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Text Content
TIME LEFT: 00:00 PICK IT UP!! 100 FS for registration TO RECEIVE A GIFT, FILL IN THE FIELDS: E-mail: Password: Currency: EURUSDPLN By ticking this box, in order to register for this website, the user declares to have read, understood and accepted the General Terms and Conditions. Receive promo news Play T&C DENDY CASINO Terms and conditionsBonus terms TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL TERMS 1. These terms and conditions (“Rules”) are presented to regulate the relationship between Dendy casino and players (“you” or “player”). These rules are applied equally to all forms and types of games on the Dendy casino website through a mobile application, PC/laptop or other platform. 2. These Rules are an agreement between you and Dendy casino. 3. The rules come into effect as soon as you create an account on the Dendy casino website. When clicking on the "Register" button, you confirm that you have read all the terms and conditions and agree with them. If you are on the site, you automatically agree with the terms and conditions of the Dendy casino. 4. Dendy casino has the right to change, update and modify the Terms and Conditions without prior notification of players. 5. Players from the United States of America and its territories, France and its territories, Netherlands and its territories, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Hungary, Sweden, Spain, Cyprus, Curaçao, Austria, Belgium, North Korea, Iran, Myanmar, and Russia are prohibited to use Dendy casino services. The casino doesn’t guarantee a successful withdrawal or refund if the Player violates this rule or tries to hide important information from the Dendy casino administration. 6. Some gaming providers are not available for certain regions. 2. PLAYER ACCOUNT 1. To play Dendy casino for real money, the player needs to register an account using their real name. 2. One player is only allowed to have one Account. Only one Account for each household, IP, PC is allowed. If you try to create more than one account, then all of them will be blocked, bets will be canceled, and the funds will be confiscated. In case of fraud all deposits, winnings, bonuses and other privileges obtained when using an additional account can be confiscated by the Dendy casino administration. The player undertakes to return the funds upon our request if they withdraw it with a duplicate Account. If for some reason you want to create another account, you need to contact the manager at In this case, when creating a new Account, the previous one will be closed. If you notice that you have more than one active Player Account you must inform the Dendy casino administration immediately. If you fail to do that, your account will be blocked, and the funds will be confiscated. Please note that there must be a full correspondence between the name of the account holder on the Dendy casino website and the name of the credit card holder through which the deposit was made. If this information doesn’t match, all Accounts will be blocked and payments canceled. 3. A Player should not share (his/her) account with the third parties, or allow anyone to play using (his/her) account. Any physical person has the right to have only one playing account. If the Player is found out to use other people’s accounts (including accounts of relatives and friends) without permission of the Dendy Casino, the Administration reserves the right to block the account and cancel all the winnings. 4. You must enter all the relevant information requested into your registration form including a valid e-mail address. If you leave the email field blank, you will not be able to reset your password. The player is responsible for the information provided. It must be up-to-date and truthful. 5. By registering at Dendy casino, the Player confirms that he/she has reached the age of 18, since gambling is allowed only to those users who have reached the age of majority, according to the laws of your jurisdiction. 6. By using and/or entering your personal data on the Dendy Casino website, the Player agrees to receive newsletters including promotional materials (promotions, special and individual offers) and/or informational materials, via SMS services, e-mail and phone calls. 7. It is a Player who is responsible for statutory compliance with the laws of his/her jurisdiction. 8. A player agrees that it is he/she who bears the monetary risks, and that Dendy casino declines all responsibilities for any possible financial losses. 9. Each player has the opportunity to set a deposit limit in their account. Limits can be set on daily, weekly, monthly periods. To do this, a Player should contact 10. If the Player to be involved in illegal, fraudulent or unfair activity or he/she violates the Dendy casino rules, the Administration has the right to block the Player's Account. At the same time, the Administration has the right not to compensate or return the balance on the player's account, if the Player's fraudulent actions are detected. 11. If you win a huge amount at Dendy casino, the casino administration reserves the right to disclose this information. The player agrees to provide all data and publicity in any media. 12. If you get a big win, the casino is eligible to request additional payment details in order not to interrupt your withdrawals. 3. ACCOUNT VERIFICATION, DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWAL 1. The Dendy casino administration is eligible to carry out a comprehensive verification of the Player's identity at any time, regardless of the current status of the Player. Verification could include providing copies of your passport, utility bills, selfies with documents, webcam verification, or any other method. When using credit cards, the Dendy casino administration has the right to request a scan or a selfie with the face side of the card. 2. For this, the player is required to send us a copy or a digital photo of his/her identity document. When making a deposit with a credit card you must send a copy of both sides of the card. The first six and the last four digits of the card should be visible, CVV2 code should be hidden. If you fail to pass this verification during 7 day period, it will result an account closure until the verification procedure is completed and you will be charged a monthly fee of 7 EUR for the verification period. 3. A player guarantees that all documents requested by the casino belong to him/her personally, and they have not been corrected. Otherwise (if the player has provided deliberately false or falsified documents), the Dendy casino administration has the right to confiscate the funds in the account. 4. Dendy casino is not a financial institution, so it should not be treated as such. No fees, commissions and royalties are credited to the Player's Account. 5. When making a deposit or withdrawal, a Player is obliged to use only his/her personal financial details. This means that your First and Last Name in your account must match the First and Last Name of your credit card holder, bank account and other payment systems. 6. Dendy casino reserves the right to withhold 20% of the withdrawal amount if you haven’t met the x3 wagering condition (except all table games and those slots not falling under the wagering requirements). 7. Withdrawal of funds received in the "No Wager" promotion the term stated in section 6.4 is not applied. To fulfill the wagering requirements, you need to make an X3 turnover from the deposit. Please note that 15% of the bets made in all table games and live casinos are taken into account when wagering. 8. In cases when your balance is at least 10 times larger than the total sum of your deposits, you will be limited to € 2,500 (or currency equivalent) for withdrawal per month. In other cases the maximum withdrawal amount per month is € 20,000. 9. Withdrawals are available for only verified accounts. 10. Verification of documents takes up to 24 hours from the date of submission of the last document. 4. CLOSING OF A PLAYER ACCOUNT 1. Any Player can close their account by simply writing to support. The administration will return all funds from your account, with the exception of withdrawal fees. The payment system for withdrawals is determined at the discretion of the Dendy casino Administration. 5. COMPLAINTS 1. Please direct all your complaints to 2. In the case of any dispute, you agree that the records of the server shall be considered as the final authority in determining the outcome of any claim. 3. You agree that in the unlikely situation of a disagreement between the result that appears on your screen and the game server, the server information is considered true. You understand and agree that our records are the ultimate authority in determining the circumstances of your participation in the gaming activity and the results of that activity. 4. If any technical problems and malfunctions related to the work of the Internet provider, the gaming provider or the operation of the equipment with which you access the site occur during a gaming session or at any other moment, Dendy casino does not bear any responsibility. 5. If you find an error or malfunction of the software, you undertake to inform the administration of Dendy casino about it. If you try to exploit the error in order to gain an advantage, the Dendy casino administration reserves the right to receive full compensation for the costs associated with the error. This includes costs incurred by Dendy casino due to the lack of notification from you. 6. If a player happens to be suspected in fraudulent manipulations with the technical capabilities of Dendy casino, the Dendy casino Administration may refuse to make payments to the user or any other person who attempts this kind of deception. 7. If a player violates one of the rules or the administration of Dendy casino has reasonable suspicions of a violation, we reserve the right to block temporarily or permanently the player's account without the right to withdraw winnings. The funds on user's account will be used to compensate for losses caused to the project. 6. RETURN POLICY 1. No refund can be issued once the alleged deposit has been used. 2. A request for refund can only be considered if it is requested within the first 24 (twenty-four) hours after the alleged transaction or within thirty (30) days, but only if the Player claims that another person (or minor) had access to his/her User Account. 3. Dendy casino administration has the right to refuse return of any amount until the User's identity is properly verified. In this case, we must get guarantees that after the return, the User who received the return will be able to continue making deposits at Dendy casino legally. By default, a player agrees to provide notarized identity documents in accordance with the applicable laws of their country. These documents are provided at our request. If such notarized identity documents are not provided within five (5) days after our request, then no refund will be issued, the Player Account will be blocked and all funds will be debited. Such a decision will be final, binding and non-appealable. 7. AML POLICY 1. Limesco Ltd., like most companies providing services on the financial market, adheres to the principles of Anti-Money Laundering and prevents actively any actions that aim or facilitate the process of legalizing of funds gained illegally. 2. AML policy means preventing the use of the company's services by criminals, with the aim of money laundering, terrorist financing or other criminal activity. For this purpose, a strict policy on the detection, prevention and warning of the corresponding bodies of any suspicious activities was introduced by the company. Moreover, Limesco Ltd. has no right to report clients that the law enforcement bodies are informed on their activity. A complex electronic system for identifying every company's client and conducting a detailed history of all operations was introduced as well. 3. To prevent money laundering, Limesco Ltd. neither accepts nor pays cash under any circumstances. 4. The company reserves the right to suspend any client's operation, which can be regarded as illegal or, may be related to money laundering in the opinion of the staff. 5. Company's procedures Limesco Ltd. will make sure that it is dealing with a real person or legal entity. Limesco Ltd. also performs all the required measures in accordance with applicable law and regulations, issued by monetary authorities. The AML policy is being fulfilled within Limesco Ltd. by the following means: * know your customer policy and due diligence; * monitoring of client’s activity; * record keeping. 8. VIOLATION OF RULES AND RESTRICTIONS 1. In case of violation of any clause of the Dendy Casino Rules, the Administration has the right to refuse registration or block the current account, as well as withhold the payout of winnings or debit these funds as compensation for the player's illegal actions. 2. By default, you agree that the Dendy casino Administration is the final authority making a decision on the violation of the Rules and consequences this violation will lead to, as well as temporary or permanent suspend of your account, as well as possible full or partial withdrawal of funds from your account, if the Player will be found out in illegal actions. 3. Absolutely all clauses and subclauses of the Rules may be changed and/or updated without prior notice. Please note that in case of a dispute situation, the English version of the rules is the main one. Read the Rules carefully before using the Dendy casino website. The fact of using the Dendy casino website confirms that you accept and agree to the Rules. Our support team is available 24/7. You can contact us via live chat or email 9. COMPANY DETAILS Dendy casino is owned and operated by WoT N.V. (License holder) reg. # 129742 (Kaya Richard J. Beaujon Z/N, Curacao) Limesco Limited (Payment processor) (Payment provider with registration number HE 261682), Arch. Makariou III, 155 PROTEAS HOUSE, 5th floor 3026, Limassol, Cyprus. Terms of ServiceResponsible gamingSelf-ExclusionDispute resolutionAML PolicyFairness & RNG Testing MethodsKYC PoliciesPrivacy & Management of Personal DataAccount, Pay-outs and Bonuses Contacts: Live-chat Affiliate related requests: live:affiliate_452BonusesAffiliate programPayments Our Telegram DendyCasino - website is owned and operated by WoT N.V. (License holder) reg. #129742 (Kaya Richard J. Beaujon Z/N, Curacao) Limesco Limited (Payment processor) (Payment provider with registration number HE 261682), Arch. Makariou III, 155 PROTEAS HOUSE, 5th floor 3026, Limassol, Cyprus. In order to register for this website, the user is required to accept the General Terms and Conditions. In the event the General Terms and Conditions are updated, existing users may choose to discontinue using the products and services before the said update shall become effective, which is a minimum of two weeks after it has been announced. Access to online money game sites is forbidden under some national laws. It is the responsibility of each individual player to ensure that they are acting within the law. Gambling can be addictive. Play responsibly. 18+ © 2024 DendyCasino. All rights reserved. RefuseI have read and accepted WELCOME TO DENDYCASINO! FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? Login Don't have an account yet? Register Close Cancel Yes To main Close Learn more Close PASSWORD RECOVERY Restore password Внимание! Мы рекомендуем обновить партнерскую ссылку, если у вас есть RU-трафик. Старая ссылка активна для всех GEO, кроме RU. По всем вопросам обращаться на партнерский email. Close AN ACTIVATION LETTER HAS BEEN SENT TO YOUR EMAIL! IF THE MESSAGE IS NOT IN THE INBOX, YOU NEED TO CHECK THE SPAM. Close The affiliate program uses the following terms: * An online casino is an Internet platform that organizes online gambling. * Partner (affiliate) is a person who accepts these conditions on the {{websiteTitle} website and is engaged in the promotion of the casino on the Internet * Affiliate program is an organization that works to promote the client's brands and attract Players using affiliate schemes * Player is a user registered in an online casino using an affiliate link * Earning is the Partner's commission from the Player attracted to the online casino; it is calculated from the house's income * Payment is crediting the partner's earnings to the account of the payment system selected from the options available * Reporting period is the period when the Partner's Earnings are accumulated and calculated for making Payments * Promotional materials are marketing materials (links, banners, reviews) designed to attract Players to the casino website COOPERATION WITH THE DENDY CASINO AFFILIATE PROGRAM * Before starting cooperation, you agree to read and accept the following rules: * By participating in the affiliate program, you understand and agree that the rules may be added or changed at any time without prior notice. * By registering with the Dendy Casino affiliate program, you confirm that you have reached the age of majority. * We cannot be responsible for the loss of personal information. You ensure independently the safety of the data used to enter the affiliate program. * The Affiliate Program may refuse to continue cooperation with the Affiliate without explaining the reasons. * We reserve the right to change these Rules. The rules that are posted on the site at the moment are valid. We do not record the chronology of changes in the Rules. * It is forbidden to use spam in email newsletters when promoting Dendy Casino. If the Partner is found to be making spam mailings, we have the right to block his account without making Payments. * You cannot register in game projects using an affiliate link. Otherwise, the affiliate and gaming accounts will be blocked. * We provide the Partners with the necessary promotional materials. If you use incorrect text materials, we can terminate the contract unilaterally. * We reserve the right to request you data about the traffic sources used to promote Dendy Casino. If you refuse to provide such information, we may terminate our cooperation. * The Affiliate Program has the right not to make Payments for the players attracted by the Affiliate if they have a multi-account. * Your payments may be suspended until the circumstances are clarified if the managers of the affiliate program or the playground suspect you to violate the rules while promoting the brand. The account may be blocked without Payouts if the rules of cooperation with the casino are violated. * If we detect attracted players in fraudulent actions, we can make changes to your balance in an unlimited mode at any time. * If the Partner uses profanity or insults, we have the right to refuse providing support to the Partner and block the account without making Payments. * We have the right not to continue cooperation with the Partner in the event of unsubstantiated accusations from the Partner, disinformation or misuse of information. * Statistics and data on referred users are available in your account. We have the right not to provide other statistics and data. * If you misinform the affiliate program about traffic sources, we have the right to terminate cooperation and block your account without making Payments. * The player is regarded to the Partner who has first attracted the user to register on the site through the link. * We can reduce the Earnings under the Revenue Share scheme to 10% of the net income if less than 50 new registered Players came from the Partner within 90 calendar days. * We do not guarantee that if your account or account is blocked, you will receive a text notification. We do not guarantee you to receive a notification if your commission percentage is reduced. * Contacts for communication with our affiliate manager: Email - Skype - live: affiliate_452 STRUCTURE OF COMMISSIONS The Partner's earnings are calculated as a percentage of the casino's net income from each Player attracted. It can be up to 60% of the casino's net income (including commissions for games, bonuses, payment systems, etc.). The partner receives 20% of the casino's net income (including commissions for games, bonuses, payment systems, etc.) for attracting brand traffic. If you are going to attract brand traffic, notify us in advance. WORKING CONDITIONS ACCORDING TO THE CPA MODEL * CPA is a scheme for calculating the Partner's Earnings when the Partner receives a reward for the first Player’s makes the deposit. The conditions for this model are individual, it is available for active partners after traffic assessment. * When you sign up for an affiliate program, the Revenue Share terms are available to you automatically. Contact your project manager to increase your commission percentage. * If you want to switch to the CPA model, we may ask you to conduct test promotions to assess the quality of traffic sent to the project. If the traffic does not meet the expected quality, we reserve the right not to pay reward to the Partner and discuss other terms of cooperation. * If you refuse to conduct test promotions, we may terminate our cooperation. PAYMENTS * The affiliate program has two Reporting Periods each month: * From 1st to 15th day; * From 16 to 30 (31) number. * Earnings are credited to the gaming balance within 5 working days after the end of the Reporting Period. If it is necessary to check the quality of traffic or the Player is detected in suspicious actions, we can delay Payments. The time of such a delay is set at the discretion of the affiliate program. * Affiliate payments are transferred to account details within 5 working days. * When paying the Partner's commission, the operating commission is charged from the withdrawal amount, depending on the selected payment system: * MasterCard / VISA - 4.5% * Crypto (min. €50) - 5% * Skrill, Neteller - 2% * Piastrix - 0% * FK-wallet - 0% * The minimum payment is €20 (or equivalent in other currency). If your Earning for the Reporting Period is less than the minimum payment, it is carried over to the next Reporting Period. * Negative balance for the first half of the month (from the 1st to the 15th day) is carried over to the second half of the month (from the 16th to the 30th-31st day). The new month begins without carrying the minus over. * The account of an inactive Partner who receives earnings from balances may be blocked. To unblock your account, please contact the affiliate program support. 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И, кстати, преимущества не заканчиваются только на акциях, ведь каждую неделю среди подписчиков разыгрываются бездепозитные бонусы! Чтобы подписаться на канал, переходи по ссылке или набери @dendy_casino в поисковой строке Telegram. А если ты еще не пользуешься приложением – качай его бесплатно в App Store или Google Play, либо устанавливай веб-приложение на компьютер. Будь в тренде и получай выгоду! Подписаться Dear User Due to legislation of your country, it is prohibited to you to access this website. We are sorry about that.