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Garden State Asphalt Solutions

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We walk on it, run on it, ride bikes, and drive cars on it, yet seldom do we
think about what it’s made of. Asphalt, a robust construction material, is what
strengthens our roads, pavements, floor tiling, roof tilings, and numerous other
industrial products.

This brown and black petroleum-like material makes surfaces smooth and durable.
However, it tends to crack over time because roads and pavements are prone to
wear and tear.

Our outdoor surfaces encounter various environmental stressors, from harsh
weather conditions to the movement of sturdy, heavy vehicles. As such, even the
most solid materials can break with time.

Thankfully, we connect you with Cherry Hill, asphalt contractors who specialize
in the maintaining, paving, repairing, striping, and sealcoating the roads and
paths for the convenience of the citizens.

Although several Cherry Hill, paving companies offer similar services, not all
asphalt contractors in Cherry Hill,,New Jersey are skilled enough to tackle the
issues that require experience and professional knowledge.



Our philosophy has always been to maintain only the finest, most impressive
standards and turn issues into positive experiences. We’ve kept our promise and
served thousands of clients across Cherry Hill, by connecting them with
experienced asphalt contractors in the area.

Get connected with local asphalt contractors today!


Asphalt is a mixture that blends binder, filler, and aggregates. Constructors
and road maintainers use it for building railway tracks, airport runways,
bicycle lanes, parking lots, sports arenas, and sidewalks.

Generally, the aggregates used for the mixture include sand, slags, crushed
rock, and gravel. However, a few people have recently started adding waste and
byproducts to increase the life of the asphalt.

The byproducts typically include other construction materials, which vary per
company. Experts use a binder to bind the aggregates and turn them into a strong
material. While bitumen is a standard binder, Garden State Asphalt Solutions of
Cherry Hill, New Jersey also use bio-based binders to minimize the effect of
environmental stressors.

A standard asphalt pavement contains bituminous bound materials. This allows the
path to distribute the mixture before loads of vehicles arrive on it. Note that
pavements do not consist of asphalt alone. Instead, it contains several layers.
These may include the subgrade, formation layer, unbound sub-base, unbound-road
base, and finally, asphalt layers.


Because people have rarely heard about asphalt – not surprising, anyone would be
least interested in knowing the materials used in road construction – many
assume it’s a relatively newer product. However, it existed as long as the
history books. It occurs naturally in asphalt rocks and lakes. The term
“asphalt” comes from the Greek “asphaltos.” Literally, the term means something
“safe” or “secure.”

In ancient times, individuals used this material to seal ships. Besides, the
Mesopotamians utilized it to make temple baths and water tanks waterproof.

Moving forward, Pharaohs also benefitted from this material. For example, the
Egyptians used it along river Nile banks to prevent erosion. Asphalt was also
used to build a road in Babylon in 625 BC. Additionally, Romans waterproofed
their aqueducts using asphalt.

So, the more humans knew about its usage, the more they started utilizing it.
Even today, it is used to construct water reservoirs in America. Further,
numerous construction companies use it to build and strengthen roads and make
pathways smoother and convenient for pedestrians and drivers alike.


Asphalt plays a critical role in shaping the sidewalks and driveways. While its
quality drastically impacts its performance, all asphalt types serve a common
purpose: building and strengthening roads. We’ve enlisted a few exciting facts
about asphalt to give you an in-depth understanding of how it works.

 * Asphalt is a durable material. However, its durability depends on the aging
   of the asphalt binder. Generally, the viscosity of asphalt binder increases
   with time, making it stiffer and reducing its quality.
 * Asphalt might result in the flash point. Like most construction materials,
   asphalt volatilizes at incredibly high temperatures, releasing vapor to
   increase the volatile concentration resulting in a flash. However, industry
   experts test and control asphalt to avoid this problem.
 * Asphalt gives a smooth appearance to roadways. Besides, if you love riding
   bikes, expect a comfortable ride on quality asphalt material.
 * Roads constructed with top-notch asphalt reduce noise levels.
 * Asphalt also benefits airports allowing for safe landings.
 * The many advantages of asphalt might make you think it is expensive, but
   that’s not the case. This material is cost-effective and adds value to
   driveways and sidewalks.
 * The latest asphalt technology ensures better water drainage, reducing muddy
   and watery paths in the middle of the road.
 * Colored asphalt is a thing, and many construction workers use it. However, it
   is utilized for specific purposes – to alert drivers regarding dangerous
   areas like sharp edges that might lead to accidents.

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Experts use several asphalt mixtures to produce the desired results. When
creating the asphalt blends, they also keep factors like weather conditions,
temperature, amount of traffic, and vehicles’ heaviness in mind. Asphalt needs
to be resistant and strong to keep up with the varying pressures. Nonetheless,
note that the quality of work also accounts – apart from the asphalt mixture.
So, while the asphalt type matters, it won’t do much if unskilled workers handle
the project. We’ll look at some types of asphalt construction workers utilize
during a project.


Hot asphalt is made at temperatures between 160-180C. Because it is produced at
such high temperatures, it won’t be wrong to consider it one of the most durable
asphalt mixtures. Therefore, it is ideal for high-traffic areas – think airport
runways or highways.


This mix is not made at high temperatures. As such, it requires less energy and
fewer fumes. Although it is a safe material for constructors and the
environment, it doesn’t provide the type of robustness hot mix asphalt gives.
Therefore, it is better for low-traffic paths and light vehicles.


This type of asphalt suspends small cement granules into the water, followed by
an emulsifying agent – typically soap. They are less viscous than plain asphalt
and are ideal for low-temperature areas. After its application, the water
evaporates, and the cement is left.


This is produced by mixing hot asphalt binder in cold water. When the water
touches the hot asphalt, it forms steam and traps in the binder bubbles. As
such, it produces a high volume yet thin asphalt foam. This foam only lasts for
some time, and the binder reshapes into its original form.


It combines asphalt cement and petroleum solvent. Therefore, it is also less
viscous and a better option for low-temperature applications. The petroleum
solvent evaporates when the cutback asphalt is applied, and only the cement is
left behind. While cutback asphalt is a reliable option, most companies avoid
using it for good reasons. First, it is costly. Second, it can be an
environmental problem.


Thin overlays are an excellent option for improving riding quality and reducing
noise levels. It is typically made from recycled materials and warm-mix asphalt.


The history of this asphalt type can be traced back to the 1970s. Construction
workers typically use it in parking lots to allow for water drainage. Also, it’s
a budget-friendly option and lasts for years to come, which is a plus.


Yes, asphalt is a sustainable material that provides long-term solutions for
road construction. A few pavements alleviate noise pollution while others reduce
environmental concerns. Note that asphalt is also a reliable material for the
water environment. Unfortunately, a few people assume it isn’t ideal for the
water environment because it is soluble and harmful to marine life.

However, its use shows that it is safe for all applications. For instance,
people have used it in fish hatcheries for several years. Besides, construction
workers have also successfully used it for reservoirs of drinking water. Humans
drank water from them, and no issues were reported.



An asphalt plant is the manufacturing site of asphalt. Studies reveal that even
if an asphalt plant adheres to the state and federal air pollution standards, it
is not entirely safe to live nearby.

Asphalt plants produce toxic air pollutants that may cause skin irritation and
respiratory issues. Therefore, living away from the manufacturing sites is
better to keep yourself safe and healthy.


How thick asphalt needs to be for construction is something a road engineer
decides. Because pavements must withstand several stressors, from heavy vehicles
to climatic conditions, they must be solid and firm.

Asphalt thickness varies per the construction project. The engineer might decide
to keep it less or more thick depending upon the complexity or the simplicity of
a project. Typically, roads meant for heavy traffic require a thicker coat.


Go ahead and give us a call if you are searching for any of the below:

 * Asphalt paving companies Cherry Hill, New Jersey
 * Cherry Hill, asphalt services
 * Asphalt companies in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
 * Asphalt paving contractors in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
 * Asphalt maintenance services in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
 * Asphalt Paving service Cherry Hill, New Jersey

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Garden State Asphalt Solutions
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