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Digital Naturalist .info
 * Home
 * Lichen
 * Liverworts
 * Moss
 * Fern Allies
 * Ferns
 * Other


This site presents botanical indentification keys and checklists for use
primarily in the field. As I reside in Maine, the site currently focuses on
Maine and the northeast US. My interests are primarily cryptogams and
non-flowering 'plants'.

I originally created this site for the Hinds' lichen key and then started adding
resources I found helpful. Then I started adding keys and lists that I like use
in the field, to make them available when I forget to bring the right field
guide! Several botanically inclined friends also find these resources helpful. I
hope you find this site helpful too.

Technical botanical identification keys have traditionally been text only, for
better or for worse. The web was originally designed to present text and still
does so exceptionally well. Any modern portable electronic device has more than
ample space to store millions of pages of text.

The design of these field key pages means they should load even with a poor
internet connection. The individual field key pages can be downloaded or saved
for later use without impacting their functionality. While some of my keys and
lists do have a PDF version available, the web pages can be easily printed or
saved as formatted text due to their spartan design and embedded CSS. Copying
and pasting into Microsoft Word or other word processer will also yield nice

As a Maine Master Naturalist instructor and a practitioner of interpretation, I
do public presentations at land trusts throughout Maine on the topics of this
website. "enLichenment", "Gathering Moss", "Forests of Lilliput", "Fronds &
Fiddleheads" are my most popular. I can be contacted at - info [at]


2024 - Some page on this site is pretty much always under construction.

Apr 2024 - I have moved to a new webserver. Please let me know if you find any

Thanks to Robert Rivas for hosting this site. And also thanks to Alan Seamans
for his sharp eyes both in the field and when using this site. His suggestions
have made this site better.