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              <option value="Dr. Joseph Williams">Dr. Joseph Williams</option>
              <option value="Dr. Michael Mirzabeigi">Dr. Michael Mirzabeigi</option>
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     * Diep Flap Breast Reconstruction
     * Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction
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     * Breast Implant Removal
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Thanks to modern technology, a woman who must undergo a mastectomy (or the
removal of one or both breasts in the treatment of breast cancer) can opt for
breast reconstructive surgery to construct a natural looking breast that mirrors
the form and appearance of their original breast.

Candidates for breast reconstruction include women who have had a mastectomy for
the treatment of breast cancer, or who will be undergoing a mastectomy in the
future. The reconstruction procedure is commonly undergone immediately after the
mastectomy and thus is appropriately named an immediate breast reconstruction.
Alternatively, a woman may opt for breast reconstruction months or even years
after mastectomy, especially if radiation of the chest is needed as part of the
cancer treatment.

There are many different approaches for reconstructing a new breast mound, and
so the specific techniques used can be tailored to the individual needs of the
patient.  Often, breast reconstruction is accomplished through the insertion of
saline or silicone breast implants. Depending on the laxity of the patient’s
skin and muscle, it may be possible to insert a breast implant between the
layers of chest muscle and under the breast skin that is preserved during the
breast cancer surgery, but where the remaining skin is insufficient, expandable
implants or a tissue expander may be needed before the breast implant can be
inserted safely.

A natural looking breast can also be reconstructed with a flap of living tissue
taken from other parts of the patient’s own body, such as the abdomen, back,
hips, thighs, and buttocks. Most commonly, this is done by forming a TRAM flap
(or Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle flap) from muscle, tissue, and fat that
has been moved from the patient’s abdominal area. Atlanta Plastic Surgery
co-founder, Dr. Carl Hartrampf, Jr., originally developed the TRAM flap
operation decades ago and it remains the preferred technique for natural tissue
breast reconstruction in Atlanta and around the world.  A breast mound can also
be formed by using a latissimus dorsi flap, which moves tissue from the lower
back, and patients who are concerned about muscle loss in the abdominal area can
also opt for a DIEP flap (Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator flap), which is
similar to a TRAM flap but leaves the abdominal muscle intact.

After the breast mound has been created, your surgeon can also reconstruct the
nipple area with a procedure known as areolar reconstruction, using tissue taken
from the newly created breast, your other nipple, the ear, eyelid, groin, upper
thigh, or even buttocks. Tattooing may also be recommended to match the color of
the original nipple and to create the areola.
We understand that breast cancer or other debilitating diseases can be the fight
of a lifetime. That is why we are committed to advancement of the latest and
safest technology in breast reconstruction surgery. In fact, every year Atlanta
Plastic Surgery, P.C. surgeons participate in the annual Atlanta Breast
Symposium, during which the latest innovations in reconstruction and cosmetic
breast procedures are presented by surgeons from around the globe.


 * Is Breast Reconstruction considered cosmetic surgery or is it covered by
   According to the Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA), all
   insurance providers that offer mastectomy coverage must also provide coverage
   for certain services related to the mastectomy in a manner agreed upon in
   consultation with the patient and attending physician. This mandated coverage
   includes all stages of reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy
   was performed, surgical reconstruction of the other breast to create
   symmetrical appearance, necessary prostheses, and treatment of any physical
   complications that may result. However, the details of individual insurance
   plans continue to change, and Atlanta Plastic Surgery offers a number of
   different financing and insurance options, so it is important to discuss the
   specifics of your plan with your surgeon during your initial consultation.

 * What options are available in Breast Reconstruction?
   Every patient is unique, and so there are many different options in breast
   reconstruction available. Usually those are divided into two categories:
   autologous breast reconstruction and implant breast reconstruction.  The
   former, which includes TRAM flap and DIEP flap procedures, uses the patient’s
   own fat, skin, and tissue taken from other areas of the body to reconstruct
   the breast, while the latter involves the use of a saline or silicone breast
   implant, just as would be used in breast augmentation surgery.  However this
   distinction is not always absolute, as smaller breast implants can sometimes
   be used as a part of a tissue flap procedure to give the breasts added volume
   and lift. During your initial consultation, one of our board certified
   plastic surgeons will discuss which of the several different approaches will
   be best for you, based on your body type, past medical history, and ultimate
   aesthetic goals.

 * When is the best time to undergo Breast Reconstruction surgery?
   Breast reconstruction can either be performed at the same time as the
   mastectomy or months or even years later, depending on the individual needs
   and preferences of the patient. Many different factors, including the
   patient’s general health, the stage of cancer, and the amount of available
   tissue, all play a role in determining which option is preferable. The
   surgeons at Atlanta Plastic Surgery will be able to help you determine which
   treatment course will be most beneficial for you.

 * What is Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction?
   Oncoplastic Breast Reconstruction is designed to remove cancerous cell
   growths and affected tissue within the breast while simultaneously refining
   the appearance of the remaining tissue to present the least amount of
   disruption physically, mentally, and emotionally following breast cancer.  By
   blending reconstructive and cosmetic techniques, oncoplastic surgery strives
   to minimize the amount of breast revision surgery necessary to reestablish a
   normalized appearance.

View Breast Reconstruction photos and learn more about this procedure such as
costs, risks, advanced techniques and frequently asked questions. Breast
Reconstruction can be scheduled at our office locations in Atlanta, Cumming /
Forsyth, and Northside / Sandy Springs, Georgia.

The following doctors perform Breast Reconstruction at Atlanta Plastic Surgery.
Click on a doctor to learn more about their practice and to view Before & After
breast reconstruction surgery photographs.

L. Franklyn Elliott, M.D.
James D. Namnoum, M.D.
Joseph Kerwin Williams, M.D.
Michael Mirzabeigi, M.D.












See examples of our physicians’ work at our extensive before and after photo
galleries. We look forward to hearing from you!

—Please choose an option—Acne TreatmentsArm LiftBrazilian Butt LiftBreast
Augmentation/EnhancementBreast Implant RemovalBreast LiftBreast
ReconstructionBreast ReductionBreast RevisionBreast Sensation Nerve RepairBody
LiftBotox® CosmeticBrow LiftChemical PeelsChin SurgeryCoolSculpting®Customized
FacialsEar Surgery/BlepharoplastyEyelash ExtensionEyelid SurgeryFaceliftFat
GraftingFat TransferForehead LiftFacial FillersLabiaplastyLaser Hair
RemovalLaser Vein RemovalLatisse® Eyelash TreatmentLiposuction/360 degreeMale
Breast Reduction/GynecomastiaMicrodermabrasionMommy MakeoverNeck LiftNose
Surgery/RhinoplastyPermanent MakeupPost Weight Loss SurgerySkin AnalysisSkin
Care ProductsSkin ResurfacingSkin TighteningSkinTyte™ Skin TighteningScar
RevisionSciton® MicroLaserPeel™Thigh LiftTummy TuckUltherapy®Wrinkle

—Please choose an option—Dr. Franklyn ElliottDr. James NamnoumDr. Joseph
WilliamsDr. Michael MirzabeigiDr. Jonathan T. NguyenAny

—Please choose an option—AtlantaCummingCanton




Dr. Franklyn Elliott
Dr. James Namnoum
Dr. Joseph Williams
Dr. Michael Mirzabeigi
Dr. Jonathan T. Nguyen


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Disclaimer: All information provided within this website and blog is for patient
education and should not be deemed as medical advice. Atlanta Plastic Surgery,
P.C. should not be held liable for the completeness or validity of this
information or for any damages from its display. Treatment information and
medical recommendations must be made on a case-by-case basis; seek personalized
care from a medical doctor for any medical questions or health issues you may

Some photos in this website feature models for illustrative purposes. Although
before and after pictures feature real patients, these photographs should not be
interpreted as a guarantee of similar results. Every case is unique and
individual patient’s results may vary on a case by case basis. Photos of actual
patients can be found in each surgeons’ before and after photo gallery.


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