login.securefileshares.com Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

URL: http://login.securefileshares.com/792a57/32285904-4b26-42a2-aa45-1863965eac3f/
Submission: On July 18 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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If you ever suspect an email to be a phishing attack, or have any questions or
feedback related to this exercise, please email infosecurity@campbells.com.


The email you just received was a simulated phishing email. Had that been the
real thing, your computer and our network might have been at risk. Think twice
before clicking hyperlinks, downloading attachments, or submitting information
when solicited via email. Please take a minute to review the email again and
observe the warning signs you might have missed.

Hover over the highlighted words to reveal additional information and/or press
the play button to watch the animation of all the clues one by one.

Instructions for customizing the email mockup:

The email mockup below contains three areas highlighted in yellow. These
highlighted areas are "clues" that indicate the email is a potential phish. When
recipients who view this education hover over or tap a clue, they will see
descriptive text that explains the clue in more detail. You can customize the
email mockup so that its contents, clues, and clue descriptions match the email
you are sending as part of your scenario.

To customize the email mockup:

 1. Save any changes you have made so far to the education.
 2. In the email mockup below, change the From address, the subject line, and
    the email body to match the contents of this scenario's email. You can copy
    the subject line and email body from the Email tab. (For best results, type
    the From address manually.)
 3. In the email body, click and drag the portion that you want to define as a
    clue (for example, the From email address, the subject line, or a specific
    phrase in the email body). Then, from the Styles list in the editor, select
    Marker: Yellow to highlight the clue in yellow.
 4. In the "Type the text for your clue descriptions below" box beneath the
    email, type the clue description.
 5. Repeat these steps for each clue you want to highlight. (NOTE: The editor
    matches clues with clue descriptions in the order they appear in the mockup
    regardless of the order in which you defined the clues. That is, the first
    clue description you provided is matched with the first clue that appears in
    the mockup, the second clue description is matched with the second clue in
    the mockup, and so on.)
 6. Save your changes, preview the education, and send yourself a test message
    to make sure the education looks and functions as intended.


 * File
 * Message
 * Help

From: Update <update@securefileshares.com>
Subject: Your employeeevaluation has been updated

Dear Employee Name:

Here at Campbell Soup Company we take employee performace very serious. As part
of a new initaitive, we have asked management to conduct routine evaluations of
all employees in the your department. Your supervisor or manager has uploaded
your most recent evaluation. Please login to our secure portal using your
Campbell Soup Company username and password to confirm your employee number and
receipt of you're evaluation.
Thank you,
Dina Dower
Employee Relations



Type the text for your clue descriptions below.

 1. Clue 1: Did you notice that this is an external email address?  Do you
    recognize the sender? If not, you may want to do some additional
    investigation before you interact with the email.
 2. Clue 2: Would you be receiving information regarding your employee
    evaluation from an external source?  Also, did you notice the typo in the
    subject line? 
 3. Clue 3: While this is a highly personalized email with your name, your
    supervisor's name and your department, there are misspellings in the email.
    Be sure to read and assess the entire email prior to jumping to the link
    based on your emotions.
 4. Clue 4: Do you know where this link leads? If not, don't click it,
    particularly if you have received it from an unknown sender at an unknown
 5. Clue 5: Did you also notice the grammatical errors? Read the entire email so
    you can make an educated evaluation of whether it is a valid email or a
    potential phish.

If you suspect that you have received a spear phishing email at work, follow our
procedures for reporting it immediately.



Many of the largest data breaches in recent years have impacted consumer
services such as email providers, online shopping, dating websites, and banking
services. These services may have access to your name, address, telephone
numbers, credit card numbers, and more.

To pre-emptively limit the impact of a data breach, be careful who you give your
information to. We recommend that you:

 * Avoid free, unsecured wireless networks at coffee shops, airports, etc.
 * If you need to connect to our network remotely, use a Virtual Private Network
 * Leave optional form fields blank
 * Consider using a different email address for online shopping, banking, etc.
 * Enable privacy settings on social accounts
 * Enable multi-factor authentication where available

In addition to the steps listed above, you can enable credit fraud alerts and
monitor your finances so that you are alerted whenever there is suspicious
activity on your account.


Phishing Education: Warning Signs of a Phish