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Submitted URL: http://email.mg.researchfn.com/c/eJxcyrFurTAMANCvSTaQ7TiQDBnegvT6F0lsICpcKqDi9yvdpVLXo_NxlP-SkOLsQccOirqO_YhdHqR0o3At7AgkVyspsg...
Effective URL: https://www.researchfn.com/researchfnlogin/
Submission: On September 19 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: formEmailValidation

<form novalidate="" class="register-form-container ng-pristine ng-scope ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength" ng-if="!showFullForm" name="formEmailValidation" ng-submit="submitEmailForm(formEmailValidation)">
  <!-- EMAIL ADDRESS -->
  <div class="register-input-container email">
    <div class="register-form-input-label ng-binding">Email Address</div>
    <input required="" id="inputFieldRegisterEmail" placeholder="example@domain.com" type="email"
      class="register-form-input global-input fs-consent-required ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-empty ng-valid-email ng-invalid ng-invalid-required ng-valid-maxlength" name="email" ng-model="fields.email" ng-enter="submitForm(formRegister)"
      ng-maxlength="80" ng-focus="clearTooltip($event)" ng-blur="validate.email(formRegister.email)" ng-change="checkDomainSsoRedirect(formEmailValidation.email)">
    <!-- ngIf: !isSsoUser --><span ng-if="!isSsoUser" class="register-form-message ng-binding ng-scope">Corporate Email Address highly recommended. Some Investment Banks will only give access to users with corporate
      domains.</span><!-- end ngIf: !isSsoUser -->
    <!-- ngIf: isSsoUser -->
  <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON -->
  <div class="register-form-buttons-container">
    <div class="register-form-loading loading-wheel ng-hide" ng-show="loading"></div>
    <!-- ngIf: !isSsoUser --><button ng-if="!isSsoUser" ng-disabled="!emailValidated || formEmailValidation.$invalid" id="btnSubmitContinue" class="register-button rfn-button-primary ng-binding ng-scope" type="submit"
      disabled="disabled">Submit</button><!-- end ngIf: !isSsoUser -->
    <!-- ngIf: isSsoUser -->

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