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 * (Popular) Buffet Catering
   * Buffet w/ Set-Up
   * Apricot - $21.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * Butterscotch - $23.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Cantaloupe - $25.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Daffodil - $29.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Mace - $32.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Rosemary - $36.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Healthier Buffet w/ Set-Up
   * Butterscotch Lite - $23.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Cantaloupe Lite - $25.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
 * (Popular) Mini Buffet Catering
   * Mini Asian Buffet w/o Set-up
   * Mini Asian Buffet Set A - $20.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Mini Asian Buffet Set B - $22.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Mini Asian Buffet Set C - $25.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
   * Mini High Tea w/o Set-up
   * Mini High Tea Set A - $10.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Mini High Tea Set B - $11.50/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Mini High Tea Set C - $13.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Mini International Buffet w/o Set-up
   * Mini International Buffet Set A - $23.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Mini International Buffet Set B - $25.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Mini International Buffet Set C - $28.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
 * (Popular) Seminar Catering
   * Half Day Deluxe Seminar Package - $25.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Full Day Deluxe Seminar Package - $29.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
 * Bento Catering
   * Executive Bento
   * Western Executive Bento - $30.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
   * Thai Style Executive Bento - $30.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
   * Peranakan Bibik's Special Executive Bento - $30.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
   * International Executive Bento - $30.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
   * Authentic Indian Executive Bento - $30.00/guest | Min. 10 Guests
   * Gourmet Bowl
   * Yogurt Baked Fish With Mango, Tobiko & Chia Seeds Gourmet Bowl -
     $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Fillet Of Salmon with Honey Apricot, Promegranate Seeds and Multigrain
     Crust Gourmet Bowl - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Roasted Sirloin Of Beef With Rosemary Au Jus Gourmet Bowl - $17.00/guest |
     Min. 15 Guests
   * Grilled Lemongrass Chicken with Pineapple Chilli Coulis Gourmet Bowl -
     $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Herb and Citrus Oven Roasted Chicken Gourmet Bowl - $15.00/guest | Min. 20
   * Regular Bento
   * Amaze Bento - $13/set | Min. 25 Sets
   * Amaze Western - $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Amaze Signature - $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Amaze Peranakan - $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Amaze Malay - $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Amaze Local - $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Amaze International - $13.00/guest | Min. 25 Guests
   * Energise High Tea Bento
   * Energise Luxe High Tea - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Energise International High Tea - $12.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Energise Indulgence - $18.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Energise Grand Brunch - $18.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Energise Cosmopolitan High Tea - $12.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Energise Brunch - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress Bento - $15/set | Min. 20 Sets
   * Impress Western - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress Tortilla - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress Thai - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress Signature - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress Peranakan - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress International - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Impress Indian - $15.00/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Inspire Bento - $17/set | Min. 15 Sets
   * Inspire Western - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Inspire Thai - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Inspire Signature - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Inspire Peranakan - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Inspire International - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
   * Inspire Indian - $17.00/guest | Min. 15 Guests
 * Breakfast Catering
   * Healthier w/ Set-Up
   * International Breakfast Lite - $30.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * American Breakfast Lite - $24.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * Healthier w/o Set-Up
   * Simply American Lite - $12.50/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Healthy Lite Continental - $14.50/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * w/ Set-Up
   * American Breakfast/ Brunch Reception Menu - $24.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * International Breakfast/ Brunch Reception Menu - $30.00/guest | Min. 30
   * w/o Set-Up
   * Simply American - $12.50/guest | Min. 20 Guests
   * Lite Continental - $14.50/guest | Min. 20 Guests
 * Cocktail Reception Catering
   * Butler Cocktail Reception
   * Emerald - $40.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Flourite - $45.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Cocktail Reception
   * Amethyst - $25.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * Beryl - $30.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * Citrine - $35.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Diamond - $40.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
 * Peranakan Heritage Revelry
   * Bibik Flavours - $36.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * Grand Nonya - $43.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
 * Tea Reception
   * High Tea Delights Menu
   * High Tea Delights Set A - $12.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests
   * High Tea Delights Set B - $13.50/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * High Tea Delights Set C - $15.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
   * Light Bites Menu
   * Light Bites Set A - $6.00/guest | Min. 100 Guests
   * Light Bites Set B - $7.50/guest | Min. 80 Guests
   * Light Bites Set C - $9.00/guest | Min. 60 Guests
   * Light Bites Set D - $10.50/guest | Min. 50 Guests
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 * (Popular) Buffet Catering
 * (Popular) Mini Buffet Catering
 * (Popular) Seminar Catering
 * Bento Catering
 * Breakfast Catering
 * Cocktail Reception Catering
 * Peranakan Heritage Revelry
 * Tea Reception

   (Popular) Buffet Catering
 * Buffet w/ Set-Up
 * Healthier Buffet w/ Set-Up

Buffet w/ Set-Up Apricot - $21.00/guest | Min. 40 Guests Butterscotch -
$23.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests Cantaloupe - $25.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
Daffodil - $29.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests Mace - $32.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
Rosemary - $36.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
Healthier Buffet w/ Set-Up Butterscotch Lite - $23.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
Cantaloupe Lite - $25.00/guest | Min. 30 Guests
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