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Mosgiel HEADER SEARCH Buy Rent Sold Rented Residential Commercial Land Rural All suburbs GLENROSS, DUNEDIN CITY GREEN ISLAND, DUNEDIN CITY MILTON, CLUTHA MOSGIEL, DUNEDIN CITY SOUTH DUNEDIN, DUNEDIN CITY Property type Townhouse Unit House Filter Price range From $0 to $900,000+ Bed Studio 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Bath 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Parking 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Search surrounding suburbs Filter Submit SIDENAV OVERVIEW * Buying * Buying with LJ Hooker * Properties for Sale * Buying Resources * Renting * Renting with LJ Hooker * Properties for Rent * Renting Resources * Investing * Investing with LJ Hooker * Investing Resources * Recently Leased Properties * Get a Free Rental Appraisal * Selling * Selling with LJ Hooker * Selling Resources * Recent Sales * Get a Free Property Appraisal * About LJ Hooker Mosgiel * Our Team * Over 90 Years of Innovation * Testimonials * Contact us Back to Buy Rent Invest Sell About SIDENAV OVERVIEW * Buying * Buying with LJ Hooker * Properties for Sale * Buying Resources * Renting * Renting with LJ Hooker * Properties for Rent * Renting Resources * Investing * Investing with LJ Hooker * Investing Resources * Recently Leased Properties * Get a Free Rental Appraisal * Selling * Selling with LJ Hooker * Selling Resources * Recent Sales * Get a Free Property Appraisal * About LJ Hooker Mosgiel * Our Team * Over 90 Years of Innovation * Testimonials * Contact us LJ HOOKER MOSGIEL 9 Factory Road, MOSGIEL 9024 Ph: (03) 489 6800 TRADING HOURS Weekdays: 9:00am - 4:30pm Weekends: By appointment REAL ESTATE AGENTS IN MOSGIEL When you know Mosgiel, you know LJ Hooker Buy Rent Sold Rented Residential Commercial Land Rural All suburbs GLENROSS, DUNEDIN CITY GREEN ISLAND, DUNEDIN CITY MILTON, CLUTHA MOSGIEL, DUNEDIN CITY SOUTH DUNEDIN, DUNEDIN CITY Filter Advance Filter Search Price range From $0 to $900,000+ Property type Townhouse Unit House Bed Studio 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Bath 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Parking 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ Search surrounding suburbs LJ HOOKER MOSGIEL 9 FACTORY ROAD, MOSGIEL 9024 Call (03) 489 6800 Email Connect Book an appraisal LJ HOOKER MOSGIEL 9 FACTORY ROAD, MOSGIEL 9024 Facebook Instagram WELCOME TO LJ HOOKER MOSGIEL Our company has been a prominent and successful business for over thirty years. We have the reputation of being a leader in the Mosgiel marketplace. Above all we have values of honesty, integrity, experience and a desire to work hard for our clients to achieve outstanding results. Entrusting the sale or purchase of your property to our team of dedicated professionals is a smart move in today’s market. Meet our team DISCOVER About Us Buy Sell Rent Invest Contact Us FIND YOUR NEXT PROPERTY Recently sold For sale LISTING ITEM Sold 17 CALLUNA CRESCENT Mosgiel, Dunedin CityOtago Sold SOLD 3 2 2 House LISTING ITEM Sold 47 GLENBROOK DRIVE Mosgiel, Dunedin CityOtago Sold SOLD 4 2 2 House LISTING ITEM Sold 48 MELBOURNE STREET South Dunedin, Dunedin CityOtago Sold SOLD 3 1 1 House LISTING ITEM Sold 24 WILLIAM JAMES CLOSE Mosgiel, Dunedin CityOtago Sold SOLD 3 2 4 House View more LISTING ITEM Open Sun 23 Jun, 2:15pm 6 SHAND STREET Green Island, Dunedin CityOtago Open Sun 23 Jun, 2:15pm Set Sale 2 1 1 House LISTING ITEM Open Sun 23 Jun, 2:30pm 17 LORNE STREET Mosgiel, Dunedin CityOtago Open Sun 23 Jun, 2:30pm Negotiation 3 1 1 House LISTING ITEM Open Sun 23 Jun, 1:00pm A/45 GORDON ROAD Mosgiel, Dunedin CityOtago Open Sun 23 Jun, 1:00pm Set Sale 2 1 1 Unit LISTING ITEM Open Sun 23 Jun, 1:30pm B/164 HAGART-ALEXANDER DRIVE Mosgiel, Dunedin CityOtago Open Sun 23 Jun, 1:30pm Negotiation 2 1 2 Townhouse View more SELL YOUR PROPERTY WITH US The first and most important step in selling your property is to understand how much it is worth in the current market. Our salespeople at LJ Hooker Mosgiel understand the value of your biggest asset. We live and breathe real estate in our local area, we understand our neighbourhoods, our specific property trends, pricing and value. Get my free property appraisal MANAGE YOUR INVESTMENT PROPERTY WITH US Are you making the most out of your investment property? Get a free rental appraisal with your local LJ Hooker 's property manager to make sure to maximise rental returns. You will get a detailed report of your investment property and find out its current rental value, how it compares to similar rental properties in the area, potential areas for improvement, and much more. Get my free rental appraisal TESTIMONIAL SLIDER slide 3 of 3 LACHIE IS A STAR! Grant & Janna - Seller Lachie worked so hard for us, to sell our first home so we could move onto to a new purchase. Lachie was always just a call or text away, providing us with support and answering our many questions! Lachie is one of the hardest working people I have ever met and really seems to love what he does. We felt confident with Lachie that we would get the results we wanted - and we did. We couldn't be happier. Lachie's experience and connections in the industry also helped us get ready to go to market. I want to also mention Nicole Todd, Lachie's Executive Assistant, running around making calls for us at 6pm on a Friday night and many other behind the scenes tasks! - so thankful to her also. Lachie McLachlan - 100% Star! Grant & Janna - Seller A TEAM EVERY SELLER SHOULD CONSIDER Ilze & Kevin - Seller Very grateful for Paul’s exceptional work in selling our house in a challenging market. From the moment we signed up with Paul we knew he would do his 100% for us. On his laptop he showed us photos with descriptions of properties sold and on the market similar to ours and properties in a price range below and above ours, going through each property with us, discussing how it compared to ours. Therefore we had a good idea in what price range our property would be. The marketing of our property was fantastic, photos taken by a very competent photographer and great accompanying description written by Caitlin. The exceptional marketing attracted at least 6 groups to each open home viewing. Caitlin was wonderful, arranging open home times and always confirming with us. Paul was honest and open with us regarding feedback from all groups who viewed, calling us after every open home to discuss. Thank you Paul and Caitlin for your excellent service in selling our house after having only 4 open homes!! Definitely a team every seller should consider. Ilze & Kevin - Seller HONEST, COURTEOUS AND PROFESSIONAL Joan - Seller After only 4 weeks on the market, my house was sold by Craig Manson of LJ Hooker Mosgiel. He was always honest, courteous and professional and kept me fully informed and up-to-date throughout the process. Thanks so much Craig! Joan - Seller LACHIE IS A STAR! Grant & Janna - Seller Lachie worked so hard for us, to sell our first home so we could move onto to a new purchase. Lachie was always just a call or text away, providing us with support and answering our many questions! Lachie is one of the hardest working people I have ever met and really seems to love what he does. We felt confident with Lachie that we would get the results we wanted - and we did. We couldn't be happier. Lachie's experience and connections in the industry also helped us get ready to go to market. I want to also mention Nicole Todd, Lachie's Executive Assistant, running around making calls for us at 6pm on a Friday night and many other behind the scenes tasks! - so thankful to her also. Lachie McLachlan - 100% Star! Grant & Janna - Seller A TEAM EVERY SELLER SHOULD CONSIDER Ilze & Kevin - Seller Very grateful for Paul’s exceptional work in selling our house in a challenging market. From the moment we signed up with Paul we knew he would do his 100% for us. On his laptop he showed us photos with descriptions of properties sold and on the market similar to ours and properties in a price range below and above ours, going through each property with us, discussing how it compared to ours. Therefore we had a good idea in what price range our property would be. The marketing of our property was fantastic, photos taken by a very competent photographer and great accompanying description written by Caitlin. The exceptional marketing attracted at least 6 groups to each open home viewing. Caitlin was wonderful, arranging open home times and always confirming with us. Paul was honest and open with us regarding feedback from all groups who viewed, calling us after every open home to discuss. Thank you Paul and Caitlin for your excellent service in selling our house after having only 4 open homes!! Definitely a team every seller should consider. Ilze & Kevin - Seller SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Keep up to date with all the latest property news in our area. * I agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy * Work email FORM SUBMITTED Thank you for submitting the subscription form. AGENT VIDEO SLIDER slide 1 to 3 of 1 POPUP VIDEO PausePlay % buffered00:00 00:11 UnmuteMute Disable captionsEnable captions Settings CaptionsDisabledQualityundefinedSpeedNormal CaptionsGo back to previous menu QualityGo back to previous menu SpeedGo back to previous menu 0.5×0.75×Normal1.25×1.5×1.75×2× PIPExit fullscreenEnter fullscreen Play HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? Long caption text here Network Power Location Marketing prowess Community Experience OFFICE RESULTS HEADING COUNTER AGENT RESULTS STATS 3 0123 9 0123456789 Label for the counter 3 0123 9 0123456789 Label for the counter 3 0123 9 0123456789 Label for the counter 3 0123 9 0123456789 Label for the counter 3 0123 9 0123456789 Label for the counter OFFICE RESULTS HERE'S WHAT WE ACHIEVED FOR OUR CLIENTS AGENT RESULTS STATS 5 012345 6 0123456 Sales over the last 12 months 2 012 7 01234567 Average days on market 6 0123456 7 01234567 Properties leased the last 12 months $7 01234567 5 012345 0 0 K Average sale price $2 012 1 01 .2 012 M Total value of sales over the last 12 months CASE STUDIES $930,000 3 Wolseley Way, Newmarket 15 Days on market 71 Open visitors 8 Contracts issued 90 Buyer enquiries Read more View more NEWS AND INSIGHTS Invest 13 June 2024 | Lyall Russell | 4 mins A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO INVESTING IN HOLIDAY HOMES Discover the key considerations for investing in a holiday home, from choosing the ideal location to maximizing rental income and understanding tax responsibilities. Make informed decisions for a profitable investment. Read more Invest Buy Rent Sell Insights 12 June 2024 | Lyall Russell | 3 mins CAUTION OVER CONFIDENCE: BUYERS TREAD LIGHTLY IN CURRENT PROPERTY MARKET Discover the latest insights on the property market stabilization and appraisal trends. LJ Hooker Group reports a surge in appraisals, showcasing growing confidence in the market's stability. Read more Sell 10 June 2024 | Lyall Russell | 5 mins PREPARING YOUR HOUSE FOR AN OPEN HOME When selling, first impressions count. Spending a little bit of time and energy to ensure your property is presented in the best possible light can go a long way in attracting more potential buyers, achieving a higher sales price and selling in a quicker timeframe. Read more Buy Sell 27 May 2024 | Lyall Russell | 3 mins ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY Essential questions to ask when buying or selling property. Get expert advice on property history, market analysis, zoning regulations, legal issues, and more. Read more Sell 21 May 2024 | Lyall Russell | 3 mins MAKING YOUR HOME APPEALING FOR A WINTER SALE Nobody likes a cold and draughty home, and if you are getting your home ready for a winter sale, you want people to know how warm and toasty their future home will be. Before Jack Frost starts nipping at your toes, and ice crystals blanket your lawn, you want to plug all those gaps that allows cold air to bring down the temperature in your home. Read more Invest Buy Sell 5 May 2024 | Lyall Russell | 4 mins COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS: THE ROLE OF FACILITIES IN SHAPING PROPERTY VALUES Discover how local facilities shape property values and lifestyle choices. From schools to public transport, find out how facilities impact the real estate market. Read more Discover more news Tab Label HEADING Long caption paragraph here... Button WHO WE ARE WE'RE HIRING! 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HEADING Long text to represent the form REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Property for Sale in Glenross Property for Sale in Green Island Property for Sale in Milton Property for Sale in Mosgiel Property for Sale in South Dunedin Property for Sale in Waldronville More Less SOLD REAL ESTATE Sold in Abbotsford Sold in Andersons Bay Sold in Balaclava Sold in Balclutha Sold in Belleknowes Sold in Berwick Sold in Bradford Sold in Brighton Sold in Brockville Sold in Calton Hill Sold in Caversham Sold in Clyde Hill Sold in Concord Sold in Corstorphine Sold in Dunedin Central Sold in Fairfield Sold in Forbury Sold in Glenleith Sold in Glenross Sold in Green Island Sold in Halfway Bush Sold in Kaikorai Sold in Kenmure Sold in Liberton Sold in Maori Hill Sold in Middlemarch Sold in Milton Sold in Mornington Sold in Mosgiel Sold in Musselburgh Sold in North East Valley Sold in Outram Sold in Pemberton Sold in Pine Hill Sold in Saint Clair Sold in Saint Kilda Sold in South Dunedin Sold in Tainui Sold in Waihola Sold in Waikouaiti Sold in Wakari Sold in Waldronville Sold in Waverley More Less FOOTER NAV Mosgiel FOOTER BODY FOOTER * About * About Us * Our Team * What Our Customers Say * Careers * Contact Us * Buy * Buying with LJ Hooker * Find Property to Buy * Buying Resources * Sell * Selling with LJ Hooker * View Recent Sales * Selling Resources * Request an Appraisal * Rent * Renting with LJ Hooker * View Available Rentals * Renting Resources * Invest * Investing with LJ Hooker * Recently Leased Properties * Investing Resources * Request an Appraisal CONNECT 9 Factory Road, MOSGIEL 9024 Phone (03) 489 6800 © LJ Hooker 2024 Disclaimer Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright Consumer Advice Licensed Real Estate Agent (REA 2008) Wayne Graham Realty Mosgiel Limited (Trading as LJ Hooker Mosgiel).