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Portsmouth Senior Transportation Punch Ticket


Squishy Bus



Everyone deserves access to opportunity.


Since 1982, COAST has given over 16 million rides to people in the Greater
Seacoast region, linking them to work, school, doctor appointments, shopping,
and social events.


On the Seacoast, high housing prices and low vacancy rates in the rental market
are increasing the distance between economic opportunity and the communities
where people can afford to live.


COAST, a nonprofit charitable organization, is an essential service for
connecting our Seacoast workforce, and the businesses that employ them.

To donate, choose one of the preset amounts. Or to choose your own amount, click
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 * COAST is a Pay-As-You-Board system. You must pay the full fare or present a
   valid pass or ticket each time you board a COAST vehicle.Β 

 * Be prepared to show photo ID with your pass. Do not assume the driver will
   remember you from a previous trip.

 * It is the customer’s responsibility to plan ahead and ensure they are able to
   cover the fare. Customers unable to pay the full fare to ride will not be

 * Drivers cannot accept checks or credit cards, and do not carry change.Β 

 * Overpaid fares will not be credited or reimbursed.

 * Fare evasion is illegal and punishable by law.

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