titlecenter.elliemae.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://titlecenter.elliemae.com/login.aspx?key=F9AFFBF7-E007-4994-876E-973519E5BF21&orderid=61E51381-30E6-49B0-96FA-6DCA1D18D198
Submission: On October 14 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

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                                        <div class="title" style="padding-top:10px;">New Features Available!</div>
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                                      <div class="PaddingTop10">
                                        <strong>Document Types Now Available</strong><br> When attaching and sending files you can now indicate the file type as Title Report, Invoice, or Other Attachment.<br><br>
                                        <strong>Update the Account Email Address</strong><br> Previously, to update your account email address, our support team had to make the change. It’s now an option in My Account.<br><br>
                                        <strong>Release Notes</strong><br> Read about all of the new features in the
                                        <a href="#" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://help.elliemae.com/documentation/closing-connect/Content/closing-connect/release_notes/release-notes.htm','_blank','height=785,width=1150,manubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,');pageTracker._trackPageview('appraisal-center-relnotes.html');return false;" title="View the list of release notes for the Title Center.">release notes</a>.<br>
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                                      <div class="OrangeHeading">Receive Electronic Title Orders Directly From Encompass<sup>®</sup> Clients</div>
                                      <p>Streamline workflow and transact directly with thousands of mortgage professionals in the software they use every day. </p>
                                        <li>The preferred way to receive electronic title orders from Encompass clients.</li>
                                        <li>Receive automatic status updates and email notifications.</li>
                                        <li>Conveniently submit commitments directly into customer loan files.</li>
                                        <li>Used by more Encompass users because it's quick, easy and compliant.</li>
                                      <p>Watch the
                                        <a href="#" class="Normal1" onclick="javascript:window.open('http://help.elliemae.com/encompass/tutorials/360/TitleCenter.htm','_blank','height=650,width=895,manubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,');pageTracker._trackPageview('TitleCenter.htm');return false;">Video Tour</a>
                                        to find out more. </p>
                                      <div class="OrangeHeading PaddingTop10 PaddingBottom10">Get started today:</div>
                                        <li>Subscribe to the Encompass Title Center and start receiving electronic orders from Encompass users.</li>
                                        <li>Sign up in just minutes and get up to 250 orders per year for free.</li>
                                      <p>For more information, call us at 1-800-777-1718 with your Client ID.
                                        <a id="ctl00_ContentBody_forgotCld" class="Normal1" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$ContentBody$forgotCld','')">Forgot your Client ID?</a></p>
              <div class="Sm3 PaddingLeft10" style="position:relative;width:auto;display:none;"> © 2021 ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc. Encompass®, the ICE Mortgage Technology Network™ <!--and Encompass 
                        Assured GFE™--> (and the ICE Mortgage Technology logo) are trademarks or registered trademarks of ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc. or its subsidiaries, in the United States. <!-- Encompass Guaranteed GFE™ is a private-labeled service provided 
                        by Closing Corp.--> All rights reserved. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Products, services and programs are subject to change without notice.<br><br>
                <!--Encompass Assured GFE™ is a trademark of ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc., in the United States, and a private-labeled 
                        service provided by Closing Corp. <br /><br />
                        *Rate card and fee table management is limited to two states<br /><br /> --> 1 According to a 2010 Access Mortgage Research study of mortgage lenders, the share of respondents for mortgage originations used to underwrite,
                close and fund loans was: Encompass-35.1%, Calyx® Point®-24.7%, DataTrac-8.4%.
              <div class="Sm3 PaddingLeft10" style="position:relative;width:auto;" nowrap=""> © 1999-2021 ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc.&nbsp;&nbsp;
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Text Content


New Features Available!

Document Types Now Available
When attaching and sending files you can now indicate the file type as Title
Report, Invoice, or Other Attachment.

Update the Account Email Address
Previously, to update your account email address, our support team had to make
the change. It’s now an option in My Account.

Release Notes
Read about all of the new features in the release notes.

Log In

Email Address Password   Remember me on this computer   Log In Forgot Password?
  Don't have an account? Sign Up Now

Receive Electronic Title Orders Directly From Encompass® Clients

Streamline workflow and transact directly with thousands of mortgage
professionals in the software they use every day.

 * The preferred way to receive electronic title orders from Encompass clients.
 * Receive automatic status updates and email notifications.
 * Conveniently submit commitments directly into customer loan files.
 * Used by more Encompass users because it's quick, easy and compliant.

Watch the Video Tour to find out more.

Get started today:
 * Subscribe to the Encompass Title Center and start receiving electronic orders
   from Encompass users.
 * Sign up in just minutes and get up to 250 orders per year for free.

For more information, call us at 1-800-777-1718 with your Client ID. Forgot your
Client ID?

© 2021 ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc. Encompass®, the ICE Mortgage Technology
Network™ (and the ICE Mortgage Technology logo) are trademarks or registered
trademarks of ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc. or its subsidiaries, in the United
States. All rights reserved. Other company and product names may be trademarks
of their respective owners. Products, services and programs are subject to
change without notice.

1 According to a 2010 Access Mortgage Research study of mortgage lenders, the
share of respondents for mortgage originations used to underwrite, close and
fund loans was: Encompass-35.1%, Calyx® Point®-24.7%, DataTrac-8.4%.

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Security Statement   |  Terms and Conditions