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Data Protection Policy
Xometry Europe GmbH, Ada-Lovelace-Str. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany

The responsible entity in the meaning of §§ 3 Para. 7 and 4 Para. 3 of the
Federal Data Protection Law [Bundesdatenschutzgesetz] is Xometry Europe GmbH,
represented by its Managing Directors, Mr Albert Belousov and Mr Dmitry Kafidov,
Ada-Lovelace-Str. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany.

We collect and record data received from our customers and suppliers. This data
comprises personal data of customers and/or data of a company with which we have
a business relationship. This may also include usage data such as IP addresses.

This data serves to help us fulfill orders received from customers for their
benefit. It is necessary that data from customers be shared with companies
fulfilling orders on our behalf. This concerns in particular the transferring of
drawings and/or construction diagrams, as well as object descriptions.

Other than for order fulfillment, we also use customer data in the course of
engaging third parties for carrying out tasks such as delivering packages,
processing payments, etc. Insofar as such third parties receive personal data of
customers and/or other companies, this information may not be further

The customer and/or the company has the right to receive, at any time, without
specific cause, and at no cost, information concerning its data stored in our
systems. The customer and/or company may at any time demand the blocking,
correction, or deletion of the data collected by us. The declaration of consent
provided to us for the collection or usage of data may be revoked at any time,
without need for specific cause, by contacting the responsible entity.

We have taken extensive technical and operational security precautions in order
to protect your personal data on file with us against unauthorized access and
misuse. Our safety procedures for protecting against damage, destruction, and
unauthorized access are regularly evaluated and updated in accordance with the
state of the technological art.

We save the contract text and send you the ordering information via e-mail. The
Terms and Conditions can be viewed at any time at

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Specific part of this website ( “Partners Area” section ) uses Amplitude web
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CA 94107, USA (hereinafter referred to as the “Amplitude”).

Amplitude uses “cookies”, small text files placed on users’ computers to analyze
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No other parts of the our website, except Partners Area collect any data with
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Amplitude can process your data in the above manner and for the above purposes.

Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Sale for Partners and General Terms and
Conditions of Business for End Customers including Warranty Conditions
Xometry Europe GmbH, Ada-Lovelace-Str. 9, 85521 Ottobrunn, Germany

The following terms and conditions of sale and business constitute all
contractual conditions which Xometry Europe GmbH of Ada-Lovelace-Str. 9, D-85521
Ottobrunn, registered in commercial register B of the Munich District Court
under HRB256172, represented by its managing directors Albert Belousov and
Dmitry Kafidov (hereinafter referred to as “XOMETRY”) uses and applies
accordingly to its customers.

The following terms and conditions are valid in their German text. The English
or any other translation is provided for information purposes only.

I. Terms and Conditions of Sale

1. Scope and Contractual Partners
1.1 These following general terms and conditions of sale and business
(hereinafter referred to as “GTCs”) apply to all contracts for the supply of
products and services relating to the production of individually manufactured
parts produced from metals, polymers or other materials (hereinafter referred to
as “Product” or “Products”) which XOMETRY provides to its contractual partners.

These GTCs constitute a part of all contracts which XOMETRY concludes with its
contractual partners for the supply or performance of products and services,
even in cases where they are not explicitly agreed upon again.

1.2 Contractual partners of XOMETRY become both consumers in the sense of § 13
BGB (German Civil Code) and corporations in the entrepreneurial sense of § 14 of

1.3 Within the context of these GTCs, supplementary and/or different
arrangements are occasionally made in the case of sales to corporations, which
apply exclusively to the aforementioned corporations.

1.4 The present GTCs shall apply to all (future) deliveries and services
provided by XOMETRY to its contractual partners, exclusively under the version
valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

1.5 In the case of corporations, the following shall also apply:

1.5.1 The terms and conditions of purchase and business of contractual partners
shall not apply, even if XOMETRY does not dispute their validity in any

1.5.2 In accordance with Section I. 5.1, the exclusion also applies if XOMETRY
refers to a letter which contains or refers to terms and conditions of the
company or a third party.

1.6 Contractual partners can contact XOMETRY customer service for questions,
claims and complaints by e-mail at XOMETRY will answer any such
questions, claims and complaints from its contractual partners within 3 (three)
working days.

2. Quote and Conclusion of Contract

2.1 The contractual partner may request a quote from XOMETRY. To request a quote
you can either use the online form or send an e-mail to or use the web-based quoting tool on our site
The request should be accompanied by drawings or 3D model files of the product
to be manufactured in any common file format. The file size must not exceed 25

2.2 Based on the request, XOMETRY will provide a quote to the contractual
partner. XOMETRY shall be bound by this quote for seven (7) calendar days. The
contractual partner shall be entitled to accept the quote within this period.
The date and time at which XOMETRY is notified that the contractual party
accepts the quote shall determine whether this time period has been adhered to.
The manufacturing agreement shall take effect when the contractual partner
accepts the quote and when XOMETRY confirms this acceptance with a corresponding
order confirmation. Only quotes with no requested amendments from contractual
partners shall be deemed as acceptance. Following receipt of quote acceptance,
XOMETRY may send a written order confirmation to the contractual partner within
3 working days which thereby concludes the contract. Notwithstanding § 150 Para.
2 BGB, any other form of acceptance shall be deemed to be a new request in the
sense of Section I. 1. XOMETRY will respond to this new request, create a new
quote and send it to the contractual partner.

2.3 The contractual partner can state their acceptance of the quote in any form,
but always in writing as a minimum. The unlimited contractual capacity is
confirmed upon acceptance.

2.4 A contract will not be concluded if the request of the contracting partner
relates to the production of weapons, parts of weapons or other forbidden
products/materials and the contracting partner has not separately contacted
XOMETRY regarding this. If XOMETRY only becomes aware of this during the
production process, production will be stopped immediately. In such cases the
contractual partner shall not be entitled to delivery of the product and XOMETRY
shall seek to recover all costs incurred.

2.5 In addition or in deviation to this, the following shall apply to

XOMETRY shall be bound by the quote for seven (7) days.

2.6 Following a technical examination within 3 working days of receiving
acceptance of the offer, XOMETRY may determine that there are no suitable
technical means available to manufacture the product within their network of
manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as “Partners“) and may withdraw from the
contract without any reimbursement of costs owed to the contractual partner.

2.7 If a need for clarification following a technical examination arises within
3 working days after receiving acceptance of the offer from the contractual
partner, XOMETRY reserves the right to extend the delivery time of the product
by the time taken required to clarify this. The contractual partner is required
to assist in any such clarifications.

3. Contract Manufacturing

3.1 The contractual partner is aware that XOMETRY does not carry out the
contracted manufacturing itself, but rather entrusts other seemingly suitable
manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as “Partner(s)“) with the production.

3.2 XOMETRY is entitled to commission various (different) partners to
manufacture the products required to fulfil an order.

3.3 XOMETRY is not required to notify the contractual partner in this respect.
The contracting partner expressly agrees that production is carried out by the
appointed partner(s). The drawings and plans provided by the contractual partner
upon making requests may be shared with partner(s).

3.4 XOMETRY and/or the partner(s) are entitled to change technical details of
the drawings and 3D files provided by the contractual partner, insofar as
necessary for the production of the commissioned product. This especially
relates to the amendment of various work steps in the process.

3.5 The property and/or copy rights of the contractual partner apply to orders,
contracts as well as information, designs, images, calculations, descriptions
and other documents made available to XOMETRY. XOMETRY shall not make them
accessible to third parties, disclose them, use them internally or via third
parties or reproduce them without obtaining express consent. This does not
include providing access to experts for the purpose of preparing a quote as
defined in Section I. 2 as well as to partners and any reproduction in this

3.6 Without the conclusion of a separate agreement, XOMETRY will not share
details such as company names, addresses, country, etc. to individual partners
or various partners who are commissioned with the production of the products.

4. Prices and Shipping Costs

4.1 The prices on quotes include applicable statutory VAT.

4.2 Place of performance is in principal the XOMETRY warehouse in
Ada-Lovelace-Str. 9, DE 85521 Ottobrunn (hereinafter referred to as “Factory“).

4.3 Unless otherwise confirmed in the order confirmation, additional shipping
costs will be charged for packaging and shipping to another address.

4.4 In addition or in deviation to this, the following shall apply to

4.4.1 In the case of contractors, the prices are ex works plus freight, taxes,
customs, insurance premiums and other external costs, unless otherwise confirmed
in the order confirmation.

4.4.2 If costs increase for taxes, customs, freight, insurance premiums or other
external costs four (4) weeks after the conclusion of the contract and these
costs are included in the agreed upon price for corporations or should new
charges emerge, XOMETRY is entitled to a price change equal to the corresponding

4.4.3 Furthermore, XOMETRY reserves the right to increase the agreed price for
order quantities still pending delivery as a result of changes in the raw
material and/or economic situation or circumstances occur where the production
and/or purchase of the product in question is considerably more expensive than
at the time of agreements made regarding price. In such cases, the corporation
may cancel any orders affected by the price increase within four (4) weeks of
being notified.

4.4.4 Furthermore, XOMETRY shall be entitled to increase the previously agreed
price if the delivery time is subsequently delayed for any of the reasons
mentioned in Section I.4.4.3, if the material or the production method is
changed because the documentation and/or instructions given to XOMETRY by the
corporation did not align with the actual circumstances or were incomplete or if
XOMETRY does not receive the information required for the fulfilling the order
in time or if the corporation subsequently changes them by mutual agreement with
XOMETRY and thereby causes a delay in delivery.

5. Delivery / Shipment / Transfer of Risk

5.1 Delivery shall be made within Germany from the factory. If contractual
partners request that deliveries are made to an address of their choice by means
of a shipping route and/or shipping agent/carrier to be independently appointed
by XOMETRY, the risk is transferred to the contractual partner upon handover of
the products to the shipping agent or carrier.

If the contractual partner does not notify XOMETRY of its intent to collect
products itself from the factory prior to delivery, XOMETRY shall assume that
this clause is accepted by the contractual partner. XOMETRY assumes no further

5.2 In the case of corporations and in terms of the delivery location, the
following clauses apply to Section I. 45.1 and/or in deviation from Section I.
5.2.1 and I. 5.2.2:

5.2.1 If deliveries are carried out from the Federal Republic of Germany to
other EU member states, the contractual partner must, prior to delivery, inform
XOMETRY of its VAT identification number that is used for the taxation of
purchases it makes within the EU. Failure to do so shall mean that the
contractual partner is liable for any statutory VAT charges incurred by XOMETRY
for deliveries in addition to the agreed purchase price.

5.2.2 When invoicing deliveries from the Federal Republic of Germany to other EU
member states, the VAT regulations of the respective recipient member state
shall be complied with, provided either the contractual partner is registered
for payment of VAT in another EU member state or if XOMETRY are registered in
the recipient member state for payment of VAT.

5.2.3 When shipping deliveries from the Federal Republic of Germany to other
non-EU member states, the contractual partner shall inform XOMETRY of the tariff
number and the intended usage of the product within 2 days after accepting the
quote by email at

5.2.4 When invoicing deliveries from the Federal Republic of Germany to other EU
member states, the contractual partner is obliged to send the signed proof of
delivery documents to XOMETRY (e.g. proof of receipt, delivery certificates,
etc.) within 3 working days after receipt of goods to XOMETRY by email at

5.3 Excluding cases where a fixed period or date has been agreed in writing,
deliveries will be carried out or dispatched as soon as possible, but within one
(1) to three (3) weeks at the latest after receipt of payment for items
available at short notice.

5.4 In the case of corporations, the following applies in deviation from Section
I. 5.3:

5.4.1 Delivery dates which have not been expressly agreed are exclusively
non-binding agreements. In terms of binding agreements for delivery times, these
shall commence on the order confirmation date.

5.4.2 These delivery periods shall only apply in line with timely clarification
of all details of the order and timely fulfilment of all obligations of the
corporation, such as provision of all official certifications, proof of credit
and guarantees or payment of instalments.

5.4.3 Adherence to delivery dates and times is subject to ex works or ex stock.
If the goods cannot be dispatched and XOMETRY cannot be held responsible for
this, delivery time frames shall be considered as fulfilled when a notification
that the goods are ready for dispatch has been sent.

5.4.4 Regardless of possible delivery time frames, XOMETRY’s delivery obligation
is subject to correct and timely delivery from our own suppliers, unless the
incorrect or delayed provision of supplies is caused by XOMETRY.

5.5 If transport on the intended route or to the intended place at the intended
time becomes impossible or significantly more difficult through no fault of
XOMETRY’S, XOMETRY shall be entitled to choose an alternative delivery route.

5.6 In the case of the corporation and in addition to Section I.5.5, XOMETRY is
also entitled to deliver to another location; the corporation shall be liable
for additional costs incurred. The corporation will be given the opportunity to
raise any objections before XOMETRY proceeds in this way.

5.7 If XOMETRY can be held responsible for delivery delays or a delivery becomes
impossible and this does not arise due to the intent or gross negligence of
XOMETRY, the liability for damages is excluded except for damages resulting from
loss of life, body injuries or damage to health.

5.8 If delivery delays are caused by force majeure for which XOMETRY cannot be
held responsible, the delivery time shall be extended accordingly. This also
applies for the occurrence of force majeure events during a pre-existing delay.
Force majeure is deemed to cover currency, trade policy and other sovereign
measures, strikes, lockouts not caused by XOMETRY (e.g. fire, damage to
machinery or rollers, lack of raw materials or energy supply), obstruction of
traffic routes, delay in import/customs clearance and any other circumstances
not caused by XOMETRY which make the delivery considerably more difficult or
impossible. It is immaterial whether such circumstances arise at XOMETRY or at
any partners or a supplier. The contractual partner will be informed of this
without undue delay. If the cause for the duration of the delay lasts longer
than four (4) weeks or, in the case of corporations, longer than four (4) months
after conclusion of the contract, each party may withdraw from the contract.

5.9 Upon transfer of product to a shipping agent or carrier, but at the latest
when products leave the factory, the risk, including the risk of seizure, and
even where prepaid carriage and free house delivery applies, is transferred to
the contracting partner. By separate agreement only, XOMETRY will insure
shipments at the request and the expense of the contractual partner. The
obligation and costs of unloading deliveries by a shipping agent or carrier
shall be borne by the contractual partner.

5.10 Exclusively limited to corporations, the following applies conclusively
under this section:

5.10.1 If customary, the product(s) shall be delivered in packaging. XOMETRY
will provide packaging and take the necessary steps to protect and/or secure
shipments at the expense of the corporation. Packaging will be taken back to
XOMETRY’s warehouse. XOMETRY are not liable for costs for the return transport
or for disposal of packaging by the corporation.

5.10.2 XOMETRY is entitled to make partial deliveries to a reasonable extent.
Increased or reduced delivery quantities of the contracted amount shall be
permissible in keeping with standard industry practice.

5.10.3 If no separate delivery address is specified by the contracting partner
prior to delivery as set out in Section 5.1, the registered location of the
contracting partner shall be taken as the delivery address.

6. Acceptance

6.1 If an acceptance inspection has been agreed upon, it may only take place in
the factory immediately after notification of acceptance readiness. The
contractual partner shall bear the personnel acceptance costs as well as the
material acceptance costs on the basis of the XOMETRY price list or the price
list of the supplying factory.

6.2 If through no fault of XOMETRY, an agreed upon inspection is delayed or
incomplete, XOMETRY is entitled to ship the goods without prior inspection or,
at the expense and risk of the contractual partner, to store them and invoice
the goods.

7. Payment

7.1 Payment shall be made by bank transfer or by any other means. The
contractual partner shall bear the costs of payment transfers. Unless otherwise
agreed upon, payment terms are ten (10) days from delivery to the contractual
partner. The contractual partner shall be considered in default after 10 days
after the due date and receipt of the invoice/payment schedule.

7.2 In the case of corporations, the following shall apply in deviation from
Section I. 1 or in addition to:

7.2.1 In the case of any agreed cash discount, this only relates to the invoice
value excluding shipping and will only be granted if and insofar as the
corporation has completely paid all amounts due at the time of the discount.

7.2.2 If XOMETRY is made aware of any circumstances which in their view are
liable to affect the credit standing of the corporation, XOMETRY is entitled to
refuse outstanding deliveries or only carry them out with advance payment or
provision of other collateral. In such instances, XOMETRY is also be entitled to
deem all claims due and payable from the current business relationship with the
corporation, which are not subject to the statute of limitations.

7.2.3 If the payment period is exceeded or in the event of default, XOMETRY will
charge interest at the rate of nine (9) percent above the base interest rate of
the ECB, unless alternative interest rates have been agreed between XOMETRY and
the corporation. We reserve the right to claim further damages caused by payment
default. XOMETRY’s claim to commercial maturity interest as set out in § 353 HGB
(German Commercial Code) towards merchants remains unaffected.

7.3 The contractual partners shall only be entitled to assert a further right of
retention and offset amounts to the extent which their counterclaims have been
legally proven by a court of law or are uncontested or have been acknowledged in
writing by XOMETRY.

7.4 Exclusively in the case of corporations,XOMETRY shall be entitled to offset
any and all receivables which the corporation, irrespective of the legal basis,
is entitled to from XOMETRY. This shall also apply to receivables which one
party has agreed to settle in cash and the other party has agreed to settle by
bill of exchange or any other means of payment. Where applicable, these
receivables only refer to the balance. If the receivables are due on different
dates, XOMETRY’s receivables shall be due no later than the maturing of
XOMETRY’s liability and shall be settled on the value date.

7.5 XOMETRY may use debt collection agencies, lawyers or other third parties to
secure the payment of its receivables. The receivables from deliveries to
contractual partners may be assigned by XOMETRY to third parties.

8. Retention of Title

8.1 All delivered products remain the property of XOMETRY (“Retained Products“)
until payment has been made in full.

8.2 In the case of corporations, the following applies in addition to Section

The delivered products remain the property of XOMETRY until payment is made in
full, particularly with regard to outstanding balances to which XOMETRY is
entitled to within the scope of the business relationship (“Retained Balance“)
and any claims made by the insolvency administrator have been met in full. This
also applies to future and conditional claims, e.g. from bills of acceptance,
and also if payments are made on specially designated claims. This retained
balance shall expire with the settlement of all claims still open at the time of
payment that resulted from this retention of title.

8.3 Prior to the transfer of ownership, resale, renting, pledging, assignment as
collateral, processing or transformation is not permitted without the explicit
consent of XOMETRY.

8.4 In the case of corporations, the following applies in deviation from Section

8.4.1 Manufacturing and processing of the retained product is carried out by
XOMETRY as the manufacturer in the sense of § 950 BGB and is unbinding. The
manufactured and processed product shall be deemed to be a retained product
within the meaning of Section I. 1 where appropriate. If the corporation
processes, mixes or combines the retained product with other products, XOMETRY
shall be entitled to co-ownership of the new product proportionate to the
invoice value of the retained product and the other goods used. If XOMETRY’s
ownership expires due to the mixing or combination of products, the corporation
shall immediately transfer ownership rights to XOMETRY along with the new stock
or item to which they are entitled to in line with the invoice value of the
retained product and shall hold the item for XOMETRY free of charge. The
co-ownership rights of XOMETRY are deemed to be a retained product in the sense
of Section I.8.1.

8.4.2 The corporation may only sell the retained product in the course of
ordinary business activities under standard GTCs and as long as the corporation
is not in default and that the receivables from the resale are transferred to
XOMETRY in accordance with Section I. 3 to 8.4.5. The corporation is not
entitled to any other dispositions of the retention of title product.

8.4.3 The receivables from the resale of the retained product, together with all
collateral which the corporation off set against the claims, are thereby
assigned to XOMETRY. They serve as collateral security to the same extent as the
retained product. If the retained product is sold by the corporation together
with other products not sold by XOMETRY, XOMETRY is entitled to claim sums in
proportion with the invoice value of the retained product and the invoice value
of the other products sold. In accordance with Section I. 4.1, if products which
XOMETRY has co-ownership title of are sold, a share of receivables shall be
assigned to XOMETRY which corresponds to the co-ownership share. If the retained
product is used by the corporation to fulfil a service contract, the receivables
from the service contract are assigned to XOMETRY in advance to the same extent.
XOMETRY hereby accepts the transfer of these rights.

8.4.4 The corporation is entitled to collect receivables from the resale. This
right to collect expires in case of revocation by XOMETRY, but at the latest in
case of default of payment, non-payment of a bill of exchange or request for the
opening of insolvency proceedings. XOMETRY will only make use of the right of
revocation if it becomes apparent after conclusion of the contract that
XOMETRY’s claim for payment from this or other contracts with the corporation is
at risk due to the corporation’s lack of solvency. Upon XOMETRY’s request, the
corporation is obliged to immediately inform their customers of this assignment
to XOMETRY and to provide XOMETRY with the documents necessary to carry out

8.4.5 An assignment of claims from the resale is not permitted, unless it is an
assignment by way of genuine factoring, which is notified to XOMETRY and where
the factoring proceeds exceed the value of the receivables secured by XOMETRY.
Upon credit of the factoring proceeds, XOMETRY’s claim is payable immediately.

8.4.6 The corporation must immediately inform XOMETRY of a seizure or adverse
events related to third parties. The corporation shall bear all costs incurred
for the cancellation of access or for the return transport of the retained
products, unless they are covered by third parties.

8.4.7 If the corporation is in default of payment or does not honour a bill of
exchange when due, XOMETRY is entitled to take back the retained title product
and if necessary, to enter the corporation’s premises to this effect during
regular business hours. The same applies if it becomes apparent after conclusion
of the contract that XOMETRY’s claim for payment from this or other contracts
with the corporation is at risk due to the corporation’s lack of solvency.
Provisions of the Insolvency Statute remain unaffected.

8.4.8 If the invoice value of the existing collateral security exceeds the
secured claims, including ancillary claims (interest, aforementioned costs), by
more than 50 per cent overall, XOMETRY shall be obligated to release collateral
of XOMETRY’s choosing upon the corporation’s request.

9. Quality Assurance, Certifications

9.1 A quality assurance check is carried out by XOMETRY. This is performed in
line with the “state of the art at” the time the contract is concluded.

9.2 Certificates for manufactured products will only be issued and supplied by
separate agreement.

10. Warranty

10.1 The contractual partner’s claims against XOMETRY in case of defects are in
principal based on the legal provisions within the legal warranty periods,
insofar as there are no deviations to the following regulations.

10.2 Damages caused by improper handling or contract-breaching measures of the
contractual partner during installation, connection, operation or storage do not
constitute grounds for making a claim against XOMETRY.

10.3 If the warranty claims are justified and made within the given time frames,
XOMETRY may choose to resolve the defect or to deliver a defect-free item
(subsequent performance). XOMETRY shall be entitled to three (3) subsequent
performance attempts in this context. Subsequent performance shall be deemed as
failure after these attempts. If the subsequent performances are unsuccessful,
XOMETRY may withdraw from the contract. The contractual partner is not entitled
to resolve the defect without XOMETRY’s express consent and agreement, including
consent and agreement on costs associated with fixing the defect.

10.4 If the contractual partner is a corporation in their capacity as an end
customer or corporation and the order is placed for their business, the
following shall apply in deviation from Section I 1:

10.4.1 Material defects of the product must be reported in writing immediately,
no later than seven (7) days after delivery, by means of a technical report
supporting this claim. Material defects which remain undiscovered within this
period with even the most careful examinations must be reported in writing
immediately after discovery and requires immediate cessation of any
manufacturing or processing. This written report must be received no later than
the expiry of the agreed period or statute of limitations.

10.4.2 Following the arranged acceptance inspection of the product by the
contractual partner, the notification of any material defects, which were
detectable during the type of agreed upon acceptance inspection, is excluded.

10.4.3 Claims for defects shall expire one year after the receipt of goods.

10.5 Unless otherwise agreed, XOMETRY will not approve quality standards
regarding the fit, applicability or usability of the manufactured product or
products when used with other items or in other items (e.g. construction or
assembly groups). Any quality standards are always assessed on a product by
product basis.

10.6 If defects are identified by the contracting partner, they are obliged to
work cooperatively with XOMETRY to resolve any such defects (e.g. to provide
technical information promptly, to prepare defective products for collection,

10.7 Unless otherwise agreed, all defect parts shall be prepared for XOMETRY to
collect within 10 calendar days after the notification of defect(s) by the
contractual partner. This also requires notifying XOMETRY when the product is
ready for uplift, including information about the specifications of the product
for collection.

11. Liability

11.1 XOMETRY shall only be held liable for breach of contractual and
non-contractual obligations due to impossibility, delay, culpa in contrahendo
and tortious acts – actions of XOMETRY’s executives and other vicarious agents
included – in cases of mens rea and gross negligence. To the extent that
attributable negligence of duty is based on minor negligence and any essential
contractual obligations have been culpably breached, XOMETRY’s liability for
damages shall be limited to the foreseeable damage which typically occurs in
comparable cases. Essential contractual obligations are those which grant the
contractual partners the rights which the contract must grant according to its
content and purpose, particularly obligations whose fulfilment are essential for
due implementation of the contract and on which the contractual partner can
reasonably expect to be able to rely.

11.2 These restrictions shall not apply to mandatory liability, in particular,
in accordance with the German Product Liability Act, in the event of loss of
life, bodily injury or damage to health.

11.3 With the exception of Section I. 1 and 11.2, XOMETRY’s liability is
otherwise excluded.

11.4 The above exclusions and limitations of liability shall also apply to the
liability of XOMETRY’s employees, workers, officials, representatives and
vicarious agents.

11.5 For end customers who are corporations, statute of limitations applies. For
end customers who are corporations, notwithstanding § 634a Para. 1 No. 3 BGB,
the general statute of limitation period for claims arising from material
defects and defects of title is one year from delivery. If acceptance has been
agreed, the statute of limitations shall commence upon acceptance.

11.6 XOMETRY shall not be held liable for any damages caused by a delivery delay
of the product, including the additional costs incurred by the contractual
partner for making alternative arrangements for the production of the same

12. Final Provisions

12.1 Applicable Law / Court of Jurisdiction
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. To the extent
permissible by law, the place of jurisdiction is Munich.

12.2 Contractual Language
All contract-related communication shall take place in German.

12.3 Publication policy
XOMETRY shall retain the rights to publish images of the produced product
ordered by contractual partner on XOMETRY’s websites and social accounts without
prior request of the contractual partner if no trademark (logo or name) is
presented on the image nor in any way readable on the product and the product
itself doesn’t disclose its application and function. In all other cases,
XOMETRY shall request the permission of contractual partner before any

12.4 Ancillary Agreements / Written Form
Verbal ancillary agreements do not apply. Amendments to these GTCs must be made
in writing. This also applies to waiving the requirement for making amendments
in writing.

12.5 Invalidity of Individual Clauses
Should individual provisions of these GTCs be deemed invalid, this shall not
affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In the case of an invalid
provision, XOMETRY and the respective contractual partner shall agree on a new
provision which is as economically close as possible to the unenforceable
provision. The same applies to any contractual omissions.
