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Effective URL: https://www.wiprolighting.com/products/indoor/cleanroom
Submission: On September 13 via api from IN — Scanned from IT
Effective URL: https://www.wiprolighting.com/products/indoor/cleanroom
Submission: On September 13 via api from IN — Scanned from IT
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0 % 25 % 50 % 75 % 100 % x Drag down so that together we can rise. Adjust the scale to adopt sustainability. Saving 10% of energy * Smart & Connected Lighting INTERNET OF LIGHTING (IOL)® * Power over Ethernet (PoE) Technology * Human Centric Lighting (inSyncTM) * Li-Fi Technology * Smart Outdoors * Solar Lighting SolaRISETM * Wireless Sensor System * Application Areas MODERN WORKPLACE LIGHTING * Offices * Educational Institutions * Healthcare * Retail & Commercial Interiors INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING * Manufacturing Plants * Pharmaceuticals & Sterile Facilities OUTDOOR LIGHTING * Transport Infrastructure * Streets / Roads * Area * Landscape * Façade * Products NEW OFFERINGS * Aura Air * Dot Streetlight * Mute * Axeon+ * Solas * Linea * Imperia * ULTRARAY™ CUBIX * Arcus Range * Glitz * Maxx * FOKUS+ * Xpressbay Pro * Aqua * X-Rail * irisNeo Nextgen * Stylus * Immaculate Soft & Smart * Axeon Range * Whistling Bollard * Aslimline-X * Astra * Magneto * Lino * Sleek * Sky Scale * OnAir * inForm Range * Radial UNO * Orbit Range * Mollis INDOORS * Recessed Luminaires * Suspended Luminaires * Surface-Mounted Luminaires * Downlighters * High-bay & Mid-Bay Luminaires * Cold Storage * Cleanroom OUTDOORS * Streetlights * Floodlights * Landscape luminaires CLEANRAY LIGHTING CONTROLS ACCESSORIES * Resources LIGHTING PHILOSOPHIES * Force Green Concept * Right Light Philosophy LED TECHNOLOGY * Why LED * How to Choose a Good LED? * Case Studies INSTALLATION GALLERY LIGHTING GLOSSARY * Blog * About Us * Our 30 Year Journey * Recognition & Appreciation * Management Team * News * Events * Media * Why Wipro Lighting? * Spirit of Wipro * Environmental Policy * Partnership * Careers * Contact Us Seating Solutions Search Locate Newsletter TOLL-FREE NO.1800-425-1969 Seating Solutions * Smart & Connected Lighting * SMART & CONNECTED LIGHTING Back * Internet of Lighting (IoL)TM * Power over Ethernet (PoE) Technology * Human Centric Lighting (inSyncTM) * Li-Fi Technology * Smart Outdoors * Solar Lighting SolaRISETM * Wireless Sensor System * Application Areas * APPLICATION AREAS Back * Modern Workplace Lighting * Offices * Educational Institutions * Healthcare * Retail & Commercial Interiors * Industrial Lighting * Manufacturing Plants * Pharmaceuticals & Sterile Facilities * Outdoor Lighting * Transport Infrastructure * Streets / Roads * Area * Landscape * Façade * Products * PRODUCTS Back * New Offerings * Aura Air * Astra * Dot Streetlight * Mute * Axeon+ * Solas * Linea * Imperia * ULTRARAY™ CUBIX * Arcus Range * Glitz * Maxx * FOKUS+ * Xpressbay Pro * Aqua * X-Rail * irisNeo Nextgen * Stylus * Immaculate Soft & Smart * Axeon Range * Whistling Bollard * Aslimline-X * Magneto * Lino * Sleek * Sky Scale * OnAir * inForm Range * Radial UNO * Orbit Range * Mollis * Indoors * Recessed Luminaires * Suspended Luminaires * Surface-Mounted Luminaires * Downlighters * High-bay & Mid-Bay Luminaires * Cold Storage * Cleanroom * Outdoors * Streetlights * Floodlights * Landscape luminaires * LIGHTING CONTROLS * Accessories * Cleanray * Resources * RESOURCES Back * LIGHTING PHILOSOPHIES * Force Green Concept * Right Light Philosophy * LED TECHNOLOGY * Why LED * How to Choose a Good LED? * Case Studies * Installation Gallery * Lighting Glossary * About Us * ABOUT US Back * Our 30 Year Journey * Recognition & Appreciation * Management Team * News * Events * Media * Why Wipro Lighting? * Spirit of Wipro * Environmental Policy * Quick Access * QUICK ACCESS Back * IoL® experience * Find a Product * Brochure * Quick Query * Newsletters * Payback Calculator * Blog * Careers * Contact Us * Locate a Dealer * Privacy & Security * *Terms & Conditions Cross Cross GET Our Newsletter For all the latest industry updates & more, subscribe to our newsletter. Cross Quick Query Got a question? Fill the form & our experts will get back to you ASAP! Cross Find a Product One place for all your lighting solutions * COMMERCIAL * DOMESTIC * MODERN WORKPLACE * INDUSTRIAL * OUTDOOR * LIGHTING CONTROLS * CLEANRAY * FAÇADE LIGHTING Back Outdoor Lighting * TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE * STREETS / ROADS * AREA * LANDSCAPE * FAÇADE Back Modern Workplace * OFFICES * EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS * HEALTHCARE * RETAIL LIGHTING Back Industrial * MANUFACTURING PLANTS * PHARMACEUTICALS & STERILE FACILITIES Cross Brochure Download Please enter your email address below. * IoL® experience * Find a Product * Brochure * Quick Query * Newsletter * Payback Calculator * Wipro North - West Take a look at our best-in-class switches * WIPRO FURNITURE Find the latest collection of modernistic furniture * Home * Products * Indoor * Cleanroom CLEANROOM Energy-efficient LED Luminaires INDOORS Cleanroom LED Lighting - Overview Hospitals, laboratories and production environments like the food industry require lighting solutions that offer pure light, are eeasy-to-clean, dust-free and leave no room for errors. With the latest Cleanroom LED lighting, it has become easy for such operational facilities to provide the right light to the employees. We at Wipro Lighting are among the top clean room manufacturers that offer a wide range of energy-efficient Cleanroom LED luminaires. Features and Benefits of Cleanroom Lighting Clean Room Lighting solutions available with us at Wipro Lighting use high-efficacy LEDs that save energy up to 55% and reduce the operational costs significantly. The self-aligning mounting mechanism in each LED Clean Room Light Fixture ensures precision and faster installation. In addition, the special-y designed pressure plates provide positive locking, dust, and water-proofing. Finally, driver of each LED Clean Room Light Fixture is designed keeping in mind the Indian power conditions, thus incredibly resourceful. Wipro North - West Take a look at our best-in-class switches WIPRO FURNITURE Find the latest collection of modernistic furniture All New Products Our Cleanroom Products 3 Options in Cleanroom * List * Grid Vision LED Prime TOCR LC30 Cleanroom Vision LED LC20 Cleanroom Vision + LC37 Cleanroom APPLICATION AREAS * Modern Workplace Lighting * Industrial Lighting * Outdoor Lighting ABOUT US * Our 30 Year Journey * Recognition & Appreciation * Management Team * News * Events * Media * Why Wipro Lighting? * Spirit of Wipro * Environmental Policy * Partnership RESOURCES * Why LED * How to Choose a Good LED? * Case Studies * Force Green Concept * Right Light Philosophy * Installation Gallery * Lighting Glossary SMART & CONNECTED LIGHTING * Power over Ethernet (PoE) Technology * Human Centric Lighting (inSyncTM) * Li-Fi Technology * Smart Outdoors * Solar Lighting SolaRISETM * Wireless Sensor System PRODUCTS * New Offerings * Indoors * Outdoors * Lighting Controls * Cleanray REACH US ANYTIME AT * 1800-425-1969 MON TO FRI, 9 AM TO 5 PM * helpdesk.lighting@wipro.com * WIPRO LIGHTING 5th Floor, Godrej Eternia, 'C' Wing, Old Pune-Mumbai Road, Shivajinagar, Pune-411005 Maharashtra * Wipro Enterprises (P) Limited * Wipro Consumer Care and Lighting (WCCLG) * Yardley India * NorthWest Switches * Wipro Consumer Lighting * Wipro © 2022 Wipro Lighting. All rights reserved If you are looking for domestic lighting solutions, click here Privacy & Security *Terms & Conditions Cross Indoor Outdoor