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Text Content
* Editing & Proofreading * Thesis * Grants * Scientific Manuscript * Writing * Grant * Biomedical Grants * SBIR Grant Writing Services * NIH Grants * How To Write A Grant * Scientific Manuscript * Thesis & Dissertations * Consultant Service * Reviews * Grant Search * Editor Bio * Blog MANUSCRIPT & SCIENTIFIC PROOFREADING SERVICES 0 Comments * Home >> * Manuscript & Scientific Proofreading Services MANUSCRIPT PROOFREADING SERVICES Need help with your scientific manuscripts for submissions? Bioscience Advising offers a full range of manuscript proofreading services to maximize the quality and impact of your research communications. Aside from polishing your manuscript, you can leverage our scientific proofreading services as an in-depth critique of your research. The English language experts on our payroll ensure significantly improved “readability” of your article. Moreover, they also ensure your paper complies with the standards, policies, and formatting requirements of your target journal. CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 0 of 350 GET A FREE ESTIMATE EDITING & PROOFREADING SERVICES | KNOWING THE DIFFERENCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many researchers don't realize that editing services, proofreading services, and copyediting all provide distinct offerings. It is important for you, as the prospective client, to understand these differences, based on your unique needs and budget. EDITING SERVICES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comprehensive editing services entail basic corrections for spelling and grammar (copyediting), restructuring paragraphs, and changing your text with the intent to present both optimal logic and flow and overall quality of your writing. When hiring an editor you are providing them the freedom to remove entire sentences or rewrite entire paragraphs. At Bioscience Advising, we provide editorial suggestions on any text that needs correction, and use "track changes" for your approval or rejection of each individual mark-up. Our primary goal is to apply our expertise and intuition to ensure your document makes sense (i.e., is "readable"), while minimizing the use of jargon, and clarifying any ambiguity. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUSCRIPT PROOFREADING SERVICE While a manuscript proofreading service edits your document strictly for spelling or grammar (and may be quite inexpensive), we also structure your writing for readability and flow for editors and reviewers. BIOSCIENCE ADVISING ADVANTAGE Bioscience Advising goes greatly above and beyond spelling/grammar corrections as we also include: * Paragraph Restructuring * Readability for Logic and Flow * Journal Formatting * Evaluation of Scientific Content -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS OF USING AN EDITING SERVICE Editing services can provide greater confidence, security, quality, and improved credibility to your writings. Don’t risk rejection because of typographical errors, poor formatting, lack of "flow,' in or convoluted jargon! With our experience in academia, including (but not limited to) cancer biology, epigenetics, pharmacology, and cell biology, our company is uniquely positioned to assist scholars in numerous biomedical research fields. Bioscience Advising not only extensively edits your work, from a grammatical and "readability" stance, but will also suggest revisions involving overall structure, scientific logic, formatting, and content, presenting your work in the best possible light to its reviewers, to maximize your chance of publication in the peer-reviewed journal of your choice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL CATEGORIES GRANT APPLICATION Our grant application editing packages include three different levels with varying editing and development processes included in each. FULL MANUSCRIPT Journal manuscript editing and development packages include a Line-by-line editing, or a comprehensive review and revision of works previously rejected for publishing ACADEMIC Academic editing can cover a variety of different topics. While Dr. Curt Bulch specializes in bioscience, his experience and skill set expands to all styles and topics academic in nature. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDITORIAL SERVICE OPTIONS Standard Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our standard packages include either full preparation and creation or simple editing and submission services based on your project’s individual needs. Working closely with all our clients we work hard to develop a clear understanding of your topic making sure all editions are cohesive with your study. Custom Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If your budget is limited, we can provide customized a la carte services ranging from basic grammar and “fine-tuning” of documents for clarity and flow to exhaustive scientific critiquing and in-depth revisions or rebuttals for previously declined submissions. It is our goal, regardless of which level of service you choose, to deliver “reader-friendly” verbal/visual presentation and a concise, logical, and “well-flowing” narrative, to achieve the greatest likelihood of retaining the reviewer’s interest, endeavoring to generate enthusiasm for the proposed work. We offer a complimentary 30-minute consult for first-time customers. Get A Free Writing or Editing Estimate PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PROOFREADING SERVICES | WHY YOU SHOULD USE THEM As an experienced academic proofreader and member of the bioscience research community, Dr. Curt Balch (Founder and COO of Bioscience Advising) understands the specific challenges facing research scientists and faculty. With pressure to receive high teaching evaluations, publish research, and apply for grant funding, many academics find themselves struggling to efficiently allocate their time between tasks. Through our professional proofreading services, Bioscience Advising seeks to make tasks easier for those in the academic community. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPES OF PROOFREADING SERVICES WE OFFER Bioscience Advising is available to provide comprehensive proofreading services for a variety of scientific and medical writing, including: * Proofreading of Journal Manuscripts and Research Papers (First or final Draft) * Research Funding Applications * Grant Applications * Clinical Case Reports * Bioscientific Presentation (postars, seminars, ect) Whether it’s your first draft or your final copy, proofreading and editing from Bioscience Advising will ensure that your writing is error-free, professionally-worded, and compelling. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM OUR PROOFREADING When you hire Bioscience Advising for proofreading services, rest assured that your research writing will be in good hands. We’ll take the time to give each and every paragraph our full attention, looking for errors, omissions, failure to follow submission/application guidelines, and result accuracy. We understand the robust review process for both grants and academic publications, and will do everything within our power to ensure that your document is accepted. HAVE QUESTIONS THAT NEED DETAILED ANSWERS? Contact Us Today lorem ipsum dolor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANDREW SCHLEHR Founder and President Innovative Healthcare Services LLC Atlanta, GA I hired Bioscience Advising to prepare a SBIR grant application for my small business. Initially having no knowledge of how to prepare or submit a grant for review they were a huge supporting factor in my grant application success. They are results-oriented and often work beyond normal work hours. I believe the value much exceeds the actually fees. I can confidently say that I advocate all of their grant writing/preparation and editing services. 4.8/5 - (64 votes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS OF USING OUR SCIENTIFIC PROOFREADING SERVICES. Editing services can provide greater confidence, security, quality, and improved credibility to your writings. Don’t risk rejection because of typographical errors, poor formatting, lack of "flow,' or convoluted jargon! With our experience in academic research, including (but not limited to) cancer biology, epigenetics, pharmacology, and cell biology, we are uniquely positioned to assist scholars in numerous biomedical research fields with impeccable manuscript proofreading services. Bioscience Advising not only extensively edits your work, from a grammatical and readability perspective, but will also suggest revisions involving overall structure, scientific logic, formatting, and content. Such revisions will present your work in the best possible light to your manuscript’s reviewers, to maximize your chance of publication in the peer-reviewed journal of your choice. GET A FREE ESTIMATE NOW! 0 of 350 GET A FREE ESTIMATE 0 Shares Copyright text 2017 - 2022 by Dissertation Editing and Grant Consulting. Site Managed By: Flagstaff SEO Company