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Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM

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POST /cordonvert/recipes/faking.html

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 * Who we are
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 * What you can do
 * Eating veggie

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 * Who we are
   We are the pioneers of the plant-based revolution, creating great food and
   positive change for over 175 years. We are driven by our commitment for a
   better future for animals, people and the planet.
    * About the Charity
    * Meet the Team
    * History
    * News & Blogs

 * What we do
   We are the rallying cry for the vegetarian movement, championing the cause
   and inspiring everyone to move towards a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
    * Campaigning
    * Policy Work
    * Cookery School
    * Trademark Services
    * Catering Training

 * What you can do
   Join us, Support us, Work with us, Come learn and cook with us! Together we
   are working for a better life for all.
    * Become a Member
    * Make a Donation
    * Leave a Legacy
    * Book a Class

 * Eating veggie
   Being a vegetarian is easy. Simply stop eating meat, fish and chicken.
   There’s more to it, but we can help guide you through all of that.
    * Why Eat Veggie?
    * How to Eat Veggie
    * Nutritional Advice
    * Recipes

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We are a collective of determined people, connected by our shared belief in a
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By submitting your details, you are agreeing for us to send you emails about the
Vegetarian Society’s and/or Cookery School's work, as well as how you can get
involved and support us through fundraising and campaigning. We will never share
your details with anyone else, and you can unsubscribe from these emails at any
time. See the full Privacy Policy with information about how we store and use
your personal data.

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We are driven by our convictions and hungry for change, steadfast in our
commitment to a better future. We know small changes can make a huge difference
and we empower everyone to move towards a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.

 * Who we are
   * About the Charity
   * Meet the Team
   * History
   * News & Blogs
 * What we do
   * Campaigning
   * Policy Work
   * Cookery School
   * Trademark Services
   * Catering Training
 * What you can do
   * Become a Member
   * Make a Donation
   * Leave a Legacy
   * Book a Class
 * Eating veggie
   * Why Eat Veggie?
   * How to Eat Veggie
   * Nutritional Advice
   * Recipes

The Vegetarian Society
15 Jersey Street
M4 6EZ

0161 925 2000
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© 2024 The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Limited Registered Charity
No. 259358, Registered Company No. 00959115
