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<form style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; min-height: 0px; pointer-events: auto; width: 100%;">
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; justify-content: space-between;"><label
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          name</span><input aria-label="First Name" name="firstName" pattern=".*\S.*" required="" title="First name" type="text"
          style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 27px; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; height: 67px; justify-content: space-between; line-height: 40px; margin-bottom: 14px; margin-right: 0px; min-width: 0px; width: 100%; outline: none; padding: 0px 13px;"></label><label
        style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 49%;"><span style="font-size: 17px; padding-bottom: 5px; color: white;">Last
          name</span><input aria-label="Last Name" name="lastName" pattern=".*\S.*" required="" title="Last name" type="text"
          style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 27px; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; height: 67px; justify-content: space-between; line-height: 40px; margin-bottom: 14px; margin-right: 0px; min-width: 0px; width: 100%; outline: none; padding: 0px 13px;"></label>
    <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row;"><label class="w-css-reset"
        style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; text-transform: uppercase; width: 49%; flex-grow: 1;"><span
          style="font-size: 17px; padding-bottom: 5px; color: white;">Email Address</span><input aria-label="Email" name="email" required="" type="email"
          style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px; border-radius: 0px; box-shadow: none; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 27px; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; height: 67px; justify-content: space-between; line-height: 40px; margin-bottom: 14px; margin-right: 0px; min-width: 0px; width: 100%; outline: none; padding: 0px 13px;"></label><button
        aria-label="Submit and play video" type="submit"
        style="align-self: flex-end; background: rgb(162, 47, 47); border: 2px solid transparent; border-radius: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); cursor: pointer; font-family: WistiaPlayerInter, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 27px; height: 67px; letter-spacing: 2px; margin-bottom: 14px; margin-left: 0px; outline: none; padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase;">Play</button>

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Alright. We are going to get started.

So welcome to Workspace setup part two. Today, we are going to be talking about
streamlining project intake and processes. So what happens after you get
initially set up in Hive? So whether you're someone new in Hive, whether you're
just wanting a refresher. We're here to help you figure out how to put your
information in Hive in the best way.

Alright. So you may recognize my name from your email inbox. My name is Kate. I
am the product marketing manager at Hive.

I'm joined by Mikaela. She is the head of marketing at Hive, and we also have
our product support team. If you're not familiar with this, our blue question
mark in your workspace, that has a live support team that's able to answer
questions in real time. So that's not just available during the webinar.

Okay. We can hear. If anyone can't hear, come in. Okay.


Not That's not just for the webinar. They're always there, twenty four seven
support team. So if you have any urgent questions, feel free to go in there.

So just for a quick agenda here, we are first gonna be defining some key terms.
So So we're going to go into some of the Hive buzz words. We did this last time
just some people who are not familiar with Hive. They're able to, sort of get
caught up to speed before we go into the demo. Number two is gonna be project
intake overview.

So how most of our teams, do their project intake, how they get information into
Hive, so on. Then Mikaela will be taking you through a demo in live workspace.
She'll be showing you, some of the terms that we used and how to put your
information in. And then we will wrap up, of course, with a q and a.

We are going to jump into it. So project intake Where does your work come from?
When we look at the big picture of what work you're putting into Hive, it's
usually from three sources. Either internal emails, between your team, client or
external inquiries, so requests, things that are coming from outside of your

And meetings. So meeting follow ups, meeting notes, all of these produce work
that you need to put into hive and organize.

So some of the key parts of the intake workflows forms forms is our, hi, forms
app. This is where people get external information and put it into Hive. So you
create these forms and you can completely customize them. You're able to do
charts, long answers, short answer, anything to get the information that you
need and send it externally.

That way, when you come back to Hive, it populates into an action card or into a
project. So all of that information on the project on the form comes back into
hive automatically.

Action templates are going to be, templates of those action cards that, repeat.
So if you have recurring work or anything that you find yourself doing, time and
time again that has the exact same process. You can make a template So next time
you do it, you can just fly through. And then third, hive male. So, if you're
not familiar, hive mail is our integrated mailbox into Hive. So you can see your
real time inbox.

You are able to they respond to messages in there, but you can also create
action cards or follow ups from the email. So you can make an email into an
action card and so forth. And again, Mikaela will be taking you through what
these mean. I just wanted to give you a little bit of a background.

So three common workflows that we see from these terms. Number one, turning
emails into actions. So a lot of times we get emails and we need to follow-up on
them and they get pushed to the wayside. They get lost in our inbox.

In Hive, you can turn that email into an action card and assign it to yourself
so that you can remember to do it. So once your inbox is synced to Hive, You
create actions from those emails. You can respond directly in the action card
instead of having to go out, remember to go to this email, which message is it,
You also can create action card templates for those emails. So if there's a
certain way that you like to respond to these emails, or a certain way that you
like to see most to come in, and be sort of processed out to your team, you're
able to do that.

Some common use cases for the emails into actions we see are logging requests.
So if you get any email requests, it's able to just put it right into your

Keeping tabs on one off tasks asks. I know we got a lot of emails, may include
it up just little things that need to get done. And instead of, you know, having
to put in the back of your brain or make a sticky note, put it directly into
Hive so that you can follow-up on it later.

Third, capturing details for new project requests. So if someone needs to give
you information, some sort of intake that'll go into your workspace.

You can use it directly from the email.

Alright. Second workflow, creating projects from client forms. So, again, we're
gonna go into hide forms. So external inquiries will be in will be taken into a
hive form. So you create a custom form in your workspace. You ask them whatever
you need to ask.

Send that externally, and all of their answers get populated into these action
cards in projects. So all of the answers they fill out are already in your
workspace. You don't have to go in and copy and paste.

So submitted forms have the option to either create an action card or be added
to, an existing action card. And some common use cases we see for this are
collecting orders. So if it's an inventory order, or any sort of request where
you need to get numbers or groups of things goes into the forms.

Streamlining design asks. So I know our design team does this if they have
anything that a team member needs done. If it's a deck, if it's a video, they
will make they will fill out the form for the design team and the design team
will automatically get those questions to their workspace.

And then third, capturing details for new project requests.

A lot of times we see people use these for client requests or, for projects
from, external users. That way that they can fill out all the information and
then it's back into their workspace, into their project, they can get started on
it right away.

Third workflow before we hop into the demo here is turning meeting notes into
projects. So our hide notes app, is actually able to be integrated with Zoom. So
once you integrate that with Zoom, you can sync your meetings to the note. That
way, you'll have it on the side of your Zoom app, and you can take notes while
you're in the meeting.

So not only is that great, but you can turn those notes into actions. So you can
write a little note. As you can see here, we have child goal, you can turn that
into an action directly within the note. So if you're in a meeting and they're
saying, hey, we need x y z after the meeting, You can write those follow ups and
automatically just create an action from that.

There's no more. What did they say? I have to remember what we talked about in
the meeting, so you're able to just make a follow-up right after then. Some
common use cases for this, brainstorm meetings, marketing team loves using the
note for brainstorm meeting.

That way if someone says, hey, I think we should do this. We create an action,
assign it out. And there it is. Project kickoff meeting.

That way, you can do next steps, or any sort of follow ups directly within the
note. And then client onboarding meetings. So if you have a new client, you can
create notes of what I need to do for this specific person or group.

So we are going to go into the live demo now. I'm gonna hand it over to Mikaela.

Hi everybody. Excited to be here. I'm in my Halloween attire with my Halloween
mug. So I'm excited to do a little bit of a demo for you.

So these workflows are something that I've heard some initial feedback on, but
just note these are not. You don't have to do everything exactly this way. If
you have a form, it doesn't need to port exactly over how I detail it in this
demo. This is just some general ideas for you to get a better understanding of
how have works, how it can work for you, and how you don't need to reinvent your
workflow if you're moving to hot.

We're just here to help you enhance move faster move move more efficiently, with
the processes that you already have in place. So if you don't use email or if
you use another thing, there's always a way to get high to work for you. So I'm
just gonna quickly share my screen.

Kate, are you able to see my screen?

I cannot see your screen here.

There we go. Now we go. Awesome.

Okay. So a couple a couple different elements here that I wanted to go over.
First is our lovely turning emails into action cards. I know that a lot of us
get emails all day every day, including myself.

I get constantly get emails that are asking me. Sometimes it's external emails
when internal emails. Sometimes it's like, hey, did you follow-up on this? And
sometimes I have and sometimes I haven't.

So here's a good example of how, hive mail looks you'll have your inbox on that
one hand side, and then you will have your emails that you can click into. So
here, I've sent myself a marketing request email. For, demonstrative purposes.

So you can see here I'm able to reply forward, and then this is a lovely portal.
So you can link to an existing action or you can create an action. For this
example, I'm gonna I'm gonna make an action, and this just creates an automatic
action for you. Which will have the email linked at the bottom of that, action

And you might be thinking, I don't want everyone to see my emails. They will
not. So it's it's gonna be private by default. You can click this if you wanna
make it public.

But you will have the email as well as, the contents and associated thread in
this in the in the action card itself. So from here, I can say like, okay. I see
that there are a bunch of requests that have come through. What are my next

Schedule review meeting with team.

What else do I wanna do? Look over, assets, I can really use this as a starting
point for my work. I could go ahead and add this to a project. I could make a
new project. I could share this I could add due dates, I could add
collaborators. It really is extremely easy to use email as a as a gateway and to
hide, especially if it's an it usually typically is something that we all use
day to day and we get a lot of our work from.

Okay. So I'm gonna take you through the next I'll I'll answer questions after. I
just wanna go through these kind of use cases just so we can get a better
understanding for, what Kate has just demoed, which is super helpful. Or what
she's just explained.

So the next one I wanna talk about is forms. This is my personal favorite.

High workflow. I love a form. So, you know, I've been in marketing for a while.
And at every place I've worked, there has never really been that streamlined
process for asking for information.

I would get requests, from a ton of different people. It wouldn't be
streamlined. It was very difficult for me track and understand what needed to be
done versus what was already handled. But in Hive, we have forms, which has been
incredibly helpful ful for me personally.

And I know for a lot of people at Hive and a lot of customers.

So you are able to create forms in your workspace, and you're gonna do that by
clicking the blue plus sign at the top of your hive screen where it's like you
can click on it and it's like new action invite team member click form, and
you'll come here. And this is the form hub, which has a lot of detail that that
can be added, but it's great because you can really make the form your own. So
here you have the title. You can add the description.

And for this specific form. I've created it as, let's say I'm a I work for a PR
company. I'm you know, new clients are reaching out to me. They've seen my

They wanna inquire about, you know, what how I can help them. This is a link I
could put either on my website. I could send them via email before I take them
on as a client and say, hey, thanks so much for reaching out. Could you please
fill this out for me so I have a better understanding of what you need and how I
can help?

And the best part about this, like Kate said, is it all just goes into hide.
You're it's not like you're not searching through all these crazy emails or
threads or it's like a Slack to an email to a team's message. It's in one place.

So you see here we have the name, the description, and then there are a ton of
different options that you can use here. So you can use a bunch of different
inputs You could have images attached, and a lot of these are dynamic or or you
can make them dynamic. So let's say if someone adds if someone selects social
media in one section, you can ensure that the next question will be related to
social media and not the website. So there's a lot of ways to really customize
five in that way, which I enjoy in these, form section, especially.

So you can see here, I just have three simple questions, and you can add the
option to send the form filler a com a confirmation message, which will say like
thanks so much for submitting our form. And then this is the meat of it. So this
is where you can direct high forms to perform exactly how you want. So once the
form is submitted, you don't have to do anything. I've set this form up so that
every time it's submitted, it is added to a new client project. I can decide who
I wanna assign it to.

I'll say me for this specific example, and I can add an action template. And
that means that every form that's submitted through this form link is going to
have a predetermined template that I have assigned based on my own workflow and
how I like to operate. You can also there are a few more options that you can,
click into. So you can either create a new project when a form is submitted This
is a little bit, more macro. And I would say if you're starting out, probably
stick with create an action.

You can also add the ability to update an existing project when a form is

I also like to tell people to have a little confirmation email sent out to them
when a form is submitted. Just because it doesn't hurt. And then if you need to
do follow ups, you can you can make an action from that email that the form was

You can also add additional safeguards to essentially require sign in for form
submissions if you only want internal people submitting forms, but I usually
leave that off if I wanna ensure that the form is external external friendly.
And then once I save this form, it's gonna look like this. In this link here,
you can use this anyway. You don't have to be signed into Hive. You could send
this to anyone anywhere.

You could put it on social if you're looking for feedback or wanna get clients
from there. And then I will fill out all this information so I could say, like,
Mikaela's Macbook. I don't know. That's the business I'm thinking of. And I say
I need social media help, and I'm in hospitality.

I'll submit the form will be sent into hide. And then in my workspace, because
this is a form that lives in my workspace, I will be able to see that a form was
submitted here. This is a previously submitted form, but all of the actions will
come through in this way. So I will be able to see all of the information about
the form, and I will have an action template pre applied.

So it will tell me what I need to do. Reach out to the form submitter. Do a
recon on brand and existing materials. It will have my due date for me, and then
it will have all of the information that the person submitted as well as their
email and the time of submission.

This is really important because this basically gives you all the information
you need to ensure that your outreach is timely and that you're responding to
individuals when when you wanna respond to them, which is prompt.

And in terms of templates, templates are another level of work and hide, which
I'm going to quickly go over. But I'd love to do an additional webinar
potentially in the future that's just focused on templates, which could be
really interesting. But Your action card template home is in workspace settings,
and then you click action card templates, and this is where all of the templates
will live. This is how you can edit or alter any templates you have. So if you
wanted the form to be submitted in an action card with a totally different
layout, That is no problem. You can edit that. You can make changes.

And on top of forms being incredibly customizable. Action cards are also
incredibly customizable in these temple formats. So I can add in what custom
fields I want. I can add attachments.

I can add editing preferences, and you're really able to make that flow your
own. So not only is information coming in externally from a form, but then, you
know, all of the sub actions and next steps for you are already generated by
past you who kind of knew what to expect and wanted to hone in on that workflow
a little bit better.

So finally, meeting notes, meeting notes into projects. So we all we're on we're
in meetings a lot, especially, from twenty twenty on. This is actually something
that we developed in twenty twenty, in partnership with Zoom, which is our Zoom
notes functionality.

So this, for the purpose of this demo, is just a high note, because we're in
Westia, not Zoom. And you can see here just for reference to get to hide notes,
it's going to be from your sidebar right here. Click into notes. It will take
you to this page.

And then you're able to click into the individual notes that you, either have
linked to meetings or that you can start a new note. You can do anything with
that. And you can see here I've linked it to a meeting that I've had, which is a
a great way. If you're if you see that a meeting on your calendar is planning
meeting, a brainstorm meeting, a new client meeting, anything like that.

Creating a note and linking it to that meeting is super helpful because it gives
you that frame of reference. Like, you come back to the note a couple weeks
later, and you're thinking, oh, this is what we talked about in that meeting. I
know exactly what we talked about. I know what I need to do.

So this is an example of a note that I created in a meeting that I had about q
four initiatives. So these are the items on the agenda. And then I've created
follow ups that exist in the Hive No. So the way you would make, actions in
Hive, you could do that from text itself.

Just click this little checkbox and you've made an action. And the great part
about this is you can assign it to people you can assign it to guests and
attendees of the meeting, which is super helpful. So let's say this meeting is
just me myself and I, but let's say Adam was in my meeting. Not only would he be
in that workspace project, but I would also be able to add him as an assignee
here. You could also add due date You can add this to this will automatically go
into the project that the note is associated with, which is really excellent.

So you can see you can add as many next steps as you want. You can also
recently, we've added the ability if you have any existing goals that you wanna
add into a note, you can also do that. So this not only ensures that your
meetings are focused on that end goal. But also that you have items that are
tracking towards that goal as a follow-up. It's just a good reminder for
everyone to keep things moving in the right direction towards your goals. And to
add and add an existing goal, you just go right here, press that existing goal,
and you're able to pull that into the note.

I know that was a lot of information.

Happy to answer questions, and I just wanted to make sure to clearly demonstrate
the workflow process that Kate that Kate had gone through just before we
answered any questions about, the process and the workflows.

Great. I think, should we start, mention Zoom meetings? Does this functionality
work with teams? Yes.

It does. It works with teams. We have I believe we have a team integration
that's either in progress or published, and I'll follow-up with you on that. But
we do have high functionality associated with teams.

I just need to confirm that the Zoom notes also work with teams. Let me go to
the q and a section.

Can you create a form and use it as a template going forward?

So you can clone forms. So the great thing about forms is that you can duplicate
them, edit them, and it's very easy to ensure that, you're then able to use that
in the future as a starting point for all of your form work. I think that forms
are typically I would say that once I have the bones of before my leg, that's
usually what I'll do is clone and edit moving forward, which is super easy.

Are there any more questions that anyone has about forms, about templates,
about, workflows that you have existing.

You can feel free to drop. If you're stuck at any point in your workflow and
have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.

One other thing I did wanna show quickly.

I wanted to show the ability to save an action card as a template, which is
something that's interesting because I think sometimes We only think that action
cards exist in that workspace setting action card section. But if you have an
action card you like, you can actually save it as a template.

So similar to, like, duplicating a form, you are able to save any action card
that you have as a template, which is really super helpful. You can also convert
action cards to projects. So let's say, a client form submission comes in, and
it saved us an action and you wanna convert it to a project. It's extremely

Are we able to share are we able to share a project or action card that contains
meeting us with individuals who do not work.

Yes. So you can share notes. Notes can be shared externally without a high

Project or action card that contains meeting notes.

With projects, it would you would be able to share, one of our quick share
project link. So, like, again, chart link or something like that with clients.

But for the you would have to do the meeting notes separately. So you would have
to share the meeting note with the client after the meeting. And and usually
what we find people do is there's a pop up in hive. I, like, if you've connected
a Zoom meeting, It will let you know, okay, the note has been saved. You know,
here are the people that attended, and it will it will list the attendees in the
in the box underneath the information about the meeting. So you can usually just
send it quickly from there.

I can Yeah. So that would work for an outside if you have any outside partners,
it's a really easy way to share notes with them. And, yeah, they don't need to
have account. Can you have had put a task into your calendar? Yes. You can. So I
will quickly show that.

Okay. So you are able to schedule time for tasks. So for example, this is the
new client project. I am able to add time in my calendar and also let's say I
wanna work on it with Keith.

She's not in this workspace, but if I wanted to work on it with Adam, I could
put his calendar into here if I had access to it, and then I could add time to
work on this task based on my availability.

And I would be blocked off, scheduled time.

There you go. And I would be able to, moving forward, have that block in my
calendar as a note as to what I wanted to work on. And then you could maybe make
a note from the calendar, all of those great things.

Oh, were you if you were not able to share my screen, Kate, could you Sharon.
Yeah. Here. I'll put you.

There we go. Okay. Yes. Sorry, guys. So once you're in a in a card, you can go
to this scheduled time.

And then from there, I can add in time to work on this task. I can also add
teammates. So let's say I wanted to add Kate or Adam or another coworker, I can
add their name here. And if I have if their share permissions for their
calendar, I'll help me to see it.

I will be able to see their availability and schedule time for them. To work on
it with me. And this will exist in in your calendar if your calendar is
connected to Hive. And I just wanna quickly explain that calendar connectivity
is accessed from apps.

So if you are high, a long time high user, you know this already. But you'll
need to connect Hive Mail and Hive Calendar to ensure that we are able to, see
and collaborate with your calendar successfully.

Kate while I'm while I'm in my screen share, are there any other questions that
we have?

Yes. So we have two questions.

They're pretty similar, so I'll go into both. So Olivia says sort of unrelated,
my team works on a point system and we want to be able to tally up each person's
individual points at the end of the week. Is that possible with Hive?

I'll just read the second one. Is there a way to track time or point values
associated with tax, tasks to be able to track capacity for team members.

Yes. So what I would start out with here is our Agile App, which I've just
turned on here. And I haven't I haven't built out, an agile workflow here, but
if you use the agile app, you would be able to creates sprints, date ranges, and
point goals. So let's say it's fifteen date range is these two weeks. I would be
able to create a sprint and add in any actions link actions that are associated
with that sprint.

I would also be able to go in and edit it. So let's say I wanted to pull in
these actions into my sprint I could then see who's working on it, how many
points are associated with it. I would need to go in then to the action.

And, enable that point system.

So let me see here. Yeah. So as well, I could say this worth five points.

And now when I go back to the agile workflow app, I can see here five points.
Very exciting.

And this is this is definitely, an app that is customizable to your workflow and
also might take a little bit of tinkering to get exactly right for for how you
want it and and to understand total points. But what I would recommend is once
you have your task added into here. If you wanna understand points accumulated
over time, you would do a summary or portfolio view and hide So for so here you
can see, it had that one task had five points. But then if I wanted to, better
understand how exactly everyone on my team was performing in terms points and
what they were pacing to. I would probably want to make a portfolio view because
that would allow me to see the points that were associated with each project and
each person per filter.

So you can see here it says how it says like percentage completion, just parent
project, I could set this to say point to be associated with points. And I could
also filter this by, a myriad of things including owner, assignee any of those
items. So that's probably what I would do. I would turn on the agile app. I
would add in the points that you had and any other items that you wanted to be
tracked and then I would view it whatever projects you have that turned on in in
a portfolio view.

Alright. Those are the last questions we have. If anyone has any last minute
questions, feel free to drop them in. Oh, Alright.

I believe that was the wrong. John is in the Q and A answering as well. So thank
you so much, John.

Alright. We'll give it one more minute. See if anyone wants to ask any questions
before we exit.

And then I see this again. I know I answered it, through text, but just to kind
of reiterate no, you cannot templatize a form. You can just duplicate one. So a
great feature request for our feature request forum.

Alright. It looks like that is everyone.

I think there's one more. Can you customize your portfolio fields? Yes, you can.

You can. I'll send. I have there a few, great articles about portfolio view
because it is it's a very by nature, a very customizable view and high. We also
have summary view, but I would I think that for this specific use case portfolio
view would be better.

Portfolio. Let me grab you an article. If you don't know about help dot hive dot
com, it's great. It's super helpful and a great way to, understand and get any
more information about height that you don't have.

I just sent a portfolio view URL.

I don't know if that went through right. There we go. Yeah. Okay. Great. Yeah.
So so for portfolio view, you just just remember you need to turn on the Hive

And you will be able to add projects that you need project details, fields,
actions, and sub actions. And it's super customizable in terms of which which of
these things you include.

And yeah, super helpful. And you can also share them. You can export them, which
is great on your teammates.

All those all of those little details.


Well, we will wrap this up here. I'm gonna quickly share so that I can give you
guys some resources.

So if you want any topics, covered please feel free to email us. We want to do
webinars that you wanna see.

We want to, you know, do topics that are relevant to you. So if you have any
idea, big or small, please email us, and we will be happy to add that to our
list and additional resources.

So like Mikaela said, we have help dot hive dot com. Amazing resource. It's
pretty much the hive library. If you have a question, go there first you
probably will find the answer. We also have Hive University and a video library.
All of this can be found in the blue check mark. If you have any marketing
questions, webinar questions.

Please feel free to email either Mikaela myself or marketing at hive dot com.
And then for any workspace questions, I know I kinda hit this in the beginning,
but we do have an amazing support team in the blue question mark twenty four
seven support there here to help you. You can also send them an email at help at
hpe dot com.

So thank you all so much for coming to the webinar. I will be sending out a
recording with the deck shortly after, and I hope you all have a great day.
Thank you guys. Thanks, everyone. Have