannot enter keys on the login prompt).
        Good luck with your demo !


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