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Submitted URL: http://wise-wolves.team/
Effective URL: https://wise-wolves.com/
Submission Tags: @phish_report
Submission: On October 10 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

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Text Content

 * Wise Wolves Finance
   Investment Firm
 * Wise Wolves Payment Institution
   Payment Services
 * Wise Wolves Capital
   Corporate Services
 * Wise Wolves Trustees
   Trustee Company

 * About Us
 * Partnership Program
 * Careers
 * Contacts
 * Login

 * About Us
 * Partnership Program
 * Careers
 * Contacts
 * Login


Access to global financial markets
Standardized and customized products
Alternative Investments
Convenient submission of orders
High level of protection of interests and capital of clients (MiFID2)
Depositories with a worldwide reputation
Reliable partners
To find the best investment decision
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Pay your partners globally
Establish your Business in Cyprus
Individual support from the time you have applied
Fast registration
Advising on tax benefits and regimes (IP Box regime)
A settlement account in the form of IBAN to conduct business activities
Easy access to your account from any part of the world
Read more
Investment trust - Your reliable investment instrument from a reliable company
Protect Assets
Optimize tax implications
Limit Disclosure
Increase assets
Get more investment opportunities
And most importantly, do it quickly and conveniently!
We will create a structure that will allow you to solve most of the issues of
interest. Book your FREE expert consultation now
Read more
Wise Wolves Group is your reliable partner in wealth management issues. We offer
tailored service and expertise in the area of finance and investment management.
Your personal and financial goals are a starting point for our partnership and
attaining them is the main criterion of success.
More Details
WWG Services
 * Investment Firm
 * Payment Services
 * Corporate Services
 * Trustee Company

 * Reviews and acknowledgements
 * Find us on the Cyprus map
 * Partnership Program

 * Spyrou Kyprianou 61, Mesa Geitonia, 4003, Limassol, Cyprus
 * office@wise-wolves.com
 * +357 25 355 255 (Office)
 * +357 25 355 230 (Fax)


Wise Wolves Finance Limited is supervised and regulated by CySEC, Licence
№337/17, registration №361580 and is a member of Investor Compensation Funds
(ICF). Wise Wolves Capital (EU) Limited is supervised and regulated by CySEC,
Licence №186/196, registration №360935. Wise Wolves Payment Institution Limited
is regulated by Central Bank of Cyprus, Licence, registration №375477
© 2016-2023 Wise Wolves Group
Wise Wolves Finance Private Area
Wise Wolves Payment Institution Pi-Online