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Submission: On February 03 via api from US — Scanned from US

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          fs-field-validation-name="Desde que usó el producto alisador del cabello, ¿le han diagnosticado alguno de los siguientes?">
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            <legend id="fsLegend159080347" class="fsLabel fsRequiredLabel fsLabelVertical"><span>Desde que usó el producto alisador del cabello, ¿le han diagnosticado alguno de los siguientes?<span class="fsRequiredMarker">*</span></span></legend>
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          <label id="label159080348" class="fsLabel fsRequiredLabel" for="field159080348">¿Qué edad tenía usted en el momento del diagnóstico?<span class="fsRequiredMarker">*</span> </label>
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Más de $8.9B recuperados para clientes de todo el paí

Llámenos para una consulta legal GRATUITA

(866) 536-9265

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(866) 536-9265

Más de $8.9B recuperados para clientes de todo el paí


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Using chemical hair straightening or relaxer products has been shown to double
the risk of uterine cancer in women. If you were diagnosed with uterine cancer
after using chemical hair straightening products, you may be eligible for
compensation from a hair straightener lawsuit.

Learn more about your legal options today by (866) 536-9265 or filling out our
contact form.


You may be able to file a chemical hair straightener lawsuit if you:

 * Used chemical hair straightening products or relaxers
 * Were later diagnosed with endometrial or uterine cancer


When a product is put on the market, it should be safe for consumers to use —
but sadly, that’s not always the case.

By filing a chemical hair straightener lawsuit, you can take a stand against the
companies that made these products and seek compensation that can help pay for
your medical treatment.

At Sokolove Law, we understand how difficult a situation this must be for you
and your family. Our attorneys work to make the legal process as stress-free as
possible for you by handling every step on your behalf.

This process generally involves your hair straightener lawyers and legal team:

 * Confirming your case qualifies for legal action
 * Building your case by collecting evidence, like medical records and testimony
 * Filing your hair straightener claim within any legal deadlines
 * Negotiating a hair straightener lawsuit settlement with the defendant(s)
 * Pursuing a verdict during a trial in court


Filing a chemical hair straightener lawsuit can result in compensation in one of
two potential ways:

 * Hair Straightener Settlements: When your legal team and the defendant(s) can
   agree to an amount of compensation for your injuries, it’s known as a hair
   straightener settlement.
 * Trial Verdicts: If a hair straightener settlement isn’t reached, your case
   may proceed to a trial in court, where a judge or jury will hear the claim
   and decide the outcome.


Not every attorney or law firm has the experience and resources needed to take
legal action against several large cosmetic companies at the same time. These
companies often employ powerful legal teams of their own that may try to protect
their profits and shield themselves from liability if possible.

At Sokolove Law, our attorneys fight to level the playing field between victims
and the institutions or companies that harmed them.


 * Established & Experienced: For over 40 years, Sokolove Law has fought for
   compensation and justice on behalf of injured clients.
 * Billions of Dollars Recovered: We’ve secured over $8.7 Billion because our
   team is committed to fighting for the results our clients deserve.
 * Legal Help Available Nationwide: Regardless of where you’re located in the
   U.S., Sokolove Law can help. As a national product liability law firm, we
   have offices and attorneys in nearly every state.
 * No Hourly Fees or Out-of-Pocket Costs: Our hair relaxer lawyers only get paid
   if your case results in compensation, so there’s no financial risk to taking
   legal action.

You want a lawyer who will fight for you — and that’s just what our team will
do. Let us put our decades of experience to work for you. Call (866)
536-9265 now for a free case review.


Through our legal services and decades-long commitment to providing equal access
to the justice system, Sokolove Law is deeply committed to assisting victims who
need help the most.

What happened to you wasn’t fair — but we’ll work to make it right. Our firm is
proud to have stood up for the voiceless in the face of harm for more than 40

Let us help you hold the companies that made and marketed these dangerous hair
products accountable for their greed and negligence.

Call (866) 536-9265 or get a free case evaluation to see if you qualify.


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Correo electrónico*

¿Has utilizado alguna vez algún producto químico para alisar o relajar el
Sí No

Desde que usó el producto alisador del cabello, ¿le han diagnosticado alguno de
los siguientes?*
Cáncer uterino Cáncer endometrial No conocida No diagnosticado

¿Qué edad tenía usted en el momento del diagnóstico?*


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